pvonhellermannn , to random
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

This article by Gary Stevenson is so good, please read every word of it.

“Whatever Jeremy Hunt says, traders know the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. And they’re paid millions to bet on it.”

This is what the world is - it is run by a minute elite for a minute elite and the rest of us, the masses, the natural world, we just don’t count. It is a (will reshare my own piece on this below 1/n)


pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

🧵 13/n and i have to mention UK universities too, since I am directly affected myself (see ).

40% of UK universities are in debt, with major reduncancies right now (incl at Goldsmiths). All in arts, humanities and social sciences. All of this is crumbling, with too little money flowing into it. Another industry, another
being eroded. Check out this constantly updated tally.


pvonhellermannn , to random
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

Half thinking of starting an hashtag here, about the dire, dire state of UK (global?) higher education. Sharing nuggets of senior management decisions, neoliberal language, and overall slow collapse.

Won’t work of course because most of us can’t risk honesty, but honestly: the everyday reality of what is happening deserves recording in all its depressing and damning detail.

pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

just out of a college wide “Transformation” meeting due to our ongoing disasterous financial situation. SMT need to take much more responsibility for their epic failures, but of course the larger context really is terrible. 40% of UK HE institutions are in decifit, and it won’t get better; nationwide 24/25 UCAS applications down 11%.

I am so so so SOOO incredibly angry how the Tories with their crappy values and policies have really destroyed UK universities, in so many ways

pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

What makes all this all the more sad is that we really do love Goldsmiths. Just these last two weeks, I have had truly wonderful seminar discussions. Goldsmiths students and colleagues really are amazing; depite all our problems there is so much , too. It’s just 💔 that all this is in peril.

pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

Now have to share this brilliant article - well, have only read the abstract so far, but: count me in! Here’s to !

“we argue for administrative abolition, that is, the elimination of all college presidents, provosts, deans and other top level administrators who we argue form a parasitical group”


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  • pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    this is not venting, just crying. Things are bad enough at Goldsmiths but Kent announcing it is closing 9 humanities and social science departments - including and , and focusing instead on business and law as areas of growth, is just 💔💔💔


    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    Here is a petition you can sign and share to try and save the anthropology department. Please do.

    I really do think that anthropology has so much to offer for navigating our way out of the polycrisis. The world needs so much more anthroplogy, not less.


    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    Our financial crisis has, of course, resulted in a huge proliferation of work as we are all scrambling to try and salvage things. Hours of emergency meetings on top of all the usual stuff.

    Meanwhile also been scrambling this week to support PhD funding applications; up all night revising proposals and writing Statements for two who will now compete against each other. This is the process. And now heard that redundancies will be announced next week.

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    But I also got an email that the staff had reopened. There is now a special room where we can go talk. That will make us feel better! That will fix things!

    The Neoliberal University

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    Yesterday we were informed we will have 130 FT redundancies. More with part time staff included. We are 644 so potentially a quarter of us. From 11 departments, including .

    We don’t know yet who. I don’t know how these decisions are made (it’s related to which programmes or modules will be closed). I feel completely sick the whole time. Far beyond venting, just existential fear.

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    It occurs to me that some of you might not know Goldsmiths - my university, now being decimated ⬆️.

    So I want to tell you about . It is a unique, brilliant, important university. We combine arts, humanities and social sciences, producing amazing critical research, politics, practice.

    I have the best colleagues and the best, best students. The fact that all this is being destroyed now is just 💔💔💔. Not just existential fear, much more. @ucu

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    . Today the opposite of venting. Taught the MA Applied Anthropology and Community (see this 🧵for more info) and then we recorded testimonies to use for publicity- something the students initiated & organised . All I can say is: ❤️❤️❤️. Our students are amazing and it is a privilege to teach them and learn from them. And our MA is amazing, too! A unique, necessary programme providing both critical thinking and professional practice training.


    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    Mood (haven’t actually read this yet, but will)

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    well, we ALL (everyone in the 11 departments “in scope”) have to reapply for our jobs. The scale of proposed job cuts is just staggering.

    Those of you who’ve been through this will relate: the physical manifestations of stress are something else. It does all feel quite existential- not just worries about mortgage, unemployment etc, but also because being an anthropologist at Goldsmiths is so central to my whole being. And to see something u love (G) falling apart is just 💔

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    ❤️ (on the office door of Andrew Douglas - spotted on X)

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    Awful news from Kent University (see posts above). It really is happening.

    “We have taken the decision to phase out Anthropology, Art History, Health & Social Care, Journalism, Music & Audio Technology, and Philosophy/Religious Studies.” 💔


    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    there were hopes that the unique, important MA Ethnobotany could be saved by being transferred into Conservation, but apparently not. Just when the world needs more , not less.💔

    The people who have created and run this wonderful programme are colleagues and friends.

    [and if you want to respond with “well noone wants to study it ”; “you make more money in IT” - perhaps just don’t].

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  • pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    The irony is, when i started this thread, I honestly didn’t think things would happen so quickly; i had in mind something quite different, little, amusing examples of the neoliberal shitshow that universities have become.

    I do have dozens of new ones every week- the handling of our “Transformation” is something else but also other universities- but the bigger picture is so dire that that dominates and also, well, fear.

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    Queen Mary @ucu are keeping a tally on UK universities currently reducing staff. As they put it: it’s all shrinking.


    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    . Today a different perspective - a much needed critical, honest assessment of the key strategy that UK universities have been adopting to stay afloat: the mass recruitment of international students from China.

    No wonder the author had to stay anonymous: it is virtually a taboo to say any of this, but good that someone has done so.


    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    Good to see a Guardian article about what’s going on Goldsmitths, featuring Michael Rosen and all.

    There really needs to be far more public awareness of the crisis in HE. Really hoping that, with a big public outcry, these savage redundancies can be prevented.

    Though putting people through all this (more than 300 of us have been sent “you are at risk”letters - i am personally in a pool of 4, for 2 jobs to go) is itself pretty savage.


    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    this piece by Gaby Hinsliff provides an excellent, worrying overview of what is happening in UK HE at the moment - the reasons why the tally above of struggling universities is expanding almost daily. Freefall is the right word 1/2


    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar


    The story starts with the freezing of tuition fees in 2017, creating a growing hole in university finances that many plugged by recruiting more foreign students (who pay more than British teenagers for the same degree). That kept the show on the road until the resulting immigration numbers became politically toxic, prompting a government clampdown on visas and a sudden 33% fall in foreign student numbers compared with the same time last year.“

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    ah! For years I have been thinking someone should write “Unlucky Jim” - a 21st century campus novel - now just came across this! Hope it contains all those little details I was thinking about when starting this thread.


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  • pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    No doubt the lovely - avatared- person above calling me an enabler & a coward for saying in the first toot of this 🧵 people might be afraid to really say what is going on will not be impressed that this book is anonymous!

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    Swansea is the latest university to announce major cuts. I think this brings it to 50 or more UK institutions.

    This really is a major crisis. Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at non-elite universities are crumbling. The last few months of Tories and their disastrous anti-woke, anti-thought agenda is destroying the whole sector, all critical thinking. And many 100s of us out of jobs, all scrambling for the laar few positions. It is really bad!!


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