panda , to random avatar

To those of you with nothing to hide: One day you might have. Because you don’t make the rules.

Tutanota , to random avatar

Yesterday the postponed the vote on - a huge win for 💪

Now we must convince to do the same.

If not, Australia could become the first to outlaw 🔒

Read our open letter

jwildeboer , to random avatar

Dear (EU) politicians. Please stop saying "We want to protect the children" when you really want to outlaw or circumvent end-to-end encryption.

ilumium , to random avatar

Soooo, not only has the Belgian Presidency postponed today's vote on , Commissioner for the first time publicly admitted that the proposal would break :

EU Commissioner Vera Jourova stating on a public panel on 20 June 2024 that the chat control proposal would break encryption.

delta , to random avatar

Great, so was not moving forward today thanks also to various interventions from folks around the fediverse .... In particular thanks @Mer__edith for the clear take from Signals side. But it's clearly not canceled and Hungary will retry getting it through, and France, having elections soon, might drop out of opposing it? Let's stay vigilant about and help eg @netzpolitik_feed and @edri and other groups to help us working against authoritarian fantasies.

antonproitzelhaimer , to random avatar

Soviel zu /.
Irgendwann geht's in die nächste Runde.Vieles erinnert an den - um . Wer bricht, stürzt die in's .

Bildquelle: Mullvad VPN Service

Tutanota , to random avatar

The member states could not agree on today. The Council Presidency has removed it from the voting agenda because they do not have a sufficient majority. 🥳

We need to stay vocal and make it clear that we will not accept mass . 📢

privacyguides , to random avatar
thatprivacyguy , to random avatar

Looks like the Belgian Presidency failed to get the support it needed for

As I understand it, the vote scheduled from today has been removed from the agenda due to lack of Member State support and will no longer be pursued under the currently Presidency.

It remains to see how the Hungarian presidency will prioritise this... let's see what happens over the coming months.

stacksize , to random avatar
helma , to random Dutch avatar

Today is an important day. Our and is on the line The is going to vote on something disgusting that could effect every EU citizen and every company negatively. We are on the brink of being completely monitored, surveilled, online.
We have no big farmers vehicles, no hands glued to art. Nobody knows anything about these plans. We just don't know.
There would be outrage but there is none, except in the few who know what is on the line.

Tutanota , to random avatar

📣 If the EU Council wants to exempt themselves from the client-side scanning, then they know what they are doing is wrong.

The vote is today.

Let them know we will not accept mass ! Together we can stop this dangerous law. 💪

pixelcode , to random avatar

will vote against , minister of interior Nancy announced! 🥳


jwildeboer , to random avatar

No without secure communication. It really is that simple. A vote for is a vote against Cyber Resiliency, dear EU.

icd , to random Polish avatar

Jutro Rada Unii Europejskiej będzie podejmować decyzję o zatwierdzeniu hasztag — regulacji, która ma wymuszać na dostawcach platform komunikacyjnych skanowanie czatów użytkowników. Polska nie jest skłonna poprzeć tego rozwiązania, ale państw głosujących przeciwko jest za mało, aby zablokować procedowanie tej regulacji.

Udostępniamy materiał, który opisuje wady tego rozwiązania.

Producent: Alexander Lehmann / yt: alexanderlehmann
CC-BY 4.0


glynmoody , to random avatar

is Pure Surveillance State - "makes the world less secure and more authoritarian, as it is directed against private and encrypted communication. Proponents are using disinformation, lies, and sleight of hand to push through the project."

jwildeboer , to random avatar

#Chatcontrol mandate is listed as possible item for tomorrow’s council meeting, as the very last thing. Could end up being postponed. If we all call on our politicians to do exactly that today, that seems quite possible.

netzpolitik_feed , to random German avatar

The planned makes the world less secure and more authoritarian, as it is directed against private and encrypted communication. Proponents are using disinformation, lies, and sleight of hand to push through the project. But chat control can still be stopped. A commentary.

pneutig , to random avatar


📢 Stop !
📢 Stop !
📢 Stop !
📢 !
📢 !

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  • echo_pbreyer , to random German avatar

    🇩🇪Zwischenerfolg: Abstimmung zur auf Donnerstag verschoben! Das heißt: Ein Tag mehr Zeit für uns Regierungen zu kontaktieren und noch mehr Proteste zu organisieren. Jetzt handeln!

    echo_pbreyer OP , avatar

    🇬🇧Things are moving: Vote on postponed to Thursday! Keep going, contact your government and organise more protests. Now is the time to act!

    ivolimmen , to random avatar

    want to vote on next Wednesday and they really want to scan everything. The EU is hoping that the changes in parlement will cause the members not to be as critical when casting their votes. @Mer__edith of @signalapp wrote her thought on the subject. and @patrick_breyer_mep is also sounding the alarm:

    pixelcode , to random avatar

    Horrifying: The might vote on implementing already tomorrow!

    Basically, they want to scan everyone's chat messages for illegal stuff, which is completely disproportionate and a nightmare.

    Chat Control violates fundamental rights (according to the European Data Protection Board), and the German Child Protection Association says it's not suitable to combat child abuse.

    Please tell your government to vote against it! I already have.

    threemaapp , to random avatar

    The clock is ticking: if EU citizens don’t act now, could become a reality – and online privacy a thing of the past.

    signalapp , to random avatar

    Official statement from @Mer__edith: the new EU chat controls proposal for mass scanning is the same old surveillance with new branding.

    Whether you call it a backdoor, a front door, or “upload moderation” it undermines encryption & creates significant vulnerabilities.

    schm43cky , avatar


    I prepared a mail text for German citizens to send to their representative:

    This might help some to just send out a mail, rather than helplessly doing nothing against the upcoming chat control proposal.

    Edit: added some context and hashtags as this answer is being boosted quite a lot.


    bitsoffreedom , to random avatar

    Het verbreken van end-to-end encryptie is een rampzalig voorstel. Het voorstel van de EU ondermijnt de vertrouwelijkheid van communicatie, ook al claimen sommigen dat encryptie beschermd blijft. Lees meer:

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