stillcovidingcanada , to random avatar

COVID infection endangers pregnancies and newborns. Why aren’t parents being warned?

The Gauntlet
June 21, 2024
By Julia Doubleday

“Despite pre-natal education’s reputation for warning new mothers of every possible danger from jumping on trampolines to eating soft cheeses, contracting a vascular virus that increases risk of pre-eclampsia, pre-term birth, miscarriage and stillbirth is being ignored. Let’s look at the evidence.”

grheavyroller , to random avatar

Through no fault of hers, @violetblue 's Pandemic Roundup this week was delayed, but it's never late -- the truth is always there before the gaslighters want to admit to it:

-Vaccination cuts heart failure, blood clot risk for 6 months
-Covid can linger over 1 year post-Infection
-Brain fog: Blood-brain barrier “can break down” during infection
-Scenes from Long Covid Awareness Day around the world

18+ YKantRachelRead , to random avatar

unlike what many in the still-COVIDing community may have you believe (where the approach is either "tons of layers of Swiss-cheese protection with dubious-at-best evidence for each" or "I put my mask on any time I even step outdoors" - or both) there's really only one principle that you need to know about preventing COVID transmission.

the only time-and-again proven route of COVID transmission is via aerosols, AKA exhaled vapors from our lungs. inhale enough aerosol saturated with virus, and you'll get COVID. it's a simple equation, and, unfortunately for us, fucking annoying, because so many places we go are saturated with these exhalations. that said, here are a few things that you can do to prevent this transmission route:

  1. MASK UP INDOORS using a good, fit-tested N95/KN95 mask. cloth and surgical masks will not filter aerosols, but (K)N95s will. even in an aerosol-saturated room, chances are you'll be safe if you take this one step.

1A) DON'T TAKE THE DAMN MASK OFF until you're outdoors again. even if you take it off just to eat, that's an an exposure route.

  1. SOURCE CONTROL. good masks are most effective when they're used to stop infectious aerosols at the source. to that end, push for events - especially indoor events - to be mask-required.

  2. CLEAN AND CIRCULATE AIR in indoor spaces using HEPA filters and/or open windows.

  3. MASK UP DURING OUTDOOR CROWDS OR PROLONGED OUTDOOR EXPOSURE TO OTHERS. again, this is a simple equation: inhale enough aerosols and you're infected. aerosols dissipate quickly in outdoor air, even with a gentle breeze (think about a fog machine running indoors versus in an open outdoor space), but you can still inhale enough for an infectious dose if you're close or persistent enough. passing by someone on the street almost certainly isn't going to give you COVID, but sitting at a restaurant unmasked or hanging out amidst a crowd of people outdoors just might.

  4. CONTACT-TRACE, ISOLATE AND TEST if you're going to see someone outside of your bubble unmasked, especially if they don't take precautions themselves.

and... that's it. nothing else needed. no snake-oil mouthwash or nasal sprays, no goggles, no wiping down your food post-grocery store trip, no dubious supplements. just avoid aerosols and chances are* that you'll be fine.

ruby , to random avatar

Please PLEASE read this article, friends. I'm literally begging you. 🙏🏽🙏🏽

"Let’s say tomorrow the US government decided to stop cleaning our water supply. President Joe Biden or one of his minions gets on TV and says “cholera has been defeated, it’s over, and we need to get back to normal. We can’t live in fear of cholera forever- we need to live our lives!” Massive cholera outbreaks ensue, and people are quietly told they can (pay out of pocket) for private water filtration systems. Those who do pay this burdensome individual tax are told they are living in fear and mocked by those who do not. People with cholera are pushed by their employers to come to work anyway, and CDC guidance reduces cholera isolation to one day, whether or not you’re still symptomatic or infectious."

blackfinalboi , to random avatar

what the fuck do we do. theyve destroyed communication in gaza. they keep bombing. we don't even know how bad it is. if it was that bad when the world was watching. Jesus.

blackfinalboi OP , avatar
blackfinalboi OP , avatar
blackfinalboi OP , avatar
blackfinalboi OP , avatar

From People’s CDC: TAKE ACTION BY TUES JUNE 10 - Tell CMS: Hospitals Must Report COVID Infections and Protect Patients from Hospital Acquired COVID Infections!

Use People’s CDC’s template here:

blackfinalboi OP , avatar

COVID Action Map

Mapping COVID action groups worldwide. Groups are not pinned to exact addresses. On Instagram and Twitter as @covidactionmap.

blackfinalboi OP , avatar

"But if the plight of adults with long COVID remains poorly understood, the millions of children who have it worldwide are practically invisible, their suffering — and the formative years they're losing to this disease — obscured by the myths that COVID is "harmless" for kids and the pandemic is "over".

blackfinalboi OP , avatar
blackfinalboi OP , avatar
blackfinalboi OP , avatar

Safer Air Safer Schools is an advocacy group based in Massachusetts that fights for cleaner air in schools.

Environmental pollutants, allergens and respiratory pathogens all impact the health and learning of our children and their teachers.

We believe in the power of information. When folks understand how to achieve optimal health, it unlocks their potential. We want community members to have the knowledge and the tools needed to support this effort. When we work together, we can elevate the minds and health of the next generation of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and beyond.

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