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I was curious about where exactly Navarro is doing his time. I learned he's in Mt. Pleasant Correctional Facility in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. I wasn't able to find out too much about whether it's a good prison or bad prison or whatever. From the satellite photo, it doesn't look all that terrible, although I'm sure it's not fun.

While searching for that though, I did find out some things about FCI Miami where I think he originally reported and FDC Miami. Respectively:

In 1986, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) thwarted a daring escape planned by two inmates at MCC Miami. Gary Wayne Betzner and Terry Jackson Briceno planned to be in the recreation area of their housing unit when a helicopter would fly overhead, drop a rope ladder, and help them escape. Instead, once the helicopter flew over them they spotted three FBI agents in the helicopter and several others on the grounds.

Why you gotta mess with the prisoners like that (although that honestly is pretty funny)

In June 2010, the facility's security procedures prevented attorney Brittney Horstman from meeting a client when her underwire bra set off a metal detector. After returning from a bathroom without the item, she was turned away because of the detention center's dress code.

What the fuck

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