GottaLaff , avatar

Dear pals, 1/

TY for kind words over my non-existent COVID.

I’ve used “via” since 2006, learned it from newsies, never had issue b4 this

I use it bc takes up no space. Even “ takes up space, esp on threads you seem to apprec.

  • time. When I post breaking news, even typing “ puts me behind while juggling coverage from multi-sources

  • bc of 20K followers, wading thru replies takes an hour+ every am. I won’t ignore your replies, as someone sugg. I read/care about them.

Hope that helps❤️

WanderingTaoist , avatar

Former news guy here. Fedi gets weird sometimes.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@WanderingTaoist I noticed!

William3rd , avatar

@GottaLaff Almost impossible to believe that people ignored VIA, meaning by way of or from. I hope most of them were just concerned with your health. Your coverage of significant events is exemplary. Thanks so much for your efforts.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@William3rd Thank you so much, William. I just don't get it.

bobdel , avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you for the helpful reading. I’m grateful. A suggestion: Via might get overlooked less if it is not followed by a blank line. Colons hug two ideas together neatly in the terse space we have. And emoji can be a superb way to dress up Via 📢

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bobdel Sigh. I use emojis alllll the time.

I leave a space for easier reading and attention getting. Jamming it together tends to cause people to skip over.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bobdel Also, adding emojis often takes up space I simply don't have.

Honestly? If people don't understand very commonly used devices like "via" and can't get past one extra space line, then it's on them.

This shouldn't even be a thing.

bobdel , avatar

@GottaLaff that’s fair. And I agree it should not be a thing. A percentage of every audience will always get it wrong. And designing for that audience does a disservice for the overall readership. I appreciate your efforts always yet rarely reply because that just adds work.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bobdel It's never work to see a reply. I appreciate every single one. I can't always answer though.

As for this issue, this is the only time it's been this bad. One other time, there was a mild misunderstanding. So I got annoyed because, after literally years of my using the same format, and after nearly every one of my Mastodon posts using it, suddenly people are confused? That irked me.

NIH_LLAMAS , avatar

@GottaLaff You recovered faster than Alina Habba!

GottaLaff OP , avatar


GGMcBG , avatar


Thanks for all you keep doing.

And never argue with a literalist. 😄

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@GGMcBG Fact check: True

timbray , avatar

@GottaLaff If you were feeling malicious, you could announce a miracle cure following on sacrificing a virgin goat at the local Temple of Satan.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@timbray I’m not the malicious type, lol

GottaLaff OP , avatar

2/ I do apologize to anyone I’ve misunderstood. Some were reacting to my C-Diff news, not the misunderstanding about COVID, which I still do not have

So very sorry for my impatience if I misread your comments

I value every one of you, but after 100s of replies & my multiple explanations/corrections it eventually wore a little thin, you know?

So: “Via” means attribution

Via Biden= Biden said it, not me

If it’s me commenting about something, I don’t use “via.” I comment OVER the via.


rabbijill , avatar

@GottaLaff as far as I’m concerned, you are an unpaid & generous public servant. You deserve all the praise for your tireless reporting. I’ve never misunderstood the wording of your posts. Ignore those people who complain about anything you do. I have always been amazed at how you do it! Keep on

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@rabbijill Thank you. I’ve about had it up to HERE, Jill. I have enough worries.

rabbijill , avatar

@GottaLaff exactly. All you should be hearing is “thank you”

SherBeareth , avatar

@GottaLaff @rabbijill

Okay that’s new news, so I’m not false-alarming and I’ll find the post. Mom notably had C Diff. four years ago, and sends her love and we both enclose hugs and courage. She weathered it in due time but needed care. She says it’s just terrible but that will be obvious. I’m assuming you’re the victim. I’ll look for news. Oy. You poor girl. ♥️♥️ It’s like the atmospheric river ‘fire hose’ energy is a metaphor — life on full blast! Aack.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@SherBeareth I got it last summer, no idea how because I wasn’t on antibiotics, nor did I go anywhere where I would have picked it up. It was a mild case.

This time I had to take antibiotics for some dental work, but took another anti to anti the anti. It worked… for about a week after. Then, pow. So I’m now on a very long dose of anti anti, 3 weeks. I sure hope that does the trick. Again, a milder case, so I’ve been hugely lucky. @rabbijill

harryooman , avatar

@GottaLaff @SherBeareth @rabbijill

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@harryooman Thanks. I have to say, this has me rattled. @SherBeareth @rabbijill

SherBeareth , avatar


I was staying with her at the time so understand the rattled! (Very Canadian reaction. Chill. ) Mom has also had colitis so it wasn’t all new but all bad, she relays. Funny lady. I’m so terribly sorry. 😢 Egregiously horrible timing. Slowing down for a wrinkle of time won’t hurt. I envision you live blogging the hell out of any hospital room, however. Buddha forfend.

Humans need reboot hacks. Plain as day. ♥️♥️

@harryooman @rabbijill

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@SherBeareth So far, at least I'm fine and at home. @harryooman @rabbijill

SherBeareth , avatar

@GottaLaff Oh let’s all hope it stays mild! Thank you for the background— it’s very worrying stuff. Here’s to hoping you feel better STAT. Scritches to Hammy the On-Duty-Doodle. @rabbijill

AbFab to have a rabbi here. 🤘🏻 Any thing could occur at any given minute it appears.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@SherBeareth @rabbijill is such a dear. I miss her so much.

I miss both of you so much.

SherBeareth , avatar

@GottaLaff @rabbijill

Miss you more.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
bhawthorne , avatar

@GottaLaff I am always thrilled that you copy and paste the actual text, rather than inserting screenshots from the hellsite!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bhawthorne Yes, I won’t do that unless it’s too long or involved for me to just copy/paste. Thanks!

tersenurse , avatar

@GottaLaff I'm by no means a c diff expert, but I do have quite a bit of experience. Feel free to reach out if you have RN or general questions

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@tersenurse Many thanks. I have GREAT doctors, thankfully

PennyG ,

@GottaLaff I do not thi k that is difficult to understand. I appreciate “via” rather than “reblogged”

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@PennyG Same! And thank you!

phpete , avatar

@GottaLaff 😳 the fact that this is something you still feel the need to explain smakes me so glad I'm not on your side of your notifications.

Seth Meyers Stressed GIF

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@phpete You should be glad.

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