Climate Crisis, Biosphere & Societal Collapse

veganpizza69 OP , in Elon Musk Is Helping Take Population Collapse Panic Mainstream avatar

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MaximilianKohler OP , in Collapse is inevitable because of ignorant, dumb people? I think there are ways to address this. Here are my suggestions.

I got an intelligent response via PM:

I’ve decided to DM you because you’re already getting downvoted to hell because people don’t like eugenics. I’d like to be able to have a real conversation and speak my mind without getting dogpiled.

I’d first like to applaud you for seeing the problems of our society as an issue of allowing the wrong people to have power, rather than not being convincing enough with our words to change the minds of those who hold power. Most people completely fail to recognize that.

Some smart people may be corrupt or sociopathic, so this test should be a full psychological evaluation.

I find it really interesting how you describe a person as being corrupt, as if it is a property of their being, rather than a result of circumstance or just some poor choices that they made.

There is a movement that you may or may not have heard of right now that is highly relevant. It is sometimes called the ‘narcissism awareness’ movement. It sprang out of the movement when some psychologists recognized that the abusive behaviors that women were complaining about corresponded exactly to those behaviors associated with cluster B personality disorders. One of the things that we are starting to realize, as a result of this movement and also as a result of of the recent (last 5-7 years or so) research on cluster B disorders, is just how common this type of personality disorder actually is. (My current estimate is that it is somewhere in the ballpark of 60-70% of the population in the US, and probably we only see a variance of about 20% on top of that from country to country).

I say this, because I think that the pandemic of personality disorder is actually the root cause of pretty much everything that is going wrong with the world today, and probably is the primary driver of all strife that has ever existed within the context of civilization. They also cause harm to everyone around them through psychological abuse, and they cannot be effectively treated or cured.

I would refer you to the excellent Dr. Ramani Durvasula for general information on the topic. She has books too, if you’re interested, but they have basically the same info as can be found on her youtube channel.

The focus of most psychologists talking about this issue is in interpersonal relationships, and helping abuse survivors heal from the trauma. Unfortunately, I do not currently know of anyone speaking more broadly about the impact of personality disorder on an organizational or societal scale. I have been constructing my own models based on my own collection of information, combining math, (neuro-)psychology, and anthropology, but I have thus far been unable to write up anything comprehensive on the topic.

There are many more things that I could say, but I will leave it at this for now. If you found this interesting or have any questions, please send a reply!

MaximilianKohler OP ,

Thanks! Yes, I did find that interesting. I believe personality disorders stem from the gut microbiome. Here’s an example of someone curing theirs with FMT:


givesomefucks , in Collapse is inevitable because of ignorant, dumb people? I think there are ways to address this. Here are my suggestions.

All your ideas are gibberish, but this?

I feel like I’m living in Idiocracy

Like, you know (lol, you don't) that for about 1 in 1200 people, it's always been Idiocracy?

That is (always has been, always will be) the distribution for people to be 3 standard deviations of the mean.

For them, roughly 84% of the world population is at least two standard deviations below them. Adjust the numbers so they're the average, and those 84% would fit the requirements for an intellectual disability. And the rest of those 16% are still a lot less intelligent than you, just not below that threshold.

You know why the smartest don't run shit?

Because going through existential crisis before puberty tends to make someone a nihilist. You can't even imagine what it's like to be a literal child and being smarter than everyone you meet. Because while there are people smarter than you, smart people tend to not like people, because most people are annoyingly dumb.

They're not the ones you run into out in public.

A tiny slice of that 0.1% finds something to be passionate about and focuses on that, but most never get out of the rut of "none of this shit matters, literally none of it".

Because on a long enough timeline in the grand scheme of things, literally nothing that will or could ever happen on our tiny little planet will ever matter.

The few who would actually want to rule over everyone, would be terrible fucking leaders. Especially once it gets a generation in. Because it would be its already easy for someone that smart to think normal people aren't really the same. Formalize that into a system of government?

Can you really not see where that would lead?

Your idea is just so mind-blowing dumb, that I kind of went in a rant, and I know it's not going to do.

But this is just the most ignorant idea I've ever heard.

Like, why not just fucking prioritize public education instead of this fucking shit show you dreamt up?

For fucks sake, your own plan says you shouldn't get a say in anything, yet here you are, proposing plans.

Something that is obviously even worse than what we have now. For like soooooooo many reasons I just can't list them all.

disguy_ovahea , (edited )

They’re talking about the movie by Mike Judge. It’s a brilliant and upsettingly accurate prediction of our nation.

Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.

cro_magnon_gilf , in Too much of a good thing? Spain's green energy can exceed demand, country is looking at storing capacity or buyers to solve electricity oversupply

Sucks being next to France lol. Sweden can just export however much we want to Germoney and the nordics.

Tarogar , in Too much of a good thing? Spain's green energy can exceed demand, country is looking at storing capacity or buyers to solve electricity oversupply

"oh No, we have so much electricity and can now accelerate phasing out fossil fuels. What a tragedy!"

0x815 OP ,

The problem with wind or solar energy is not the production capacity itself but the storage. If and when there is enough wind and sunlight, respectively, you usually produce enough electricity, but every kilowatt-hour that is not consumed immediately is lost.

This is why you need to store large amounts of electricity, also to make sure that you have enough power once there is less wind or at night when the solar panels don't produce energy due to the lack of sunlight.

This is what Spain tries to solve. But they appear to be on a very good track.

Etterra ,

Yeah and they don't have a handy desert to be a good place for a molten salt battery farm, either, which means they're stuck with other modern solutions until somebody can make something better at scale without needing huge banks of lithium.

callcc ,

It's not like there are no storage solutions available. They are not always very efficient, but if you have a surplus, whatever.

benjhm , in COP29 in Azerbaijan: Human rights advocates are worried that Baku is locking up activists and journalists ahead of the UN climate summit this fall

It's a pity that Bulgaria and Armenia (rival candidates within same UN-region to host COP29) conceded this at COP28, I don't know why.
Last I heard, Azerbaijan even closed its land borders - no way in except by plane - anybody know if this is still true?
Anyway, the agenda for some COPs matters more than for others - this year they just have to clap something through to keep the process going, so real progress can be made next year in Belem.

Mikufan , in COP29 in Azerbaijan: Human rights advocates are worried that Baku is locking up activists and journalists ahead of the UN climate summit this fall avatar

Another point on my list of why UN is a fucking joke.

hydroptic , in Climate misinformation overshadows record floods worldwide

Conservatives are an existential threat. Their ideology is going to lead to the destruction of modern industrialized societies and the death of billions one way or another

whodatdair , in Florida soaked with epic rainstorms: Yep, it's climate change

Very funny that all of the climate denier right wing dipshits moved to one of the first states that will see major economic damage from climate change they insist isn’t real

SoupBrick , in Florida soaked with epic rainstorms: Yep, it's climate change

You gotta wonder how many more "once in a century" climate disasters will happen before climate change is accepted by all sitting politicians.

cmbabul ,

We keep having those, it’s already a lie by virtue of it happing more than once in the past few years.

snooggums , avatar

The Republican politicians who rail against climate change are putting on an act. Some believe it and will still parrot lies for the chance to keep being elected and the others are just idiots who will never, ever learn and are just teying to impress their fellow conservatives.

Auzy ,

I guarantee they'll blame cloud seeding though

supersquirrel , in TV meteorologist slams what he says is DeSantis' new Florida law that removes mention of ‘climate change’ | Incoming Hurricane season says hello to Electric Boogaloo 2

This hurricane season is going to be nuts, and it is going to smash the comfy Republican consensus around climate change denialism into pieces.

People will still deny it, but it will be more of a desperate mantra of denial than a casual hand waving “it will be fine” kind of denial.

Anticorp , in Growth in emissions of 'forgotten greenhouse gas' nitrous oxide is speeding up

Nice! So hopefully soon we'll be able to laugh again.

Mikufan , in Growth in emissions of 'forgotten greenhouse gas' nitrous oxide is speeding up avatar

You know, at this point i just kinda ask myself if we don't deserve to wipe ourselves out with how we treat everything in this world.

ghostface ,

I stopped worrying when I learned about the earth bursting into flames several times once the ppm of carbon entered the atmosphere.

Too many why files

ohwhatfollyisman , in Growth in emissions of 'forgotten greenhouse gas' nitrous oxide is speeding up

i guess people tended to not take it seriously after all the laughing it caused?

Tehdastehdas , in A new discovery about carbon dioxide is challenging decades-old ventilation doctrine avatar
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