Iran sends Russia hundreds of ballistic missiles ( )

Iran's provision of around 400 missiles includes many from the Fateh-110 family of short-range ballistic weapons, such as the Zolfaghar, three Iranian sources said. This road-mobile missile is capable of striking targets at a distance of between 300 and 700 km (186 and 435 miles), experts say.

Iran's defence ministry and the Revolutionary Guards - an elite force that oversees Iran's ballistic missile programme - declined to comment. Russia's defence ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The shipments began in early January after a deal was finalised in meetings late last year between Iranian and Russian military and security officials that took place in Tehran and Moscow, one of the Iranian sources said.

Buffalox ,

I know some EU countries think they are doing their best to help Ukraine, but we really aren't. Has a single European country for instance increased taxes to help Ukraine?
I know we do a lot, but we need to do more, also if it hurts a little. The alternative of letting Putin win and destroy Ukraine is not an option IMO.

DrGeraintLLannfrancheta , avatar

@Buffalox @0x815 No, Europe will not learn. I applause the first Iskanders from Kaliningrad hitting European suburbs. This is the only chance we wakeup. (sounding like a Bond villain from the 200x)

TheInsane42 , avatar

I hope you're not right, but alas, it doesn't look good for us.

Flumpkin ,

Has a single European country for instance increased taxes to help Ukraine?

The fuck? The pro war propaganda is off the roof. Russia has turned it's whole economy into a war economy, and you want us to do the same? This is fucking insane!

0x815 OP ,


Supporting Ukraine (by raising taxes or doing whatever it takes Ukraine to win) and turning "the whole economy into a war economy" are two different things - and that's good, because Europe and the rest of the democratic world has no choice.

Buffalox , (edited )

No, you are arguing a straw man, I'm saying we can't expect to solve this for free, or close to it.
Russia is trying to redefine European borders by waging war against a peaceful neighbor, no way we should silently stand by and accept that, because if you don't oppose a bully, the bullying will get worse.
Also the increased help to Ukraine is NOT pro war, but an attempt to end the war on Ukraines terms and not Russia, who is the aggressor, and the ONLY de facto pro war country in this situation. Russia can end this war NOW, bu just going home!!
You are parroting Russian propaganda, whether you know it or not.

TheInsane42 , avatar

This is turning into a system war, do you want dictatorship to win or democracy? (even the terrible ones from UK or US)

Scrof ,

This is not insane, this is what you do when being attacked and make no mistake Europe is being attacked by Russia this very moment. Honestly the naivete and complacency of Europeans is beyond words. No wonder the UK has left. Enjoy being fucked from both sides by Russia and China I guess.

Flumpkin ,

You all want to simplify this conflict as an epic battle between good and evil. Except it is a conflict between two great evils by means that creates more evil.

It's the same insane cognitive dissonance I see in MAGA. Just suggesting that there could be a diplomatic solution to this conflict or trying to understand the motivation or demands of your enemy, will just trigger the instinct to call me a chamberlain or trumpist or putinist. All the "progressives" are just gleefully reveling in this glorious slaughter of war and screaming YES! to total war.

LaFinlandia , avatar

Not directly, but many countries have increased their defense budget, which will help build and supply more weapons for Ukraine.

TheInsane42 , avatar

Alas, it won't. Budget is nothing when there is no capacity to produce.

Russia and it's allies (North Korea, Iran and China) increased weapon production capacity, EU and US haven't. However, the biggest issue will be raw materials, of which most rare metals come from... China.

LaFinlandia , avatar

The EU and US are increasing ammo production, but it takes a lot longer because of red tape. That's something that totalitarians don't have to worry about.

Thorny_Insight ,

Atleast they're ramping up artillery shell production so the longer this war takes the more difficult it's going to get for Russia (aswell)

FunkPhenomenon ,

that's short range?

Thief_of_Crows ,

Maybe the US should not be having a cold war with the entire eastern hemisphere. Just a thought. Could go badly.

Just let them have Crimea and ensure that American nukes will never end up in Ukraine by writing it into their NATO treaty, boom, war over. Russia is capable of forcing this through militarily, unless America decides to fully engage in the cold war again. Ukraine needs to surrender a war they're losing anyway in the interest of preventing world war 3.

Woifee ,

@Thief_of_Crows @0x815

Actually there already is a treaty where the USA promised not to station any Nukes in any new Member Country.

Founding Act of 1997, Article IV.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Huh, didn't know about that. I'm going to hazard a guess though that this particular rule has not actually been followed? That sounds much more in line with the America I know.

Bo7a ,

When you don't know a lot about a situation, it's okay to just shut your fucking mouth instead of parroting the contrarian views you've heard around you.

Thief_of_Crows ,

I do know a lot about it, you're suggesting I don't based on one detail. Shut the fuck up with your imperialist propaganda, it isn't "contrarian" to demand that we make peace with a global superpower rather than start a world war. The working class is all on one side of that potential future war, and we can only win it by not all dying in it.

The contrarian view is to shrug and say "well, guess we all have to die in the capitalists war now, nothing to be done." Realize that us in the American working class are on the same side as the Russian working class. Our enemies are both American and Russian oligarchs,who will happily start a world war for profits.

Bo7a ,

You might want to go look up what the word contrarian means. Or just shut the fuck up. That would be okay too.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Oh I know what it means. You're actively working against the interests of your class, because you would rather be right than actually succeed. That's contrarian, and it's an utterly idiotic way to engage with the world.

Bo7a ,

That is not what contrarian means. Do you ever get sick of being wrong?

Valmond ,

If Ukraine surrenders then it will lead to WW3 because russia will just grab the next country. And the next. And the next

Check out Chamberlain before WW2...

Thief_of_Crows ,

Literally just don't let them do that. America and Europe together would have no issue repelling that at all. We have no reason to think they would do that either, aside from our own projection of course. This current demand is reasonable enough that we should be willing to wage peace over it. Further demands would not be. America is so concerned with winning (ironic considering I don't think we actually have won a war since 1945), that we seem to have forgotten the lesson of WW1: Dont let the losers lose too hard. America needs a somewhat strong Russia anyway, as a check on China.

Russia is capable of taking Crimea by force. They also really, really want it. The smart thing to do would be for the west to concede this war as early as possible. The boneheaded thing would be for us to hand over trillions to weapons manufacturers over the next 10 years, while Americans continue to die of preventable illnesses because we "can't afford" Medicare for all (even thoigh its the cheaper option). But obviously, because that is what the capitalists want to happen, it will probably happen.

Valmond ,

Oh the old kremlins whataboutism, wtf does medcare in the USA has yo do with it all. Sprinkled with "as an american"...

Nice try russ-bot.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Why are y'all constantly so delusional that you can't even comprehend an American who understands any small part of global politics?

If we spend trillions fighting Russia in a cold war, we won't have the money to fix any of the many real problems we have, most important of which is our goddawful healthcare system that kills thousands of Americans every month. The estimate is 50-100,000 preventable deaths, every single year.

Take some goddamn pride in your country and help us fix it. You're just a crab in a bucket of boiling water, ensuring no other crabs escape if you can't.

Valmond ,


mea_rah ,

This comment is almost prefect if one reads it as ironical comment on development after 2014 invasion of Ukraine.

Thief_of_Crows ,

So I take it you are pro WW3? Why do you think you will even survive it?

If America continues to engage Russia in a cold war over frozen wastelands that means nothing to us, there is a very real risk of starting WW3. In which case, most of us will die. Ukraine needs to solve its own problems, and so I provided a solution. Boom, war over. Russia is going to win the war eventually anyway, it's just basic math. Why are any of us still wasting all these resources fighting it?

It's all just a question of ego vs intelligence. Whichever side chooses intelligence will end up far better off in the long run.

Tavonyms , avatar

@Thief_of_Crows @0x815 Never surrender to aggressors. If you appease dictators you licence them to go further. Russia's threats against the west are empty. They are unable to conquer one country let alone NATO. If Russia launch even one nuke their cities would be levelled in minutes and they know it. The best solution would be for the Russian people to wake up to the fact they are losing their sons to satisfy the ego of the maniac Putin and remove him and his cronies.

Thief_of_Crows ,

If Russia launches one nuke at USA, we will all die. Russian cities will be irrelevant to us then.

Of course you surrender to aggressors. If you can't feasibly win the battle, continuing to fight is the best way to lose the war too. Combat is about making very few highly powerful strikes. The rest of the time, you are surrendering and repositioning in order to actually make those strikes.

mellowheat ,

They're on to something but fucked up an important detail there.

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