DropBear ,
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

"... there are reasonable grounds to believe that Israel is committing the international ‘crime of all crimes’: that of genocide."

"... while our government has called for a ceasefire, they refuse to name Israel’s crimes or take the material action many have called for under international law, including implementing sanctions and throwing our weight behind a global arms embargo. As Palestinian human rights lawyer Rabea Eghbariah asked in a 2023 essay commissioned but then censured by Harvard Law Review, “does one have to wait for a genocide to be successfully completed to name it?” "

"Albanese’s decision to indefinitely suspend [Senator Fatima Payman] from caucus has received widespread backlash. Many see it as sending a message to diverse communities that they will be silenced, rather than respectfully listened to, if they speak out on issues of importance to their communities."


TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

@DropBear @israel @palestine

So why do you support Hamas?

DropBear OP ,
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

@TruthSandwich is a well-known troll. Anybody reading this would be wise to block that domain.

At the end of that article is this line about the author:
"Sarah Schwartz is a lawyer, lecturer and executive officer of the Jewish Council of Australia."

Jewish communities increasingly recognise that the Zionist state endangers them. The world in general, and Jews in particular, will be safer when Israel no longer exists.

A reading of their founding documents reveals little difference between Hamas and Likud. I support neither.

Most of the death, destruction and terror has been inflicted by Israel. Why would anybody support that?

@israel @palestine

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  • TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DropBear @israel @palestine

    Yes, everyone should block my account on the basis of a well-known antisemitic troll calling me out.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @DropBear @israel @palestine

    Just make a list of all the positive things about Israel.
    If it's good perhaps someone is willing to consider it useful.
    Must be quite good though, in contrast to the genocide.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine

    "Genocide" functions here as a thought-terminating cliche.

    The realty is that @DropBear supports genocide, just so long as it's Jews being genocided again.

    There is no way to end "the Zionist state" without genocide, and Hamas proudly brags about it.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar
    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine

    Where's your response to my original point?

    Tell me how you can oppose the existence of Israel without simultaneously embracing Hamas' genocidal plans.

    That was the question I asked @DropBear at the start and they never did answer it.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    You're hypocrate, opposing exactly that what Israel is doing if someone else is doing it, else not!

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    First, you didn't actually address my point any more than DropBear did.

    Second, you attacked me personally, using a misspelling of "hypocrite".

    Third, I oppose genocide, unlike the two of you.

    One again: How can you support Hamas' goal of the destruction of Israel without supporting the method of genocide?

    This is about you, not me. I'm not the one endorsing genocide.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Where is your list about positive things of Israel?

    I'm against any kind of oppression, but you seem to protect those of Israel, and want to drag me into a discussion that is pretty pointless amid the atrocities Israel is comitting -- no matter if Hamas is involved or targeted.
    Israel just counts bodies as trophies, there is not much distinction between Hamas and other people, contrary children, journalists, doctors, healthworkers are targeted.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    I raised the issue of Hamas support, and you need to address that directly before making any demands of me.

    Do you support genocide against Palestinians? How about Israelis? If your answers differed (mine don't), explain why.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Can't you read, what I just wrote? There you find the answer.

    IF Israel had taken care to target only Hamas, much less people would complain about Israel.
    The issue is that Israel targets everyons, randomly or arbitrary -- especially those who support just common Palestinians and humanitarian aid to people who suffer from Famine and the other atrocities of Israel.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    This is nonsense. Hamas doesn't live in its own neighborhood that can be targeted exclusively. Quite the contrary: it uses Gazans as human shields.

    Despite this, the rate of collateral damage has been very low, even though Gaza is a dense, urban environment. It's lower than our own in the Iraq war, for example.

    These two memes address your flawed arguments.


    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Come on, you know me and that I know your bad propaganda.
    Come foward with something better than that bullshit you wrote, that's utter nonsense what you just posted.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Just going to remined you that you've failed to address anything I've said, so you're in no position to draw conclusions, much less claim victory.

    You have not answered whether you are opposed to all genocide or just some.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar
    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    I see nothing. Paste the part that addresses my point.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Here you go.
    btw. after your terrible last propaganda I'm pretty well in the position to draw conclusions.


    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Thank you for sharing your refuted points. I directly addressed the second one, for example, with the comparison to Iraq. And you never responded.

    Is your lying as boring for you as it is for me?

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    You wrote
    > Despite this, the rate of collateral damage has been very low, even though Gaza is a dense, urban environment.

    Thats absolutely bullshit.
    IF that would have been the case much less houses had been destroyed, but instead Gaza had been almost carpet bombed and 2000 KG bombs used in dense populated areas.

    Even before Oct. 7 Ganas have been systematically limited to use water, even collecting rain water was forbidden.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    We can go with your feels and vibes, or we can stick with the numbers. I prefer the latter.

    And, speaking of numbers, we need real ones. Hamas has been caught lying over and over again, and flatly refuses to distinguish between noncombatant and combatant mortality, because doing so would undermine their propaganda.

    But even with their fake numbers, the casualty rate is lower than it was in Iraq.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    So what would different numbers change?
    30000 or 20000 instead of almost 40000 victims would make Israel's disproportionate actions better?

    The target is not to get rid of Hamas, but to get rid of Palestinians all together, to get land for settlers and concessions for Oil-companies.

    The whole story about Hamas is a pretext, especially as Hamas was supported by Israel.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    The claim of "genocide" requires noncombatant casualties to be excessive. This is exactly the opposite of what the numbers show.

    Hamas has the stated goal of destroying Israel through genocide. You support this.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Israels government had so many statements that openly confessed the clear intention of genocide, just without using that distinct word. Actually it's funny and sad that you wanna start that discussion where all these statements are already well known, even in western media.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    And yet -- as the numbers show -- there's no genocide, no matter how you choose to interpret statements of intent by their far right fringe.

    In contrast, your Hamas buddies committed a massacre, explicitly targeting noncombatants. That's unambiguously terrorism, yet you support it.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    I didn't say anything that I support it 🤷‍♂️
    So you must have hallucinations.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Beside that I'd advice to read the definition of genocide again. Theoretically there can happen a genocide without a single dead person.
    Your assumption that "And yet -- as the numbers show -- there's no genocide" is utterly wrong.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Sure, just like I can be guilty of murder without ever killing anyone?

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Abducting kids, deporting a whole population (like Gaza was actually built) are part of the definition of genocide too, both never require any dead persons.
    But of course that wouldn't be enough for Israel, they use the whole arsenal that falls under this definition, including torture, murder and human shields.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    In contrast, Hamas openly brags that they want to destroy the state of Israel by killing as many of its citizens as it can and driving the rest out.

    But when Israel responds to the massacre with retaliatory war, you call it genocide. Fuck you, antisemite.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Ohhh, we've reached the level of open insults!

    I tell you what, keep on believing the Israel propaganda and argue in their purpose, then you're more antisemite than anyone else, because the reaction of the genocide is antisemitism among people who never can separate between Israel's actions and Jews -- and the moral behavior of Israeli's seems never being able to get worse, they reached the very bottom.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    The ironic point is that you deny genocide to prevent genocide, that's ridiculous.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Yes, my patience with antisemites is indeed finite. You dodged every point I made, and personally attacked me from the very start, although you didn't even know how to spell the insult.

    So, sure, it's all my fault when I respond in kind. Pretty much the same logic as accusing Israel of genocide when it retaliates against attempted genocide.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Yaaaawn, starting all over again ....

    I know you already long time, so "attacking you from the very beginning" isn't correct, furthermore you've proven your own disinformation very clear, I didn't have to do anything to discredit you.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Why do you lie when it's so easy to prove?

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    What you wanna show me?
    That I made a typo in hypocrite?

    Beside that, that wasn't the beginning of the discussion.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    You accused me of hypocrisy while dodging every question and then repeating refuted claims. Boring.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Go trolling someone else.
    You can break your teeth on me.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    I just bit you in half.

    You can't come up with any way to destroy Israel without destroying Israelis. It's ethnic cleansing, if not genocide.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    That's exactly the reason why Israel was built as apartheid state like it is, and the settler movement has especially the target to make a 2 state solution impossible --- since long time already.
    Question is if this move will be judged as wise in the end. If Israelis or Israel as state get attacked, it's not me who is doing it, I admit though my tears will be limited amid the atrocities Israel is committing and the ignorance it shows towards critics.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    No, Israel was build as half of Mandatory Palestine, but the Palestinians rejected the UN's two-state solution and went to war.

    They continue their genocidal war and you continue to support them and their antisemitic goals.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Congrats, seems you can read at least half of the history!

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    The half you prefer to ignore. The half that shows that the Palestinians are the reason there's no Palestine.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    OOhh boy.
    I'm getting tired of this crap.
    The whole process of building a state was curbed from the very beginning, and sure Palestinians had a reason to decline agreements.
    Beside that, even the fact that the agreements have been declined, that wouldn't have been a reason to slaughter Palestinians in huge amounts from the very beginning in 1947/8.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    The fuckers didn't "decline", the committed massacres against civilians. You know, the same way Hamas terrorists do today.

    They've rejected every diplomatic effort to achieve a two-state solution because, just like Likud, they're holding out for a single state to the exclusion of everyone else.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Well, tell the history books about it, because it seems being written wrong then.

    The Israelis committed atrocities from the very beginning, and the Jewish terrorists of that time are well known.

    Anyway, the only thing I wish for Israel and Palestine is peace. Currently I see that Israel has maximum level of aggression, but no possibility how any peace could be reached.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    The only lasting peace that doesn't involve genocide is a two-state solution, which Hamas rejects.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    well, as you named the "right wing government" of Israel by yourself, you know the statements of Israel are exactly the same like from Hamas concerning this point.
    Israel in contrast has the power to realize this target, Palestinians are clearly inferior and oppressed, which in return makes the dream to become free of Israel quite reasonable.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    The difference is that Israel is a democracy and holds binding elections. Likud can and should be voted out.

    Palestine doesn't even exist. It's at least two petty states, where the southern one hasn't held elections since Hamas took power.

    The only way to get rid of Hamas, and end its terrorist threat, is war. The war you falsely call "genocide". That war.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    The rest of "democracy" in Israel might be the last hope that the government could solve the issue by itself perhaps. Due to apartheid Palestinians think certainly not seriously that they have any say in the democracy.

    Concerning genocide just refer to to ICJ, I've no need to argue about things that are already confirmed from the Hague.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    "Apartheid", like "genocide", is used by antisemites as a slur against Israel. It is disgusting. YOU are disgusting and despicable for engaging in this antisemitism.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    So how you'd call a state where citizens are seeparated by walls and fences, and where peolpe have to take different roads, where people are judged by 2 different laws?

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    This is nonsense. Arabs who are citizens of Israel are fully equal.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    No, it's hard or impossible to join the Knesset, furthermore you just excluded the large rest of Arabs who are not accepted citizens of Israel.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    You mean the ones who deny the existence of the State of Israel and slur it as "the Zionist state"? Those fuckers?

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    I'd say your view is certainly not helping to accept the facts or even to make peace possible.
    You're in denial of the atrocities Israel is committing disproportional as well as of the simple fact that Israel is an apartheid state.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    It's a simple fact that "pro-Palestinian" activists are openly pro-Hamas, hence antisemitic.

    That's why I keep talking about your support for Hamas.


    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    I tell you what:
    Hang them, shoot them, bomb them all -- if they belong to Hamas.
    That doesn't justify targeted killing of journalists, children, healthcare workers, members of UN institutions or civilians.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    I already refuted this, liar.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    With people like you there won't be peace. Never ever.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    There will be no peace until your Hamas friends are defeated.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    "Arab Knesset members have served in office since the First Knesset. The first Arab Knesset members were Amin-Salim Jarjora and Seif el-Din el-Zoubi who were members of the Democratic List of Nazareth party and Tawfik Toubi, member of the Maki party."

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    So, which Arabs are members of the Knesset today?

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    I refuted your claim. I will not discuss the topic further.

    You don't get to move the goalposts when defeated. You don't get to repeat claims once they're refuted.

    You antisemites are, among many other things, intellectually dishonest.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @israel @palestine @DropBear

    I'm always in tears when a Zionist "refuted me" and even announces to stop a discussion.

    Like I said: go troll someonme else.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear

    1. Antisemite makes a blatantly false claim.

    2. It's easily refuted.

    3. Antisemite repeats refuted claim as though it's not refuted.

    4. Nobody's willing to pretend this claim is still alive.

    5. Antisemite whines.

    History repeats itself.

    GregDance ,
    @GregDance@mastodon.green avatar

    @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Might I interject here?
    I have some simple observations on the self badged ‘Truth Sandwich’ troll.
    By using an obviously false assertion of corrected ness in its name ie ‘truth’ in it that shows that it aligns itself to tRUMP’s so called ‘truth social’ (a carbon copy car creep)

    All the returns from it are simply twists & lies! Like tRUMP’s.

    Best to block a blood sucker account like this & move on!


    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Yeah, probably you're right, I should have blocked him much earlier. I know this propaganda mouthpiece already long time ...

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    The person you're responding to is knowingly lying about me. I'm a Democrat who despises Trump. But I guess antisemites don't care about truth.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Actually I don't care for whom you vote in the USA, or what your politics are there.
    Biden made good national politics too and is a fascist nevertheless, concerning Israel.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    Which gets to the real point: this isn't a war between Israel and Hamas. It's a war between Iran (and its proxies) and the entire West.

    Part of the goal is to create a pretext by which to attack Biden as , a fact-free slur that justifies helping Trump by sitting out the election.

    That's the elephant in the room. Let's just say it's ironic that 10/7 is Putin's birthday.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    You're smoking the wrong stuff, no clue how long already.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    This is an offensively stupid nonresponse, antisemite.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    I'm just curious if you type the word "antisemite" always new, or if you have it in the clipboard to paste it from time to time.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    It's odd: whenever I try type your name, Mastodon fills in "antisemite".

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar

    @TruthSandwich @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    I've my doubts that you know the difference between even and odd, seems you can't handle your software either.

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    It's almost as though your antisemitism is painfully obvious even to Mastodon.

    DavidBruchmann ,
    @DavidBruchmann@mastodon.world avatar
    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    You can close your eyes and eyes, or even block me, but I remain.

    As, coincidentally, so does the truth. The truth is that Hamas is evil and anyone who supports it is evil. No exceptions.

    cwtshycwtsh ,
    @cwtshycwtsh@piipitin.fi avatar

    @TruthSandwich Sorry, not sorry, Falsehood Sandy. But today I will say just this to you: get fucked you repulsive fascist cunt.

    The only anti-Semite here is you. Palestine will be free, no matter what you do and whinge about.

    @DavidBruchmann @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @cwtshycwtsh @DavidBruchmann @GregDance @israel @palestine @DropBear

    The freedom of Palestine cannot come at the destruction of Israel, antisemite.

    GregDance ,
    @GregDance@mastodon.green avatar
    TruthSandwich ,
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar

    @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine

    Last I checked, @DropBear supported Hamas' goal of the destruction of Israel. They admit that this entails genocide, so I asked him if he supports that part as well, or whether he imagines some alternative.

    Naturally, he didn't respond.

    saunders ,

    @TruthSandwich @DavidBruchmann @israel @palestine @DropBear if the emphasis is on counting the dead, then a few pie charts would be most informative. Of those dead, how many, and what percentages, do Hamas acknowledge as their fighters?

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