
ClopClopMcFuckwad , in Boeing whistleblower found dead in US avatar

Oh, he got the Epstine treatment, shame good honest people fall victim to capitalist goons.

Materiogorath , in Boeing whistleblower found dead in US avatar

As always, died of "self-inflicted" wounds.

gravitas_deficiency , in Boeing whistleblower found dead in US

…well that’s kinda fuckin convenient, considering all the scrutiny Boeing’s been under lately…

TwoBeeSan , in Boeing whistleblower found dead in US

You know, after I've testified to the malpractice of the business I gave the better part of my life to. The first thing I'd like to do is shoot myself in my truck in a hotel parking lot.

Jesus fucking christ. How terribly overt.

Whistleblowers have tremdous balls. Really hope this is properly investigated, but know how epstein shit went.

distantsounds ,

Karen Silkwood, Michael Hastings…

palordrolap , in Investigation Launched as Batik Air Pilots Allegedly Fall Asleep Mid-Flight

I thought this sort of thing happened pretty often across all airlines, but was generally kept quiet.

Human pilots are only really needed at take-off, landing and in case of emergency. Once a plane is in the air, flight paths are pretty much fixed by the aviation authorities and the autopilot does basically everything. The pilot and co-pilot don't have much to do, get bored and doze off.

They're never supposed to be asleep at the same time, of course, but I would not be surprised if the other accidentally drifts off when the first is already taking a more official nap, especially on long haul flights.

givesomefucks , in Biden signs major government funding bill just in time to prevent a shutdown

We need to budget a decade at a time, and we can still leave it up to adjustments annually

The difference is essential shit will always be paid, if they can't agree to adjustments for that year, it defaults to the long term plan.

Every fucking year we run into this these days

wildncrazyguy ,

To put it simply, this is just not how the legislative branch works. Most of their power derives from the power of the purse. People who are only in power for 2 years are not going to cede the main power that they invested so much time and money in order to obtain.

Moreover, 10 years is a lifetime in politics. Our government already moves slow enough as is.

Instead, I propose a few changes:

  1. Get rid of the debt ceiling fight. We already agreed to the commitment of funds.
  2. 3 people per house seat, based upon top 3 ranked choices. This will encourage minor parties and cooperation.
  3. I get that laws need to be long so that they cover loopholes, nuance, interpretation, sausage making, etc. but laws should have simple summaries that the general public can understand. At least one of these summary pages should read like a change log: new features, bug fixes, changes to existing stack, deletions, etc.
  4. Robust Sunshine laws for office holders and staff, except where classified for national security
  5. Continuing ed: Politicians or at least their support staff should be educated and qualified to understand what they are legislating on.
  6. Computer generated, panel approved district maps
  7. The fed has a dual mandate, something similar should be developed for politicians. Spend I’m lean times, save in boom times, but never stop aspiring to do great big things.
rhythmisaprancer , avatar

I both agree with you and disagree. I agree that having a long term plan (beyond one year) would be amazing, but I disagree that essential things will always be paid. That is actually true, you are right, but the problem is that these other things that are, essentially, essential, will become nonessential. They just do not get done. And both the "customers" and the employees are expected to deal with it. It is a public-private pipeline. I hate it. For openness, I am a federal employee.

HubertManne , in Investigation Launched as Batik Air Pilots Allegedly Fall Asleep Mid-Flight avatar

For anyone wondering about the co-pilot "flight attendants discovered that both pilots were allegedly asleep in the cockpit"

unmagical ,

How do you discover that something is alleged? I get that you gotta slap that shit in there somewhere so ain't get sued, but why the fuck not "flight attendants allegedly discovered both pilots asleep in the cockpit."

HubertManne , avatar

no clue. I just tend to paste parts of articles that answer questions I had in my head from the headline.

watyuhhgg OP ,

@HubertManne jus funny things if both of them fall a sleep

Mycatiskai , in U.S. Military Ship En Route to Gaza to Construct Port Infrastructure

It should get there and construct the port just in time to watch more Palestinian children starve to death.

Cut off the weapons deliveries to Israel, they will stop the genocide when they realize their supply of iron dome missiles are numbered and the Palestinians are their smallest worry compared to their neighbors with rockets.

CaptObvious ,

I think the fear is that they’ll become desperate enough to go out in a blaze of glory and use nukes. Unless the US was smart enough to withhold the launch codes.

CaptObvious , in U.S. Military Ship En Route to Gaza to Construct Port Infrastructure

Too little, too late?

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

I mean not too little if it actually works as intended, but probably roughly 1 million people dying to starvation too late given they'll take two months to build it.

CaptObvious ,

And not enough to salvage re-election campaigns in the US.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Biden has the lesser evil card, so he might have a chance if he salvages this mess and does a good job until November.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

I mean not too little if it actually works as intended, but roughly 1 million people dying to starvation too late given they'll take two months to build it.

watyuhhgg OP ,



just plan how this works

FfaerieOxide , in Biden hot mic moment shows growing frustration with Netanyahu over Gaza crisis avatar

Glad he has growing frustrations.
Wish he had shrinking weapons shipments.

floofloof , in Biden announces 'emergency' US military mission to build pier off Gaza coast to deliver aid

And at the same time to continue supplying Israel with weapons for their ongoing massacre?

DandomRude , in Biden announces 'emergency' US military mission to build pier off Gaza coast to deliver aid avatar

The hypocrisy is really hard to bear.

WHARRGARBL , (edited )

Considering the facts that everything in politics is stupidly transactional, and that:

  1. The POTUS doesn’t control foreign aid and must rely on congress to agree
  2. The deeply religious House Speaker Johnson, who controls which aid proposals will come to the floor, is fervently in support of Israel

Is it possible that President Biden is throwing a bone to the hard right, in the form of support to Israel, in order to get desperately needed aid to Ukraine ASAP?

I mean, we ALL understand that a US President doesn’t have the unilateral power of a king, and there’s a shit ton of finessing behind what we can see.

DandomRude , avatar

Be that as it may. I simply think it is a mockery to provide a little humanitarian aid while at the same time supplying weapons to Israel and continually vetoing a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. This makes the US complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians imo. Pretending that this is not the case by delivering a few relief supplies to the dying people is nothing more than hypocrisy. I find that disgusting.

admiralteal ,

At this point, seems to me there's literally nothing that Biden could do in this conflict that won't cost him the election. He seems to think that he can thread this needle, but I don't.

The left won't accept anything less than putting his foot down, denouncing Bibi and his administration for the extremists they are, and cutting off all military aid. Even that much would likely be FAR too little for most of the people I've encountered on this issue, and even that is probably more than he can do as an individual.

The right would see ANY movement in this direction as "weakening America" and would use in all their campaign adds along with the border stuff to declare Biden useless for national security. And the even more racist right will double down on all this with Islamophobic nonsense because they really do want the genocide achieved.

With the election as close as it appears to be, the political losses he's suffering between all the "border crisis" trap content and Israel is probably a death sentence. Trump will get re-elected and everything will get a hell of a lot worse, including for Gaza.

And it doesn't even matter. Not really. The only path to a safe and peaceful Palestine almost certainly starts with Israeli democracy putting an end to the ultraconservative ethnocentric monsters that have been allowed to take over their entire government. The violence cements the far right's control over Israel, and the far right maintains the conditions that ensure the violence will never end.


That’s just it! POTUS isn’t a dictator. It’s astonishing to see headlines ignore the fact that the powers of the office of the president are limited. No president has the authority to force Congress to pass any kind of foreign aid legislation or to impose peace on the Middle East.

The horrors occurring in Gaza, Ukraine, and throughout the world elicit deep emotions in us, but they’re beyond the control of one elected official, which is what keeps us from living in true tyranny.

It’s disturbing to see so many smart people lean toward a candidate who seeks chaos and destruction simply because they feel outrage at atrocities that can’t be solved by a POTUS, but could definitely be exacerbated by one.

admiralteal , (edited )

Honestly, I do think Biden could organize things to effectively cut off -- or at least threaten to cut off -- military aid. And he does have control over the state department. He could prevent the veto of the UN resolution. Maybe he's threatening either of both of these things behind closed doors, but (a) I doubt it and (b) even if we assume he is, behind closed doors won't win him the election; if he doesn't win the election it does not matter what other progress he makes towards lasting peace in the area because Trump has never seen a Muslim he doesn't want dead. And if he did it openly, Trump would still win because failing to support Israel also loses him the election from a different flank -- and again, Trump is pro-genocide of Arabs.

There's no way out here. Even if he somehow pulls off a full victory, manages to diplomatically negotiate peace, and sets the foundations for prosperity in the region -- again, hard to believe that happening -- the damage done is probably already too great.

SolacefromSilence , in ‘I Have You’: Firefighter Rescues Driver From Truck Dangling Off Bridge

No one says "AFAB" ... the cops probably just got out their phones, waiting to post a vid of the crash. Huddled together, laughing about how fucked the driver is.

Thanks to these firefighters actually putting themselves in danger for another. We need more of that selflessness today, especially for tomorrow.

HubertManne , in Girls basketball team banned from boys league after reaching championship avatar

Can you imagine being on the boys team that wins because they did not compete against the real champions. Such an asterix it will be.

rhythmisaprancer , in Girls basketball team banned from boys league after reaching championship avatar

Ah, so they are concerned the boys will exhibit poor sportsmanship. Yes, yes, then let's punish the girls /s It will show them how it is in life I suppose 😔

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