makeasnek , avatar

Is nobody going to point out that the DNC already had a primary? And that by replacing the candidate last minute, against the will of their voters, the DNC would be acting incredibly undemocratically? Do you want your core voting block to start voting in republican primaries instead? Because throwing out their primary vote is how you get that to happen.

The DNC had a primary, there were multiple candidates, Biden lost the primary in American Samoa. I voted for Biden, he won, if the party elite swap him out last minute regardless of what their primary said, why would anybody care to vote in their primaries?

njm1314 ,

People on Lemmy have convinced themselves that millions of people did not vote in the primary somehow.

very_well_lost ,

The chances of the DNC telling Biden to take a hike are exactly zero, and no one should take that possibility seriously (because it's stupid).

What may yet happen is Biden deciding to step aside voluntarily, in which case the fact that he won the primary is meaningless; the party can't nominate a candidate who refuses to accept that nomination.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Weird, because the push to replace Biden seems awfully like conservative propaganda to discourage people from voting.

Pilferjinx ,

We're running a mentally disabled, almost dead, sundowner. Don't blame the players when he loses, blame the game. The DNC has played itself hard with a sure loser.

Maggoty ,

It's really not though. It's just a nightmare. And of course in the modern system where you fight a campaign at every level before, during, and after the voting, the GOP would try to make this hard.

CleoTheWizard , avatar

If you’re paying attention to polling, no. He hasn’t really been winning the polls this entire time and the debate was his last hope of turning it around. I’m not saying there’s no chance, but they’re cutting it way too close on what should be an easy election. Should’ve replaced him at the beginning of the year, better late than never

ParetoOptimalDev ,

No. We just reject the losing DNC strategies that pushed for Hilary so hard and got trump elected.

Ensign_Crab ,

conservative propaganda to discourage people from voting

Things centrists say about anything to their left and only their left.

Eldritch , avatar

There are multiple groups. Their only goal is to sew chaos.

goferking0 ,

Til democratic governors, and congress people are now conservative propaganda

njm1314 ,

Does seem to be a lot of super rich people calling to replace the guy who wants higher taxes on the wealthy.

prole ,

Fascism is internally inconsistent by definition. It's all just to cause discord and confusion.

knightly , avatar
"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past."

-Jean-Paul Sartre

Objection , avatar

TIL 32% of Democrats are pushing conservative propaganda to discourage people from voting Democrat.

The "everyone who disagrees with me is a bad actor" conspiracy theories keep getting less and less plausible.

feddylemmy ,

"The two-day poll found that both Trump, 78, and Biden, 81, maintain the support of 40% of registered voters, suggesting that Biden has not lost ground since the debate."

From the survey you linked.

Objection , avatar

And? Does that contradict what I said in some way?

CaptainSpaceman ,

At this point the only thing that'll matter is who is his VP.

jeffw OP , avatar


Sanctus , avatar

We're fractured now. No matter who they put up there. Gear up for God King Trump.

Ensign_Crab ,

You mean to tell me that centrist Democrats won't vote blue no matter who?

agamemnonymous , avatar

Centrist Democrats will. Leftists who understand the basics of American elections will. Fence sitters will stay home, and terminally online leftists will vote third party out of protest, and thus the God King will ascend his golden throne.

Ensign_Crab ,

Centrist Democrats will.

Last time centrists didn't get their very first choice, they formed a PAC to get McCain elected.

agamemnonymous , (edited ) avatar

Not a very materially significant portion of them, since he wasn't elected. I fear the terminally online leftists have convinced themselves they represent a silent bloc of significant size, and that outwardly embracing their policies would gain Democrats more voters than they alienate.

Certainly, Dems need every vote they can get, and every tiny 1% bloc helps in a tight race. But centrists are a much bigger bloc than the far-left, and scaring them off is a net loss. Democrats are yucky, but Republicans are poison, big tent for yucky or get force-fed poison.

Ensign_Crab ,

As always, anyone to the left is significant enough to blame for every loss a neoliberal earns, but not significant enough to listen to.

agamemnonymous , avatar

I'm talking to you about the practical benefit of voting for a particular candidate, not blame. Leftists comprise maybe 5% of registered voters. Centrist Neo-Libs comprise probably 30+%. Leftist turnout is significant in tipping a close election, but not enough to carry it without the Neo-Libs.

Neo-Lib candidates are better for Leftists than Fascists are. On every single metric, they are better, or at the very worst equal. Even if you consider the Ratchet model, the keep-things-the-same party is objectively better than the ratchet-to-the-right party. At least it gives you time to popularize Leftist policies and candidates. The further we ratchet to the right, the harder it is to promote the Left.

Ensign_Crab ,

The further we ratchet to the right, the harder it is to promote the Left.

Which is why your wing of the party loves doing it.

agamemnonymous , avatar

Not my party, not my wing. I categorize myself as one of the "Leftists who understand the basics of American elections" mentioned above. I vote strategically, because a Leftist isn't one of the top two names on the ticket. The name with an R next to it is significantly detrimental to the advancement of Leftist policy, the name with the D next to it is also detrimental, but to a far lesser degree.

Until an effective Leftist's name takes one of the top two spots on the ballot, the math is simple: D > R. Even if both are negative, so long as D > R, the choice e is D, every time.

Ensign_Crab ,

And I'm voting for whoever the Democrats put up. Lecture more. Democrats won't do shit to advance leftist policy. They barely hold back Republicans. When they feel like it.

cmbabul ,

Hey! I’m a terminally online extreme leftist and I’m 100% voting Biden or whoever the fuck the DNC puts out to stop the fascism

agamemnonymous , avatar

Congratulations, you have been promoted from "terminally online Leftist" to "Leftist who understands the basics of American elections".

eran_morad ,

This should give pause to the dumbfucks who can’t acknowledge that Biden is in the shitter.

Ensign_Crab ,

Should. Won't. They're in their element here: making up excuses for not changing anything.

TrickDacy ,

And you're in yours: discouraging votes so that Trump wins.

Ensign_Crab ,

I summoned one.

TrickDacy ,

If I cared that you would use that flimsy bullshit story I wouldn't have called you on your incessant anti-Biden obsession

Ensign_Crab ,

Was that a coherent thought before you typed it?

TrickDacy ,

Nah because if you acknowledge what I said, maybe you'd have to address the thousands of messages you've written with the obvious goal of re-electing Trump. Easier to just pretend any opponent has a mental deficiency or something

Ensign_Crab ,

Nah because if you acknowledge what I said, maybe you’d have to address the thousands of messages you’ve written with the obvious goal of re-electing Trump.

Criticism of Biden isn't campaigning for Trump, no matter how many times you pretend it is. If Biden doesn't step down, he will lose. And you will blame everyone who tried to warn you.

TrickDacy ,

If he does step down, the only thing we could be sure of is that there is a new risk introduced. The certainty you have about this is also suspicious on top of the months of anti Biden messaging I've seen from you

Ensign_Crab ,

You think everything to your left is suspicious.

TrickDacy ,

That is the cop-out you usually go with. Irrespective of its falseness

Ensign_Crab ,

I've seen you make the same wild accusation plenty of times to other users.

Don't love Biden? Don't love genocide? Only possible explanation is that you're a Trumpist! Now you're the enemy and I get to treat you like shit!

Which by no coincidence whatsoever is how you want to treat those to your left and only your left.

TrickDacy ,

You probably couldn't be honest if you tried

Ensign_Crab ,

I've never seen you treat anyone to Netanyahu's left with respect.

njm1314 ,

Have that guy tagged as "fascist troll" for a reason.

TrickDacy ,

Yep I have a similar tag myself. It's how I track people that spread bad ideas.

ChihuahuaOfDoom ,

Shit, so do democrats apparently.

JesseoftheNorth ,

Democrats are right wingers

Riccosuave , avatar

Truth x Facts

hypnoton ,

Democrats: "We promise to build one concentration camp less than the Republicans!"

TrickDacy ,

Yeah that's right: BoooOOOoTh SiDeS

knightly , avatar

This, but unironically.

America is a country that carefully maintains the appearance of democracy with none of the substance.

TrickDacy ,

See people who can only speak in extremes lose me instantly. When you say "none of the substance", you remove the chance of a productive conversation because of course there is some level of democracy

knightly , avatar

If by "some level of Democracy" you mean that the only people whose opinions have a statistically significant impact on policy are the wealthy and a select few corporate lobbying orgs, then I don't disagree.

Science proved that America isn't a democracy over a decade ago:

TrickDacy ,

We have never been a pure democracy so this is just as stupid and pointless as I said. You're arguing with an imaginary point of view.

knightly , (edited ) avatar

"We've never been a pure democracy" sure sounds like "No True Scottsman" to me. More like oligopoly, than any kind of democracy, really.

But hey, don't listen to me. I didn't moderate my rhetoric to your preferred tone while casting aspersions at the Holy Democracy of America. XD

TrickDacy ,

sure sounds like "No True Scottsman"

You should learn what that means before you use it

moderate my rhetoric to your preferred tone

That's what we call just telling the truth now? Cool

TokenBoomer ,

No True Scotsman, for posterity.

The modification is signalled by the use of non-substantive rhetoric such as "true", "pure", "genuine", "authentic", "real", etc.

TrickDacy ,

I think you responded to the wrong person

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