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eran_morad , in Russia begs China for loans as the Kremlin is running out of money for rainy days, analysts say
ton618 , (edited ) in ‘Putin will spark a third world war if Russia claims victory in Ukraine’: Ukrainian steel magnate Yuriy Ryzhenkov warns of global fallout from the Kremlin’s war

//Edit : I didn't see (read) the comma, apologies. 
And I am from Slovakia myself, probably thats why i reacted..
bungleofjoy ,

We found the american!

Hyperreality ,

Where does it say that Slovakia is a Baltic state? There's a comma there for a reason.

Nakoichi , in Putin claims he agreed to prisoner swap involving Navalny before his death avatar

Wouldn't be surprised. That guy was largely irrelevant outside his popularity with western liberals.

If he was turned down why let that literal fuckin Nazi waste anymore air?

Navalny literally called for the expulsion of non white people and extermination of Muslims. Fuck him.

ItsAFake , avatar

You got any source for these dry claims?

BestBouclettes ,

Hexbear user, pretty standard ideas over there

awwwyissss ,

You can always count on a Hexbear user to spread authoritarian propaganda.

Bartsbigbugbag ,

He was definitively an anti immigrant individual with a history of extremely troubling rhetoric. Anyone who calls immigrants cockroaches, and then refuses to renounce that claim for over 15 years, is not a good personx

WhatAmLemmy , in Ecological 'disaster' as Houthi-sunk ship leaches fertilizer into sea

I find it comforting to know that capitalism puts us in a position where a single sunken cargo ship can cause an ecological disaster and contaminate the water supply of millions.

It's not like ships would ever sink or be the target of an attack.

deft ,

Tbh how is capitalism to blame in this one?

Socialism would still need to transfer fertilizer and other hazardous materials somewhere

Drinvictus , in ‘There is no help’: alarm at US nurses’ suicides amid staff shortage and stress

There is no way to solve it internally. They need to open up pathways to bring in international nurses. Get them accredited and get them going.

confusedpuppy ,

Jennifer Mensik Kennedy, president of the ANA, said the negative workplace effects associated with staffing shortages require “meaningful and lasting solutions to be implemented immediately: eliminating mandatory overtime, enforceable workplace violence prevention plans, providing mental health and wellness resources for nurses [and] transparency of nurse reimbursement.”

How would bringing in more people solve anything when the core issues causing this extreme burnout are not being addressed?

I think all that extra money going to the CEO could be redirected to the nurses and their needs to prevent burnout. That would be an effective approach.

Hideakikarate ,

My wife is a nurse and was part of a group to discuss with someone from the higher-ups about what could be done for the nurses, but they were also told that fixing staffing issues or paying more money was off the table. The problem is known by all sides, but the ones who can directly ease the issues are unwilling.

1984 , in Germany to deploy troops in Lithuania, first move of its kind since World War II avatar

Here we are in 2024 acting like it's 1939 again. Nice to see humanity progress. /s

NoiseColor , in Iran sends Russia hundreds of ballistic missiles

Russia has better allies.

awwwyissss ,

The dictator in North Korea? The CCP? One of their many military coup government dictators? The dictator in Venezuela? Maybe the totally free democratically elected leader of Belarus?

Fuck the terrorists in the Kremlin and their terrorist allies.

NoiseColor ,

Yeah well, they send stuff. Ours talk talk talk, maybe even promise 30 year old tech, then fail, or send enough for one week. While people die.

Bonskreeskreeskree , in Joe Biden dog Commander bit Secret Service agents at least 24 times

How can the president not obtain a qualified dog trainer

nxdefiant ,

It's the First Dog, he knows the cops can't shoot him. He's a good boy.

Cuttlefish1111 , (edited ) in US delegation on religious freedom cut short its visit to Saudi Arabia after one of its members was asked to remove his Jewish head covering

The Rabbi got to experience discrimination, how unfortunate. A wise individual would use this time to reflect upon his own decisions. At least they didn’t kill, starve or maim him as would happen if he were a Palestinian in Gaza

Bernie_Sandals , avatar

What decisions of his should he be reflecting on?

Cuttlefish1111 , (edited )

His decision to be involved with a genocidal regime. But you already know that, so does everyone else. I’m sure you will post some bait and argue with me. I don’t care and I will not entertain it. You’re probably not even a real person or some Israeli college kid. I don’t care

Bernie_Sandals , avatar

He's an American Jew working for the American Government Religious Freedom Commission so unless you're saying all Jews are inherently supportive of Israel, or writing off every employee of the U.S. government as "involved with a genocidal regime" then I don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you need to calm down.

czech ,

"I'm sure you will add context and prove me wrong so I'm leaving now".

Cuttlefish1111 ,

I’m done arguing with shills, propagandists and genocide apologists. They’re arguing in bad faith. For you to assume I would be “wrong” reveals your own prejudice/bias. Not everything is black and white but this issue is.

czech ,

Just so you know- to an outsider with no skin in this argument you appear to be the one arguing in bad faith. Good luck with everything!

Cuttlefish1111 ,

Funny, by not arguing, I’m arguing. Lol sure, ok

SkyezOpen ,

You're conflating zionists and jews, which is bad faith, argument or no.

Bernie_Sandals , avatar

I am literally employed by a progressive Org fighting for a permanent ceasefire and a Palestinian state.
You're the only one arguing in bad faith here by immediately assuming I'm pro-genocide for asking the most innocent of questions, but go off ig.

Tristaniopsis , in Videos show migrants stripped of clothing in freezing temperatures at Serbian border

These nudist colony practices are getting out of hand.

tygerprints , in California sheriff releases bodycam video of killing of boy, 15, holding gardening tool

It is not possible to know when you are confronted with coming at you holding a tool in a threatening manner whether or not he's autistic or "having a mental health crisis." An officer cannot afford to sit and wait to see if the attacker strikes him in the skull first.

I'm not saying this couldn't have been handled better and it should have been - but I can understand how it happens. Taking a reasonable amount of risk has to be balanced with instantaneous assessment of whether this person who's on a rampage is about to strike you or a family member in a lethal way. This may not be the happiest outcome, but people need to stop instantly criticizing every move the police make.

If YOU were the officer standing there having to make a snap judgment, you very likely would do the same thing, even if you think you wouldn't.

FfaerieOxide , avatar

Why were the officers even there?

A nation whose only recourse to it citizenry having mental health crises is sending men to shoot them is a damned one.

Take some that change you're clanging 'round to buy local sheriffs F-18s and equip nurses and counselors with bearsuits and a living wage.

Hegar , avatar

standing there having to make a snap judgment, you very likely would do the same thing

If a police officer is as likely as me to freak out and fuck up in an emergency, they don't have the required training or character to do their job.

Nudding ,

It's a good thing they have like 4 different "less lethal" methods to handle that sort of thing. Oh wait they just shoot you dead and get a paid vacation until everyone forgets. Great system.

PrinceWith999Enemies ,

Then why is the US the only country where this kind of thing happens so regularly that every time a story like this comes out, I have to wonder if it’s about a new one or the last one? Cops shot a guy in his backyard for holding a cell phone.

American police are on a literal hair trigger for lethal violence, especially against minorities, and most especially against African Americans. They are taught that their lives are in constant danger, and their use of force regulations are ridiculously loose. There’s even an entire training course for law enforcement called “killology.”

Lucidlethargy , avatar

No, I would not do the same thing if I were an officer. I just feel like this needs to be said. Not everyone is seeking to preserve their own life at the expense of others.

I'm sick of cops acting like they are supposed to do this. It's in direct opposition to the reason we pay them hazard pay.

Ahoy , in Spanish tourist gang-raped in India

Always the same news coming from India, are they really that worse than every other country or what's going on.

Also what was the husband doing, article doesn't mention him. Did he just sit there and watch?

Municipal0379 ,

Victim blame much????

Rape is endemic in India, that’s why this is always being reported.

Ahoy ,

I'm not blaming the poor woman, I'm asking what the husband did. They say she travelled with her husband and that she was raped in the tent she was sleeping in. They never follow up on the husband. Was he in the tent and did nothing, or was he somewhere else.

Put in another way, why the hell didn't the husband intervene.

Numenor ,


AtmaJnana , (edited )

I can tell you didnt read the article. Let me help you out by quoting a relevant bit here:

Another official mentioned the involvement of seven to eight youths.

It typically only takes at most 3-4 people to effectively restrain a grown man. That leaves another 3-4 to restrain and rape his wife. It seems they had sufficient numbers to achieve this with little trouble, even if they were unarmed. And I see no reason to assume they'd have been unarmed. Put a knife to his throat and it only takes one person to restrain him.

Ahoy ,

I can tell you didnt read the article. Let me help you out by quoting a relevant bit here:

You think I summed up what happened according to the article without reading it? Lol

Another official mentioned the involvement of seven to eight youths.

It typically only takes at most 3-4 people to effectively restrain a grown man. That leaves another 3-4 to restrain and rape his wife. It seems they had sufficient numbers to achieve this with little trouble, even if they were unarmed. And I see no reason to assume they'd have been unarmed. Put a knife to his throat and it only takes one person to restrain him.

If had to choose between a trip to the hospital or watching my wife get raped, I'll take the trip to the hospital. I reckon living out your life knowing you did nothing is worse.

quindraco ,

They attacked both, and the husband was "hit repeatedly". I would hazard a guess he was too fucked up by the assault to do much.

Municipal0379 ,

I saw a video today, the husband was fucked up during this attack.

Ahoy ,

Thanks for clearing it up, no idea why the article didn't mention him.

FunkPhenomenon ,

found the Indian

Municipal0379 ,

lol what??

curiousaur ,

What do you think it is about the Indian people that would make rape so endemic?

givesomefucks , in Joe Biden dog Commander bit Secret Service agents at least 24 times

They show at least 24 biting incidents took place between October 2022 and July 2023, including members of the Secret Service being bitten on the wrist, forearm, elbow, waist, chest, thigh and shoulder.

The documents do not necessarily record all biting incidents related to Commander, as they only cover the Secret Service and not others that work in the White House or staff at Camp David in Maryland.

The Biden family's pet left the White House in October last year, one week after a Secret Service agent required medical treatment for a severe bite.

There's no bad dogs, just bad owners....

Not many couples in their 70s/80s can handle training a dog correctly.

But most 80 years olds also can't handle being US president, but Biden won't let a little thing like the inevitable and totally normal effects of aging stop him from being president!

And they won't let competitive primaries stop him either, that's why the DNC took all of NH primary delegates away as punishment for voting progressive the last two elections.

And before some idiot claims NH Dem party should have violated state election law to benefit Biden like him and the DNC demanded...

Just because trump is a giant piece of shit. Doesn't mean anything Biden does is automatically acceptable.

Have some fucking standards.

Spitzspot , avatar

Commander's previous owners should be banned from owning pets since he was a rescue.

givesomefucks ,

Or the Bidens could have been realistic about their ability.

Maybe on the 20th time it bit when of their servants?

littlebluespark , avatar

"Servants"? You're a fucking idiot. 🤦🏼‍♂️

LemmyIsFantastic ,

What makes you think the president doesn't have a full time person training dogs and handing the day to day house shit? Do you think he vacuumed and made the bed this morning?

And there are plenty of asshole dogs with food owners. Need to stop that tired line.

givesomefucks ,

And there are plenty of asshole dogs with food owners. Need to stop that tired line.

Biden defenders really that divorced from reality these days?

But forget all that, why did Biden keep putting the health and safety of his servants over this dog you're saying he didn't spend any time with...

Like, that makes it even worse he waited so long bro, him not spending any time with the dog makes it worse

LemmyIsFantastic ,

I'm sure the dog was much much better off in the shelter than at the White House.

givesomefucks ,

Yeah, abused dogs love busy places with a rotating staff of strange men...

It's not like Biden could have cut a check for a $500 donations and helped animals more than putting this one in an environment that was dangerous for the dog and humans.

LemmyIsFantastic ,

He's not actually staying in the Whitehouse anymore and hasn't in a long time 🤦‍♂️

givesomefucks ,

And it took 24 Secret Service agents being bit...

Like the part I quoted, there's likely a lot more staff who got bit but didn't have to document like secret service does.

Wouldn't a rational person have taken him out of there after the first dozen?

Really way sooner, but 24 is so outrageous even half of it still sounds crazy.

bane_killgrind ,

It's weird that you are pretending a person that obviously had staff was the only caretaker of the pup.

It's also obvious that it would take a while to determine if a reactive dog is not making behavioral improvements.

givesomefucks ,

So which was it?

It was his dog he spent time with like he said?

Or it was a dog that had special White House staff most of the time?

If he never spent time with it, why stick an abused rescue dog in a hectic environment creating danger for everyone involved? If it was just to humanize Biden for votes, doesn't this throw all that out the window and show he lied?

No matter how much you all try to have everything both ways, it doesn't work out with logic.

You can't just define reality as whatever makes your team look best in the moment, keep that stupid shit on the Republican side

bane_killgrind ,

I don't know how much time he spent with the animal.

If he was doing the right thing, he probably hired a trainer that works with reactive dogs. That's not an instant process.

It is a hectic environment, so it was probably difficult to narrow down the dogs specific triggers.

You don't seem like you've ever worked with anxious or reactive animals.

bane_killgrind ,

"Despite additional dog training, leashing, working with veterinarians, and consulting with animal behaviourists, the White House environment simply proved too much for Commander," a statement said.

Oh so they did get a lot of different people in trying to find a solution, thought so

kzhe , in Republican senator renews push to make daylight savings permanent

Don't do it. Daylight savings time saves 366 lives a year from traffic accidents alone Coate and Markowitz which while isn't that much is still worth the inconvenience.

Also,  2015 paper from the Brookings Institute claims a 7% drop in crime, when they extended by 4 weeks, we saved 60 million dollars. If we account for indirect costs like those of murder, rape, we get 246 million saved (Popular Mechanics)

Basically more light is good

Mouselemming ,

As a non-scientist who didn't read the article you linked, I think it's less about the shift and more about the increased total hours of sunlight during the summer months that diminishes crashes and break-ins. Shifting the official time doesn't have any effect on total sunlight, that's caused by the Earth's tilt. I'm glad I had no reason to drive the last few days, because the shift messes with my tiny brain.

bitchkat ,

If it was that awesome with a 4 week extension, just imagine the possibilities of extending it year round! Just like the article says.

survivalmachine ,

Why do you say "Don't do it." And then say a bunch of things that agree it would be good? This proposal is advocating for making daylight saving time permanent.

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