
The purpose of this community is sort of a “work out your frustrations by letting it all out” where different leftist tendencies can vent their frustrations with one another and more assertively and directly challenge one another. Hostility is allowed, but any racist, fascist, or reactionary crap wont be tolerated, nor will explicit threats. icon

US News

US news only. icon

Nature and Gardening

All things green, outdoors, and nature-y. Whether it’s animals in their natural habitat, hiking trails and mountains, or planting a little garden for yourself (and everything in between), you can talk about it here.

See also our Environment community, which is focused on weather, climate, climate change, and stuff like that.

(It’s not mandatory, but we also encourage providing a description of your image(s) for accessibility purposes! See here for a more detailed explanation and advice on how best to do this.)

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

A community for discussions and thoughts about degrowth, postgrowth, donut economics and similar ideas to create an economy, which is able to meet every humans needs, without overusing our planets resources, by cutting useless consumption and focusing on appropriate technologies. icon


A community dedicated to the profession of IT Systems Administration

No generic Lemmy issue posts please! Posts about Lemmy belong in one of these communities:
!support icon

Public Health

For issues concerning:

  • Public Health
  • Global Health
  • Health Systems & Policy
  • Environmental Health
  • Epidemiology
  • etc.

🩺 This community has a broader scope so please feel free to discuss. When it may not be clear, leave a comment talking about why something is important.

Related Communities

  • Medical Community Hub
  • Medicine
  • Medicine Canada
  • Premed
  • Premed Canada
  • Public Health (📍)

See the pinned post in the Medical Community Hub for links and descriptions. link (!medicine)


Given the inherent intersection that these topics have with politics, we encourage thoughtful discussions while also adhering to the instance guidelines.

Try to focus on the scientific aspects and refrain from making overly partisan or inflammatory content

Our aim is to foster a respectful environment where we can delve into the scientific foundations of these topics. Thank you! icon

Stop Drinking

This is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. It is also a place for non drinkers to discuss and share.

We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking for advice, sharing our experiences and stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit or cut down.

Please post only when sober; you’re welcome to read in the meanwhile. icon

Video Game Art

Video games are not mere time killers. They are albums of sound, aesthetics, animation and narrative.

This community is in appreciation of that. Screenshots, fanart, animations, gameplay clips. It is all welcome here.

The one common thread should be an eye for the aesthetic. This is not a place to discuss mechanics or stats, but to show off simply the artistic, expressed through the video game medium.

  1. All rules of the parent instance apply. That is,
  2. Include the name of the game your post is associated with in the post title.
  3. If your post is fanart, include a link to the artist in post body, if you can. You may also ping @saucechan to have it attempt to find the source for you, and provide it in a comment.
  4. MARK ANY TEXT SPOILERS, as for art, do not post content that outright spoils key moments of a games narrative. Content that can only be understood with the context of having played the game, is ok.
  5. No generative AI art.

Also check out: icon

Ask Electronics

For questions about component-level electronic circuits, tools and equipment.


1: Be nice.

2: Be on-topic (eg: Electronic, not electrical).

3: No commercial stuff, buying, selling or valuations.

4: Be safe. icon


Welcome to /c/houseplants @!

In between life, we garden.


We’re a warm and informative space for plant enthusiasts to connect, learn, and flourish together. Dive into discussions on care, propagation, and styling, while embracing eco-friendly practices. Join us in nurturing growth and finding serenity through the extraordinary world of houseplants.

Need an ID on your green friends? Check out: !plantid

Get involved in Citizen Science: Add your photo here to help build a database of plants across the entire planet. This database is used by non-profits, academia, and the sciences to promote biodiversity, learning and rewilding.


  1. Don’t throw mud. Be kind and remember the human.
  2. Keep it rooted (on topic).
  3. No spam.





Light Information


FOSS Tools

Similar Communities

DM us to add yours! :)






Sister Communities

Science and Research

Biology and Life Sciences

Plants & Gardening

Physical Sciences

Humanities and Social Sciences

Memes icon

Forum Libre

Nous rejoindre sur Matrix:

Une communauté pour discuter de tout et de rien:

  • Fil quotidien "comment allez-vous?"
  • Contenu détendu
  • Questions à la communauté
  • Aujourd’hui j’ai appris
  • Anecdotes personnelles
  • Bonnes nouvelles
  • Projets locaux / associatifs
  • Inspiration
  • BD / illustrations
  • Etc.

Les mots d’ordre sont : respect et bienveillance.

Les règles de l’instance sont bien entendu d’application.

Fils hebdomadaires"

  • Lundi Méta
  • Mardi Créatif
  • Mercredi CinéSéries
  • Jeudi Tech
  • Vendredi Livres
  • Samedi DJ/Musique
  • Dimanche Jeux Videos

"Demandez-moi n’importe quoi"

Communautés détendues

Communautés liées:


Vie Pratique:

Communautés d’actualité



Communauté de secours: icon

For sharing fascinating artifacts and replicas

Just a magazine for everyone to share artifacts and replicas for the historically-inclined to admire! icon


Show off your Lego, discuss your MOC’s and builds, and talk news and upcoming sets here!


1 No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.

2 Be respectful, especially when disagreeing. Everyone should feel welcome here.

3 No porn.

4 No Ads / Spamming. icon


Welcome to c/news! Please read the Hexbear Code of Conduct and remember… we’re all comrades here.



– Overly editorialized titles, particularly if they link to opinion pieces, may get your post removed. –

– All posts must include a link to their source. Screenshots are fine IF you include the link in the post body. –

– If you are citing a twitter post as news please include not just the in your links but also (or another Nitter instance). There is also a Firefox extension that can redirect Twitter links to a Nitter instance: or archive them as you would any other reactionary source using e.g. . Twitter screenshots still need to be sourced or they will be removed –

– Mass tagging comm moderators across multiple posts like a broken markov chain bot will result in a comm ban–

– Repeated consecutive posting of reactionary sources, fake news, misleading / outdated news, false alarms over ghoul deaths, and/or shitposts will result in a comm ban.–

– Neglecting to use content warnings or NSFW when dealing with disturbing content will be removed until in compliance. Users who are consecutively reported due to failing to use content warnings or NSFW tags when commenting on or posting disturbing content will result in the user being banned. –

– Using April 1st as an excuse to post fake headlines, like the resurrection of Kissinger while he is still fortunately dead, will result in the poster being thrown in the gamer gulag and be sentenced to play and beat trashy mobile games like ‘Raid: Shadow Legends’ in order to be rehabilitated back into general society. – icon

Out of the loop

A community that helps people stay up to date with things going on. icon

Programmer Humor

Welcome to Programmer Humor!

This is a place where you can post jokes, memes, humor, etc. related to programming!

For sharing awful code theres also Programming Horror.


  • Keep content in english
  • No advertisements
  • Posts must be related to programming or programmer topics icon


This is a community dedicated to the hardware aspect of technology, from PC parts, to gadgets, to servers, to industrial control equipment, to semiconductors.


  • Posts must be relevant to electronic hardware
  • No NSFW content
  • No hate speech, bigotry, etc icon

Digital Bioacoustics

Welcome to c/DigitalBioacoustics, a unique niche in the vast universe of online forums and digital communities. At its core, bioacoustics is the study of sound in and from living organisms, an intriguing intersection of biology and acoustics. Digital bioacoustics, an extension of this field, involves using technology to capture, analyze, and interpret these biological sounds. This community is dedicated to exploring these fascinating aspects of nature through a digital lens.

As you delve into c/DigitalBioacoustics, you’ll notice it’s not just another technical forum. This space transcends the usual drone of server rooms or the monotonous tap-tap of keyboards. Here, members engage in a unique fusion of natural wonders and technological prowess. Imagine a world where the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, and the mysterious calls of nocturnal creatures meet the precision of digital recording and analysis.

Within this domain, we, the participants, become both observers and participants in an intricate dance. Our mission is to unravel the mysteries of nature’s soundtrack, decoding the language of the wild through the lens of science. This journey is not just about data and graphs; it’s about connecting with the primal rhythm of life itself.

As you venture deeper, the poetic essence of our community unfolds. Nature’s raw concert, from the powerful songs of mating calls to the subtle whispers of predator and prey, creates a tapestry of sounds. We juxtapose these organic melodies with the mechanical beeps and buzzes of our equipment, a reminder of the constant interplay between the natural world and our quest to understand it.

Our community embodies the spirit of curious scientists and nature enthusiasts alike, all drawn to the mystery and majesty of the natural world. In this symphonic melding of science and nature, we discover not just answers, but also new questions and a deeper appreciation for the complex beauty of our planet.

c/DigitalBioacoustics is more than a mere digital gathering place. It’s a living, breathing symphony of stories, each note a discovery, each pause a moment of reflection. Here, we celebrate the intricate dance of nature and technology, the joy of discovery, and the enduring quest for understanding in a world filled with both harmony and dissonance.

For those brave enough to explore its depths, c/DigitalBioacoustics offers a journey like no other: a melding of science and art, a discovery of nature’s secrets, and a celebration of the eternal dance between the wild and the wired.

Related communities:

Please let me know if you know of any other related communities or any other links I should add. icon


Neat vids from youtube or wherever. Rules later icon


Manual curation of great Lemmy discussions and threads

Memes icon


General rules:

  • Be kind.
  • All posts must make an attempt to be funny.
  • Obey the general instance rules.
  • No politics or political figures. There are plenty of other politics communities to choose from.
  • Don’t post anything grotesque or potentially illegal. Examples include pornography, gore, animal cruelty, inappropriate jokes involving kids, etc.

Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the mods. icon


Discussion about all things music, music production, and the music industry. Your own music is also acceptable here.

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

FediLore + Fedidrama

Chronicle the life and tale of the fediverse (+ matrix)

Largely a sublemmy about capturing drama, from fediverse spanning drama to just lemmy drama.

Includes lore like how a instance got it’s name, how an instance got defederated, how an admin got doxxed, fedihistory etc

(New) This sub’s intentions is to an archive/newspaper, as in preferably don’t get into fights with each other or the ppl featured in the drama

Tags: fediverse news, lemmy news, lemmyverse

Partners: icon


For the abolition of work. Yes really, abolish work! Not “reform work” but the destruction of work as a separate field of human activity.

To save the world, we’re going to have to stop working! — David Graeber

A strange delusion possesses the working classes of the nations where capitalist civilization holds its sway. …the love of work… Instead of opposing this mental aberration, the priests, the economists, and the moralists have cast a sacred halo over work. — Paul Lafargue

In communist society, where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticise after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, herdsman or critic. — Karl Marx

In the glorification of ‘work’, in the unwearied talk of the ‘blessing of work’, I see the same covert idea as in the praise of useful impersonal actions: that of fear of everything individual. — Friedrich Nietzsche

If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept it all to themselves. — Lane Kirkland

The bottom line is simple: all of us deserve to make the most of our potential as we see fit, to be the masters of our own destinies. Being forced to sell these things away to survive is tragic and humiliating. We don’t have to live like this. ― CrimethInc icon


A community to ask questions about the tech industry!


  • Follow the site rules
  • Please only post questions here, not articles to avoid the discussion being about the article instead of the question

Related Communities


Icon base by Skoll under CC BY 3.0 with modifications to add a gradient

Cartography Anarchy

A community for Cartographers with nothing left to lose.


Don’t be awfulLemmy Guidelines Still Apply.

No direct upload imagesThis is hosted on to post images, you must use an image upload service like Imgur to post maps.

We are agents of chaosI’ve created this to be the alternative to the community I used to manage on the website that shalt not be named “mapporncirclejerk”

Live and let dieMeme trends happen, so please don’t message mods asking to take down maps that are repetitive to a bit.

Reposts Vs. CoversNot all reposts are evil- if someone posts something that has been done years ago, it serves to bring old memes to the new users. I call these meme covers. However it can be done in excess which makes it a repost and spam. Mods will determine if a post is a cover or a repost.

No impersonating modsI can’t believe I had to make this rule.

No harassing mods on an appeal We can talk it out, and we will be acting in good faith when making decisions. If you disagree with a removal, you are free to message for clarification or to appeal by giving some added context.

BansBans will be set to a maximum of 365 days for humans, and a minimum of 365 years for bots. I believe people can change, so if you are banned for good reason, do know that it is not permanent, it is just a way to say “take time to grow and come back when you are ready”. icon

Right to Repair

Whether it be electronics, automobiles or medical equipment, the manufacturers should not be able to horde “oem” parts, render your stuff useless if you repair it with aftermarket parts, or hide schematics of their products.

I Fix It Repair Manifesto

Summary article from I Fix It

Summary video by Marques Brownlee

Great channel covering and advocating right to repair, Lewis Rossman icon


Welcome to c/Biodiversity @!

A community about the variety of life on Earth at all levels; including plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi.

Notice Board

This is a work in progress, please don’t mind the mess.

2023-06-16: We invite our users to contribute resources for the sidebar.

2023-06-15: Looking for mods!


Biodiversity is a term used to describe the enormous variety of life on Earth. It can be used more specifically to refer to all of the species in one region or ecosystem. Biodiversity refers to every living thing, including plants, bacteria, animals, and humans. Scientists have estimated that there are around 8.7 million species of plants and animals in existence. However, only around 1.2 million species have been identified and described so far, most of which are insects. This means that millions of other organisms remain a complete mystery.

Over generations, all of the species that are currently alive today have evolved unique traits that make them distinct from other species. These differences are what scientists use to tell one species from another. Organisms that have evolved to be so different from one another that they can no longer reproduce with each other are considered different species. All organisms that can reproduce with each other fall into one species. Read more…


  1. Don’t throw mud. Be kind and remember the human.
  2. Keep it rooted (on topic).
  3. No spam.

Quick Links


Bypass Paywalls

Similar Communities

Sister Communities

Science and Research

Biology and Life Sciences

Plants & Gardening

Physical Sciences

Humanities and Social Sciences


Find us on Reddit! icon


Video game news oriented community. No NanoUFO is not a bot :)


  1. News oriented content (general reviews, previews or retrospectives allowed).
  2. Broad discussion posts (preferably not only about a specific game).
  3. No humor/memes etc…
  4. No affiliate links
  5. No advertising.
  6. No clickbait, editorialized, sensational titles. State the game in question in the title. No all caps.
  7. No self promotion.
  8. No duplicate posts, newer post will be deleted unless there is more discussion in one of the posts.
  9. No politics.


  1. No personal attacks.
  2. Obey instance rules.
  3. No low effort comments(one or two words, emoji etc…)
  4. Please use spoiler tags for spoilers.

My goal is just to have a community where people can go and see what new game news is out for the day and comment on it.

Other communities: gaming gaming pcgaming


Sammelbecken für deutsche Kartoffeln und ihre Geschichten über Deutschland.

Nicht zu verwechseln mit !dach und !chad.


  • Seid nett zueinander.
  • Schreibt hier Beiträge, die ganz Deutschland betreffen, nicht nur einen kleinen Teil
    • wir haben andere Communities für Bundesländer und Lokalnachrichten
    • wir haben !chad für Exkrementpfostierung und !dach für andere lockere Posts
  • Sinnlose Provokationen ohne Inhalt werden gelöscht
  • zusätzlich: alle Regeln, die ihr auf in der Sidebar lesen könnt.

Bundesländer: icon


Which posts fit here?

Anything that is at least tangentially connected to the technology, social media platforms, informational technologies and tech policy.


  1. English onlyTitle and associated content has to be in English.

  2. Use original linkPost URL should be the original link to the article (even if paywalled) and archived copies left in the body. It allows avoiding duplicate posts when cross-posting.

  3. Respectful communicationAll communication has to be respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences.

  4. InclusivityEveryone is welcome here regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

  5. Ad hominem attacksAny kind of personal attacks are expressly forbidden. If you can’t argue your position without attacking a person’s character, you already lost the argument.

  6. Off-topic tangentsStay on topic. Keep it relevant.

  7. Instance rules may applyIf something is not covered by community rules, but are against instance rules, they will be enforced.

Companion communities


Icon attribution | Banner attribution icon

No Stupid Questions

There is no such thing as a Stupid Question!

Don’t be embarrassed of your curiosity; everyone has questions that they may feel uncomfortable asking certain people, so this place gives you a nice area not to be judged about asking it. Everyone here is willing to help.

  • ex. How do I change oil
  • ex. How to tie shoes
  • ex. Can you cry underwater?

Reminder that the rules for still apply!

Thanks for reading all of this, even if you didn’t read all of this, and your eye started somewhere else, have a watermelon slice 🍉. icon


☕ - The hot beverage that powers the world!

Coffee gadgets - It’s always great to learn about new gadgets. Please share your favorite hardware or full setups. It might inspire newcomers to experiment!

Local businesses - Please promote your local businesses. If you are not the owner of the business you are promoting, kindly ask the owner if it’s okay. It would be great if the business has a physical store to include an exterior or interior shot. icon


It’s opossum posting time!

This is an inclusive community


  • No hate speech
  • No callouts or personal attacks
  • No spam
  • No NSFW content

Related Communities


Welcome to Funhole! The first and only hole on SDF exclusively for fun content! Are you a content creator? Then come post your content and join the fun! icon


Big tech and governments are monitoring and recording your eating activities. c/Privacy provides tips and tricks to protect your privacy against global surveillance.



Connect A Song

A community to send a song based on the last song that was posted. Make sure to sort by new.

Yes, I’ve migrated (duplicated) from reddit.


  1. Have fun
  2. When you post new songs, make sure to sort the posts by "new"
  3. Any excuse works for the connection between the songs (see examples below) but put your reasoning in the post body
  4. Wait a couple of hours after posting before you post again if no one posts after you
  5. Be polite and excellent to each other!
  6. Songs in any language is welcome, but make sure you add explanation in English

Example links:

  • Word appearing in the title of both songs
  • Lead singer has the same name (or is the same person)
  • Guitar solo is similar between the song
  • Appearing in the same film
  • A specific sentence that appears in both songs
  • The mother of the guy who built the guitar used in this song was working in the vegan fish&chips stand where the woman singing the song you picked met her second husband

Siblinghood of music communities. - Politics icon

Nowhere Else To Share

I didn’t know which community to post something in and so here we are.

Please comment if you know a more appropriate community for a post. icon

Ask Science

Ask a science question, get a science answer.

Community Rules

Rule 1: Be respectful and inclusive.Treat others with respect, and maintain a positive atmosphere.

Rule 2: No harassment, hate speech, bigotry, or trolling.Avoid any form of harassment, hate speech, bigotry, or offensive behavior.

Rule 3: Engage in constructive discussions.Contribute to meaningful and constructive discussions that enhance scientific understanding.

Rule 4: No AI-generated answers.Strictly prohibit the use of AI-generated answers. Providing answers generated by AI systems is not allowed and may result in a ban.

Rule 5: Follow guidelines and moderators' instructions.Adhere to community guidelines and comply with instructions given by moderators.

Rule 6: Use appropriate language and tone.Communicate using suitable language and maintain a professional and respectful tone.

Rule 7: Report violations.Report any violations of the community rules to the moderators for appropriate action.

Rule 8: Foster a continuous learning environment.Encourage a continuous learning environment where members can share knowledge and engage in scientific discussions.

Rule 9: Source required for answers.Provide credible sources for answers. Failure to include a source may result in the removal of the answer to ensure information reliability.

By adhering to these rules, we create a welcoming and informative environment where science-related questions receive accurate and credible answers. Thank you for your cooperation in making the Ask Science community a valuable resource for scientific knowledge.

We retain the discretion to modify the rules as we deem necessary. icon

Non-Political Memes

Funny memes. No politics.


  1. Post memes.
  2. They shouldn’t be political. Basically, memes here should appeal to people regardless of their political views.
  3. Be nice. icon

Israel and Palestine Politics Discussion

The sole purpose of this community is to discuss Israeli and Palestinian issues. It is not the place for hurling insults, rehashing grudges, or making up history. Any conversation that veers into the “if only your people had” realm will be deleted or locked right away. I started this community in the potentially fruitless hope that we may have a civil conversation about this issue.


  1. References to historical events must include a reputable source. The definition of reputable is up to the mods. Keep that in mind.
  2. Articles from reputable sources only.
  3. No name-calling. That’s what DMs are for. /s
  4. Keep it in English. If I don’t understand the word, it gets removed. Obvious exceptions would be the use of proper names and references. For example, “wadi” when used to refer to a place is acceptable.
  5. Discussions that are heading into the probability of becoming a flame war will be locked.
  6. Repeat offenders will be forced to find another community.
  7. Anti-Zionism is ok. Anti-Semitism is not.
  8. Whataboutism is for toddlers. Try to grow up.
  9. Posting articles about current events is encouraged. Posting the same story from 20 different sources is not.
  10. Posting an article purely for the purpose of saying “Look what monsters they are” is discouraged unless it can generate an honest discussion. This is probably the most difficult rule to follow.
  11. No calling anyone a terrorist.
  12. No YouTube links. Some of us can read.

Data is Beautiful

A place to share and discuss visual representations of data: Graphs, charts, maps, etc.

DataIsBeautiful is for visualizations that effectively convey information. Aesthetics are an important part of information visualization, but pretty pictures are not the sole aim of this subreddit.

A place to share and discuss visual representations of data: Graphs, charts, maps, etc.

<span style="color:#323232;">  A post must be (or contain) a qualifying data visualization.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  Directly link to the original source article of the visualization
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Original source article doesn't mean the original source image. Link to the full page of the source article as a link-type submission.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    If you made the visualization yourself, tag it as [OC]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  [OC] posts must state the data source(s) and tool(s) used in the first top-level comment on their submission.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  DO NOT claim "[OC]" for diagrams that are not yours.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  All diagrams must have at least one computer generated element.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  No reposts of popular posts within 1 month.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  Post titles must describe the data plainly without using sensationalized headlines. Clickbait posts will be removed.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  Posts involving American Politics, or contentious topics in American media, are permissible only on Thursdays (ET).
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  Posts involving Personal Data are permissible only on Mondays (ET).

Please read through our FAQ if you are new to posting on DataIsBeautiful. Commenting Rules

<span style="color:#323232;">Don't be intentionally rude, ever.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Comments should be constructive and related to the visual presented. Special attention is given to root-level comments.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Short comments and low effort replies are automatically removed.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Hate Speech and dogwhistling are not tolerated and will result in an immediate ban.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Personal attacks and rabble-rousing will be removed.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Moderators reserve discretion when issuing bans for inappropriate comments. Bans are also subject to you forfeiting all of your comments in this community.

Originally r/DataisBeautiful icon

Meta (

Here we can discuss anything about this Lemmy instance/server itself.

Our XMPP support chat: Movim or XMPP client.

Please also refer to our Wiki icon

Data is Beautiful's Main Community

Welcome to’s c/main!

Since everyone on gets subscribed here, this is the place to chat about the goings on at, support-type items, suggestions, etc.

Announcements can be found at

For support related to this instance, use icon


Sub for any gaming related content!


  • 1: No spam or advertising. This basically means no linking to your own content on blogs, YouTube, Twitch, etc.
  • 2: No bigotry or gatekeeping. This should be obvious, but neither of those things will be tolerated. This goes for linked content too; if the site has some heavy “anti-woke” energy, you probably shouldn’t be posting it here.
  • 3: No untagged game spoilers. If the game was recently released or not released at all yet, use the Spoiler tag (the little ⚠️ button) in the body text, and avoid typing spoilers in the title. It should also be avoided to openly talk about major story spoilers, even in old games.
  • All
  • Subscribed
  • Moderated
  • Favorites
  • random
  • test
  • worldmews
  • mews
  • All magazines