
homesweethomeMrL , in Evidence Is Mounting That the Saudis Had a Hand in 9/11

Yeah, we knew this then.

Maybe the question isn’t what are we going to do - the question is why haven’t we done anything.

teft , avatar

Well since the highest court has no issues with being bribed out in the open I'd put money on some hands being greased.

SuckMyWang , in How does this end? With Hamas holding firm and fighting back in Gaza, Israel faces only bad options

Israel must withdrawal and continue to have rockets fired into its innocent civilian communities for the next 5 years. It’s the only peaceful option or something

BaldProphet ,

That's what most of the fediverse seems to believe.

Hobbes_Dent , in How does this end? With Hamas holding firm and fighting back in Gaza, Israel faces only bad options

Hopefully immediate withdrawal to stop the bleeding from being terrorized and then in response showing a lack of respect for life on the reactive scale of a bully, which is also laid bare.

So I guess my answer to the question is perhaps a nation state for Palestine and all the responsibilities and protections that come with it. Responsibility for attacks made as a nation and protection from an international community with a shared interest in peace.

Just today’s thought. I don’t know the answer but it better come fucking fast.

BaldProphet ,

Palestine needs its own state, for sure. But unfortunately there is no way that will happen as long as Hamas has control of Gaza.

cmbabul , in UN court order demanding Israel to halt Gaza offensive further isolates US position

I feel like in many ways we’re watching the calm before the real big storm, don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to minimize the horrors being inflicted upon Palestinians and Ukrainians or paint them as trivial, but I can’t shake this ominous impression that the whole of the current global order is about to be completely turned on its head and plunge everyone into chaos. The order needs to be overturned and desperately so, but those in advantageous positions to rebuild after are not the ones that want to reshape it for the good of humanity, but themselves and that deeply terrifies me

hydrashok , in Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

Time to legally update your name to include it, just like Bob Wehadababyitsaboy.

phoneymouse , in Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

Get fucked. Love to see the first amendment case on this one.

disguy_ovahea , in Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

Silently protest by exclusively using they/them for all employees and students in email body content.

admiralteal ,

Honestly, do this anyway. Default to they/them until someone requests otherwise. It's the best way to normalize it for people who don't present in an assumable way, without exposing yourself to the same level of potential retaliation that asking leads to.

disguy_ovahea ,

True, it’s a good practice for those you don’t know. I think using it exclusively for the people they’ve known and worked with for years would send a clear message of disagreement with the policy. It’s also not something they can forbid, because it’s rightfully inclusive.

BumpingFuglies ,

Please don't do this. This is just misgendering by default. The vast majority of people are exactly the gender they appear to be on the surface, and if they aren't, they'll let you know. I've only known one person who wasn't the gender they appeared (a very masculine-presenting enby), and they weren't offended at all when I misgendered them at first; they corrected me, I apologized, and that was the end of it.

However, if you call the wrong clearly-masculine "alpha male" or clearly-feminine "queen bitch" they/them, you're likely to get a violent reaction.

admiralteal ,

Gross. You care more about preserving the delicate feelings of bigoted snowflakes than actual vulnerable people.

It's not misgendering if you use non-gendered language. Non-gendered language is not gendered. Grammatical gender is idiotic and we'd be better off without it.

BumpingFuglies ,

I completely agree. Gendered pronouns are not helpful and at this point only confuse things. I'm just glad English doesn't have gendered nouns, too, like Latin-based languages.

Anyway, the fact is that they/them has become "gendered" in the sense that it's now a preferred pronoun for a lot of people, mostly androgynous enbies, so its implicit meaning has changed. Sure, it's still used as a non-gendered pronoun for hypothetical people, but when used for a real, known person, it has the same implication as he/him or she/her - that they appear to be a certain gender, enby in this case.

I'm a clearly masculine person - I've got a beard and I wear masculine clothes. I personally wouldn't be offended, but I would think it very odd if someone saw me and thought they/them was an appropriate pronoun for me. If masculinity was as important to me as it is to most men, I could see myself getting offended at someone implying that I appear androgynous. Same as if an enby was referred to as he/him or she/her. Cisfolk's emotions are just as valid as valid as enbies'.

livus ,

"They" as a neutral singular pronoun has been in the English language for hundreds of years.

Enbys also use it as a personal pronoun, sure - but no one gets to dictate that it can no longer be used as a neutral pronoun for everyone of any gender.

BumpingFuglies ,

English is my primary language, so yes, I'm aware of the historical use of they/them as a non-gendered pronoun for hypothetical people.

I'm also aware of the fluid nature of language. I'm still salty about "literally" becoming its own antonym, but I have to accept it because it's now part of English.

That being said, it's never been socially acceptable to use they/them for a known person of a binary gender, and I'd argue that it's even less acceptable now, thanks to the common adoption of they/them as a personal pronoun for known persons of nonbinary gender.

It'd be much less confusing if there was an entirely new pronoun for enbies. Or, better yet, if there were never any gendered pronouns to begin with. But this is the world we live in, and we all have to find the best way to navigate our own paths without kicking up dirt onto others'.

livus ,

I'm sympathetic to what you're saying but there's a part I just can't get on board with at all. I don't know if it's just that I come from a really different society to your one or what is going on here, but this paragraph doesn't ring true to me at all:

it’s never been socially acceptable to use they/them for a known person of a binary gender, and I’d argue that it’s even less acceptable now, thanks to the common adoption of they/them as a personal pronoun for known persons of nonbinary gender.

It's totally socially acceptable where I am to call people "they", or at least it always has been.

Didn't mean to insinuate anything about your English btw; in my experience most native English speakers don't have much interest in historical useage or etymology. Formal English style guides have only come on board with singular "they" in the last 15-20 years despite everyone using it colloquially for decades and decades.

LinkOpensChest_wav , in Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails avatar

Looks like the tribes who've banned Noem from their land have made the right call

Wish we could ban her ass from the rest of the state as well

Aussiemandeus , in UN court order demanding Israel to halt Gaza offensive further isolates US position avatar

But Russia's war is fine. Tune UN are spineless cunts

Oofnik OP ,
taanegl , in 1,400 packages of meth weighing almost 6 tons and worth over $18 million found in squash shipment avatar

And there goes my summer.

aniki , in 2nd human case of bird flu confirmed in Michigan: Health officials

Is that the second ever? I thought once this jumps species it's going to get real fucking ugly. I haven't been paying attention to much of anything lately because gestures wildly...


It’s the second cattle to human case in the United States. As I understand it, H5N1 isn’t a threat to us until it mutates to become transmissible from human to human. As for all the other things, I suggest you immerse yourself like I did until it completely breaks you, so that you can join me in laughing maniacally at all of it.

palordrolap , in Alexei Navalny ally Leonid Volkov says fight against Putin will never end

Against Putin the fight will end. Putin is a man, and eventually men die.

The question is whether his replacement will have the same ideals. Or puppet masters.

Son_of_dad , in Mercedes-Benz workers in Alabama vote against joining UAW, a blow to union's expansion in the South

Morons. I'm a union worker and it's crazy how many of my union brothers are conservative voters. They vote for politicians who are openly anti union, anti workers.

Maeve , in An Israeli Company Is Hawking Its Self-Launching Drone System to U.S. Police Departments

Go figure.

Fiivemacs , in Mercedes-Benz workers in Alabama vote against joining UAW, a blow to union's expansion in the South


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