futurebird , (edited )
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Trump will be sentenced based on his conviction in the NYC election interference case (Where the jury found he paid off a porn star to hide his affair from the public, in violation of either NY or US election law.)

The sentence could be anything from nothing to years and years of prison. It's up to the judge. One man. Poor dude. I would not want to be the "decider" on this one!

Make a prediction about the verdict tomorrow.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

The other sentence I could see would be one month of prison AND IT STARTS NOW.

Basically make him do the time he deserved for those contempt charges.

A month might change the man, as he faces more prison. It would make the country go nuts, but that is happening no matter what the outcome.

To not have real consequences is to make a joke of our justice system after it is already dressed up like a clown.

benroyce ,
@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar


Two common takes:

  1. He'll get some time, based on his behavior during the trial

  2. He'll get no time, he's rich and famous

I'd like to add a 3rd rationale:

The political existence of Donald Trump is a failure of NY justice

He's flouted the laws of NY for so long, and a lot of NYers really resent him for that

They also feel some penance is due: they should have put Trump away a long time ago, and saved the world this grief

So maybe what's coming is: "enough"

And prison it is

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


This is the decision of a judge, so who will he look to, to know if he made a good call? Who is he talking it over with?

He'll want the respect of other judges, of "great legal minds" he'll want everyone to say he did a good fair job.

Everyone won't say that, and he must know this. But I think the kind of people who's opinion will matter to him would be disgusted with "nothing" -- and critical of anything that seems vindictive or anything but cool blooded.

benroyce ,
@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar


i agree

i understand the common understanding "rich and famous get away with crime"

but this case is special in a number of ways, for a number of reasons

i really will have no surprise in my reaction if they announce prison time for trump

callisto ,
@callisto@disabled.social avatar

@benroyce @futurebird Another consideration is that the heavier the sentence, the more likely SCOTUS is to grant him immunity.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@callisto @benroyce

They have already written that brief I think... Which also comes out tomorrow?

It'd be wild if they changed it based on the sentence in a case where it doesn't even apply since many of the crimes occurred before he was elected.

But, I have no faith in that court so yeah yeah could be could be.

stalbaum ,
@stalbaum@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird @callisto @benroyce It could simply be that under originalism the founders really didn't believe in democracy and the constitution was mere virtue signaling. Such is the solipsism of MAGA justices!

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@callisto @benroyce

I expect the SC to kick the can on immunity. They can't really grant it since it would be granted to all presidents, and that could get messy.

But they can delay the case past the election by dragging their feet. So that is what they will do IMO.

Pagan_Animist ,
@Pagan_Animist@beekeeping.ninja avatar


As a forever New Yorker, I have despised that man since he started shoving himself in my face in the late ‘70’s.

He’s always been a creep, a con artist, a thief, a racist, a misogynistic narcissist, and those are his better qualities.

I STILL cannot believe those “adult” children allowed their mother to be buried on his GOLF COURSE!

They are all totally without redemption.


benroyce ,
@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@Pagan_Animist @futurebird

i grew up in the tri-state, lived in NYC (brooklyn, midtown) for over a decade, commuted to NYC from the hudson valley, and now i live in western NY:

trump was known as a sleazebag loudmouth who didn't pay his bills since the 1980s

nevermind they also knew that trump's dad was a racist slumlord

but then the "apprentice" tv show happened

suddenly a fake national understanding that trump is a "genius businessman" swamped out NYer common knowledge he is a dbag

benroyce ,
@benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

@Pagan_Animist @futurebird

some trivia i learned from my days living in the

(i ran into into ("If I Had a Hammer") a lot, a wave and a smile. no joke, he would always be in town doing errands, as well as his local little concerts and appearances in local festivals, well into advanced age):

Pete's friend ("This Land Is Your Land") rented from 's dad, , the racist slumlord

Woody wrote a song about him in 1954 😆


alper ,
@alper@sfba.social avatar

@futurebird he should either be locked up for his functional life or none at all. See erdogan , they turned his "cell" to a luxury political war room where he received guests to build his support while being a "victim". Those people don't experience things like prison like powerless people do.

Osteopenia_Powers ,
@Osteopenia_Powers@newsie.social avatar

What a great idea, and why not both? The month of contempt NOW, because the trial is over, and the two years, despite it being a first conviction because he shows aggression rather than contrition.

KathyLK ,
@KathyLK@universeodon.com avatar


After today's SCROTUM ruling, do you still think he will get "Community service, Parole, Other?" What IS "other," anyway? A parade down 5th Avenue where he can shoot randomly at guys standing in the street?

In limited polls like this, it's better to be specific.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


I still think prison is possible.
But he will be allowed to appeal before he must serve.

KathyLK ,
@KathyLK@universeodon.com avatar


I don't think prison is possible. I guess we'll find out in another week or so. Maybe today's ruling will anger the trial judge and he'll give Trump prison time--but the judge could have given Trump prison time for violating the gag order 9 times and he didn't.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


He didn't do that because if he had the trial would still be going on. He was expedient and ensured that the trial ran its course.

Trump wanted that gag order jail time because it would have caused endless delay and drama.

I think it was the correct call, and when you look at the other calls from the judge you see care to avoid ... nonsense.

KathyLK ,
@KathyLK@universeodon.com avatar


OK, good point.

redpy5 ,
@redpy5@sunbeam.city avatar

@futurebird Turns out about 2/3rds of people who voted on this have more faith than me in our institutions. Cause while I would want one of the above (considering our carceral justice system), I expect he will receive no real sentencing beyond some monetary penalty. The courts have definitely eroded my trust in them over the last several years.

nazokiyoubinbou ,
@nazokiyoubinbou@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird I accidentally misread this and clicked the wrong thing. I wish we could change our response within a short period or something on polls. :sadness:

jeana ,
@jeana@triangletoot.party avatar

@futurebird re: "verdict tomorrow" - I thought sentencing was July 11th; has that changed/am I missing something? I admittedly have not been paying super close attention 😅

Shammusomuffihan ,

@futurebird I voted for some prison because Judge Merchan has been obnoxiously fair throughout this thing. If this were some trust fund brat doing something similar, and was equally unrepentant, I think that's what he'd do.

KathyLK ,
@KathyLK@universeodon.com avatar


Can you see Trump doing community service? I can't. He would use it as another opportunity to grift while he tells his followers that he's working on behalf of them.

cadaverous ,
@cadaverous@thicc.horse avatar

@futurebird community service, but it's the option he hates most but still physically capable of. more time will be added the more he refuses and fucks around.

icastico ,
@icastico@c.im avatar


I think a substantial number of hours of community service is both the most likely and, actually, the most fair for this particular offense (along with a huge fine). For Trump, I think actual manual labor (picking up trash, cleaning at a homeless shelter, etc.) would be more punishing than prison - where he would get special treatment.

CatDad ,
@CatDad@mas.to avatar

@futurebird I don't think there's a judge in the US that wants to deal with sending a former president to prison, and all the weird issues that raises. I fully expect minimal consequences, because that's how our system works for (allegedly) rich white men.

tersenurse ,
@tersenurse@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird I hate to say this, but I suspect that his sentence will be nothing; a stern talking-to followed by a fingers-crossed promise to straighten up and fly right.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


If that is the case might as well dismiss all the other charges.

I could be wrong about prison. But I find this unlikely. The judge would not have many friends in his own profession if he makes this call. This is a Judge Cannon move.

tersenurse ,
@tersenurse@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I'm not feeling optimistic. My hope would be that TFG gets from Judge Merchan the same treatment as any other convicted felon, particularly one who is egregiously unrepentent and aggressively disrespectful and threatening. But. We shall see.

kingkaufman ,
@kingkaufman@sfba.social avatar


I'm not 100% sure of many things in this life, but I'm 100% sure of something I've been saying for as long as I can remember:

Donald Trump will never see the inside of a jail cell.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


If he looses the election you will be wrong about this.

kingkaufman ,
@kingkaufman@sfba.social avatar


I am not wrong, sorry. I wish I was, but our entire country has been built on the idea of keeping people like him out of jail. Like, that's job 1.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


There are things he could do to stay out. But he's not doing those things.

He's pushing the limits of the contract. You are right that he never had to go to prison, but he's testing the limits of the system and there are limits.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


Tipping their hat to the power and respectability of The Justice System is the price the great and 'good' must pay for special treatment.

If they want to thumb their nose at the power of government AND expect to be treated better than us plebs they need to control that government first.

To hand out such favors to Trump is to cede power for no reason. So unless it's His Government he's in real peril of prison for the aggregate of the charges and I think he knows it.

kingkaufman ,
@kingkaufman@sfba.social avatar


We're just going to have to wait and see. You might be right and I hope you are, but I would bet folding money you're not.

Frankyt ,
@Frankyt@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird I would hope for some prison time but I do not feel the “intestinal fortitude” is alive and well within our judiciary. It would great to have trump spend some quality time in prison with Bubba, discussing daily events.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

I think it will be Two Years Prison, but he can appeal before he has to go in.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

I would make him go in right now. But, I don't think the judge is brave enough to deal with the fall out from making that call.

He has done nothing to suggest softening the sentence. Every sign he'd do it again. No "it was a mistake" or "it was my first time running a serious campaign and I have learned"

No, he has been convicted of being in contempt of the court. So let's see that contempt in the sentence.

peterdrake ,
@peterdrake@qoto.org avatar

@futurebird What they mustn't do is give him just a little prison time. A month starting now would might win him the election.

... or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the only people buying his "help, help, I'm being repressed" line are cultists who will definitely vote for him anyway. Maybe the inability to campaign would let people slow down and think about what he's done.

peterdrake ,
@peterdrake@qoto.org avatar

@futurebird ... and he's totally a flight risk. If they tell him, "eight years, report next week", he'll fly to Scotland and declare himself President in Exile.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


Wouldn't the Brits send him back to us? He'd need to go to Russia or something.

18+ queenofnewyork ,
@queenofnewyork@newsie.social avatar

@futurebird @peterdrake He has said if he’s facing prison time he definitely would not fly to Russia. So he’s definitely considering it.

For the sentence, I think it won’t be jail time. I could be wrong, but this being his first criminal conviction (😡) means he is not getting anywhere near the max. I could be wrong. I want to be wrong. But I am assuming all we get from this is priors that will make his next convictions result in harsher sentences.

malin ,
@malin@dice.camp avatar

@peterdrake @futurebird keep your used presidents out of our fields, he's ruined enough acres of endangered wildlife here already.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@malin @peterdrake

We are doing our best to find a place to put him... OK? Not even Rikers really wants him. It's not that simple. :(

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


He might raise some money. But not the smart money from the rich people who just want those tax cuts.

That said I think he'll get to appeal. Even though I do not agree with that.

mcc ,
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird When Microsoft was on trial in the 90s I believe they were actually performing a strategy of pissing off the judge so much (lying to the court, etc) that when he finally reacted like a human and snapped back at them they could claim to the press/appeals courts that the judge was biased (and it worked, they effectively got the whole thing thrown out on appeal).

To be honest I'm not sure I'm right about Microsoft. But I feel pretty certain Trump is doing this.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


Trump is only concerned with making the election close enough to steal. That's his only real hope of getting through all he faces unscathed.

And him not winning, and by a clear margin is probably the only way to stop him.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


Although, I think people underestimate how complex it will be for him to untangle and suppress the cases even with the power of the president. I think it can be done but it will not be simple and it may not even be bloodless.

Because ... oh jeez. Because of "states rights" !

mcc ,
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird Of course in this case the judge "snapping" might just refer to— as you brought up in your earlier post— the judge using their normal discretion to give a sharper sentence (such as selecting jail instead of probation) when the defendant is distinctly non-repentant, as would be normal practice. This judge has been AFAICT extremely level headed. But right wing media will cast a level-headed judge going "because of how you acted, you get this sentence" as the judge singling Trump out…

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


He will appeal no matter what. An appeal might reduce a sentence, but the judge is out of hazard now of being totally overturned as long as the sentence is something someone has gotten before.

mcc ,
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar
ptmesis ,
@ptmesis@writing.exchange avatar

@futurebird I genuinely think Merchan will make the call without considering the consequences to himself. He has shown himself to be pretty objective so far.

It seems unlikely that Trump wouldn't get bail though, but that's just because of what happens in comparable cases (or what passes for comparable here).

paulc ,
@paulc@mstdn.social avatar

@futurebird Merchen seems to understand that fining wealthy people is meaningless most of the time. And that Trump regrets nothing.

swart ,
@swart@mastodon.cloud avatar

@futurebird fortunately I’ll be on a lake 4 days out of cell phone range when the sentencing is announced

DrFerrous ,
@DrFerrous@hachyderm.io avatar

@futurebird I honestly don’t have hope about justice being done here. Two years seems low given the crimes, but I have no frame of reference. I also am struggling with the fact that so many people think this buffoon is a good leader.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


About 25% of convictions of these charges result in prison. But in none of the similar cases did the defendant end up in contempt of court. For example tax cheats tended not to go to prison... but a woman who stole 30k from her boss went in for a whole year.

Is this more ugly than stealing some money? Stealing an election? Making us wonder what would have happened if they didn't do this?

It's VERY bad IMO.

And he's basically said "I'll f-in do it again"

DrFerrous ,
@DrFerrous@hachyderm.io avatar

@futurebird I agree… much worse. I hope his name and position in society are not considered when the sentence is decided.

swart ,
@swart@mastodon.cloud avatar

@futurebird although Cohen got 3 years for his involvement in the same crime

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