kellogh , avatar

The Attack Turkey

this morning on the run i got to the top of the hill and was resting, bc i'm out of shape, and off in the distance i see a bird trotting my way

as it gets closer i realize it's a turkey. it had a big red gobbler and its neck was iridescent. It was actually really pretty, so i just watched as it approached

futurebird , avatar

@kellogh When they say “sign up for a local Turkey Trot to get in shape and stay focused on your goals” … uh I don’t think this is what they meant by that.. yes?

kellogh OP , avatar

@futurebird tbh they don’t seem to run that fast, so maybe turkey trot is a great way to get in shape, or at least motivation to run faster than a 15 min mile. 🤔 new business idea

kellogh OP , avatar

it kept coming straight at me, eventually it was like 2-3 feet from me and my feeling shifted from awe to nervousness. i don't think turkeys are aggressive, but i also don't want to physically learn about a new aspect of nature today either, so i bolted

to my surprise, and anxiety, the bird chased after me. i sprinted across the hill, down and up a gully. It was still following me, but getting further behind, so i walked a bit, but it caught up, so i ran.

kellogh OP , avatar

Eventually, it came to the long downhill and i lost it for good because, as out of shape as i am, i can still run faster than a turkey downhill

unfortunately, i still had to come back. and it was waiting for me at the top of the hill. i picked up a long stick and kept it at a distance as i walked around it. as i sprinted downhill toward the creek, it followed me, but i think i lost it after the creek

kellogh OP , avatar

part of me wonders if the owners of the new development at the top of the hill got a turkey to defend its land from intruders, my trail does thread some Posted signs. but that's crazy, right??

kellogh OP , avatar

i’ve seen plenty of apex predators on the trail. bald eagles, black bears, moose, also rattlesnakes and copperheads. never have i been so scared as with that turkey. i can still feel the sudden shift from awe to terror as it got a bit too close.

kellogh OP , avatar

after i got home, i looked it up and yes, turkeys can indeed be aggressive, especially around breeding time (i got news for you, Mr Turkey, i’m not your competition)

if it happens again tomorrow, i think the answer is to be more overtly aggressive. so maybe i need to yell and chase it rather than just defensively tip toe around it. idk

kellogh OP , avatar


yesterday i went running again, same place. said turkey was WAITING FOR ME at the bottom of the hill.

i'm like "f this" and turned to run away but it followed me, again.

i started yelling at it with my best Will Ramos screams but it did not flinch

i picked up a stick and swung hard it close to it's head, hoping that would scare it off. it was not scared off.

futurebird , avatar

@kellogh “Mr Turkey, i’m not your competition” how could he know ? You are taller and if you had on bright colors that might have made the poor fellow feel like he’d never have a chance.

futurebird , avatar

@kellogh This “Tim” bird is stealing all the comeliest hens! What’s a bird to do when a guy like that shows up? Run him out of town I say!

-unhappy lovesick local turkey

mattmcirvin , avatar

@futurebird @kellogh I see these guys around the neighborhood doing their mating displays this time of year and I give them a wide berth for this reason.

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