Strandjunker , avatar

The fact that I know more about Joe Biden’s one bad debate night than I do about Donald Trump’s years of raping and sexually assaulting girls within Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking ring shows exactly what is terribly wrong with today’s political mainstream media.

Hoi_Pollois , avatar

@Strandjunker Remember that Joe Biden was elected to the Senate at age 29, not yet old enough to serve.

He turned 30 before his term began.

Weeks in his wife and daughter were killed and his boys were seriously injured.

strypey , avatar

> The fact that I know more about Joe Biden’s one bad debate night than I do about Donald Trump’s years of raping and sexually assaulting girls within Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking ring

... The former is having a news cycle because its newsworthy. News media have reported extensively on the latter. Constantly re-reporting it now in an attempt to downplay Biden's debate performance would make them a politically partisan media. I think we both agree that's undesirable.

samsy , avatar

@Strandjunker the fact a political meme on Lemmy drove me to this really good statement:

steveo1049 , avatar

@Strandjunker - only one “industry” is specifically protected in the U.S. Constitution: The News Media-analysis-opinion Complex. That very industry seems to not appreciate that protection, and seem intent on destroying the very democracy and constitution that has cloaked them in that protection. 🤔😢

PlayItSlow , avatar

@Strandjunker I downloaded and read one of the legal filings. It is beyond my ability to repeat and report. My stomach isn't strong enough.

TAI , avatar

@Strandjunker just as Garland was picked as the illusion to justice in action, only to due the predictable and slow walk trump to freedom; Biden was picked to destroy any chances of opposition at the last moment. too late in the game to offer better. They took any votes opposed to trump and perfectly walked it off the cliff on the approach to election with biden. Biden was the plane they put opposing votes in, then shot it out of the sky

TAI , avatar

@Strandjunker i'm not so sure Epstein horrors start and end with trump. I think it's beyond naive to think so. For the life of me I can't understand the appointment of Garland. Why trump was not treated as national security threat #1 and put away fast.UNLESS (and most likely) Epstein island was a kompromat farm, many across the spectrum, media to positions of power compromised. I think it's all in the bag, just a show of a contest.

mickymorse ,

@Strandjunker Media is corrupted by fascists and subversives.

Piousunyn , avatar


I post this often, but it explains why the media is what it is.

“Keep in mind, The news media are not independent; they are sort of a bulletin board and public relations firm for the ruling class-the people who run things. Those who decide what news you will or will not hear are paid by, and“ tolerated purely at the whim of, those who hold economic power. If the parent corporation doesn’t want you know something, it won’t be on t“Keep he news. Period. Or, at the very least, it will be slanted to suit them, and then rarely followed up. “
George Carlin.”

maxdepth , avatar

@Strandjunker have you ever asked yourself why he hasn't been outted? Why would anyone waste time trying to get him on other charges?

Personally I think anyone who's on that list should be thrown into a wood chipper. It makes me wonder if they're hiding the fact that all of them are on it.

axat , avatar

@Strandjunker rather than constantly defending this old guy ask for a replacement. Dont tell others if they should complain about him or not. Such an irony.

stevenaleach , avatar

@Strandjunker Also, while every word spoken publicly by Joe Biden is on record and online, there are no such transcript archives for other candidates. Imagine being able to just point to transcripts of the things Trump says in his speeches and interviews? Imagine how powerful of a tool that would be to just say: look, these are the things he says and here he is on record saying them. All speeches and interviews by all candidates for public office should be public record and online.

SueDiOh ,

@Strandjunker I know almost nothing about the lies trump told during the debate (no one has made a list?!), but I know he did because his lips were moving.

Judeet88 , avatar

@Strandjunker It's not just the mainstream media either, it's an awful lot of people commenting on here who surely should know better? And they go on to speculate endlessly about why Biden should step down...the infection is very widespread it seems.

Lassielmr , avatar

@Strandjunker if it was only one bad night. We’ve (Europe) been questioning him since his wanderings at his French State and G7 visits. The problem you have is a big chunk of the US electorate perceived Biden to be unsuitable and after Thursday they no longer perceive, but believe. He needed these voters to win. As for the media, he’s fuelled the fire and so they won’t drop it. And sadly when Biden does this again the whole thing will be rehashed. Everyone knows Trump is deranged.

TheNovemberMan , avatar

@Strandjunker 👍👍

Utanapishti ,

@Strandjunker fine, but Biden is running out of time to quit and save the country. He needs to feel enough pressure to make the right decisions soon.

Brokar ,
That_Damn_Frank , avatar


I can't stand how CNN beats down Biden while ignoring their zero fact checking and mishandling of the microphones.

"The Democrats seem to be in a panic..."

"Anderson, don't you think that at least half of the problem was how badly CNN flubbed The Debate?"

"Well, any network can have a bad Debate..."

< Breaking News Eyeroll >

dnelson , avatar

@Strandjunker At this point the media are complicit in a potentially impending fascist takeover of America, with dire implications for all of us. is particularly egregious in their failure to sound the alarm.

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