pvonhellermannn , to random
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

This article by Gary Stevenson is so good, please read every word of it.

“Whatever Jeremy Hunt says, traders know the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. And they’re paid millions to bet on it.”

This is what the world is - it is run by a minute elite for a minute elite and the rest of us, the masses, the natural world, we just don’t count. It is a (will reshare my own piece on this below 1/n)


pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

🧵 29/n Another overlap with 🧵- because it’s all of a piece! Because the crisis in HE is a key phenomenon in all this!

This great piece by Jessica Wildfire really needs to be read in full, but this extract most apt here:

“Universities aren't institutions of knowledge anymore. They're assets. They're revenue streams. If they're not generating money for the top, then they only pose a threat, and they have to be weakened and destroyed.”


pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar


We had a veg box for 12 years from Hankham Organics; 3 weeks ago we suddenly had a note with our box that they were closing, as it wasn’t working financially any more. 😢😢😢

And a fish merchant who we got smoked salmon for Christmas from closed this year too, for the same reasons. Plus Goldsmiths’ woes of course (). So many good, small organisations struggling and ending.

pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar
pvonhellermannn , to random
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

Half thinking of starting an hashtag here, about the dire, dire state of UK (global?) higher education. Sharing nuggets of senior management decisions, neoliberal language, and overall slow collapse.

Won’t work of course because most of us can’t risk honesty, but honestly: the everyday reality of what is happening deserves recording in all its depressing and damning detail.

pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

I don’t know how many of you have children who are about to go to university, but if you do: it might be time to mobilise!

pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

Please read this wonderful piece by Goldsmiths Emeritus Professor Angela McRobbie, capturing why we all weep and weep at what is happening at Goldsmiths now. It was and is something so important: brilliant arts, research, critical thinking in a very non-elite setting, for and by non-elite students. It is so important we don't lose all this. But read the piece.


pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

"With low or no fees, undergraduates felt freer to pursue their own dreams of being taught by the kinds of leading scholars and world-renowned artists found in an institution like my own. They could afford to take the time to find their own feet, to chop and change courses and module options. Many would tell me they had discovered for the first time the wonders of anthropology, not having had any idea of the field previously."

So lovely that a colleague from a different

pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

.. discipline talks about the "wonders of anthropology". It really is a wonderful field! Adding here a🧵 on 8 reasons why the world needs . But really what I should have said: the world needs non-elite anthropologists and non-elite institutions teaching anthropology. It can't just be for the privileged at Oxbridge; it needs to be what we do at Goldsmiths - by and for everyone, especially those normally marginalised.


pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

Ok so this piece by Glen O’Hara really is venting.

I am conscious that I & others might come across as incredible whiners. And of course I am aware that we are, for now (50% chance of unemployment for me in 3 months) incredibly privileged. But what O’Hara describes here is completely accurate. In addition to so much other awfulness in the world, the reality of academic life creates its own unhappiness - linked to ideals of what we feel it should be.


pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

“The modern university has become a site of moral harm or injury, perhaps mildly so, but a hard place to work and keep one’s sense of purpose and morality intact. Universities have moved progressively out of line with their staff’s view of the world, and that gap is another element in the increasing difficulty of keeping a grip on reality.“

pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

Yes this too happened. All just borrowing from each other, or the same SMT people moving from uni to uni, wreaking havoc everywhere they go, with every step enhancing their own careers


pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

we have now all received invitations to atend our “Stage 1 Individual Consultations”. Lovely to be encouraged by the corporate booking system they used to “grab a meeting”. Grab a reduncancy meeting, yeah!

pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

Was a bit hard at first to read - at Goldsmiths we tend to think of UCL as the “Hoover”, sucking up all students, and indeed cohorts of 300+ history students make you weep! - but of course awful for staff being made redundant there, too, and for students having fewer and fewer module choices, vast classes, etc etc.

Universities ARE staff & students, yet management cares about neither. This is what marketisation does.


pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

“The redundancies show that UCL cares not for their students’ role as a ‘consumer’. With the marketisation of higher education, something that has been critical in making universities neoliberal hellscapes, the student has been poised as a customer, rather than a learner. University is now meant to be a means to a greater end, with that end solely being employment.”

pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

I think i said “neoliberal shitshow” at one point somewhere above, but “neoliberal hellscape” excellent too.

Pondering now how UK neoliberalism really is always simultaneously shitshow and hellscape. Shitty hellscape or hellish shitshow maybe. HE, water companies, NHS, the lovely Tory government itself- everywhere the same combination of cruelty, ineptitude and, of course, MONEY thinking.

pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

That is what this is: we are governed by money itself, and it brings cruel unimaginative rightwing mediocrity to the top everywhere. (Second crossover with 🧵 here!)

Sadly forgotten name just now, (will edit), but remembering podcast with Cambridge prof saying people worry about being ruled by AI , nonhuman entities, but that is exactly what corporations are. Nonhuman entities are already running everything.


pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

🧵. Different theme but all related anyway: Dr Abu-Sittah’s truly brilliant inauguration speech at Glasgow. Highlighting the moral role that universities play, but also their complicity. He and Glasgow now provide important moral backbone, but all this has withered through neoliberal marketisation in English universities (see Glen O’Hara above). Mostly just shamefully neutral, bland statements on “middleeast crisis”.


pvonhellermannn OP ,
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

🧵. Just realised I hadn’t added here yet Zoe William’s excellently researched piece about our crisis at Goldsmiths. Really great we have had so many people speaking out for us. Loved this piece in particular as it’s also about the student occupation about , and it cites a brilliant student who I have had the pleasure of teaching, Danna.

Best perhaps the final sentence: “But I don’t think ita done deal”.


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  • pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    The vice chancellor of York (a Russell group university!), Charlie Jeffery:

    “There is no other way of saying this. The UK higher education system is in crisis. The way it is funded just doesn’t work anymore. A rough guess is that about half of the sector is responding by cutting jobs and courses”.

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  • pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    🧵 another really excellent piece on the UK higher education crisis, by Hannah Rose Woods in The New Statesman”:

    Experts believe it is already “too late” to avert the oncoming funding disaster: “all everyone can do now is brace”.


    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    “With wearying inevitability, cuts will be borne disproportionately by arts, humanities & social sciences. Some will doubtlessly cheer the trimming of supposedly “low-value” subject areas. They may be less enthusiastic about the knock-on effect their demise would have on more expensive to teach science and technology subjects, or the wider impact of rapid restructuring in a sector that supports more than three quarters of a million jobs and contributes £130bn to the economy.”

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar


    One reason why it’s all falling apart this year are changes in visa regulations for international students - Tory gov trying to curb immigration - who are no longer allowed to bring dependents.

    Hey James Cleverley and Michelle Donelan - stop denying and ignoring this MASSIVE crisis that you are causing! You are destroying a vital sector with your stupid short-sighted policies. You will lose anyway- stop wreaking havock now! (I know this is 💯 pointless)

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    Finally read Jonathan Miller's piece, and I wish all SMTs across the country getting rid of all their PRODUCTIVE lecturers (ie, the people actually making money for universities, through student fees and research income) would read it, too. They genuinely don't understand what they are doing!

    Please, understand the British Leyland's 1970s coat @rubinjoni
    below!* 😅] allocation death spiral


    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    I think I have actually not really expressed so far how awful the redundancy process is. To everyone who has been through this or is going through this right now: HUGE solidarity. To those who haven't: what has taken me by surprise is an exponential, unbelievable increase in work. All the normal stuff plus endless meetings, strategies, statements, reports, questionnaires, campaigns, counterproposals, for weeks and weeks on end. Frazzled!

    pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    Couldn’t have put it any better. Not just the redundancy process; just so sick of all it, what it has become.

    “I am sick of higher education leaders, I am sick of neoliberal thinking, I am sick of scarcity mindsets, I am sick of austerity, I am sick of senior management lacking morals, I am sick of education being decimated, I don’t know how we hang on + do important work for students”

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  • pvonhellermannn OP ,
    @pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

    Good 2021 piece by Asheesh Kapue Siddique linking rightwing university politics - ie, the oppression of student protests we are currently seeing - to this 🧵’s overall theme: the marketisation of HE. Tight establishment control (with all its crappy values) is a direct result of marketisation.


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