
giotras , to Science Italian avatar
AnnaKennard , to random avatar

"After the debate, it seems like every political pundit has called for Biden to drop out of the race. But the editorial board of the Philadelphia Inquirer called on Trump to drop out.
The editorial makes an important point. If the entire press establishment sees fit to call on Biden to drop out because of a bad debate, why haven't they applied this same logic to the convicted criminal who promises to destroy American democracy and rule as an authoritarian dictator?"

KimSJ , to random avatar

If you know anyone who is planning on not voting because ‘it won’t make a difference’, explain to them how public funds are allocated to opposition parties (so-called Short money). £38.75 for every 200 votes gained by the party. Every vote counts!

kbeninato , to random avatar

NYT Editorial Board mortified when they realize they forgot to tell England not to vote either, and the Conservative Party lost in a landslide...

GottaLaff , to random avatar

Gov. Gavin Newsom in Michigan on his meeting with Pres :

"I left last night from the White House … had the opportunity to talk to the President for an hour, hour and a half — could have gone two-three hours. And I mean this with absolute conviction: That was the Joe Biden I remember from two weeks ago. That was the Joe Biden that I remember from two years ago. That's the Joe Biden that I'm looking forward to re-electing President of the United States."

parrellel , avatar

@GottaLaff @rzeta0 Shakespeare, Julius Ceasar, Marc Anthony setting the mob on the conspirators.

Not entirely sure what he's implying with that?

Meema1616 , avatar

@GottaLaff Because they can’t find ANYTHING else to discredit the man. One public performance is ALL they can target.

Biden’s last three years of amazing accomplishments, and Republicans have NONE!! All they can find to cause disruption is his age!!

How many of Republican’s sponsors and owners are seniors? Honestly the hypocrisy of Republicans is staggering!!! Vote Blue!!

ubernostrum , to random avatar

On Independence Day, the New York Times ran an op-ed by a literal right-wing monarchist insisting it's bad to vote and people shouldn't do it.

Also, public records confirm he does vote. He just doesn't want you to.

If you needed any further evidence that their "Biden must go" coverage is rooted in hatred of democracy, this should be it.

ubernostrum OP , avatar

Meanwhile, Biden has been doing public events basically nonstop since the debate, including live, extemporaneous interviews. You are not seeing coverage of those because they don't fit the narrative.

Here's an interview he gave to a local civic media group in Wisconsin for the Fourth:

Fun fact: Biden has always been an old-school politician who prefers to shake hands, kiss babies, and favor the local reporters and news outlets, and this is part of why elite media has such a grudge against him -- the NYT hasn't gotten a single long sit-down interview with Biden since his election, and it makes them seethe that a local reporter in Wisconsin gets one before they do.

ct_bergstrom , to random avatar

If you’ve never seen Dorothea Lange’s photographs of the World War II internment camps and the Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned there, today is a good day to see them and to commit to making sure this never happens again.

jonhendry , avatar


Also a good day to read or watch George Takei on the subject of his internment.

Scotter , avatar

@jonhendry @ct_bergstrom
His books are excellent! Amazingly detailed first hand account.

QasimRashid , to random avatar

This July, 2024 remember the minimum wage hasn’t increased since July, 2009—but if it had increased with inflation & corporate productivity since the 1960s—it’d be $27/hr today.

Reaganomics trickle down scam has redistributed $50T from bottom 90% to top 1% and corporations commit $50B in annual wage theft from workers.

This July 4th remember there is no freedom and justice without economic freedom and justice. Unionize workers. Tax billionaires. Restore justice.

DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar
5gus36 , avatar

@DemocracyMattersALot YEPPER!!! Wake up AMERICA!!!

angiebaby , avatar


No ... Democrats were just the party who forced out the #1 and #2 candidates in the last Primary Election - while the Primary was in progress - so Biden could win. They were both way more capable than he was, even then, and he was in Fourth Place.

petergleick , to random avatar

Just another climate-changed day.

StillIRise1963 , to random avatar

Obama wasn’t born here. Hillary was an email criminal with her own server, Biden is old. WHY DO YOU KEEP FALLING FOR RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA AND GASLIGHTING?

StillIRise1963 , to random avatar

The only WEAK MIND is the weak mind THAT FALLS FOR this PROPAGANDA about Joe Biden.

PamelaBarroway , avatar

@StillIRise1963 My mom is 88, and as you might imagine has a lot of downtime. She used to — past tense — put on CNN and MSNBC as background noise to keep her company while she did stuff around her house.

She is so pissed off at them now over this that she’s got HGTV and the GOLF CHANNEL lol on instead.

StillIRise1963 OP , avatar

@PamelaBarroway Good for her. My dad said something scary from watching MSNBC all day. I had to explain to him in different ways what was actually happening all the way to the cardiologist’s office. He didn’t fully believe me until I asked him where the negative coverage of Trump was. Then, the lightbulb went off.

HamonWry , to random avatar

If you elect a man who has betrayed his country then you've elected a man who will betray his country.

GottaLaff , to random avatar
Wearepatriots2 , avatar

@GottaLaff I'm voting for the guy who's NOT a felon!

RichardNairn , avatar

@Wearepatriots2 @GottaLaff Fun fact. One candidate may need to sleep more. The other needs immunity, won't take a drug test and wants to pillage like his bestie Putin..

Wileymiller , to random avatar

I should point out that yesterday's was done long before the debate, and became even more relevant now as all the media focus is on Biden's poor performance and completely ignoring the other guy's truly horrifying performance. Now all we hear is that Biden should drop out, not the rapist and multiple felon who has said he's going to be a dictator.

GottaLaff , avatar

@Wileymiller 🎯🎯🎯🎯

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