Linux is still not ready to replace Windows

Windows 10 EoL is fast approaching, so I thought I’d give Linux a try on some equipment that won’t be able to upgrade to Windows 11. I wanted to see if I will be able to recommend an option to anyone that asks me what they should do with their old PC.

Many years ago I switched to Gentoo Linux to get through collage. I was very anti-MS at the time. I also currently interact with Linux systems regularly although they don’t have a DE and aren’t for general workstation use.

Ubuntu: easy install. Working desktop. Had issues with getting GPU drivers. App Store had apps that would install but not work. The App Store itself kept failing to update itself with an error that it was still running. It couldn’t clear this hurdle after a reboot so I finally killed the process and manually updated from terminal. Overall, can’t recommend this to a normal user.

Mint: easy install. Switching to nvidia drivers worked without issue. App Store had issues with installing some apps due to missing dependencies that it couldn’t install. Some popular apps would install but wouldn’t run. Shutting the laptop closed results in a prompt to shutdown, but never really shuts off. Update process asks me to pick a fast source (why can’t it do this itself?)

Both: installing apps outside of their respective stores is an adventure in terminal instead of a GUI double-click. Secure boot issues. Constant prompt for password instead of a simple PIN or other form of identity verification.

Search results for basic operations require understanding that what works for Ubuntu might not work for Mint.

While I personally could work with either, I don’t see Linux taking any market share from MS or Apple when windows 10 is retired.

spujb ,

It’s so wild that I have seen like, four Linux people in my lifetime admit the simple truth that every version of Windows and macOS, iOS and Android since conception have been geared progressively more toward being absolutely friendly to users that are dumb as rocks—in a good way—where Linux has absolutely not. And that this barrier is 100% of the difference between proprietary desktop environments and Linux. Linux is majority developed for power users, full stop. The closest I have seen to the contrary is like, maybe the Adwaita devs, and unfortunately they don’t have the reach to apply their knowledge to essential UX stuff like app installation or hardware compatibility.

This is why I get so frustrated with the “just switch to Linux, loser” crowd, because it’s so utterly disconnected with the reality that most people do not have the resources to invest in any kind of learning curve. It has to be intuitive and accessible from the start. Web developers understand this. MS, Apple, and Google get it. Like, even people who design public transportation understand that they must cater to a user who is drunk and not fluent in the local language when designing signage and systems. Why doesn’t the vast majority of the Linux community get it?

Rentlar ,

I'm willing to accept, that without a "mentor" Linux is hard to get setup for someone on their own.

For someone resourceful, they can ask every question and hopefully find the relevant Linux answers online, sometimes make a few mistakes but eventually figure it out.

Some users who are decent with computers and Windows might find some Linux things harder to use, and also sometimes hardware drivers or other features are missing. If they aren't willing to put up with it to get away from Microsoft spyware then I respect that choice.

For users that need help setting up Windows to begin with from their "computer guy" that get flustered anytime something goes the way they didn't expect, Linux actually can be a little lower maintenance. Have all the apps they need in an obvious place, have the system either update automatically or have them do it once every while. Linux has been very stable in my experience for that type of user too.

Brkdncr OP ,

Both mint and Ubuntu had issues with simple things like updating or running software, out of the box. Normal computer users won’t put up with that.

jeena , avatar

I did what the parent waz talking about to 3 children and 2 Seniors and one middle aged guy.

One child complained that he couldn't install windows games his peers were playing but other than that no complains.

I installed Ubuntu on older laptops, made sure everything works. Turned on auto updates and installed VNC server software if help would be necessary.

I also have one person with windows I help remotely.

The only difference for me is that the windows user somehow constantly has some bullshit extensions or something which change the browser behavior.

Practically the only thing those people use is a browser.

Oh and nobody has a discrete graphics card which would require a driver. Each of those laptops worked fine from scratch, no hardware problems.

Rayspekt ,

I think there is no general answer to "Is Linux mainstream ready to replace Windows?" because the use case is so important to consider.

If you just need a PC to browse the web and consume media then Linux is absolutely fine. This should more or less apply to a large group of users that don't do anything else with their devices.

Are you a gamer? Then I'd say more or less perfectly fine but it really depends on the games you want to play. Everything with the new, invasive anti-cheat tools doesn't work (e. g. League of Legends) but smaller, single player, or many multi player games do work at the moment.

Are you a professional or are using otherwise specific software? This is the biggest hurdle I see at the moment. CAD programs for engineering are a big problem for example.

And last but not least: Are you using periphery that needs specific drivers? Printers, audio interfaces, and whatnot. Then you might be out of luck as well if you can't script.

The last two points are the only ones that would worry me when I won't have at least one windows machine lying around.

ohwhatfollyisman ,

don't worry about it. with the enshittification of win 11, that gap will close faster than copilot will record your activities.

ThePowerOfGeek , avatar

Those upcoming changes are why I've been playing with the idea of a complete switch to Linux. While I use Linux regularly (but certainly not exclusively) and feel comfortable making the transition to it from Windows, my wife and kids would struggle with some aspects of Linux. And committing all of us to that OS transition would mean a commitment for me of troubleshooting, assisting, and educating the family.

Thanks OP for this post. I know you're getting some shit for it, but I and others appreciate your honest findings.

I don't think OP's analysis should be taken as offensive or disingenuous by others here. And I don't understand why they are getting shit. I've been using Linux off and on for 20 years. It's come an insanely long way in that timeframe with its usability for less technical users. But yes, there are still some gaps to fill. And the way to fix them is to listen to honest feedback like OP's.

jeena , avatar

For some reason you're suggesting us to believe that your wife and kids do the maintainance of the windows machines like finding GPU driversbut couldn't do it for Linux machines.

ryathal ,

New windows computers almost definitely have a program that does this for you with a click of a button. You don't have to hunt for the download button on a shady website to get a gpu driver anymore.

jeena , avatar

A New Computer with pre installed Linux also has all drivers necessary preinstalled.

ThePowerOfGeek , avatar

No, I'm saying that whenever they would run into any problem with the OS they would need to either figure out how to overcome it, or I works need to help them with it. It could be a more technical issue. It is could be a case of " how do you do this thing in the Linux UI? Because it's different from Windows."

zeluko ,

Well, there is always a curve for learning a new UI, even if similarly structured.
But then you could never escape Windows, because most users are trained for that UI and have certain expectations for it.
The Step from Win7 to Win10 maybe would be similar, lots of things changed. (even though we know Win10 had alot of Win7 things under the hood)

ricdeh , avatar

There is no "Linux UI" per se, the closest thing to it is Bash I guess. I find it important to make people understand that GNU/Linux is not bound to any particular GUI like Windows or MacOS are. With them, their less knowledgeable users equate the GUI to the OS, which is fair because they are so tightly integrated and not changeable. But for GNU/Linux, the visual UX+UI are entirely modular and not part of the operating system itself. As I said, the Bash shell may be interpreted as a kind of UI standard for FOSS Unix and Unix-like systems, but it's also not necessarily required in that it can be replaced with another shell program. Of course, not knowing you I cannot tell how experienced you are with GNU/Linux, so you could know all of this already, therefore don't feel like I'm trying to belittle you or anything, this is meant to be genuinely helpful by giving people that have no prior exposure to GNU/Linux some glances into what makes it special.

Edit: scratch that last part, I've just now noticed that you are the same person that said they had already transitioned partially

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