
Gloomy , in It’s ‘irresponsible’ to ignore widespread consciousness across animal world, dozens of scientists argue avatar

The declaration:

The New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness

Which animals have the capacity for conscious experience? While much uncertainty remains, some points of wide agreement have emerged.

First, there is strong scientific support for attributions of conscious experience to other mammals and to birds.

Second, the empirical evidence indicates at least a realistic possibility of conscious experience in all vertebrates (including reptiles, amphibians, and fishes) and many invertebrates (including, at minimum, cephalopod mollusks, decapod crustaceans, and insects).

Third, when there is a realistic possibility of conscious experience in an animal, it is irresponsible to ignore that possibility in decisions affecting that animal. We should consider welfare risks and use the evidence to inform our responses to these risks.

melpomenesclevage ,

fucking finally.

someguy3 , in It’s ‘irresponsible’ to ignore widespread consciousness across animal world, dozens of scientists argue

The definition of sentience is really low, it's basically the ability to have sensations and react. The most basic organisms can be argued to have that. The definition is not what I used for most of my life, which is higher intelligence.

Sanctus , avatar


  1. The quality or state of being sentient; consciousness.
  2. Feeling as distinguished from perception or thought.
    3.The quality or state of being sentient; esp., the quality or state of having sensation.

I think it is irresponsible wether these creatures are sentient or not. We never know when we'll cut enough threads to make an ecosystem come undone.

yokonzo ,

That technically is the definition of sentience, basically consciousness with the ability to react and have awareness of your surroundings. I think the word your looking for is sapience, which is the ability to contemplate and act productively using knowledge and reasoning

someguy3 ,

Well that's the word we should use when discussing animal intelligence then.

agamemnonymous , avatar

It is. We say sapience when discussing intelligence, and sentience when discussing consciousness.

HauntedCupcake ,

I think jumping spiders fit into the sapience category then. They're known to learn different prey types and change their hunting strategies accordingly, even learning typical behaviour and being able to pick out sick/injured insects and figuring out they don't need to go full stealth.

They've even been observed to enter REM like dreaming states, where it's assumed they process a lot of the visual information they picked up throughout the day.

So basically every animal higher than the jumping spider might fit into the sapience category, which is kinda wild to think about

yokonzo ,

Oh great, even more reason for me to be terrified of spiders

HauntedCupcake ,

Jumping spiders are little dears, all of them are harmless to people and don't spin webs. Very polite guys

systemglitch ,

Naw you're fine. If you give it a chance you can even learn to find them cute.

yokonzo ,

Reeeeaaaaally doubt it

Gloomy , avatar

Look at it, it's cuts as hell. (I'll hide it behind a spoiler tag. A phobia is a phobia, after all)

frauddogg , avatar

...Oh no that is a cute spood.

miss_brainfarts ,

Jumping spiders also seem to be genuinely curious about things. Anytime I want to take a photo of one, it stops, looks at the camera, jumps on it to check it out, and then leaves. Kinda like I'd take a look at a new product on display on a supermarket shelf

RampantParanoia2365 ,

Yeah, the word they're looking for is Sapient. Which is pretty surprising considering it's their word.

Barbarian , avatar

So a child isn't sentient in your opinion? I've always understood sentience as the ability to have experiences, memories, and emotion (which is different from the paper's definition, that was my layman definition).

grrgyle , avatar

Higher intelligence is sapience. Whereas sentience means having a perspective and being aware.

E: oops someone beat me to it

Limonene , in ‘Laying claim to nature’s work’: plant patents sow fear among small growers

Seeds shouldn't be covered by patents. When you buy a patented item from a patent holder (or a manufacturer that licensed the patent) then First Sale Doctrine says that you can do whatever you want with it without needing to pay for a patent license. In the case of a seed, that means you could resell it to someone, you could roast and eat it, or you could plant it in the ground. But unlike other inventions, a seed's purpose is to create more of itself. By buying a seed, you are implicitly buying the ability to make more seeds. If First Sale Doctrine allows you to use the patented product how you want, then it allows you to grow more seeds, because that's just what seeds do.

lemmy_nightmare , avatar

This seems logical.

Blueoaky , (edited )

I think most of these seeds are modified in a way that they don't reproduce. This is what creates the dependency of farmers, they have a well growing plant with good harvest, but need to buy the seeds year for year.

The problem discussed in the article is that people that develop new plants are working under a high uncertainty, as big cooperations have patented a variety of plants and could make claims that some of their "inventions" have been used to develop new one or that new development look the same than their patented "development".

I think patents were a good idea then we used to have many small companies. But in today's economy it is overly used and slowing down innovation instead of making innovation attractive for inventors.

jadero ,

I agree with everything you've said, but modern technologies aren't the only issue. The fact is that many food crops are hybrids that don't breed true, and it's been like that for many decades. That is, you can save seeds, even legally, but within one or two generations the plants revert to form, losing their desired characteristics and "hybrid vigour".

To the best of my knowledge, there is no such thing as a GMO wheat. Yet saving seed at scale hasn't been viable since at least the 1960s.

olafurp ,

It's 2024, we need opensource seeds now and seed piracy.

optissima , avatar

seed piracy

Is that the opposite of edging?

olafurp ,


Hupf ,
crazyminner , in Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient

Vegans rolling their eyes fucking hard.

kewwwi ,

ahegao vegans lol

umbrella , in Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient avatar

i have always assumed its on a spectrum

SuckMyWang ,

Same,more neurons create more complexity but not necessarily more acute distress. Although you could imagine there’s only so much distress a 100 neurons could create. That being said if you watch a bacteria get killed by another it quite clearly is not enjoying it

emptiestplace ,

Would it not be relative? If sentience were to emerge from just 100 neurons, wouldn't their experience of terror be the same as our own? I mean, you could argue that ego is required for true suffering, but I think there is a more fundamental biological aspect that ensures all species capable of moving out of the fire are incentivized to do so.

Ferris ,

how much do you value a couple chemicals floating around and locking into place, circumstantially?

emptiestplace ,

relevance of inherently subjective valuation?

jol ,

Watching a bacteria enjoying or not something is pareidolia. It's reacting, for sure, and activating emergency responses.

Scrof ,

Aren't you?

jol ,

Yes but with extra steps.

janNatan , in This is the first egg-laying amphibian found to feed its babies ‘milk’

An interesting case of convergent evolution. I wanna know what this fluid looks like.

DarkThoughts ,

And how it tastes.

Deceptichum , avatar

Slimy, yet satisfying.

DancingBear ,

So, like milk?

Rev3rze ,

Hakuna matata!

Random_internet_user ,

You make me wanna vomit but i am afraid you'd wanna know how it taste so i am gonna hold on to it for now.

Deceptichum , avatar

Keeping the flavour all for yourself eh?

Random_internet_user ,

Get your own

Colour_me_triggered ,

Everyone knows what a technicolour yawn tastes like. We want to know about that sweet jizzmilk.

DarkThoughts ,


Sal , avatar

The authors of the paper uploaded 6 videos in the supporting info. It looks like mucus to me, but it is difficult to see. I cropped one video in which you can see strings of the "milk":

You can get the zip file with the 6 videos here:

I also found a video of a frog feeding its tadpoles through the skin:

The frog video comes from this paper:

Deceptichum , avatar

Heh I got a warning it may contain erotic or sexual imagery from imgur.

Sal , avatar

...Oh 😅 Yeah I think I can see why now

janNatan ,

Wow, thank you very much!

Sal , avatar

You are welcome!

I also have a snippet from one of the videos that shows in more detail how the fluid is excreted. I will hide it under a spoiler tag to make sure people are warned of the content before clicking the link, because I think these images might be uncomfortable to watch for some people.


Here’s the video in which you can see the mom excreting a thick fluid through her cloaca:

This snippet comes from the video 5 from the supporting information.

ShaunaTheDead , in This is the first egg-laying amphibian found to feed its babies ‘milk’

So Argonians having boobs did make sense after all...

ArmoredThirteen ,

These ones make the milk from their reproductive tract so still no boobs 😞

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

Cum for babies???

Colour_me_triggered ,


Deceptichum , in Rare truffle find in Scottish spruce forest sends fungi experts on alien species hunt avatar

“Do we protect one globally insignificant tiny species of fungus that has barely any impact on the ecosystem and may not even be native to the area, or do we completely restore an entire forest to help ensure thousands of different life forms can return and survive?”

Really tough question.

Galapagon ,

The answer is to keep the fungus... Right?

JoMomma ,

Read about the spotted owl in the PNW

Rune_Walsh , in Extremely rare marsupial mole that 'expertly navigates' sand dunes spotted in Western Australia

Mole ad'Dib.

Thanks I'll be here all week.

unreasonabro , in It’s ‘irresponsible’ to ignore widespread consciousness across animal world, dozens of scientists argue

Everything about this society is irresponsible, haven't you noticed? "tee hee can't stop me" is more or less the name of the game and it's dragged everybody down to its level

thebardingreen , avatar

"Responsibility", "empathy" and "ethics" must never be allowed to stand in the way of profit, religion or old people not having to change.

v4ld1z , in It’s ‘irresponsible’ to ignore widespread consciousness across animal world, dozens of scientists argue avatar

Your reminder to go vegan if you're not already :)

copd ,

Who's downvoting this?

BigBananaDealer , avatar

innocent plants

curiousaur ,

I go vegan for a few months every time I watch earthlings, then I remember how to compartmentalize.

v4ld1z , avatar

lmao cope

TastehWaffleZ , in Hummingbirds are in danger of extinction due to witchcraft and the promise of love on Valentine’s Day

In Mexico, a country full of symbolism and magical realism, hummingbirds — long associated with good luck when they cross your path and flutter around you — are captured and then “prepared” to reach the heart of the loved one. The shocking practice has become popular in recent years. It consists of carrying the small bird, dead and dry, inside your shirt pocket. This, we are assured, will let us find a partner for life. But so far, the only objectively measurable thing it has achieved is to put 39 of the 57 species that inhabit Mexican territory at risk of extinction, according to data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Mouselemming ,

So, if it works, you're now married for life but will have no good luck because you killed the hummingbird. That's a stupid choice.

Some powerful and influential witch needs to turn this around. They could denounce it as an error in reading the sacred texts, it's really mosquitoes that you have to kill and put their bodies in your pocket. That way you get love and fewer vector-borne diseases

SpicyLizards , in New "ghost shark" species with giant eyes found thousands of feet deep
darkphotonstudio ,

Thank you. It would be nice if Lemmy users didn't follow the behaviour of other social media, but instead take the extra minute to post quality links. People, you're not going to miss out on fake internet points.

Pandantic , in Southern Grasshopper mouse: The tiny super-predator that howls at the moon before it kills avatar

Anyone curious about how their howl sounds: video

thebardingreen , avatar

That's the most adorable howl I've ever heard.

Stalinwolf , avatar

Like a little dog whistle.

bulwark , in Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient

I always kinda assumed insects where sentient. I've seen a bumblebee get excited over finding a flower with a lot of pollen in it.

SuckMyWang ,

An insect that is semi squashed is very clearly suffering and aware of its own suffering

disguy_ovahea ,

I’ve always felt the same, but that’s empathy talking. It’s been difficult to prove that the action is anything more than neurological response. I’m happy to see science is finding evidence to support what instinct has been telling us.

nikaaa ,

I saw a wasp or bee (idk) approach me (I was holding some kebab), fly around my face for a couple of seconds, land on the kebab, use her fucking mouth like scissors to cut off some meat just large enough that she could carry it, and fly off with it. She tumbled a bit when flying off with it at first, but then she managed. It was like a movie scene.

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