GottaLaff , avatar
ducky , avatar

@GottaLaff Why Port Moody? (Vancouverite here.)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ducky We’re not big city types. We love the forest green belts, the town itself , the location

ducky , avatar

@GottaLaff So you should put that in Part 3. 🙂

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ducky Oh, that was the first thing I wrote about.

Soupy51 , avatar


Magic Dirt...LOL...Absolute Idiots. Everyone knows it's only good for mushrooms.

donniemack , avatar

@GottaLaff welcome it n 3 weeks! From Ontario.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@donniemack Thank you!

donniemack , avatar

@GottaLaff 🇨🇦🇨🇦🎇🎇

fulanigirl , avatar

@GottaLaff DO you know if there any banks in the US that you've dealt with that also has presence in Canada? Like when you go back and forth now did you use US or Canadian banks?

wendinoakland , avatar

@fulanigirl @GottaLaff Oh, hey, I do. RBC has their regular branches, then there’s also a “N.A.” (North American” branch - when I lived in Vancouver I used that for paying my California mortgage.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@wendinoakland @fulanigirl Is that right? We'll look into that.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@fulanigirl That's more complicated. No, we had to open an account in a Canadian bank, and when we have to, we wire money up there, at a cost.

copito , avatar

@GottaLaff @fulanigirl does Wise work for Canada? I use it to send money to family in Europe

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@copito I think that's what we use. @fulanigirl

deborahh , avatar

@GottaLaff and ... what does it feel like to leave the sphere of US laws and politics?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@deborahh I cover that in my post, thank you for that!

deborahh , avatar

@GottaLaff what's it like crossing the border these days? Both ways. What do they check? Just curious, not sure if it's important …

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@deborahh We don't have NEXUS yet, we'll apply. But the worst part is the wait. Sometimes the lines are long, about 20-30 minutes, but other times, under 5. They ask standard questions.

Moving is different. You have to go into the Border office and show what you're bringing in.

deborahh , avatar

@GottaLaff when you return to the US is it easier?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@deborahh There's no difference.

hairylarry , avatar

Great news for you and your family! I really appreciate the updates to your blog posts because I have a family member who has thought about emigration... this will help with specifics.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@hairylarry Oh good!! The new post will help too.

textualdeviance , avatar

@GottaLaff I need to look into how they handle remote workers. The spouse is very lucky to have a career that can be done from just about anywhere (though being near a tech hub is best.) But I don't know if they'd want to make sure he's working for a Canadian company, or at least a company with an office in Vancouver or something. And I also do have to look into the health thing.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@textualdeviance Mr. Laffy works on his TV show remotely (Naked and Afraid). I'm covering that in my new post.

But originally, his co. was (is?) owned by a Canadian company, which we didn't realize at first.

I think as long as you pay taxes, they're okay with it, but they want you to contribute to their bottom line. That's the key.

Caution , avatar

@GottaLaff Firstly, yay! Port Moody is gorgeous. A bit too rural for my tastes, but at least you’re one ride away from downtown Van, so it’s all good. If you get a chance, check out Victoria and Van Isle in general. It’s beautiful out here.

So, on to the questions:

As someone who’s lived most of their life in Canada, I’m very familiar with how the country and people are perceived by many folks in other nations, and acutely aware of the discrepancies between that and some realities - both for the good and the ill. How have you found that in your case?

Also, on a grimmer note, how have you dealt with seeing our politics and culture war riding the coat-tails of what you were trying to gain distance from?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Caution Port Moody rural? Tri-city? It is foresty though, which is what we love.

Discrepancies... elaborate? Not sure what you mean.

I'm covering the last part in my post. Already wrote that part.

Caution , avatar

@GottaLaff The idea of Canada being super inclusive, progressive AF, non-racist, et c.. when a lot of that is mainly due to comparison with the US. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we’ve got it relatively great here, but it’s not the utopia so many folks in the US seem to portray it as.

CanadianCrone , avatar

@Caution @GottaLaff are working desperately to impose in Canada. is pulling the strings & so far his (Scheer, O’Toole and Poilievre) failed to bring him his desired goal: Canada on a silver platter. But , backed by the and the who feed his delusions of grandeur has come the closest with slick slogans that have absolutely no substance. insures no push-back.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@CanadianCrone @Caution Yes, I've addressed that a million times here, and in my post, Part 3, yet to be published.

Caution , avatar

@GottaLaff @CanadianCrone Apologies, I only started reading you a while back and haven’t done a deep dive back.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Caution Sorry! I can never remember who has and who hasn't read my posts. Thanks for correcting me. @CanadianCrone

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Caution I've covered that in my posts too. Did you read them?

No place is perfect. I've never said anywhere that it's utopia, and I'm addressing that in my Part 3 as well.

Thanks for elaborating.

ksawatsky , avatar

@GottaLaff @Caution

Maybe they mean suburban? It's not anywhere near rural that's for sure.

But all I know about is Port Moody is the brewery row on Murray St heh.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ksawatsky Ha! yes! And such good ice cream! @Caution

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Caution Oh, and if you read my posts, you know I'm very familiar with BC. I grew up visiting Victoria.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

2/ I really would like to hear from you.

Liliki , avatar

@GottaLaff for my partner and I it looks grim. Income wise and also the fact that we're already old.
We are planning on visiting Canada this summer, because to the very least, we might be able to vacation there see if we have other options.
Maybe Quebec (I was born and raised in France, I'm 100% bilingual)
I don't know...
It seems overwhelming already 🤷🏻‍♀️

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Liliki We're old too.

That's a plus, speaking French. That helps you get in.

Liliki , avatar

@GottaLaff we're definitely going to check out our options once we get there this summer.

NovaNaturalist , avatar

@Liliki @GottaLaff 55 is the limit I believe unless you have family who are or have become Canadian

Liliki , avatar

@NovaNaturalist @GottaLaff
Fuck. We're both past 55.

NovaNaturalist , avatar

@Liliki @GottaLaff I'm feeling bad now, because I know my 55 thing might be out of date. This link talks about routes into Canada for people over 50. These folks are likely better informed than me!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@NovaNaturalist Don't feel bad. There are SO many ways to apply, and nobody is wrong, really. You do get 0 points for high age question, but you don't get eliminated. @Liliki

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@NovaNaturalist @Liliki Wrong. We were WAY over 55 when we got accepted in.

It's all about vocation, income, do you satisfy a need. They love people in the arts, medical field, other vocations.

Liliki , avatar

@GottaLaff @NovaNaturalist hmmm.
We're both retired, I have a side fixed income... Like I said it sounds like we need to go there, check it all out and look at options.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Liliki I can't remember. Did you read my posts? @NovaNaturalist

Liliki , avatar
GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Liliki Oh good. Sorry, I have the brain of a gnat these days. @NovaNaturalist

abesibe , avatar

@GottaLaff @NovaNaturalist @Liliki ...and white? 😜 (Méchant, I know)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@abesibe They are a very diverse country, so no, you don't have to be white. @NovaNaturalist @Liliki

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@abesibe (Oh and I know you were joking) @NovaNaturalist @Liliki

Eetschrijver , avatar

I don't think I ever said so in this virtual place, but before we decided to move to France, Canada was our prime choice. We both have native level English and French and I even have a column in a Canada-based publication, but for us it was nyet.
Need to say though that France has been nothing less than wonderful for us.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Eetschrijver I'm so glad. We're not bilingual, so I doubt we'd have moved if Canada wasn't an option. @Liliki

Eetschrijver , avatar

I'm very happy for the both of you that it worked out!

GottaLaff OP , avatar
tersenurse , avatar

@GottaLaff I've always assumed (without evidence) that as an experienced, working-age RN, it would be relatively easy for me to emigrate to Canada; they're short on nurses too, eh? Can you speak to this at all?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@tersenurse They need them. All medical professions are desirable there.

But that wouldn't be for the post. A little TOO specific.

NovaNaturalist , avatar

@GottaLaff I think its worth covering other routes than the points system (?Express Entry?).

I was a Provincial Nominee (in NS) - I was offered a job that had been advertised nationally for 3 weeks, and which my employer showed they could not fill. This was my only feasible route in - in my late 40's, without a post grad qualification and not being bilingual, I'd always have failed to get enough points to get in.

The Atlantic Pilot scheme came soon after, and made even this process easier.

NovaNaturalist , avatar

@GottaLaff oh and another thing. Canada's generally very warm attitude to migrants.

I was amazed in 2018 when I met one of the province's "immigration outreach officer". In the UK, the only immigration outreach was Theresa May's Racist Vans (duck duck go it). Canadians know it thrives through immigration and is built by it, and are very accommodating and welcoming. Mind you, there is, as elsewhere a problem of migrants doing more menial work, at least initially.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
GottaLaff OP , avatar

@NovaNaturalist Yes, there are a zillion avenues.

oclsc , avatar

@GottaLaff As someone who did it all more than 30 years ago, I don't really have questions; I'm just interested and a little amazed at how much worse it has got in that time. My process wasn't the instant landing people allegedly got in the 1970s, and was not easy by any means, but it was far simpler and saner than what you seem to have been subjected to. No fancy English exam for a start. Different and (perhaps by accident) easier security check. Details only if you want.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@oclsc No need for details, I've heard that a lot. I wish it were as easy now!

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