lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

The false dichotomy fallacy here is that we don't have to choose either. There is still time to pick Robin. Younger; more charismatic; still moral.

fukurthumz420 ,

show me robin.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Whitmer. Shapiro. Newsom, even.

Before anyone tries to claim polls show they wouldn't do better than Biden against Trump let me remind people that this is without them having the endorsement of the dnc or the inevitable viral media attention they'd receive from endorsements from Obama or Biden himself. They'd surge overnight.

You know who isn't surging? Biden. He's been steadily declining in every single data-point, and the debate didn't help.

So you know what 70% of voters have a problem with? How old the two current candidates are.

Give them what they want. Give Americans new exciting shit to vote for. This is the country that watches the Kardashians and American Idol for christ sake.

sushibowl ,

Maybe. On the other hand, changing out your candidate after one debate doesn't inspire much confidence. And you lose the advantage a sitting president usually has in elections.

A new candidate might indeed do better, but the DNC is risk averse as hell. I don't see them having the balls to make a move like this.

HaleHirsute ,

You know what inspires even less confidence? Biden.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

The track record of the Biden administration is solid. Why should that change?

MiDaBa ,

Because Biden isn't solid.

nickwitha_k ,

He could be a bowl of jelly and it wouldn't make a difference. He's just the head of the Executive branch, where his job is pretty much signing/vetoing bills, hiring cabinet members, and nominating judges (with advice from said cabinet members). The alternative is a Nazi supported by the lines of the swastika-waving Nazis seen in Florida.

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar
lolcatnip ,

...who you also went vote for because "both sides*.

nickwitha_k ,

Nope. That's Denying the Correlative. In the general election, there are two choices of statistical significance, supporting the DNC candidate, or supporting the RNC candidate. The Right is consistent in voting and wins when there is lower turnout for the DNC candidate (they are a minority). Third parties are spoilers, generally bleeding votes from the DNC candidate, making it more likely that the RNC candidate wins.

The Democratic primary ended in early June. That was the time to get Robin in. Now, it's too late for that and the choice is between Alfred, who should be retired, and the Joker, who should be retired and wants to replace democracy with a dictatorship, put anyone who was mean to him in prison, and expand ongoing genocides where he thinks that he can profit off of the real estate that used to belong to the murdered inhabitants.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Whoa, whoa, whoa... Who said anything about third-party?

The nominee isn't official until the convention, which means we still have time. And I ask: what would happen between then and November should Biden suffer a fatal medical emergency or his condition get so worse it's impossible to hide? Democrats would, of course, find a way to put someone else on the ticket.

So let's not pretend it's impossible or that the ship has sailed, for it has not.

If we actually grow a fucking backbone and realize that Biden:

  • Is performing WORSE in EVERY WAY compared to his 2020 run (where he eeked by with 40,000 votes)
  • Is performing WORSE than Hillary Clinton's loss in 2016.
  • 70% of the electorate BEFORE the catastrophic debate seen by 50 million people thought Biden was too old
  • 64% of independents POST-debate say they want Biden replaced on the ballot.

... And let's acknowledge that we need to take a chance at an open convention or face a guaranteed loss.

jj4211 ,

I think the third party is a valid thing to keep in mind. The Republicans are a bit more "ends justify the means", which translates to not letting themselves get distracted by "perfect is the enemy of the good". So they might even prefer a third party, but they are less likely to because they tend to be a bit more coldly strategic in their voting.

With respect to they can ignore the results of the primary vote... but that's exactly the sort of thing that people accussed them of when they put Hilary Clinton up as their candidate. So the right can tear into them for 'coronating' their candidate instead of doing an election.

While they can put up someone else, it would be a pretty desperate act, and it's hard to know which bad option is the worst of the options.

Holzkohlen ,

Who cares if they die day 1 in office? It's about which party is in charge.

ReluctantMuskrat ,

It's about which person is not going to have and abuse his Presidential power.

Facebones ,

Biden has been doing it too but yknow, abuse is cool when its blue.

ReluctantMuskrat ,

Seems you clearly understood who I was talking about. The two are not the same, even remotely.

Trump wants power regardless of whether he wins the election or not, tried to take power when he lost, and many of his own cabinet appointees and his own vice president have come out against him. He spreads lies incessantly, sides with Putin in everyway and is denigrating to our intelligence agencies and military. Not to mention being a guy that brags about sexually assaulting women, talks about his own daughter sexually and was good friends with a known pedophile. He's even said he wouldn't release info on Epstein and those he associated with.

Facebones ,

"I support abuse of presidential power when its blue"

Good for you, buddy

mlg ,
@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

More like victor zsasz vs the joker lmao

ssj2marx ,

Batman put Harley Quinn in charge of the bat cave.

Phegan ,

They be like: your options are a shit sandwich or getting shot in the head.

When all along your options are every other food too, they just removed them from the menu.

You still should pick the shit sandwich over the shot to the head, but you should as hell be mad at both the one who would pull the trigger and the ones who left you with a shit sandwich as the viable alternative.

Eat the sandwich, remove the trigger man then go after the restaurant owners.

hamid ,
@hamid@lemmy.world avatar

It is going to be so funny when the election is over and all the people who are actually in power in the USA are still in direct power because it is a corrupt oligarchy run by international criminals and not an actual republic where you have meaningful say.

rsuri ,

Ok yeah, but that doesn't mean we need to choose Alfred to do the actual fighting against the Joker. Instead, it's perfectly OK to say "Hey Alfred, let Batman handle the Joker, you watch and provide advice if you're needed."

Smoogs ,

If you aren’t happy with the candidates: PAY ATTENTION DURING THE PRIMARIES. You can’t complain now which restaurant to eat at only when the food arrives at the table. You’re coming in way the fuck Too late now for this argument.

lightnsfw ,

People were saying the same shit about Biden during the primaries, they were saying the same shit during the primaries of the last election. It doesn't matter. the Dem leadership rig it to run whoever they want to run.

xor ,

Didn't Bernie run in the last primary?

PugJesus ,
@PugJesus@lemmy.world avatar

For some reason, people are convinced that Bernie would have won if it wasn't for the DNC putting a gun to the head of millions of Democratic voters and making them vote for Joe Biden instead.

I'm a Bernie voter. Biden was like, third to last pick for me, not exactly rooting for him. If people my age spent as much time and effort actually fucking voting like the suburban fucking soccer moms that shored up Biden's support during the primary, we COULD have had Bernie.

MiDaBa ,

They knew in 2020 that Joe was slipping but instead of trying to solve the problem then they did nothing but cover up the obvious issues. To go with the metaphor, Alfred was a good man doing the right thing. The modern Democrat party has no Alfred. Instead they now seems to care more about their party's own power over the actual good of the country. Very few people wanted Joe in 2020 but we were told we vote him in to save democracy and then run someone better in 2024. Now here we are going through the same loop.
No, if the Democratic party refuses to run a candidate that the people want then we've already lost our democracy. Our two party only system is already a joke and it allows those in power to do whatever they want with the looming threat that the other team will destroy America. I'm sorry to say but the Joker is already in charge.

cumskin_genocide ,

Alfred has been dead for like 5 years now. He's not coming back. Bruce has a new mansion in the city with the Bat Family.

They replaced Alfred with Bruce. We're not asking them to replace Alfred with the Joker, but with someone competent

jordanlund ,
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar
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