
UID_Zero , in Many believe the founders wanted a Christian America. Some want the government to declare one now avatar

The Treaty is often cited in discussions regarding the role of religion in United States government for a clause in Article 11 of the English language American version which states that "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

Signed by founders, we don't even have to wonder what their thoughts were. Leave your shitty religion out of government.

I have no problem with Christians. I have a problem with whatever GOP-supporting assholes call Christian, because it is nothing like what Jesus would teach/do.

HubertManne , avatar

What drives me crazy is the rationalizations around this they make when even without it, its clear most of the founders were rationalists. There is a reason jefferson rewrote the gospels without the supernatural as a morality tale.

_haha_oh_wow_ , in In stunning defeat, House Republicans fail to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas over border avatar

Stunning? Really? Who expected this to go well?

snooggums ,

I am completely surprised that any GOP congress critters broke from the party line and voted against impeachment for reasonable reasons like a lack of any reason to impeach.

flipht ,

The stunning part is that they let it go to a vote without having whipped the necessary numbers.

They could have drawn it out with hearings, but they thought they had it in the bag and that their whole caucus was bought into the BS narrative they're trying to to drive leading into this election year.

cAUzapNEAGLb , in Mercedes-Benz workers in Alabama vote against joining UAW, a blow to union's expansion in the South

How sad

by a margin of 2,642 to 2,045, or 56% to 44%


Analysts expected a difficult contest at the Alabama Mercedes-Benz facilities because the company conducted an anti-union campaign

TwoBeeSan , in Boeing whistleblower found dead in US

You know, after I've testified to the malpractice of the business I gave the better part of my life to. The first thing I'd like to do is shoot myself in my truck in a hotel parking lot.

Jesus fucking christ. How terribly overt.

Whistleblowers have tremdous balls. Really hope this is properly investigated, but know how epstein shit went.

distantsounds ,

Karen Silkwood, Michael Hastings…

snooggums , in 17-year-old shot and killed by officer conducting welfare check

"The Columbus Police Department was conducting a welfare check on a subject following a report of potential self-harm," Nebraska State Patrol said in a press release.

"We made sure that the subject did not chicken out of his threat."

IHeartBadCode , avatar

They went heavy on the serve part and totally gave zero protect part.

PrincessLeiasCat , in Texas "physically barred" Border Patrol agents from trying to rescue migrants who drowned, federal officials say

If you are someone who is actively preventing others from rescuing people who are fucking drowning, you need to 1) go to prison, and from there 2) really rethink your life choices.

What the fuck.

guyrocket , in Evidence Is Mounting That the Saudis Had a Hand in 9/11 avatar

Has no one seen the movie?

AncientFutureNow , in Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

Sounds like a government agency restricting free speech.

disguy_ovahea ,

Free speech does not supersede school conduct policy.

homesweethomeMrL , in Mercedes-Benz workers in Alabama vote against joining UAW, a blow to union's expansion in the South

Propaganda works.

In this case anti-union propaganda Mercedes flooded them with. Which paired really well with their usual right-wing diet anyway. Voting against their interests as their bosses demand.

floofloof , in Photo of upside-down flag at Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's house raises concerns: Report

In a statement to The New York Times, Alito did not dispute the image. He said he had no involvement in its flying, saying the flag was placed by his wife Martha-Ann Alito, who had been offended by a neighbor's yard signs.

"I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag," Justice Alito said in an emailed statement to the New York Times. "It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs."

The Times reported that the yard signs were anti-Donald Trump.

Well that certainly dispels any sense that he might be biased. It's just that his family feels personally insulted when someone criticizes Donald Trump.

HubertManne , avatar

My husbands literally one of a dozen people most directly res;onsible for the state of the usa but lets go fly the flag upside down.

NegativeLookBehind , in Marjorie Taylor Greene fails to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson avatar

Marge no like speaker man

Marge smash speaker man

shubhamofficial , in Marianne Bachmeier: She Killed Rapist and Murderer of her Daughter

What the fuck, i don't know what to say

gamije2220 OP ,

i am shocked too

Son_of_dad , in Arizona Supreme Court reinstates near-total abortion ban from 1864

"the government of today has no right telling us how to live our lives, because the government of 200 years ago already did!"

Canukster , in Hurricane season set to be the most active on record

A lot of people blame climate change on fossil fuels but they are only one part of climate change... Forests cool the atmosphere and removing vasts of it to build cities cause the climate in the region to become hotter. Do it enough and then it spreads all over. California was bulldozed for land development and the Red woods dug their roots up to a mile into the earth to find water when the water supply dried up. Climate change and all we do to cause it, causes all the problems.

wjrii , in Ye wanted to shave Donda Academy students' heads and lock kids in cages, ex-employee says in lawsuit

At first I thought this headline was written by a pirate who was accusing me in particular of wanting to shave heads and lock kids in cages.

dumbass , avatar

Arrrr Ye tried ta shave the children's heads and lock them in a cage, didn't Ye, ya scurvy dog! Off ya go, walk the plank.

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