
dharmacurious , in Could you share a clip of one of your favorite scenes from a TV series? avatar

There's a scene from a comedy series called Soap. It was a spoof/parody of soap operas in the 1970s. It starred Katherine Helmond and Billy Crystal to name just two of it's absolutely stunning cast. If you've seen Benson, it's the show that Benson spun off from. And it's so much better.

In the scene, Jessica (Helmond) has just discovered that the rumors are true, and her husband has been cheating on her.

It's one of the most heartbreaking and painful scenes in TV history, and one of the best examples of acting I've ever seen. But the writing. My God. Here's a short of the scene

That last line of dialogue is why I wanted to be a writer as a kid.

autumn , in Could you share a clip of one of your favorite scenes from a TV series? avatar

i don't remember it exactly, but i remember really, really loving the final scene in the first episode of the haunting of hill house. that episode remains one of my favorite episodes of tv, since i think it stand alone well even without the rest of the series.

xilliah OP , avatar

Could you share a clip? 💙

autumn , avatar

starts at 53:30. the whole episode makes it, but the guy's whole schtick is that he doesn't believe in ghosts, and he spends most of the episode talking about how they're a load of crap.

jarfil , in You are going to be stuck in a room for 24 hours with no internet access and you can bring one item, what do you bring? avatar

answer isn't just a fuck ton of food+water

3-3-3 rule of thumb: 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food.

Some people can do 5-5-5, but if they weren't going to give you anything... the answer would be: scuba diving gear with 24h worth of air.

Other than that... what are the walls made of? Can I draw on them? Can I carve them out? Can I bring a nice machete, then either draw, carve, or have a stab at decapitating whoever forced me in there? 😈

PS: After a surgery, I've been stuck in a room for 2 months with no internet access. There was a TV on the wall...

sleepybisexual OP , avatar

Its just a stone room, you are not in any danger

If you can break limestone bricks go ahead. The point of the question is how would you spend 24 hours lol

jarfil , avatar

Well, then I'm in the smartphone/laptop camp.

Preloaded with either the Wikipedia via Kiwix, or a few dozen GB of Project Gutenberg, and some software/apps for writing, drawing, math, coding, etc.

Give me a place to sleep, air, water, food, meds, a toilet, maybe a change of clothes from time to time, plus stuff to read, learn, and experiment with, and I could easily stay in a room "off the internet" for waaaay longer than 24 hours. Probably closer to a year... or ten.

Some time in the future, I'd probably say portable VR computer (bonus for no internet, so no ads, and no tracking).

politicalcustard , in Could you share a clip of one of your favorite scenes from a TV series? avatar

Any scene from American Horror Story with Jessica Lange in it, I absolutely adore her. She's a marvelous actor and absolutely stunning. I'm in love with her (and I'm gay!). 😂

Radiant_sir_radiant , in Could you share a clip of one of your favorite scenes from a TV series?

There are soo many to choose from...!
Off the top of my head, the phone shot scene from Danger 5 cracks me up every time. But ask me again tomorrow and I'll tell you something completely different...

Rai ,

I love that show SOOOOOO much.

LallyLuckFarm , in Could you share a clip of one of your favorite scenes from a TV series? avatar

Really almost any scene from Arrested Development, but I'm particularly fond of the mock trial episode's scenes.

In one, Judge Reinhold (from Fast Times at Ridgemont High) is appearing as himself getting ready to launch a court show called "Mock Trial with Judge Reinhold". One of the main characters is talking with him about appearing on the show and asks if they're only doing the show because of Judge's name, at which Judge gets upset and stomps off declaring "we're going with my original idea and calling it Mr. Reinhold's courtroom".

In another, Michael (the main character from the above scene) is talking to his brother Gob about appearing on the show and Gob has nothing but bad ideas.

Michael: I'm not going to let you turn this mock trial into some kind of a ...(trails off)

Gob: you were gonna say mockery, weren't you?

Michael: I was in trouble like three words in

xilliah OP , avatar

Hey llf could you share a clip? 💚

LallyLuckFarm , avatar
ConstableJelly , (edited ) in Could you share a clip of one of your favorite scenes from a TV series?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer spoilers.

The opening scene of The Body. It's not the first time the show intentionally subverts its own identity, but it's certainly the most powerful.

For a show that has by this point in season 5 shown it's fair share of dead bodies, even just the unglamorous, undramatic image of Joyce's body spilled across the couch is off-putting. Then the brief fantasy of Buffy imagining that she saves her mom's life, and the stark transition of fantasy Joyce expressing relief at being saved snapping back to to a shot of her llifeless, expressionless face. The overstaurated color in the cinematography, the unnatural emphasis of atmospheric sound as Buffy's senses short circuit under the mental strain of processing the moment. The childlike fear and uncertainty when she accidentally breaks Joyce's rib administering CPR under the 911 operator's instruction. It's brutal reality manifested in a world that has trained it's viewers to expect (quality) melodrama even at its most sincere.

It's important to note that the episode follows one of the silliest episodes of the entire show (though not without its own gross implications), wherein a lifelike sex robot tears through Sunnydale looking for her creator. The first few seconds of The Body overlap with the last few seconds of the previous episode, intentionally creating a major tonal whiplash.

I think Drew Goddard once described The Body as 45 minutes of the best TV ever filmed and I still think that stands.

Edit: found a short clip on YouTube. Can't believe I forgot about "Mom?"

autumn , in You are going to be stuck in a room for 24 hours with no internet access and you can bring one item, what do you bring? avatar

a dog. endless entertainment and snuggles.

sleepybisexual OP , avatar

I'm more of a cat person but all floofs are cute

resin85 ,

Until said dog poops in the corner halfway through, then you have 12 more hours of entertainment, snuggles, and smells

autumn , avatar

i assumed there was a doggy door. ;)

t3rmit3 , in You are going to be stuck in a room for 24 hours with no internet access and you can bring one item, what do you bring?

A server with a full Internet Archive backup.

Just because they're trying to stop me.

sleepybisexual OP , avatar

Just don't forget a keyboard and mouse

hddsx ,

Why do you need a mouse? All you need is i3wm

sleepybisexual OP , avatar

No idea what that is, cool tho :3

hddsx ,

Tiling windows manager.

sleepybisexual OP , avatar


Tiltinyall , in Could you share a clip of one of your favorite scenes from a TV series?

The first episode of Supernatural season 4. Hooked me right into the series. It was possibly my first time seeing that show. It did a lot of what Cinema was doing at the time. Depicting deities, arch-deities, and various horrific supernatural creatures in very subversive fashion. But the chemistry of the actors made the story so personal. That show only grew on me after that point.

xilliah OP , avatar

Could you share a clip of a specific scene? 🩵

Tiltinyall , (edited ) Castiel is introduced into the series The beginning of the show caught my attention

Edit: forgot about the clip that hints the subversive parts of the show

HopFlop , in You are going to be stuck in a room for 24 hours with no internet access and you can bring one item, what do you bring?

Thats basically me on a 14h flight. I'f take headphones if I wad allowed to also have my phone. Otherwise, just my phone and listen to music (I have my favorites playlist auto-downloaded at all times).

palarith , in You are going to be stuck in a room for 24 hours with no internet access and you can bring one item, what do you bring?

24 hrs of sleep only interrupted by food?

palarith , in Could you share a clip of one of your favorite scenes from a TV series?

I don’t kiss and tell

So you admit there was kissing?

xilliah OP , avatar

Could you share a clip? ❤️

palarith ,

Firefly S01E07

Sorry, too old to be on youtube

GlennicusM , (edited ) in You are going to be stuck in a room for 24 hours with no internet access and you can bring one item, what do you bring? avatar

A tiny ass laptop running MX Linux loaded with some old games.

ranandtoldthat , in You are going to be stuck in a room for 24 hours with no internet access and you can bring one item, what do you bring?

A pillow.

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