
DarkGamer , in Andrew Tate charged with rape and human trafficking

After hearing the Behind the Bastards episode on this guy, he just seems like a self-aggrandizing blowhard. Why is this brand of narcissism so appealing to certain segments of society?

shiftenter , in The Supreme Court strikes down Biden's student-loan forgiveness plan, blocking debt relief for millions of borrowers avatar

I hope Gen Z never forgets this.

Skray , avatar

It's a great lesson in how important elections are. Trump was able to appoint multiple supreme court justices which have shaped the future of America for years due to their most recent decisions and will continue to shape it for decades after he is gone.

Athena5898 ,

yeah, i'm glad that there wasn't anything that could of been done under Obama...oh wait (yes it was a multi factor fuck up, but all the fuck ups were from people who were supposed to be "on our side" trying to claim power just a little longer and fucking miss me with the hand waving of there was nothing that could be done! there was!) Voting is important yes but can we stop pretending it's a fucking magic bullet? Cause it's not. Its one tiny itty bitty thing that needs to be done. Hell voting doesn't even work if you don't have any of the other stuff surrounding it. People need to get organized both at home and at work and get ready to take the fight to them through unions and strikes at the very least.

i'm so fucking sick of the answer to all of this is "go vote" when there is much more than just that needing to be done. Don't just vote, go get fucking organized with community, and fucking fight.

Ertebolle ,

Yeah, Democrats lost a Supreme Court seat because one old lady refused to retire and they lost out on months of judicial confirmations this year because a different old lady refused to retire.

(if the Republicans take the Senate in 2024 I hope it's by a narrow enough margin that they have to worry about 90-year-old Chuck Grassley the same way we've had to worry about Feinstein)

BraveSirZaphod , avatar

Re: Feinstein, my understanding of why they've kept he is that, with her, the Dems have a one-seat majority on the Judicial Committee. The moment she resigns, it's an even split. Customarily, the Senate would promptly appoint a replacement and all would be well. However, that vote would be subject to the filibuster, and the Dems don't trust McConnell to not block it. If McConnell does block a replacement, then the Judicial Committee stays split and appointing any judges becomes completely impossible.

They'd rather deal with Feinstein's limited availability rather than take the gamble that they'd be allowed to fill a replacement. I agree that she should absolutely retire, but there are political games that have to be considered when the stakes are this high.

ickplant , avatar

Fuck, I'm a Millennial, and I'll never forget this. And my Gen Z kids are also pissed even though we are fortunate enough to be able to pay for their college. This family is never voting red.

kestrel7 , avatar

Yeah between this, abortion rights, and the affirmative action thing... it's gonna be a rough next few years, but in the long term the Republicans are toast. I think what we're experiencing now are their last spasms for power because they know they're on the way out.

Just look up the amount of registered democrats vs. registered republicans in this country. IIRC there's like half again as many democrats.

It's almost like the only reason republicans ever win elections right now is due to is voter suppression.

BrotherCod , in 'Rate limit exceeded;' Twitter down for thousands of users worldwide

I know it's getting into conspiracy realms, but there seems to be a large right-wing buyout of social media. Reddit and Twitter two of the best Independent News sources in North America I've already been hit and even though people will argue they are not true new sources, they allow smaller groups to be heard globally. Young people don't realize how limited news broadcast were before the 2000s. Almost all media was owned by about 50 people worldwide and good luck getting something published that wasn't in their agenda. You could see it throughout the 50s and 60s as people being labeled radical when their views didn't coincide with the media magnets. I try not to be an alarmist but I think we're heading for another dark ages.

zcd ,

It’s absolutely coordinated

LavaJunk ,

I think you’re bing a bit alarmist. We’re posting here aren’t we? Getting started here wasn’t much more complicated than getting started on reddit and it will hopefully get easier going forward.

It seems to me that what is being attempted is enclosure of social media; like many enclosures before it. I don’t think this is a coordinated plot but rather wealthy right-wingers making the rational decisions to secure their own interests. Driven in part by rising interests rates. But ultimately the difference today is we have the ability to create alternatives to assert our own interests.

Aesculapius , in Economic inequality cannot be explained by individual bad choices, study finds avatar

Does this mean my bootstraps aren’t enough?

DarkGamer ,

@Aesculapius It's funny, tragic, and sad that modern Republicans started using that phrase unironically. It actually means the opposite of what they think it does, it's clearly impossible to do:

Back in the 1800s, the expression “pull oneself up by the bootstraps” meant the opposite of what it does now. Then it was used mockingly to describe an impossible act.
An 1834 publication ridiculed a claim to have built a perpetual-motion machine by saying that the inventor might next heave himself over a river “by the straps of his boots.” An 1840 citation scoffs that something is “as gross an absurdity as he who attempts to raise himself over a fence by the straps of his boots.” source

dumples , in Economic inequality cannot be explained by individual bad choices, study finds avatar

While online surveys seem like not the best method this is interesting. I would love to see more studies like this. It's really hard to show systemic problems and people have a really hard time believing that this exists since they can find anecdotal examples to the contrary

DarkGamer ,

people have a really hard time believing that this exists since they can find anecdotal examples to the contrary

"I once met someone who rolled a 12 with 2 dice. Why did those other people not choose to roll better than a 7 on average? Must be because of bad decisions."

Wirrvogel , in The first US nuclear reactor built from scratch in decades enters commercial operation in Georgia

The third and fourth reactors were originally supposed to cost $14 billion, but are now on track to cost their owners $31 billion. That doesn’t include $3.7 billion that original contractor Westinghouse paid to the owners to walk away from the project. That brings total spending to almost $35 billion.

The third reactor was supposed to start generating power in 2016 when construction began in 2009.

A reactor that starts being built today will cost way more and will be delayed way more than these and they are already at least 14 years in the making not counted for the planning phase and 7 years late to be producing power and no they are not fully powered yet, because it takes another 1-2 years to get them to full power, not to mention drought and war threats.

Nuclear will not play any role in fighting climate change. A reactor starting planning today will most likely just replace an old model that is falling apart and to dismantle that and keep the parts safe somewhere costs another fortune.

FaceDeer ,

Ironically, a major reason for this is environmentalists themselves. Nuclear power would be way cheaper if it wasn't for their panic over things that contain atoms.

DarkGamer ,

Ironically, a major reason for this is environmentalists themselves. Nuclear power would be way cheaper if it wasn't for their panic over things that contain atoms.

In terms of safety, there's a big difference between nuclear technologies that fail elegantly like LFTR and more traditional designs that tend to use weaponized isotopes with very long half-lives, and can meltdown and explode when operated incorrectly.

I can understand why environmentalists look at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island and say, hmm, maybe we shouldn't do that.

Drusas , in Cancer cases in under-50s worldwide up nearly 80% in three decades, study finds

Meanwhile, there are shortages of common cancer-fighting drugs due to under-investment in their production because they are not super profitable for the pharmaceutical companies.

We need to nationalize production of important medications.

EnchiladaHole , in First-time Iowa caucusgoers could fuel a big win for Trump

New York's Top Fraudster still has Rural Rubes Conned Nine Years On

originalucifer , in House Republicans to issue new subpoenas for Hunter Biden in coming weeks avatar

these guys are government officials making a lot of money to do literally nothing.

republicans. wasting. money.

HubertManne , avatar

oh they keep us teetering on a government shutdown with 2 month extensions and then point the finger at the administration for problems that arise from the unstable result.

PrincessLeiasCat , in Texas "physically barred" Border Patrol agents from trying to rescue migrants who drowned, federal officials say

If you are someone who is actively preventing others from rescuing people who are fucking drowning, you need to 1) go to prison, and from there 2) really rethink your life choices.

What the fuck.

BasicTraveler , in Poll: Nearly half of Haley’s Iowa backers say they’ll vote for Biden over Trump

It's not much, but 30 votes is 30 votes!

rhythmisaprancer , in Dangerous Sub-Zero Wind Chills to Blanket Much of the U.S. avatar

I don't know how my location is not just escaping this, but is hot! It never got below freezing last night and I was kept awake by the snow melting off the roof. It sounded like rain. I live in NE Nevada and I think I attached a pic of what it looked like on Friday. Climate change is really wild 🙁

ElleChaise , in Texas "physically barred" Border Patrol agents from trying to rescue migrants who drowned, federal officials say

Honestly these people are such a bunch of soulless fucking freaks, they almost make me wish heaven was real, just so they could be judged the way they claim others will be. Piece of shit demons walking around in human costumes, stinking up the place.

Drusas , in Texas "physically barred" Border Patrol agents from trying to rescue migrants who drowned, federal officials say

Lock them up.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , in Poll: Nearly half of Haley’s Iowa backers say they’ll vote for Biden over Trump

I'll believe it when I see it. More likely that they'll just not vote.

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