Leate_Wonceslace ,
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Not pictured:

  1. Not voting causes fascism to happen faster.

  2. Tankies betraying Anarchists instead of fighting fascism.

Carmakazi ,

"Tankies" are largely accelerationists of a few flavors unified by one desire: watch the United States burn to the ground. You shouldn't take their viewpoint seriously except as adversaries.

volodya_ilich ,

God you guys are as obsessed with tankies as republicans are obsessed with trans people.

First, can you define a tankie? Secondly, can you tell me how many tankies you think live in the US?

TropicalDingdong ,
TrickDacy ,

Right. Voting third party truly is trying nothing, since we already know it's pissing in the wind.

MindTraveller ,

No you don't understand voting is doing nothing and not voting is a heroic action worthy of Stalin himself

disguy_ovahea ,

Between “Democrats say ‘Vote’” and “Democrats do nothing to fight back,” they didn’t vote in 2016.

This Supreme Court is a result of that inaction.

Congratulations on proving abstention hands the government to Republicans.

Let’s not do that any more.

return2ozma OP ,
@return2ozma@lemmy.world avatar

Abby Martin has something to say about that ..


disguy_ovahea ,

That’s great. She’s an idealist. How do we abolish the Supreme Court when we can’t even get congressional majority for more than two years every twenty?

return2ozma OP ,
@return2ozma@lemmy.world avatar

AOC Says She'll File Articles Of Impeachment Amid SCOTUS 'Corruption Crisis'

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's threat of impeachment comes after the court ruled on Trump's immunity argument.


disguy_ovahea ,

I’m all for it. I just have no clue how she expects to win that vote with House minority.

Icalasari ,

Well, if Biden would fucking stop dancing around the point, he could just force this. He has immunity now, after all

disguy_ovahea ,

He doesn’t have sweeping executive powers. He has immunity from prosecution of crime related to official acts.

He can’t force a House vote. He may be able to wrongfully arrest a few Justices and get away with it.

EchoCT ,

We had 8 good years before that and didn't set up any protections.

disguy_ovahea ,

Only Congress can increase the number of Justices on the Supreme Court. We had two years of congressional majority in the last twenty. They focused on healthcare.

Garbanzo ,

They focused on healthcare.

And they gave us Romneycare

thallamabond ,

And even that was a monumental task. One vote away in the Senate, and that one guy got rid of the single payer option for the cost of his vote. Joe Lieberman if you want to look him up, the guy who started no labels political party (without a platform).

FiniteBanjo ,

During the last year of that, Obama was denied the ability to nominate a Supreme Court Justice on an Election Year. Then, Trump got 2 nominees appointed to the SCOTUS, one of which was on an election year.

someguy3 ,

You had the first 2 years of Obama. Obama's thanks for the ACA was voters not showing up and losing the house of representatives for year 3 and 4. And again for year 5 and 6. And then both the house and Senate in years 7 and 8. Congress is what passes laws and has power. They even shut down the freaking government under Obama.

Catoblepas ,

More people (as a percentage of the eligible voting population) voted in 2016 than 2012, and more in 2020 than in 2016.

Finger wagging at people for criticizing the current ruling party (which is sending weapons to a country that is using them to commit genocide) instead of recognizing that we live in an undemocratic system is taking it out on the wrong people. Clinton literally won more votes in the election you're saying people didn't vote hard enough in. It's spitting in the face of everyone whose votes were shat on by the Electoral College to turn around and blame the people who were disenfranchised.

disguy_ovahea ,

I get your point, but only 48% of registered Democrats voted in 2016. 25% were abstention due to dislike of the candidate.

Unfortunately, more Democrats need to vote than Republicans, because of the disproportionate weight of Republican states’ electoral votes.



Catoblepas ,

I’m not seeing where in those links it says only 48% of registered Democrats voted? If I’m missing it please point it out. The overall turnout was about 60% of eligible voters, so Democrats pulling in less than that and STILL getting more votes would be shocking.

Getting angry at voters for not voting hard enough after turnout increases every election cycle should illustrate that yelling at people to vote harder isn’t a solution, it’s a stopgap. It doesn’t change that it’s an intentionally undemocratic system, and it doesn’t prevent the exact same “the person with less votes wins” result from happening again.

JimSamtanko ,

No one is finger wagging for criticizing. They’re being chastised because they whining to everyone how they’re refusing to vote.

Criticize the fuck out of him. I don’t see anyone giving a shit about that-


JimSamtanko ,

Well said, but sadly they are a lot of people here that don’t care. Which is ironic, considering the meme.

AeroLemming ,

Donald Trump lost the popular vote and was illegitimately placed into power by the broken electoral college system.

abracaDavid ,

This Supreme Court is a direct result of Ruth Bader Ginsberg refusing to retire because ???.

Thanks again DNC. Couldn't have done a worse job.

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Don't bring up reality.

Blame Republicans for the Democrats forcing the Supreme Court to be used as a voting carrot.

It's all the lefties fault that they didn't vote for corporate overlord Hillary Clinton.

HubertManne ,

its as if someone is voting facists in or maybe just not voting to keep them out. wierd.

frickineh ,

You know what? Don't vote. You've done basically nothing but agitate for people to hand the election to Trump, and it's obvious you're either too privileged to be hurt by that or too stupid to realize that you will be. I hope that if he wins, you can look at all the people who lose their rights at best and die at worst, and feel really good about taking a stand or whatever in arguably the worst possible election to do that in in decades. I would love for there to be a genuinely progressive candidate with a snowball's chance in hell of winning, but there isn't. A progressive third party candidate (and Jill Stein is not it) is not going to win. That's the reality we live in, and anyone pretending it's not is either a liar, a child, or a moron. I have too much to lose by throwing my vote in the trash, but you do you.

return2ozma OP ,
@return2ozma@lemmy.world avatar

You know you can be critical of the Dems and still vote for them. Everybody should be critical of all our politicians. Always.

frickineh ,

You can be critical in a productive way, and you aren't. It's post after post of "Joe Biden Bad," without any discussion of how to push for meaningful change that might make for a viable third party or a more progressive Democrat party. There's a reason a ton of people have you blocked. When all you do is criticize, it's only barely better than the obvious shills trying to get the left to vote for spoiler candidates or stay home, except at least they're probably getting paid.

return2ozma OP ,
@return2ozma@lemmy.world avatar

What can I say that will push Biden Left? He's been shifting to the right. "We gotta get the Haley voters!"

Dkarma ,

Democrats are the fighting back. Primaries are your opportunity to move the needle even further left.

hark ,
@hark@lemmy.world avatar

I remember when the needle only barely started to move toward Bernie before the democratic party super-geniuses swiftly moved in to make a whole bunch of candidates drop to put their full support behind decrepit Biden right before Super Tuesday while funding a PAC to keep Warren in the race to split votes with Bernie while running their media machine in overtime talking over and over about the "Biden miracle" after the endorsement in South Carolina gave Biden his only victory up to that point. You know, South Carolina, which didn't even end up voting for Biden during the actual presidential election.

Are these the democrats who are fighting back? Well, they're certainly fighting off the leftists with all their might, that's for sure.

peopleproblems ,

Ok, let's point out how poorly timed this meme is.

The election isn't until November. It's July.

We did vote, and we can't vote for any state or district that we are not in. Democrats won 2020, and avoided total disaster in 2022.

Americans cannot and never have had the ability to vote in SCOTUS.

The last chance the Democrats had at preventing this shit show was under Obamas first term when he could have briefly stacked the courts.

pyre ,

Americans did have the ability to vote in SCOTUS. it's called the general election. and they did in 2016, except democratic voters didn't feel like it. so now you get 6-3 decisions that are dismantling the whole country.

Snowclone ,

Yeah, the FBI director got ahold of Anthony Wiener's laptop because he's a fucking awful dirtbag, and at some point his wife had logged into her work email, so IDENTICAL information from The State Department was on it, so FBI big brain decides to make a big ol press conference to reopen the case against Hillary Clinton days before the election just in case maybe there was more than just duplicate information. Except, he already knew it was all duplicate information. Everyone with a brain new it was all duplicate information.

What a brilliant guy. He deserves a lot more blame than he's ever gotten.

abracaDavid ,

So put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye, because this is what voting blue no matter who gets you.

We are fucked, and the DNC doesn't care.

Prove me wrong.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Voting is doing something. The problem is when the people you vote for undermine some of the reasons you voted for them.

someguy3 ,

The problem is that Dems have had control of all 3 (presidency, house of reps, and Senate) for only 4 years of the last 24 years. When you don't have all 3 you are forced to reach across the aisle.

*If you include Bill Clinton then it's 6 years of the last 32 years. If you include Bush senior and Reagan, then it's 6 years of the last 44 fucking years.

rsuri ,

The consequences was losing the election in 2020, no? I mean Democrats are really, really, really bad at fighting back. Like bringing pool noodles to a gun fight bad. But saying they do nothing is a bit much.

WarlordSdocy ,

It's not really a consequence, more like a slight slow down of their plans. All Democrats really do is not make things worse cause as soon as they "try" to make things better they run into some problems that you know the Republicans would never let stop them. So that just means losing elections is just a slow down rather than a serious consequence for Republicans cause eventually people will get tired of the Democrats not being able to do anything and end up either not voting or voting Republican.

Stern ,
@Stern@lemmy.world avatar

"They go low, we go high", has absolutely rotted Dem brains. Going low has worked pretty fucking well.

todd ,

I wish they did nothing instead of making it worse. Every time a Democrat is in office, they work as hard, if not harder, to expand the executive branch. The next time Republicans win an election, they're a step closer to becoming God-Emperor. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Obama presided over a Democratic trifecta after Cheney's unitary executive BS. What did they do to ensure that couldn't happen again? Nothing. They expanded the executive branch further. Then we got Trump. Now, Biden is only trying to expand the executive branch. Trump 2.0 will be so much worse.

niktemadur ,

"It's soooo exhausting to vote one day every two years, so might as well allow as many republicans as possible to become firmly entrenched in every level of government, able to sabotage any attempt to push the inertia in any other direction."

Here's a novel idea: you are not just electing one charismatic godking messiah with a magic political wand to the executive office every four years, but an entire system of appointees and employees.

Then there's Congress, and the Supreme Court, and state governors and state congresses, city mayors and city council, school board, etc.

One side strives for reason and science, the other is scorched earth anti-science anti-reason ignorant hysteria. And you keep giving them enough power to thwart everything.

Tune out and stop watching the infotainment bullshit designed to keep us outraged and polarized every minute of the goddamned day, just show up at the polls each first Tuesday in November and vote Democrat. Once every two years is enough.

At this point, you have enough information to do this with great confidence that it is the correct and sane choice.
Let's get our collective heads out of the Middle Ages peasant mindset.

Prunebutt ,

Once every two years is enough.

No. In a democracy, it should not be "enough" to partake in elections once every two years.

Let's get our collective heads out of the Middle Ages peasant mindset.

At least the peasants rebelled every once in a while when the lords fucked them over too much.

el_abuelo ,

When you say once in a while, are you meaning once every few hundred years? If so then I agree and think we are perfectly on track.

ZILtoid1991 ,

Okay, get your guns! If I remember correctly from Project 2025, Trump wants to dispatch the military on the streets to stop the people from revolting against the christofascist dystopia he and his friends want to impose on others. Maybe you can be just like in the FPS games, and survive from health, weapon, and ammunition drops from the soldiers.

Prunebutt ,

If your military is already so far gone that it will gun down protestors without remorse... why do you want to keep that system alive, again?

abracaDavid ,

And yet, somehow the DNC is completely powerless while we are watching all of our human rights get washed down the drain and simultaneously watching it become legal to bribe judges.

This is horseshit and the DNC is complicit.

corsicanguppy ,

quick reminder: Democrats have had control of house, senate, white house exactly 4 months of the last 44 years. There's been little opportunity for the 'fight back' part where they fight for democracy when most of their time is undoing the absolute worst of the fascists' hate-ball of regulations. THAT's the exhausting part.

volodya_ilich ,

For how long has this trifecta been under fascist control? Because it seems like fascists act with impunity and unlimited power as soon as they control one institution.

menas ,

Each time a leftist ask me to vote, my answer is "only if you unionize".
I don't think we should rely and a political party that defend the bourgeoisie to organize the fight against fascism.

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

A vote for Democrat is a vote for Fascism already.

YeetPics ,

So brave, so bold 🥲

EatATaco ,

It's also bullshit, but you know that already.

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