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LEDZeppelin , in How Billionaires Are Reshaping the Presidential Race: Wealthy donors including Timothy Mellon helped Donald Trump’s campaign out-raise President Biden’s last month

“Fuck the grassroots”

RizzRustbolt , in New ‘Detective Work’ on Butterfly Declines Reveals a Prime Suspect


silence7 OP ,

Per the article:

Especially detrimental, the researchers found, was a class of widely used insecticides called neonicotinoids that are absorbed into the tissues of plants.

So yes, Monsanto, as well as other firms which manufacture and sell that class of pesticide.

Monsanto's Roundup also caused a big drop in monarch populations, because Roundup means that there is a lot less milkweed, but that effect already bottomed out, since it's used almost everywhere already.

BubbleMonkey , in New ‘Detective Work’ on Butterfly Declines Reveals a Prime Suspect avatar

I have milkweed all over my town lot. Haven’t really seen too many monarchs tho, and no caterpillars or cocoons so far (years).. might have too much residual chemical from other people using stuff even tho I don’t.

Kids seem to like it, the adults in the area don’t care for it much though ;)

silence7 OP ,

Some towns regularly spray insecticides to kill mosquitoes too. That tends to kill all sorts of stuff, not just the mosquitoes.

Ashyr , in New ‘Detective Work’ on Butterfly Declines Reveals a Prime Suspect

Pesticides kill more than the intended target.

Coffee_Addict , in Lokiceratops, a Horned Dinosaur, May Be a New Species | Researchers analyzed a skull found in Montana of a plant-eating member of the ceratops family, finding distinct traits. avatar

Sometimes, I cannot help but wonder why there are so many different species of ceratopsians (I think that’s the right term,) but then I remember that these guys existed for millions upon millions of years and probably didn’t even exist all at the same time.

It’s crazy how much life on earth existed and how we will never know anything about 99.99% of it.

grue , in Clearview AI Used Your Face. Now You May Get a Stake in the Company.

This is perverse: giving everyone a financial interest in AI creates an ulterior motive to accept AI when they otherwise would not. This ruling is almost a form of manufactured consent.

While it seems like an unusual legal remedy, there have been comparable situations, said Samuel Issacharoff, a New York University law professor. The 1998 settlement between tobacco companies and state attorneys general required the companies to pay billions of dollars over decades into a fund for health care costs.

No it is fucking not comparable! Paying out equity and paying into a fund to cover future liability are entirely different!

geekworking , in Louisiana Requires Ten Commandments to Be Displayed in Every Public Classroom

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion

The very first words of the First Amendment that these fucktads go around screaming about.

silence7 OP ,
Fiivemacs , in A Mysterious Monolith Appears Near Las Vegas. Why? It’s Anyone’s Guess.

I'm more confused why this is a police matter....

silence7 OP ,

Somebody called. Cops didn't have anybody with dark skin or who might be gay to beat up.

WatDabney , in U.S. Sues Adobe Over Hard-to-Cancel Subscriptions

I've never really understood what the deal is with Adobe.

They put out a couple of notable pieces of software relatively early on that have become the standards for their fields. So from that point of view, it would seem that their corporate identity should be that of a staid, venerable old institution.

But instead, for whatever reason, the company has always been and still is more like a fly-by-night used car dealer bent only on fleecing as many saps as possible by whatever means might serve.

They genuinely appear to be entirely and completely without ethics or integrity, entirely willing at any time to implement any scheme no matter how odious.

It's just weird to me that a company that could be well respected for quality software is instead run like a Nigerian prince scam.

shalafi , in U.S. Sues Adobe Over Hard-to-Cancel Subscriptions

I don't get these lawsuits. If the FTC says Adobe is breaking a law or regulation, give 'em $X days to comply. Done.

silence7 OP ,

Some laws are written to require the courts to adjudicate claims of violation by the executive branch. This is one.

homesweethomeMrL , in Congestion Pricing Delay in New York Ripples Across the Country

silence7 OP ,

Must sit in heavy dense traffic and go nowhere at all in car. This maximizes oil industry profits on each trip.

Pronell , in G.O.P.-Led States, Claiming ‘Invasion,’ Push to Expand Power to Curb Immigration

They're pro-worker!

They're open for business!

What? Not them! They're the wrong people!

silence7 OP ,
ChowJeeBai , in The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started

Doesn't matter if they don't go out and vote.

EleventhHour , in Trump Once Promised to Revive Coal. That Was So 2016. | Now, he trumpets oil and gas, and hardly mentions the dirtiest of the fossil fuels. avatar

Oil barons have more money and influence than coal barons.

MehBlah , in Young Women Are Fleeing Organized Religion. This Was Predictable.

This is the real reason for this push toward dictatorship. These religions know they are dying out and wish to push the world back into darkness. Its only in darkness and ignorance that they can flourish.

silence7 OP ,

I don't think it's as simple as there being one sole reason, but it's definitely one of the reasons.

MehBlah ,

Don't discount the idea that their fundamental drives/perversions are not the primary reason for nearly all of their actions. At the heart of these broken people is the idea that they can control women so they are free to rape them at will. They wont put it that way but lets face it that is what they want.

I'm a middle aged white male. As a result when meeting these petty little people I often hear comments and opinions that make it clear they have little respect for women or anyone who does't share their pigmentation and religion. I've met some truly horrible people. Not that they are the majority but it seems the more wealthy they are the more unhinged they are. All I have to do keep silent to hear it. I've heard these trash ideas many times from sad little garbage humans who think women taking a pill or controlling their own bodies is the reason why they can't 'keep' a woman. The idea that they are wrong never enters their mind. They blame everyone but themselves for their troubles. Nothing would please them more than to be able to make a woman a owned object and to be sure its their final goal. Along with anyone who they don't agree with or approve of.

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