
anarchyrabbit , in "You have a quote that I found interesting, where you said the problem is the loudest journalism in America is generally saying the least. Can you unpackage that?"

Oh snap I just finished this 5 mins ago. Great episode!

Talaraine , in "You have a quote that I found interesting, where you said the problem is the loudest journalism in America is generally saying the least. Can you unpackage that?" avatar

Honestly one of the more interesting Hot Ones episodes and it's not because I don't like the others. I do.

Mr. Oliver simply said the things that I think a lot of us are thinking but aren't able to articulate as effectively. Just so happens that's what makes a talk show successful, yeah?

mozz OP Admin ,
mozz avatar

Yeah. There are other episodes that I think are more entertaining, but it's genuinely rare and special to see someone who cares about journalism have an opportunity to be on TV and talk about it. He didn't even have a chance to say that much and he still managed to fit some gold in there.

Talaraine , avatar

All while he's choking to death on 'Da Bomb' lmao.

He gets even more points!

engityra ,

Yeah, I watched this a few days ago and also came away thinking it was one of the better episodes I've seen.

can Mod , (edited ) in "You have a quote that I found interesting, where you said the problem is the loudest journalism in America is generally saying the least. Can you unpackage that?"
davidgro , in Guy edits in accurate dinosaurs into Jurassic Park. It's horrifying.

There's also one who edits his cat into movies.

Here's one of JP.

villainy ,

That is extremely good. Thankfully there only appear to be 99 videos in the channel so it can only consume a portion of my life.

anarchy79 OP , avatar

In the words of Shakespeare- what are we but consumers?

Nativeridge , in Jon Hamm and Richard Ayoade make the PERFECT duo | Travel Man (10:17) avatar

I just finished Fargo S4, this is refreshing to see Jon Hamm not being a mean SOB 😊👍

KnightontheSun ,

He really plays a bad guy quite well! I enjoyed his character very much. Didn’t like him at all, but Hamm’s performance made that real.

Nativeridge , avatar

He nailed that character for sure

cosmic_skillet , in Pop-up tents work in a really clever way

Cool video

Brokkr , in Pop-up tents work in a really clever way

How well do they do in rain and wind?

Varyk , in Pop-up tents work in a really clever way

Insane these are not popular in the states, they've almost taken over the market in China.

They're only available online from a very few companies and very expensive stateside.

I didn't bring my tent back to the states , figuring I could pick one up at North face or the like and was pretty surprised and frustrated when I couldn't find a single affordable pop-up in any sports or outdoorsy store.

I was in Colorado at the time, too, so there were plenty of places to look.

shalafi , in Why We Might Be Alone

First off; This is a highly engaging lecture. I'd encourage folks to withhold comment before watching it through.

Second; I'm failing to find the syntax to call out other users. I'll go caveman style and reply to the 2 posters I wish to engage with permalinks. Could you reply to this post instead of the post I ping you with?

Have you read any of the Deathworlders universe? Fascinating take on science fiction tropes, turns many upside down. I'd like your take! (Free to download, but don't read the main page, all spoilers. Give the first chapter a read for taste.)

The premise is that the Milky Way has several intelligent sophonts. Twist being, humans are the only intelligent life that evolved on a "deathworld", not possible in the minds of the aliens. Planets like Earth are regarded as totally inhospitable to intelligent life. Factors like gravity, solar radiation, viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, predators, plate tectonics, violent atmospheric phenomena, temperature extremes, all that, are just too brutal for evolution to produce intelligence. Intelligences that evolved on "softer" worlds are the norm.

I'd argue that some of those items, such as radiation, are necessary for complex evolution. Arguably, some items like parasites are inevitable byproducts of any evolution.

I so loved reading you two kick evolution around, and I so wish you would give a thought to the "deathworld" notion.

ChunkMcHorkle , (edited ) in Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her avatar

deleted by creator

alienanimals , in Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her

HR are all class traitors. Their sole purpose in life is to pay you as little as possible and protect the people at the top who are stealing everyone elses' profits. Fuck anyone working in HR.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

That really isn't true, and you would know that if you were actually familiar with HR.

HR, for stuff like this, is just the messenger. Some exec told them to fire people, and gave them a directive on who to fire. The HR reps couldn't answer her questions because they likely don't know the answer.

Yes, the job of HR is to protect the company, but mostly that's protecting the company from the company breaking labor laws.

But, I'm sure I'll get downvoted to hell because the hive mind loves to shit on HR, which is exactly what the execs are wanting. They're scapegoats.

ChunkMcHorkle , (edited ) avatar

deleted by creator

Humana , in Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her

A story from back when I worked in HR. Finance handed HR a list of teams to reduce. HR saw who had lowest performance metrics or was most recently hired and earmrked them to be fired. Then HR emailed the managers and said, 'we want you to follow around Angela and Brian today, the first mistake they make, write it up and terminate them'. The company had laid off too many people and several states it operated in warned the company they would seek payment if too many more ex-employees filed for unemployment insurance.

Most employees skewed right politically and wouldn't dream of fighting the company for their rightfully due unemployment benefits since they legitimately thought it was their fault, and many thought UI was socialism anyway.

After witnessing this I immediately began switching careers.

Remember folks, HR is not your friend, HR exists to protect the company from employee related lawsuits.

FlyingSquid , in WebMD forcing employees back to office. "We aren’t asking or negotiating at this point. We’re informing" avatar

Close-quartered offices are disease farms. Stress lowers your immune system.

WebMD wants to make its workers unhealthy.

reverendsteveii , in WebMD forcing employees back to office. "We aren’t asking or negotiating at this point. We’re informing"

in 2021 my job was "informing, not asking". a bunch of us walked, and it crippled the OU. They actually shut it down not long ago, they decided to keep a skeleton crew on to keep the app running while the contracts run out, then they're gonna sunset it

Boozilla , in WebMD forcing employees back to office. "We aren’t asking or negotiating at this point. We’re informing" avatar

WebMD, the site that gives a diagnosis of 'cancer' for everything.

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