When did you know a career was either the perfect or the worst match for your personality?

I'm trying to give someone advice on choosing a career that will suit them better than the one they're in and hate. I wanted to get together a list of good questions for them to ask themselves so they can use the answers to compare options like "do you prefer to work sitting or moving around," "do you want to not work weekends" etc.

xmunk ,

I went to university to study statistics, and I absolutely love statistics... but I was forced to learn SAS and, fucking hell, I hacked that program to shit... my presentations would have loads of pretty printing, multiple data ingest methods, proper error reporting...

So I switched into CS and liked it a lot... then I took a course on data modeling, which led to a course of Relational Algebra (essentially the abstract logical form of what you're typing in SQL to your RDBMS) then I went on to become a developer and, while I am multiskilled and able to build UIs and backends and even embedded systems... I absolutely adore data architecture and DB performance tuning.

I really can't understate how incredibly easy it is for me to look at a query over a system I understand and quickly identify likely bottlenecks and logical errors.

If you re-read my comment, you might notice there isn't a single "Eureka" moment but instead are a series of them - I think that's how most of come to be in careers we truly enjoy.

BlueLineBae ,
@BlueLineBae@midwest.social avatar

I had known for a long time that I wanted to do something creative. Throughout highschool I was lucky enough to be able to take various classes that would allow me to try out different things. I ruled out music and was struggling to decide if I wanted to be an illustrator of some kind or an interior designer or maybe an architect? But then I took a class called "computer graphics" which was a stupid name for the class. It was actually a class about graphic design and it seemed to fit into everything I do well just perfectly. Looking back it was way more obvious that I should be a graphic designer as I used to do things for fun like doodle out magazine layouts and make weird computer art for icons and things back when that was how the Internet worked. Like what kind of kid does that for fun? A future graphic designer apparently.

davel ,
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

Tangentially: In high school we took a comprehensive career aptitude test, which said I would excel at anything but “clerical work.” I was diagnosed with ADHD fifteen years later. Is programming clerical? Kind of, and it was considered so historically, which is why the first programming jobs were given to women.

sbv ,

I started programming as a teen. I didn't realize I could do that as a job (weird, I know), so I looked into lucrative careers I could do so I could afford to have lots of free time to program. Then I discovered that programming was also a job.

nik9000 ,

I had this one weekend when I was in tenth grade where I did nothing but write code on a fun project. Then I decided I didn't like writing code. I don't know why. Kids are weird.

I decided then I couldn't make it my job. I managed not to program for three years. It turns out I'm bad at everything else. Miserable.

That was 22 years ago. That's still all I'm good at.

KeenFlame ,

Same. It is fun but was not a good fit. Because I didn't want to code on my spare time as much. Now I am a game designer and it is exactly right. And it's more fun to code on my spare time.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

I end up having similar conversations with college folks (interns mostly). I usually say something along the lines of:

  • If there's something that you're so passionate about that you're going to do it regardless, it's worth taking a shot at making a living at it. Things like writing, acting, and music are really hard to to make it in, but if it's really a passion, you might as well give it a go. It's good to have a Plan B though.
  • If you aren't super passionate about something, or you don't have the starving artist mentality or whatever, next is to look at things you're good at that you don't hate, especially if there's room to grow in them. If you're good at math, for instance, you could consider being an accountant.
  • If you don't feel like you have any especially marketable skills, then you're looking for something that's more broadly available, like retail or whatever. Of you can find something that teaches a skill, that's a plus.

Broadly, there's a passion, there's a career, and there's a job. There's nothing wrong with any of those, but people tend to be happiest in that order. I personally wasn't super passionate about anything, but liked computers, got a CS degree, ended up as a software engineer at a rocket company, and now manage the software organization there. There were other things I enjoyed, but I figured programming was the most marketable, and that's worked out for me.

What people tend to like or hate the most about where they work are the people and/or the boss, and that can be good or bad pretty much anywhere. Good to watch out for red and green flags when you're looking.

Apytele OP ,

This is actually pretty solid. I'm firmly in the "passion" category, and while I've gotten better at it over the years, I often struggle to remember other people just have careers and jobs, and find true fulfillment elsewhere. Now that said, my passion pays somewhat poorly (but steadily!) and isn't even slightly competitive (I'm even considering leaving the field at this point) but it's something I care a lot about being done well.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

I should have mentioned what you just did: your passion doesn't have to be your job.

Tangentially, as I get closer to retirement, one of the things I hear from retirees is that they planned on doing a lot more of their hobby when they retired, but found that the hobby felt more like a job when they tried to do it all day. So sometimes it's better that you keep something you enjoy as something that you can just do when you want.

bamfic ,

Except for the confirmation bias and privilege. https://youtube.com/watch?v=W3I3kAg2J7w

infinitevalence ,
@infinitevalence@discuss.online avatar

When I realized that what I want to do and enjoy in life has nothing to do with my career.

Work is work an and if you're lucky maybe you get a job with a good team for good company. Maybe your job is even social positive an the that's even better but it's still a job not a calling so perfect it's purely subjective.

sylver_dragon ,

I don't know about "perfect" but I've found a career (cybersecurity) that I can take some satisfaction from. Would I keep doing it, if I won the lottery tomorrow? Fuck no. I'd be out the door and sitting on a beach somewhere doing fuck all. But, I'm pretty good at it, don't mind doing the work 8 hours a day, and it pays well enough that I can occasionally go sit on a beach somewhere doing fuck all.

disguy_ovahea ,

The minute it stops feeling like work.

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

What social services is supposed to be would've been a dream come true. What it actually is these days is the opposite, an utter nightmare. I took a good look at their atrocities and gave it a hard pass.

protist , (edited )

"Social services" is painting with a broad fucking brush, my man. There are tons of orgs doing fantastic work in social services, it's not all bad.

Edit: What follows here is straight-up aneurysm posting. In conclusion, "social services are like diplomats, except instead of being international, they're top-down." Direct quote lmao

I work in social services and think it's great, and the people around me do great work, whether that was in homeless outreach or hospitals.

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

I am speaking of the American variety, specifically from the perspective of District 7. It's so rare to go somewhere where they aren't abusing power, for the very reason they've been made susceptible to that, that a generalized stance can be made and we can say there is a "grain" even if there are people who go against this grain. This is in fact historically established by design, Bill Clinton was said to be the US president the modern manifestation of social services began with, a part of his legacy he considers one of his whoopsadoodles. So it's not just some random series of broad remarks.

protist ,

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I'm a social worker in the US, and there are a ton of jobs available to me, whether that's federal, state, or local government, healthcare, schools, nonprofits, and more. The character of the job depends heavily on the agency and specific department within which you work, and there's an incredibly wide variety. Pay is bad at some jobs and really good at others.

What is "District 7?" And who exactly is abusing their power?

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

If you don't know the nine districts, that's enough to suggest you aren't a social worker in the same sense.

protist ,

I'm sorry dude I've worked in social services in hospitals and local government for well over a decade now and have no idea what you're talking about, "the nine districts." You're a social worker if you have a social work license and work as a social worker, not if you work at one of "the nine districts," as you cryptically refer to what I can only assume is some portion of the federal government.

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

To not know would be like working in a company and not knowing your bases of operation, or like being a lawyer without having been to law school, so the assertions inspire either inexperience or skepticism. The actual social work institution (not just "working for society") has its management divided across the US into subregions that typically encompass a few states, and they encompass your jurisdiction. If you were a CPS agent (which is a social services subunit), for example, the absolute limit in which one could relocate children without needing to consult another level of power would be the edge of a district. Each district also varies in their expression of authority, and thus experiences with people are different in each, but generally this institution known for addressing issues of abuse and handling insurance changes is corrupt in America as well as nations unfortunate enough to have modeled their equivalent after the American system, the CPS in particular has thousands of examples of footage of them breaking into homes to take children who haven't even experienced abuse. If you consider yourself a social worker, I'd seriously suggest you look into who you're working for.

protist , (edited )

Are you a troll? There's not a shred of reality in anything you just wrote. The federal government has no role whatsoever in any CPS function, it's entirely a state-based system. This is also just completely made up:

The actual social work institution (not just "working for society") has its management divided across the US into subregions that typically encompass a few states

The social work profession doesn't have a singular "management," there are state licensing boards the same way there are for doctors and nurses. Licensed social workers work for literally thousands of different agencies and there are no "sub regions that typically encompass a few states." Even better, almost none of the CPS caseworkers in my state are social workers. Social work has basically nothing to do with CPS. Where did you learn any of this?! Try to learn it again

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

I never said anything about the federal government, but the districts do exist as described. The CPS not being connected to the realm of social services is the most misguided claim there. Doubt intensifies

protist , (edited )

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  • shinigamiookamiryuu ,

    Do you have something against the usage of the DSS site of a local area to use as an example of one which proves my point about the CPS being one with social services? You are not using the term in the institutional sense if it's not specific to human resources, though I concede about one of the other parts, I mixed two of the maps up despite the same idea applying (I forgot the US district map and the state one were distinct). It is more or less similar to what I was saying.

    protist ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • shinigamiookamiryuu ,

    I have something against someone who has something against someone who says it's a nightmare (aside from all the other things I've given to back myself up already, not to mention being anecdotal to complain I'm merely being anecdotal when I'm not), it's called loads upon loads of distributed stories and footage by people from all across the nation. What it's like to work in an organization doesn't take away from the hardship of dealing with those who do that work, the latter is the very reason I turned down doing the work. It could use some reforming, no matter what positives can be made of it.

    protist ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • shinigamiookamiryuu ,

    Even though I mentioned there's a more "official" sense of the word at play?

    protist , (edited )

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  • shinigamiookamiryuu ,

    In no non-broad definition is police going to be on there. I already clarified myself, everything else is just trying to ignore that, so no.

    protist ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • shinigamiookamiryuu ,

    I'll put it this way, when your one and only business card says "social worker" on it, that's how you know. No one who is into insurance is going to say "here, this is my one card, call me" and it has an extension of the local court's phone number on it.

    protist ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • shinigamiookamiryuu ,

    You already said that, to no change in effect. It is easily a straight enough answer if you have a card, or do you?

    protist ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • shinigamiookamiryuu ,

    Alright. I would say the best one is that they're like diplomats, except instead of being international, they're top-down.

    protist ,

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  • shinigamiookamiryuu ,

    You asked, I answered, and nobody is making that up, unless you're not as you claim.

    protist ,

    "Social services are like diplomats, except instead of being international, they're top-down" is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. You absolutely made that up.

    shinigamiookamiryuu ,

    How so?

    philpo ,

    Same with healthcare. I am a paramedic by trade, was the youngest in my class, youngest commander, went to work around the world, from the European Alps to the African jungle to Australian outback.

    It was quite a journey.

    But sadly I had to recognise that I am not cut out of the wood that is required to survive in today's healthcare systems in industrial nations.
    It made me profoundly hate humans and even more sick humans. I dread every single day I still have to work with patients. Especially awake patients. I can't handle them anymore.
    Don't get me wrong. I am still giving 100%, sometimes more - and I don't judge,like some other colleagues do over the years. I don't care if you are a frequent flyer, a drunk or a murderer - I will give everything and be very nice to you. But inside me? I burn out.

    It's not that I can't work with the misery,with things I've seen. It's just that I can't work with people and the system they are part of anymore.I am now lucky enough to mostly be "off the road" in a cushy,self employed, desk job. But still, I can't fully leave healthcare,as I invested to much. And so I will torture myself again.

    In less than 5 hours my alarm clock is going off for another shift. And I am dreading the moment it will.


    CanadaPlus ,

    So is it better in non-industrialised nations? I have a few guesses as to why that could be, but I don't know which if any are right.

    floppingfish ,

    I used to work in the pharmaceutical industry and kept hitting layoffs. After the last layoff, I somehow reached a point of "F*** this" and went to a career counselor. They suggested I read " Do What You Are" by Tieger and Barron. That book helped me to figure out what was a good match for my personality, I switched careers and stayed with that job until I retired.

    GuillaumeGus ,

    And what was it?

    MajorMajormajormajor ,

    Internet shit poster. Had a steady job at the shit posting factory for 25 years.

    floppingfish ,

    I left accounting and became a programmer.

    auzas_1337 ,
    @auzas_1337@lemmy.zip avatar

    I’ll try reading this, I could really do with a fresh perspective. Just commenting so I can find the thread later.

    cyberpunk007 ,

    I didn't, I lucked out.

    eran_morad ,

    When it started paying me handsomely.

    Daxtron2 ,

    I worked at a fish market one summer. I started off doing cutting, skinning, moving shit around. First day I worked in the front-of-house was also my last day working there. Never doing something like that again.

    TonyOstrich ,

    When not even my closest coworkers or boss could tell if I was working or screwing off because working on or doing research for my personal projects is indistinguishable from my work ones 😅

    pastermil ,

    Sounds fun! Count me in!

    captainlezbian ,

    I learned engineering and I were going to have the occasional personality conflict about the time I realized I’m an extroverted woman. Thankfully I’m a sarcastic asshole that thinks she’s the smartest person in the room so I can often recover from it

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