
True Roman Memes For True Romans

A place to meme about the glorious ROMAN EMPIRE (and Roman Republic, and Roman Kingdom)!

Earth, Environment, and Geosciences

Welcome to c/EarthScience @!

Notice Board

This is a work in progress, please don’t mind the mess.

What is geoscience?

Geoscience (also called Earth Science) is the study of Earth. Geoscience includes so much more than rocks and volcanoes, it studies the processes that form and shape Earth’s surface, the natural resources we use, and how water and ecosystems are interconnected. Geoscience uses tools and techniques from other science fields as well, such as chemistry, physics, biology, and math! Read more…

Quick Facts


  1. Don’t throw mud. Be kind and remember the human.
  2. Keep it rooted (on topic).
  3. No spam.


Teaching Resources



Similar Communities

Sister Communities

Science and Research

Biology and Life Sciences

Plants & Gardening

Physical Sciences

Humanities and Social Sciences

Memes icon

World News Non-US

A community to post global news minus the US internal. This is to make sure countries other than USA can get a platform to tell the world about current events happening in their country. icon

Do It Yourself

Make it, Fix it, Renovate it, Rehabilitate it - as long as you’ve done some part of it yourself, share!

Especially for gardening related or specific do-it-yourself projects, see also the Nature and Gardening community. For more creative-minded projects, see also the Creative community.

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. icon

Aussie Enviro

An Australian community for everything from your backyard to beyond the black stump.

Topics may include Aussie plants and animals, environmental, farming, energy, and climate news and stories (mostly Aus specific), etc. New related communities will be split off when required, think like subcommunities that exist on that other platform.

Trigger Warning: Community contains mostly bad environmental news (not by choice!). Community may also feature stories about animal agriculture and/or meat. Until tagging is available, please be aware and click accordingly.

Banner Credit:

Aussie Zone Rules

  • Golden rule - be nice. If you wouldn’t say it in front of your grandmother favourite tree, don’t post it.
  • No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia. You are allowed to denigrate invasive plants or animals.
  • Be respectful. Everyone should feel welcome here. Except invasive plants or animals.
  • No porn. Except photos of plants. Definitely not animals.
  • No Ads / Spamming. Except for photos or stories about plants and animals.
  • Nothing illegal in Australia. Like invasive plants or animals. Exotic microbes and invasive fungi also not welcome.
  • Make post titles descriptive with no swear words. Comments are a free for all using the above rules as a guide. Fuck invasive plants and animals.

Server Info

/c/Aussie Environment acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land, sea and waters, of the area that we live and work on across Australia. We acknowledge their continuing connection to their culture and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. icon


Fans of SDF icon


The police problem is that police are policed by the police. Cops are accountable only to other cops, which is no accountability at all.

99.9999% of police brutality, corruption, and misconduct is never investigated, never punished, never makes the news, so it’s not on this page.

When cops are caught breaking the law, they’re investigated by other cops. Details are kept quiet, the officers’ names are withheld from public knowledge, and what info is eventually released is only what police choose to release — often nothing at all.

When police are fired — which is all too rare — they leave with ‘law enforcement experience’ and can easily find work in another police department nearby. It’s called “Wandering Cops.”

When police testify under oath, they lie so frequently that cops themselves have a joking term for it: “testilying.” Yet it’s almost unheard of for police to be punished or prosecuted for perjury.

Cops can and do get away with lawlessness, because cops protect other cops. If they don’t, they aren’t cops for long.

The legal doctrine of “qualified immunity” renders police officers invulnerable to lawsuits for almost anything they do. In practice, getting past ‘qualified immunity’ is so unlikely, it makes headlines when it happens.

All this is a path to a police state.

In a free society, police must always be under serious and skeptical public oversight, with non-cops and non-cronies in charge, issuing genuine punishment when warranted.

Police who break the law must be prosecuted like anyone else, promptly fired if guilty, and barred from ever working in law-enforcement again.

That’s the solution.

♦ ♦ ♦

Our definition of ‘cops’ is broad, and includes prison guards, probation officers, shitty DAs and judges, etc — anyone who has the authority to fuck over people’s lives, with minimal or no oversight.

♦ ♦ ♦


Real-life decorum is expected. Please don’t say things only a child or a jackass would say in person.

If you’re here to support the police, you’re trolling. Please exercise your right to remain silent.

Saying cops ANYONE should be killed lowers the IQ in any conversation. They’re about killing people; we’re not.

Please don’t dox or post calls for harassment, vigilantism, tar & feather attacks, etc.

Please also abide by the instance rules.

It you’ve been banned but don’t know why, check the moderator’s log. If you feel you didn’t deserve it, hey, I’m new at this and maybe you’re right. Send a cordial PM, for a second chance.

♦ ♦ ♦






Randy Balko

The Civil Rights Lawyer

The Honest Courtesan

Identity Project

♦ ♦ ♦


A demonstrator’s guide to understanding riot munitions


Cops aren’t supposed to be smart

Don’t talk to the police.

Killings by law enforcement in Canada

Killings by law enforcement in the United Kingdom

Killings by law enforcement in the United States

Know your rights: Filming the police

Three words. 70 cases. The tragic history of ‘I can’t breathe’ (as of 2020)

Police aren’t primarily about helping you or solving crimes.

Police lie under oath, a lot

Police spin: An object lesson in Copspeak

Police unions and arbitrators keep abusive cops on the street

Shielded from Justice: Police Brutality and Accountability in the United States

So you wanna be a cop?

When the police knock on your door

♦ ♦ ♦


Black Lives Matter

Campaign Zero

Innocence Project

The Marshall Project

Movement Law Lab


National Police Accountability Project

Say Their Names

Vera: Ending Mass Incarceration icon

Cursed AI

A place for all the horrors of AI generated content .


/c/TenFoward: Your home-away-from-home for all things Star Trek!

Re-route power to the shields, emit a tachyon pulse through the deflector, and post all the nonsense you want. Within reason of course.

~ 1. No bigotry. This is a Star Trek community. Hating someone off of their race, culture, creed, sexuality, or identity is not remotely acceptable. Mistakes can happen but do your best to respect others.

~ 2. Keep it civil. Disagreements will happen both on lore and preferences. That’s okay! Just don’t let it make you forget that the person you are talking to is also a person.

~ 3. Use spoiler tags. This applies to any episodes that have dropped within 3 months prior of your posting. After that it’s free game.

~ 4. Keep it Trek related. This one is kind of a gimme but keep as on topic as possible.

~ 5. Keep posts to a limit. We all love Star Trek stuff but 3-4 posts in an hour is plenty enough.

~ 6. Try to not repost. Mistakes happen, we get it! But try to not repost anything from within the past 1-2 months.

~ 7. No General AI Art. Posts of simple AI art do not ‘inspire jamaharon’ and fuck over our artist friends.

Fun will now commence.

Sister Communities:





Want your community to be added to the sidebar? Just ask one of our mods!

Honorary Badbitch:

@jawa21 for realizing that the line used to be “want to be added to the sidebar?” and capitalized on it. Congratulations and welcome to the sidebar. Stamets is both ashamed and proud.

Creator Resources:

Looking for a Star Trek screencap?(TrekCore)

Looking for the right Star Trek typeface/font for your meme?(Thank you @kellyaster for putting this together!) icon

Political Humor

Political Shitposting icon



Florida Governor Ron DeSantis aspires to be the same kind of Autocrat despised by the founders of the United States. He must be exposed for what he is: a great threat to our Democratic Republic and American values. Republicans don’t punish big businesses like the Walt Disney Company for disagreeing with them. Fascists do. DeSantis and those like him are a massive threat to our Democracy.


  1. Nazis and Putin sympathizers are not welcome here.
  2. The tolerant, open-minded and freedom-loving ARE welcome here. Glad to have you good people : )
  3. Attack the media and expect to be banned. There is a good reason why the press is included in the First Amendment. If you cannot respect the vital role that an independent media plays in terms of checks and balances, this isn’t the right group for you.
  4. Be respectful of our differences, whether it’s race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
  5. No Spam, Threats, Harassment or Doxing of any kind.
  6. No trolling, disinformation, or low effort posts / comments.

Social Media

Discord Server


Other Communities



!politicus icon

The Lyrics Game

The rules of the game are simple, take any song you like from any genre you want, put the lyrics through any AI that you want and post the resulting image here under the post title Name That Song. After 48-72 Hours or if the answer is guessed sooner, edit the post’s title to the song title.

Other than that, enjoy. icon

Accidental Renaissance

AccidentalRenaissance is for photos that look like Renaissance paintings.

This means that they look like Renaissance art in their composition, their coloring, their saturation, the angle of the scene, the types of settings, etc.

👉 Must be a photo. Not a meme, drawing, art, ai-generated or ai-enhanced image, screenshot, low-effort post, meta posts, video, or anything else but a photo.

👉 Must be SFW. No gore, porn, extreme violence, blood, corpses, or similarly disturbing content. Absolutely no pornography, even if it’s “tasteful”.

👉 Comments must be civil. No slurs of any kind or using words to insult, demean, harass, or abuse other individuals or groups.

👉 The Renaissance part (not the photo itself) must be accidental to the photograph. In other words, no photos of Renaissance fairs, people dressed in medieval/Renaissance clothes, etc.

👉 NO influencer selfies, professional photoshoots with watermarks, any type of OnlyFans-like content. We are not the place to work your side-hustle.

📸 If you know who the photographer is, give them credit in the comment section. This is the only type of self-promotion we allow.

👩‍🦯 Alt-Text for vision-impaired users in the post body or in the comments is highly encouraged. Just pretend you are describing a photo to someone on the phone.

🤘 Created by the former mod team of r/AccidentalRenaissance icon

Short Stories

Hey storytellers! 📖 Welcome to our cozy corner for short stories – whether you’re spinning your own yarns or diving into favorites. Grab a virtual seat, share your quick tales, and soak up the creativity. From original gems to cherished classics, let’s have a blast with bite-sized narratives. It’s all about the love of short stories and the joy of sharing. Join the fun!

Join us in crafting worlds, evoking emotions, and embracing the power of concise narratives. Explore and post short stories whether original or not. (Try and avoid Piracy) Let your imagination unfold in this haven for short story enthusiasts!

Meta conversation is also welcome.


  1. Follow instance rules.
  2. Tag AI created posts.
  3. Tag your smut NSFW.
  4. Tag genre for your posts.

Other Relevant Communities:

!sciencefiction !jingszo !fiction !scifi !horror !twosentencehorror !philosophical_poetry !poetry !hfy !fanfiction !writing_lounge !writing !poetry !books icon

UK Politics

General Discussion for politics in the UK.
Please don’t post to both !uk_politics and !unitedkingdom .
Pick the most appropriate, and put it there.

Posts should be related to UK-centric politics, and should be either a link to a reputable news source for news, or a text post on this community.

Opinion pieces are also allowed, provided they are not misleading/misrepresented/drivel, and have proper sources.

If you think “reputable news source” needs some definition, by all means start a meta thread. (These things should be publicly discussed)

Posts should be manually submitted, not by bot. Link titles should not be editorialised.

Disappointing comments will generally be left to fester in ratio, outright horrible comments will be removed.
Message the mods if you feel something really should be removed, or if a user seems to have a pattern of awful comments.

!ukpolitics appears to have vanished! We can still see cached content from this link, but goodbye I guess! :'( icon


Ask Hexbear is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.


  1. Posts must ask a question.
  2. If the question asked is serious, answer seriously.
  3. Questions where you want to learn more about socialism are allowed, but questions in bad faith are not.
  4. Try !feedback if you’re having questions about regarding moderation, site policy, the site itself, development, volunteering or the mod team. icon

Ask Me Anything

Ask Me Anything (AMA) Community Rules and Guidelines

This is the AmA.

Welcome to the Ask Me Anything (AMA) community! This is a space where individuals from various backgrounds come together to engage in open and informative discussions. To ensure a respectful, enjoyable, and inclusive experience for everyone involved, we have established the following rules and guidelines:

  1. Be Civil and Respectful:

    • Treat all participants with respect, regardless of their background, expertise, or opinions. Personal attacks, insults, or derogatory language will not be tolerated.
    • Engage in constructive conversations, even if you disagree with the person answering the questions. Focus on addressing their responses or providing alternative viewpoints without resorting to hostility.
    • Remember that the participants are sharing their knowledge and experiences voluntarily. Appreciate their time and effort.
  2. Practice Politeness and Courtesy:

    • Use polite and considerate language when asking questions or engaging in discussions.
    • Be patient and understanding if the person answering takes time to respond. They may receive a high volume of questions.
    • Avoid spamming or repeating the same question multiple times. Give others a chance to ask their questions as well.

-Use NSFW and trigger warning TW in brackets if you talk about sensitive subject.

  1. Respect Boundaries and Privacy:

    • Do not ask personal or invasive questions unless the participant explicitly invites such queries.
    • If a participant declines to answer a question or requests to move on from a topic, respect their boundaries without pressuring them for a response.
    • Avoid sharing personal information or disclosing sensitive details about yourself or others.
  2. Be Inclusive and Stand Against Discrimination:

    • Respect diverse perspectives and backgrounds. Discrimination, including racism, homophobia, and transphobia, will not be tolerated.
    • Foster an environment that welcomes individuals of all races, genders, sexual orientations, religions, and identities.
    • Be mindful of your language and the potential impact it may have on others. Avoid offensive slurs or derogatory terms.
  3. Avoid Spam and Irrelevant Questions:

    • Ensure your questions are relevant to the participant’s expertise or field of knowledge.
    • Avoid posting low-quality or repetitive questions that add little value to the discussion.
    • Respect the purpose of the AMA and avoid using it solely for self-promotion or advertising.
  4. Engage in Meaningful Discussions:

    • Prioritize thought-provoking and insightful questions that foster engaging conversations.
    • Be open to different perspectives and use the AMA as an opportunity to learn and broaden your understanding.
    • Jokes are allowed as long as they are respectful, appropriate, and do not target or marginalize specific individuals or groups. -If you are sarcastic, we recommend to use /s to be sure there is no confusion about your intention. Fake sarcasm will be found.

Remember, these rules and guidelines are in place to ensure a positive and informative environment for all participants. Failure to comply may result in 3 strikes warnings, temporary restrictions, or permanent bans at the discretion of the moderators.

in the future, a mod check and balance system might be implemented . Subject to change : [You might appeal your ban by contacting a special appointed moderator to judge if the ban was abusive.

Special appointed mod can create jury like conversation with randomly chosen users with jury votes to decide if bans are legit or not.]

Thank you for being a part of the Ask Me Anything (AMA) community. Let’s engage in enlightening discussions, share knowledge, and create an inclusive space that values respect and diversity!

Friendly communities :

Rust Programming icon

Ask Experienced Devs

Icon base by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0 with modifications to add a gradient icon

No Lawns

What is No Lawns?

A community devoted to alternatives to monoculture lawns, with an emphasis on native plants and conservation. Rain gardens, xeriscaping, strolling gardens, native plants, and much more! (from official Reddit r/NoLawns)

Have questions or don’t know where to begin?

Where can you find the official No Lawns socials?


  • Be Civil
  • Don’t dox yourself
  • Stay on Topic
  • Don’t break instance or Lemmy rules

Related Communities icon

Fuck Cars

This community exists as a sister community/copycat community to the r/fuckcars subreddit.

This community exists for the following reasons:

  • to raise awareness around the dangers, inefficiencies and injustice that can come from car dependence.
  • to allow a place to discuss and promote more healthy transport methods and ways of living.

You can find the Matrix chat room for this community here.


  1. **Be nice to each other.**Being aggressive or inflammatory towards other users will get you banned. Name calling or obvious trolling falls under that. Hate cars, hate the system, but not people. While some drivers definitely deserve some hate, most of them didn’t choose car-centric life out of free will.
  2. **No bigotry or hate.**Racism, transphobia, misogyny, ableism, homophobia, chauvinism, fat-shaming, body-shaming, stigmatization of people experiencing homeless or substance users, etc. are not tolerated. Don’t use slurs. You can laugh at someone’s fragile masculinity without associating it with their body. The correlation between car-culture and body weight is not an excuse for fat-shaming.
  3. **Stay on-topic.**Submissions should be on-topic to the externalities of car culture in urban development and communities globally. Posting about alternatives to cars and car culture is fine. Don’t post literal car fucking.
  4. **No traffic violence.**Do not post depictions of traffic violence. NSFW or NSFL posts are not allowed. Gawking at crashes is not allowed. Be respectful to people who are a victim of traffic violence or otherwise traumatized by it. News articles about crashes and statistics about traffic violence are allowed. Glorifying traffic violence will get you banned.
  5. **No reposts.**Before sharing, check if your post isn’t a repost. Reposts that add something new are fine. Reposts that are sharing content from somewhere else are fine too.
  6. **No misinformation.**Masks and vaccines save lives during a pandemic, climate change is real and anthropogenic - and denial of these and other established facts will get you banned. False or highly speculative titles will get your post deleted.
  7. **No harassment.**Posts that (may) cause harassment, dogpiling or brigading, intentionally or not, will be removed. Please do not post screenshots containing uncensored usernames. Actual harassment, dogpiling or brigading is a bannable offence.

Please report posts and comments that violate our rules.

General Programming Discussion

A general programming discussion community.


  1. Be civil.
  2. Please start discussions that spark conversation

Other communities


Functional Programming

Also related icon


Community Guide

Archive Today will help you look at paywalled content the way search engines see it.

Statement of Purpose

  • This is a support and conversation community for people who don’t believe in gods.
  • Superstition hucksters have no reason to subscribe or post here at all.
  • If you are looking to debate or proselytize, options will be linked lower in the sidebar.


  • Honest questions or conversations.
  • Discussions on parenting or advice.
  • Struggles, frustrations, coming out.
  • Atheist memes. We can have fun!
  • News headlines relevant to atheism.


Depending on severity, you might be warned before adverse action is taken.

  • Anything against site rules.
  • Illegal and/or NSFW material.
  • Troll posts and comments. There will be no attempt to explain what that means.
  • Leading questions, agenda pushing, or disingenuous attempts to bait members.
  • Personal attacks or flaming.


  • Self promotion or upvote farming.
  • Excessive shitposting or off-topic discussion.

Application of warnings or bans will be subject to moderator discretion. Feel free to appeal. If changes to the guidelines are necessary, they will be adjusted.

If you vocally harass or discriminate against any individual member, you will be removed.

Likewise, if you are a member, sympathizer or a resemblant of a group that is known to largely hate, mock, discriminate against, and/or want to take lives of any other group of people, and you were provably vocal about your hate, then you you will be banned on sight.

Provable means able to provide proof to the moderation, and, if necessary, to the community.

<span style="color:#323232;"> ~ /c/nostupidquestions

If you want your space listed in this sidebar and it is especially relevant to the atheist or skeptic communities, PM DancingPickle and we’ll have a look!

Connect with Atheists

Help and Support Links

Streaming Media

This is mostly YouTube at the moment. Podcasts and similar media - especially on federated platforms - may also feature here.

Orgs, Blogs, Zines



Start here…

…proceed here.

Proselytize Religion

From Reddit

As a community with an interest in providing the best resources to its members, the following wiki links are provided as historical reference until we can establish our own. icon

AI Art & Image Generation

A place to share images and art generated by artificial intelligence and similar tools.


  • All posts must be relevant to image generation with artificial intelligence.
  • Please include the name of the AI or tool used to generate your image at beginning of your post to promote searchability. Example: “[Midjourney] Picture of a lake.”
  • It’s not required, but we encourage you to include the prompt used to generate the image in the description of your post.
  • To avoid spam, please try to limit yourself to five posts a day. Feel free to add as many images to your posts as you’d like.
  • Please keep NSFW content to a minimum. Risque content is allowed, but pornographic AI art is not. There are plenty of other places to share that. Posts not flagged as NSFW will result in a temporary ban.
  • Do not self promote your AI tools you created without mod permission. Also any other post about AI tools that seem sketchy will be removed and the user banned at the moderators discretion. Please report a post if you think it should fall in line with breaking this rule.
  • Please be nice to your fellow users and make sure to follow Lemmy World’s rules of conduct:

Recommended Communities:

  • Check out !imageai for more AI Images.
  • Check out !dnd_ai for discussion about AI tools you can use in your Dungeons & Dragons games. icon

Academia icon


Welcome to the community about the science of human Language!

Everyone is welcome here: laymen and professional linguists, Historical linguists and discourse analysts, structuralists and generativists.


  1. Stay on-topic. This rule will be specially enforced for more divisive subjects, such as religion, politics, etc.
  2. Post sources whenever reasonable. And don’t feel afraid to ask other users for sources.
  3. Avoid crack theories and pseudoscientific claims.

Have fun!

For less serious stuff, check out !linguistics_humor (Kbin link). And for practical language learning, !languagelearning (Kbin link).

Simple Living

Live better, with less

Ideas and inspiration for living more simply. A place to share tips on living with less stuff, work, speed, or stress in return for gaining more freedom, time, self-reliance, and joy. icon

Baldur's Gate 3

All things BG3!

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a story-rich, party-based RPG set in the universe of Dungeons & Dragons, where your choices shape a tale of fellowship and betrayal, survival and sacrifice, and the lure of absolute power. (Website)


If your post contains any possible spoilers, please:

  • Use the text [SPOILER] at the beginning of your title, do not include any spoilers in the title.
  • Use the appropriate spoiler markup to conceal that content in the body of your post.

Thank you!


A place for your preferably unique useful or fun sites and kind of a bookmark manager for me :p icon


All things programming and coding related. Subcommunity of Technology.

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. icon

Mycology icon

Music icon


c/cybersecurity is a community centered on the cybersecurity and information security profession. You can come here to discuss news, post something interesting, or just chat with others.


Instance Rules

  • Be respectful. Everyone should feel welcome here.
  • No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.
  • No Ads / Spamming.
  • No pornography.

Community Rules

  • Idk, keep it semi-professional?
  • Nothing illegal. We’re all ethical here.
  • Rules will be added/redefined as necessary.

If you ask someone to hack your “friends” socials you’re just going to get banned so don’t do that.

Learn about hacking

Hack the Box

Try Hack Me

Pico Capture the flag

Other security-related communities!databreaches !netsec !cybersecurity !securitynews !netsec !cybersecurity !pulse_of_truth

Notable mention to !cybersecuritymemes icon

Funny: Home of the Haha

Welcome to /c/funny, a place for all your humorous and amusing content.

Looking for mods! Send an application to Stamets!

Our Rules:

  1. Keep it civil. We’re all people here. Be respectful to one another.
  2. No sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia or any other flavor of bigotry. I should not need to explain this one.
  3. Try not to repost anything posted within the past month. Beyond that, go for it. Not everyone is on every site all the time.

Other Communities: icon


A place to discuss Australia and important Australian issues.

Before you post:

If you’re posting anything related to:

If you’re posting Australian News (not opinion or discussion pieces) post it to Australian News


This community is run under the rules of In addition to those rules:

  • When posting news articles use the source headline and place your commentary in a separate comment
Banner Photo

Congratulations to @Tau who had the most upvoted submission to our banner photo competition

Recommended and Related Communities

Be sure to check out and subscribe to our related communities on

Plus other communities for sport and major cities.


Since Kbin doesn’t show Lemmy Moderators, I’ll list them here. Also note that Kbin does not distinguish moderator comments.

Additionally, we have our instance admins: @lodion and @Nath icon


All forms of queer news and culture. Nonsectarian and non-exclusionary.

See also this community’s sister subs Feminism, Neurodivergence, Disability, and POC

Beehaw currently maintains an LGBTQ+ resource wiki, which is up to date as of July 10, 2023.

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. icon


Discuss world politics here.


  • Be civil and respectful
  • No NSFW content
  • No blatantly fake news or unfounded conspiracy theories
  • No heavily sensationalized articles

Community icon by Webalys, licensed under CC BY 3.0. icon

ADHD memes

ADHD Memes

The lighter side of ADHD


  1. No Party Pooping

Other ND communities icon


Share your self-made stuff and half-baked projects here.

Also check out !diy

There is also a related XMPP chat. icon


Welcome to !astrophotography!

We are Lemmy’s dedicated astrophotography community!

If you want to see or post pictures of space taken by amateurs using amateur level equipment, this is the place for you!

If you want to learn more about taking astro photos, check out our wiki or our discord!

Please read the rules before you post! It is your responsibility to be aware of current rules. Failure to be aware of current rules may result in your post being removed without warning at moderator discretion.


  • I | Real space images only.

  • Astrophotography refers to images of astronomical objects or phenomena exclusively.

  • Images that show objects or people below the Kármán Line (100km) will be removed.We won’t be enforcing this rule for now, but as the community grows eventually we will split and have a separate space for just landscape astro.

  • Images must be an accurate representation of a real astronomical object.

  • See this page for more details

  • II | Original and Amateur Content Only

  • Image posts can only be images that you have captured and processed yourself, or discussion about capturing and/or processing your own images.

  • Images acquired from public sources, professional observatories, or other professional services are not allowed.

  • If you have done a drastic alteration or reprocessing of a prior submission, you may repost your edit - but only after a minimum of one week has passed.

  • III | Post Types

  • Image posts are to link directly to the image, not to landing pages, personal galleries, blogs, or professional sites. Link to these in the comments. (AstroBin and Imgur, are allowed)

  • Questions are welcome here for the time being.

  • Links to blogs, articles or external websites should be interesting and promote discussion about amateur astrophotography.

  • IV | Titles

  • All image posts should just include include the name of the object being photographed. Extra info such as equipment, it being your first image, or other information should go in a comment along with your acquisition info. Please see this page for more details.

If your post is removed, try reposting with a different title. Don’t hesitate to message the mods if you still have questions!

  • V | Acquisition and Processing Information

  • All submitted images must include acquisition and processing details as a top-level comment. All posts without this information may be given a warning, and if not updated will be removed.

  • This includes the telescope, mount, camera, accessories, and any other pieces of equipment you used to capture the image.

  • You must also include processing details, i.e. the programs you used and a general rundown of the workflow/processes you used within those programs. “Processed in Photoshop” is not enough.

For stuff that’s neat. Neat article? Neat video? Neat pic of a bug you saw? All good. Neat meme? Ehhh… take it to the meme subs. icon

Ohio icon

HistoryMemes icon


A community for sharing comics related to programming

Looking for mods, if you want to mod the community feel free to dm Ategon

Icon base by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0 with modifications to add a gradient icon

Solarpunk Urbanism

A community to discuss solarpunk and other new and alternative urbanisms that seek to break away from our currently ecologically destructive urbanisms.

  • Henri Lefebvre, The Right to the City — In brief, the right to the city is the right to the production of a city. The labor of a worker is the source of most of the value of a commodity that is expropriated by the owner. The worker, therefore, has a right to benefit from that value denied to them. In the same way, the urban citizen produces and reproduces the city through their own daily actions. However, the the city is expropriated from the urbanite by the rich and the state. The right to the city is therefore the right to appropriate the city by and for those who make and remake it. icon


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