Why are redditors like this?

I made a post on r/civ (Civilization games subreddit) showing a really funky shaped randomly generated river I saw and most comments were fine but one guy was convinced that I went through the comparatively monumental effort of opening the map editor and changing the river for karma, as opposed to just starting the game and taking a screenshot.

And just to top it off another guy saw the fact that my scout unit was in the far north of the map and went on an obscenely condescending diatribe about how "ackshually" I should be placing my units in the far south of the map because that way I can explore better and whatever the hell. Dude did not stop for one second to consider that maybe the scout that was in the far north was exploring the cool river and that I didn't waste any production points on him because I got him for free from a tribal village...

God every time I go on that website (because let's be honest not a whole lot of good communities here for what I'm interested in) I get excited to share something super innocent and then some total loser has to come and ruin it all.

Moira_Mayhem ,

Originally reddit was a niche site with few visitors that was full of knowledge and a strong sense of community.

Then during Gamergate (2014), several organizational subs were created by rancid basement dwelling mysogitrolls that soon found that not only did they not get banned for doxxing and harassing people, that they gathered even more rancid basement dwelling mysogitrolls to their ranks and realized they weren't as rare as they worried.

Then 2015 rolled around and a SHITTON of alt-right wastes of their own father's protein came around for the whole trumpfest that reddit became at the time.

And they never left.

On the other hand, a ton of people who created content and supported other users with meaningful replies all decided it wasn't worth the constant harassment, doxxing, malicious reporting, bigotry, botting and refusal of the admins to address said behaviors.

And we left.

So the only redditors still there are either shitstains or too emotionally invested to leave yet.

And that latter group will get smaller and smaller as the shitstains become louder and more emboldened.

Quexotic ,
@Quexotic@beehaw.org avatar

So it's gradually becoming Truth Social. Got it.

Seriously though, I've been using Reddit since probably about 2012. I never really put time into analyzing it's demise. I didn't care enough. Thanks for the information. 🙂

JCPhoenix ,
@JCPhoenix@beehaw.org avatar

I noticed the same a couple months ago. After the API shutdown stuff happened, I largely left reddit. I would only go there for things I needed, like information and news related to my field.

But in October, I started going back more, and even commenting. And almost immediately, I got the "well ackshually..." comments and just so much unneeded aggression. People just looking to be right by ignoring 99% of the correct information in a comment and focusing on that 1% that's weak or, sure, wrong. And it was over dumb stuff, too.

After being on reddit for 13yrs straight, I guess I learned to be blind to it all. Like I knew it was happening, I saw it all the time, and I'm sure I know I even did it myself here and there. Hell, I was/am still a mod on a reddit; I saw it everyday. I did start getting tired of reddit and redditors about a year ago, but I just kinda brushed it aside.

Anyway, it wasn't until leaving and going to Beehaw and Tildes for a few months, and then going back, that I realized how bad it actually was on reddit. It's so glaring to me in threads all over the place. And that there was no desire to improve or change things. That that's just reddit's culture and that's how redditors like it.

As such, I've still kinda kept some distance from reddit. I'm still there, but I don't think I'll ever go back to how I was using the site pre-APIgate.

Further, I actually get angry when I see people on Lemmy engage in that redditesque way of just looking for confrontation and being smartasses. We left reddit; why are we bringing that mentality with us? If I saw someone on a Beehaw community acting that way, I call it out.

That's one of the reasons I support Beehaw potentially leaving Lemmy to do its own thing. I see Tildes and see how a standalone forum and community can exist and function well and productively, without all the "gotchas" and just unnecessary aggression. That's not to say Beehaw (or Tildes) is perfect. That behavior can be found everywhere. But at least there's a desire to try to stamp that out.

LoamImprovement ,

No matter what you post, someone on the internet will find a way to be angry about it.

IvanOverdrive ,

Shut your whore mouth! On occasion, a post might just slip by the assholes. Make another blanket statement like that and I'll swat your grandma live on 8chan.

Moira_Mayhem ,

8chan still exists? I though the feds shut that pedoswamp down years ago...

IvanOverdrive ,

To tell the truth I don't know. It was the first internet shithole that came to mind.

Moira_Mayhem ,

It was a very pungent example of an internet shithole indeed. May its bytes be lost to /dev/null for all time.

MxRemy ,

You should start a Civ community!

bermuda OP ,
@bermuda@beehaw.org avatar

Maybe, but im not really the community leadership type of person

GBU_28 ,

Which is funny, considering the game you like hah

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