CelloMomOnCars ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"Until last week western had been enduring a cold spring but the rapid onset of high temperatures, in places 10-15C above the average for early May, is causing and ."

Wonder what it takes for and Albertans to connect the dots.


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

" [is] a media conglomerate that owns virtually all the newspapers of any size in Canada except the longstanding national newspaper, the Globe & Mail. And Postmedia is a very conservative, very corporate friendly, very oil and gas friendly corporation."

Of course they won't connect the dots for Canadians between , , and the in .


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"So far this year there have been 421 in and 410,000 hectares (1 million acres) burned.

"For context that's about double average area burned for the entire wildfire season, and it's only May 10."

But and companies are resuming production. Humans can be hardheaded.

Reminder: give the planet's climate-dirtiest oil. It takes one barrel of oil to produce three barresl.


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

And it's about to get worse:

"A that looks like the historic June 2021 event is getting underway in parts of northern . It will eventually spread to and , as well as into the northern United States."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"The unusually early start to the season in [] has put federal and provincial officials on high alert and raised fears about fire-fighting resources being exhausted before the summer even officially begins.

There have been 1000 fires so far this year, with about 200 currently active and 82 considered out of control."

Tell me again how action is so "expensive".


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"101 forest fires burning in #Quebec with 10 out of control. The province's fire prevention agency says it only has the ability to fight 30 fires."

#wildfires #Canada

CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"It’s already a season for the record books in .

Over the coming days, the most extreme temperatures in are expected to slowly move westward, first scorching and adjacent areas Friday before shifting into the over the weekend.

Persistent and often extreme warmth in the high latitudes is among the clearest signals of ."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"Millions of people across the Midwest are under dangerous air quality conditions, as smoke from wildfires in eastern Canada wafts over the region."


Find the , air quality index where you live on the interactive map from: https://aqicn.org/map/usa/

(High AQI? Your N95 mask does a good job of filtering PM2.5 pollution. If you have air conditioning, inserting a HEPA or MERV filter turns it into an air purifier).

CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar


"About 3.8 million hectares (9.4 million acres) have already burned, some 15 times the 10-year average. Across the country as of today, there are 414 wildfires burning, 239 of which are determined to be out of control.

Canada lost an area the size of the Netherlands to .

Quebec Premier Francois Legault earlier said the province was able to fight 40 fires at the same time.
"But we have 150 fires."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

" is on track to experience its most severe season on record, national officials said this week. It’s part of a trend experts say will intensify as makes hotter, drier weather and longer fire seasons more common."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

This graph shows that so far this year, wildfires have burned as much land area in Canada as in the entire year 2021, and that was a brutal year.

And it's barely June.

It's an interactive graph. You can interact with it here:


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

The ringing of the alarm bell has reached the House of Commons:
"Smoke from wildfires, which turned the skies above Ottawa an apocalyptic orange and choked the air, prompted fierce debate in the House of Commons."

But the oil.
And the industry.


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar


Canada's forestry industry like the lodgepole pine for its fast growth. So logging companies have for decades used that to do "replanting".

"But in recent decades, nearly 30m hectares of pine in western North America alone were killed off by the mountain pine beetles, leaving swaths of tinder on the landscape."

That's not "forest management": that's pushing to the brink.


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"Officials from municipalities west of say that the situation is "dire," with flames less than two kilometres from the town of Edson."

Yellowhead mayor:
"Last night, the fire that hit Highway 47 travelled in excess of 30 [kilometres] in the last 24 hours," he said. "That is unbelievable, that is not something that is ever seen."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"Researchers have also long drawn attention to the way that Canadian policies moved away from traditional and practices of which safeguard valuable timber resources and people. Regular, controlled burning clears the forest understory and reduces the risk of larger fires spinning out of control, but this had been stopped in much of the country."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"Fires in #BC & #Alberta have forced significant downtime at sawmills, and "ground zero" has now shifted to #Quebec, FPAC CEO Derek Nighbor said.

"It's significant. Closing mills and having to restart them is a lot of work and that's people who have to be laid off temporarily," said Nighbor."

Action (see post above).

"Chicago #lumber futures for July delivery have climbed 7% since June 1."

This is what #ClimateInflation looks like

#wildfires #Canada

CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

The #smoke is not coming to US news centers any more, but #wildfires continue to burn in #Quebec

"The flammability rating is currently “very high” to “extreme” in several areas of the province, the ministry said. Low rainfall and rising temperatures are behind these significant fire risks."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

Put your N95 on when you go outside in this regions:

"Dense smoke from burning in continued to migrate eastward Wednesday, swinging around a low-pressure area spinning offshore on the East Coast. In its wake, a channel of thick surface draped across the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley, and increasingly over the Mid-Atlantic plus the Northeast."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"If there is a silver lining in the smoky clouds from this month, experts say, it’s that Michiganders and millions of have gained a greater awareness of how affects them, how the works and the risks of ."

NOW is the time to talk about how the is connected to climate change: now that people are breathing it, or know someone who is breathing it.


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"Human-caused is turning high temperatures that would once have been considered improbable into more commonplace occurrences. And it is intensifying the and dryness that fuel catastrophic , allowing them to burn longer and more ferociously, and to churn out more smoke."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"Hot, dry weather in is expected to last months, but high-risk conditions are likely to arise elsewhere and countries may soon have to call their home."

Of the international effort to contain Canada's , and the future of firefighting in a changed world.


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"The toll of [] on the Canadian economy is only beginning to sink in.

The have upended and operations, reduced available harvests, dampened the industry and imposed uncounted costs on the national system."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

is back

" alerts are in effect Saturday for at least eight states across the northern Plains and upper as smoke from the returns. "


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

This or map shows current readings from actual sensors. Many show historical data if you click on the marker; some have pollution forecasts for a few days ahead.

Note: Purple Air consumer grade sensors are known to display numbers that are consistently higher than actual values. Pay more attention to the sensors of state DEPs, the Departments for Environmental Protection: those are more reliable.


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"Deaths of two days apart prompts reckoning over mounting economic and human toll of that have charred ’s forests"

10 M hectares burned (previous record: 7.6 M hectares, in 1989).
900 burning
70 M people in wildfire
120,000 people
OIl and gas production in disrupted
stands burned


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"The toll of ’s fires this year will likely far outweigh from its oil and gas, transport and agriculture sectors—combined.

Kurz’s estimate only covers direct emissions. But roughly the same amount of indirect emissions will be released when the dead remnants of scorched trees decompose in coming years, he says.

Meanwhile, the fire season is barely half over and doesn’t yet show signs of easing."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"A third firefighter has died in while battling the country's worst season on record.

A third of all fires currently raging in Canada are in .

So far this season, Canadian wildfires have burned about 30 million acres of land - more than the land area of South Korea or Cuba.

Some 613 of the 990 fires currently active in Canada are considered out of control."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

This is far from over.

"Most recent projections indicate a continued potential for higher-than-normal fire activity across most of throughout the 2023 wildland fire season. For July, warm and dry conditions will increase risk from British Columbia and Yukon through to western Labrador. During August, the area at risk will stretch from British Columbia through western Quebec."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

" in this year have released 290 million tonnes of , doubling a previous annual record, and are set to rise as hundreds of flames remain active across the country.

Nearly all of Canada's 13 provinces and territories have been impacted by . On Thursday, there were more than 1,040 fires burning in Canada, with about 660 considered out of control."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

" clouds form when the heat of an intense sends smoke as high as the lower stratosphere. When this happens, the pillar of hot, smoky air cools, and a cloud coalesces at its peak.

The produced by these cloud formations are extreme and unpredictable. They can spread flames far faster than normal, and launch embers kilometres away, sparking fresh fires. And they produce , which can also pose a ."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"Canadian fire crews battled early on Thursday to prevent from reaching the northern city of , where all 20,000 residents are leaving after an order was declared.

The , with a population of just 46,000 people, have limited infrastructure and there is only one two-lane road out of Yellowknife to the province of Alberta to the south, a trip of some 540 km (335 miles)."

>1000 fires still burning in .


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

SECOND large near population center:
"About 22,000 people - roughly half the population in 's - are now displaced in the country's worst fire season on record.

A separate blaze in the west, that threatens , , has grown one hundredfold in 24 hours.

The fast-moving fire is bearing down on a city with a population of about 150,000 people, and officials are already reporting "significant structural loss","


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"The in [] moved so rapidly on Friday that the number of people under evacuation order went from 4,500 to 15,000 in an hour, while another 20,000 were under evacuation alert. The province currently accounts for over a third of 's 1,062 active fires."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

Here is a map of in . The big ones (yellow flames) are concentrated in the west, in British Columbia on the coast, and Alberta to the east of that. And there are some in Quebec on the east side.

CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"Catastrophic Canadian warming-fueled wildfires last year pumped more heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the air than India did by burning fossil fuels, setting ablaze an area of forest larger than the US state of West Virginia, new research has found.

It’s about the same amount of carbon dioxide that 647m cars put in the air in a year, based on US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data.

The in made up 27% of global tree cover loss last year."


CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"Emissions from wildland fires are considered natural and, therefore, are not included in national greenhouse gas inventories."


jupiter ,
@jupiter@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

The greenhouse, the greenhouse, the greenhouse is on fire.

We don't need no change, let the mother Earth burn. Burn, mother Earth, burn.

breadandcircuses ,
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

@CelloMomOnCars Excellent point. As the climate warms, as droughts and heatwaves and lightning storms intensify, we will see MANY more wildfires. And that means a lot more greenhouse gas emissions that will not be counted by countries... so then they can still pretend to be on track for Net Zero by 2050 🙄 as the climate continues to warm, and as droughts and heatwaves and forest fires intensify, etc., etc.

CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar


There is a practical reason as well (details in the article linked above): it's very difficult to estimate the total emissions from wildland fires.

Not saying that countries should just get away with it.

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