other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

The prison industrial complex (PIC) is not about punishment, rehabilitation, or public safety. It's about maintaining a permanent racialized underclass.

If the same crime committed by a poor Black person and a wealthy white person are punished differently, with the former receiving harsher sentences, worse treatment, and lesser consideration for parole, the purpose of the PIC cannot be the punishment itself; its role is in maintaining the disparity in punishment.

If opportunities for living a decent life after incarceration are systematically foreclosed across various sectors of society, the purpose of the PIC cannot be rehabilitation; its purpose is in marking a class of people as worthy of exploitation and death.

If the only classes of people who become safer through policing and mass incarceration are wealthy and white (or who inhabit social positions in proximity to wealth and whiteness), then the purpose of the PIC cannot be public safety; its purpose is in maintaining a boundary between those deserving of public safety and everyone else.

Truthout / Maria Montanez:
'Formerly Incarcerated People Face “Forever Punishment” in Collateral Sanctions'


oatmeal , to israel group
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

/ More mob violence and rioting by Jewish terrorists against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank


aral , to random
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

Joe Biden could still turn this around and not lose to Trump by defunding Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people. If he doesn’t, there will be only person to blame for Joe Biden losing to Trump in six months and that’s Joe “I am a Zionist” Biden.

oatmeal , to israel group
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

/ Rallies in Madrid on 18 and 19 May amid political summit by Spain’s Vox party, including Israel's Minister of Diaspora Affairs (Amichai Chikli)

[...] The summit will reportedly be attended by representatives of various right-wing parties across Europe, leading several Spanish left-wing organisations to lead protests condemning the summit. Several thousand people are likely to attend.

Chikli not mentioned, but was reported to be attending.


H/t Zoha


Sherifazuhur , to israel group
@Sherifazuhur@sfba.social avatar
gfkdsgn ,
@gfkdsgn@burma.social avatar

Oh my dear @h4890
how did you achieve this level of indoctrination and ignorance? To support today isn't much different than to support back in 1938. Are your parents proud that you became a ?

Since it wasn't me who financed , but the of @israel (that you support) ... you might guess who does the dirty work as useful idiot.

While I'm prepared with historical facts for an intellectual duell with 's, it's you who is unarmed, obviously.

oatmeal , to israel group
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

/ On the Jewish State’s absurd policy of the right of “return”, if you’re not a Palestinian that is

[from a column in which the reporter talks to people passing through TLV's airport​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​]

Q: … And we thought we were the “after the wars” generation

A: […] And now we're here, and I feel a strange sense of obligation. In the most basic human sense, I came here from somewhere, the government gave me money, gave my brother a school, essentially funded an entire year of really good living for my family, just because we're Jewish. I always knew I was Jewish, my mother worked in the Jewish education system in Russia and I went to a Jewish kindergarten and school. But it was something on the periphery of my thinking, and now it's more central.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Q: What surprised you the most when you moved here?

A: All the people I ever knew in Russia, everyone I ever met, is here now. I don't think I have a single acquaintance left in St. Petersburg.

Q: Were they all Jewish?
Turns out.


[Hebrew] https://www.haaretz.co.il/magazine/flights/2024-05-15/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/0000018f-7c52-d604-af8f-7f53f1ea0000 or https://archive.is/DuC5q


faab64 , to israel group

Israeli terrorists attacked aid trucks going to and set at least one on fire.

@palestine @israel

oatmeal , to israel group
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

/ Zionism cannot produce a just peace. Only external pressure can end the Israeli apartheid. @raph), May 2021]

has created a dominant narrative in Israel that justifies the occupation and human rights violations against Palestinians. This narrative portrays Israel as acting in self-defense, Palestinians as unwilling to compromise for peace, and justifies the occupation, discrimination, and human rights violations against Palestinians.

Only external pressure can meaningfully push Israel to end the occupation and achieve a just peace.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/05/20/israel-gaza-war-zionism-apartheid-injustice-pressure or https://archive.ph/fB858


faab64 , to israel group

Proud terrorists on Twitter/X

"Such beauty! This is what happens to whoever brings food to Hamas" Judeonazi settlers in West Bank blocked two Palestinian trucks, claiming they carry Gaza aid, threw rocks at the drivers, wounding one of them, and destroyed goods. No arrests were made. State-backed terrorists.

@palestine @israel

NotImpressed , to palestine group
@NotImpressed@mas.to avatar
NotImpressed , to palestine group
@NotImpressed@mas.to avatar


Lukhanyo Calata, son of Fort Calata, tells it how it is:


18+ jiujensu , to israel group
@jiujensu@mas.to avatar

🔻'Trump would be worse' is a bad argument & misses several key points.
🔻Biden is pitting vulnerable groups here against genocide victims in Palestine.
🔻If Biden loses, it will be HIS fault.
🔻Protest the DNC in August


@palestine @israel

There’s a game of chicken going on. The Biden camp is explicitly counting on progressive voters eventually falling in line. This dynamic, this wager, is EXACTLY why they keep sending arms and money to Israel. They are expressly blackmailing left voters, pitting vulnerable groups stateside with genocide victims overseas. This is their calculus and millions of voters intuitively know this. Meanwhile the moral incumbency is placed on some vague cohort of Arab/black/progressive voters This is the CONTEXT of the discussion and rallying the troops at this point—six months before the actual decision needs to be made—reads to a lot of people as capitulation without a fight, as confirmation Biden’s strategy is working in real time. I too find this incredibly insensitive and vulgar. Without ANY CONCESSIONS, without a fight at all people of influence and power should not preemptively pledge their vote. Whats the rush? It’s six months from now? It’s a Hail Mary but why not try to unite to pressure Biden?
Not because anyone wants to, or because it’s fun or makes people feel self righteous but because, and this can’t be stressed enough—IT’S ALL THERE IS. And it’s all there is because of Biden’s extremism and unwillingness to listen to overwhelming democratic voter consensus I tried to articulate this in this piece from March. I think the abstract question of “is Trump worse than Biden” is not a question anyone has to sheepdog for this far out. It’s not clear to me what the moral utility of this is at this point.

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  • faab64 , to israel group

    Settlers mobs south of in the set fire to the aid trucks that they stopped and damaged this afternoon, which were loaded with aid and headed to the Strip.

    No sign of Israeli police of IDF to protect the convoy or stop the terrorists settlers from destroying aid packages, mostly baby formula, diapers and medical equipment.

    Video of the attacks is share on telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2206

    @palestine @israel


    faab64 , to israel group

    Militant Settlers attacked the outskirts of Jalud city in the southeast of Nablus, setting fire to a car and attacking a house.

    @palestine @israel

    oatmeal , to israel group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / Impunity persists two years after the Israeli army’s murder of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh

    [...] Two years after the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh in the West Bank, and a year after Israel's official apology acknowledging its responsibility, justice has yet to be delivered for the emblematic Al Jazeera journalist. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns this impunity and calls on the international community, especially the United States, to exert pressure on the Israeli army to answer for Abu Akleh’s killing.




    rms , to random
    @rms@mastodon.xyz avatar

    What a 1968 Columbia University protester makes of today’s pro-Palestinian encampment. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/04/26/what-a-1968-columbia-university-protester-makes-of-todays-propalestinian-encampment

    nicholas_saunders ,


    "Stein: It seems like universities today are afraid of holding open and free discussions about issues of Palestine and Israel. "

    Yeah, because in anyone not buying into the narrative will be shouted down -- they're afraid of their own students and faculty.

    It's in action where the vocabulary is limited by unduly limiting the context of any such discussion.

    Is this not a narrative which you support?

    faab64 , to israel group

    Today marks two years since Palestinian-American veteran journalist was shot and killed by Israeli Forces.

    The Al Jazeera family & the world have not stopped seeking and will continue to honour her bravery, courage and loyalty to journalism.

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to israel group

    On the morning of May 8, Israeli forces razed the entire Bedouin village of Wadi al-Khalil in the Naqab/Negev desert. The demolitions, which were carried out in order to expand the Route 6 highway, left more than 300 residents homeless.
    Wadi al-Khalil is one of 35 Bedouin villages in the Naqab whose existence the Israeli authorities do not officially recognize; as a result, the villages, which are home to around 150,000 Bedouin Arab citizens of Israel, face the constant threat of demolition. Many of the villages are decades old — some even pre-date Israel’s establishment — but they are prevented from connecting to state infrastructure including water and electricity, and their residents are denied municipal services.
    According to the Regional Council for the Unrecognized Bedouin Villages, Wednesday’s demolition was the largest in the Naqab for 14 years. It comes as Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir vows to crack down on what he calls “lawbreakers” and restore meshilut — literally “governance,” a euphemism for Jewish-Israeli control — to the area. Eight other unrecognized villages are currently under threat of forced eviction under the guise of urban development.
    “You work eight or nine years, saving money to build a house, and then they destroy it,” Yousef Abu Issa, a 35-year-old resident, told +972. “They don’t give you another place to live, they don’t help you.”
    by Oren Ziv שיחה מקומית

    @palestine @israel

    Greengordon ,
    @Greengordon@spore.social avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel

    Israel is an apartheid state.

    "On the morning of May 8, Israeli forces razed the entire Bedouin village of Wadi al-Khalil in the Naqab/Negev desert...to expand the Route 6 highway, left more than 300 residents homeless. Many of the villages are decades old — some even pre-date Israel’s establishment — but they are prevented from connecting to state infrastructure including water and electricity, and their residents are denied municipal services."

    aral , to random
    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    Folks, if your strategy is to vote multiple times (at ~€1/pop) to try and influence the Eurovision Song Contest outcome against Israel: please don’t.

    Financially rewarding the EBU will only make them look successful. You don’t buy all the beer at the fascist bar to teach them a lesson.

    faab64 , to israel group

    Documentation shows the extent of perpetrated by Israeli prison guards on the released Adeeb Mustafa Samoudi while in the occupation’s “Gilboa” prison.

    Samoudi, who is from , spent a total of two years in Israeli prisons with no charges and was released yesterday.

    @palestine @israel

    Traces of torture visible on the body of the released prisoner Adeeb Mustafa Samoudi
    Traces of torture visible on the body of the released prisoner Adeeb Mustafa Samoudi
    Traces of torture visible on the body of the released prisoner Adeeb Mustafa Samoudi

    dbattistella , to random
    @dbattistella@mstdn.ca avatar

    The violence we’re seeing police use on college campuses is nothing new but did you know that US and Canadian police departments use taxpayer dollars to pay Israel's military to show them how to better brutalize us based on their treatment of Palestinians?


    faab64 , to israel group

    Earlier today, Israeli settlers launched an attack on the headquarters in occupied , setting fire to its surroundings. Israeli authorities have not intervened or made any arrests among the Israeli attackers.

    Video available en here: t.me/QudsNen/105149

    @palestine @israel

    EU_Commission , to random
    @EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

    Happy ! 🇪🇺

    Today, on 9 May, we celebrate our unity and solidarity.

    A month ahead of the (6-9 June), it is the perfect day to share your wishes for Europe and reflect on which EU you want in the future.

    It's time to get involved! → https://europa.eu/!8jtNqP

    ecpoir ,
    @ecpoir@toot.io avatar


    I wish for EU to stop supporting the committed by in .

    I wish that Ursula V.d.L will be prosecuted for usurping power which did not belong to her, standing next to butcher Netanyahu, and supporting his in our name.

    I wish for action by against the only state in existence.

    I wish for the 95.5 billion euro of Project Horizon to not fund Israeli Universities while is done in .

    jiujensu , to israel group
    @jiujensu@mas.to avatar

    This podcast is good at making easier to digest, if you're interested--

    Up this week is Zionism, Zionist , Balfour, the guy chosen to mess up Palestine, who had previously wreaked havoc in Ireland and denied entry to Jews fleeing the holocaust who were hoping to find refuge in the UK. And Herzl &more stuff.

    The Great Revolt: Resistance to Early , parts 1 and 2



    @palestine @israel

    jiujensu OP ,
    @jiujensu@mas.to avatar
    oatmeal , to random
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    References [pinned thread]

    oatmeal OP ,
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    Wind, Maya. Towers of Ivory and Steel: How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom. Verso, 2024.


    The settler university: Israeli academia has always been part of Israel’s territorial objectives in Palestine. (2024, April 29). Retrieved from https://mg.co.za/thought-leader/opinion/2024-04-27-the-settler-university-israeli-academia-has-always-been-part-of-israels-territorial-objectives-in-palestine

    The Israeli scholarly security state. (2024, April 29). Retrieved from https://mg.co.za/thought-leader/opinion/2024-04-28-the-israeli-scholarly-security-state

    The Israeli scholarly security state. (2024, April 29). Retrieved from https://mg.co.za/thought-leader/opinion/2024-04-28-the-israeli-scholarly-security-state


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