octopus_ink , to SLRPNK Music in How To Build A Corsi-Rosenthal Box by Geoff Berner

Nice video! TMBG vibes IMO.

ProdigalFrog Mod , to BreadTube (Solarpunk) in The Critical Drinker and Shallow Conservative Critique avatar

I came across that youtube reviewer last year, though I forgot what they were reviewing. I just remember being put off by how they seemed to be artificially trying to find things to be 'angry' about, and clicking off after a few minutes. He was more of a big 'ol dingus than I thought he was!

Five OP Mod , avatar

YouTube 'recommends' him way too often. He is a section of the right-wing radicalization pipeline.

DScratch , to BreadTube (Solarpunk) in The Critical Drinker and Shallow Conservative Critique

I watched a few of his videos some years back. It took a little while for his true agenda to show through.

madeinthebackseat , to BreadTube (Solarpunk) in How Two Masterminds Created America's Layoff Culture

Worth the listen

Retreaux , to BreadTube (Solarpunk) in How Two Masterminds Created America's Layoff Culture

Ooh ooh is one of them Jack Welch, notorious GE bastard?

ProdigalFrog OP Mod , avatar

Nailed it! 😄

NoneYa , to PC Gaming in Beach Properties Asset Pack Official Announcement Teaser | Cities: Skylines II

Has this game been fixed yet and is playable now?

phoneymouse , to Land Back in How the U.S. Stole Mexico

The US stole Mexico from the Spanish, who stole it from indigenous groups.

frightful_hobgoblin , to BreadTube (Solarpunk) in The No State Solution: A Dialogue with Palestinian Mohammed Bamyeh and Israeli Uri Gordon

Öcalan uses that same phrase for the solution to the Kurdish Question

ProdigalFrog Mod , to BreadTube (Solarpunk) in The Feminist to Far-Right Pipeline avatar

It's crazy how many pipelines there are. Tankie, Nazi, Conspiracy, Russian disinfo, and now this. So many entities vying for vulnerable minds through any vector they can.

PotatoesFall , to Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. in Saudi Arabia’s Secret Plan To Keep Us Hooked On Oil | Climate Town
symthetics , to Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. in Saudi Arabia’s Secret Plan To Keep Us Hooked On Oil | Climate Town

Is it even secret?

gimpchrist , to Israel and Palestine Politics Discussion in Is a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine possible? avatar

Since the area is important for all three religions... christians, muslims, and jews... I propose that the entire fucking area be sectioned off and now no one is allowed to live there except God himself.. since it's such Holy Land, then let God live there.. everybody else can go visit but they're not allowed to fucking stay there anymore.. if people can't agree, then no one gets it, and it's God's land now. How's that for a damn solution.

edwardthefma99 , avatar

Its simple Jews have first clam rights history had proven Jews were thare first the 2000 year old Jewish text called the torra aka as the holy bible proves it

gimpchrist , avatar

Are you being sarcastic

edwardthefma99 , avatar

How old is the old testament of the Bible

gimpchrist , avatar

....... really?

Keeponstalin ,
hibsen , to Food in The Lie That Made Food Conglomerates Rich...And Is Slowly Poisoning Us

In case you're like me and are interested in the topic but aren't interested in watching someone talk forever:

00:00:00 In this section, the narrator discusses how food conglomerates like Kraft and Kellogg's have manipulated food science and public perception to make ultra-processed foods a necessity rather than a want, leading to health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The food industry's goal is to keep the public confused about what to eat, and they have attempted to sabotage the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's process of giving nutrition advice to the American public. Ultra-processed foods, which include many breakfast cereals, frozen dinners, sauces, and yogurt, are industrially produced and designed to be irresistibly delicious. Companies use large amounts of salt, sugar, and fat to mask the off-notes of the manufacturing process and extend shelf life. Kraft, for example, marketed their singles as a health food in 2015, despite the fact that they cannot legally be called cheese. The food industry's tactics are reminiscent of Big Tobacco's lies, and the evidence linking ultra-processed foods to disease is grim.

00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how food companies partner with health organizations to create the illusion of endorsement for their ultra-processed foods. As research reveals the negative effects of such foods on health, food industries use various tactics to undermine the research and researchers. They cast doubt on the studies, discredit researchers, and even fund their own studies to show favorable results. The speaker also mentions the similarities between the food and tobacco industries, with food companies owned by tobacco companies until the mid-2000s and using similar misinformation playbooks. The speaker, Tera Fazzino, a psychology professor at the University of Kansas, shares her research on hyper-palatable foods, which are often produced by tobacco-owned food companies and are more likely to be addictive due to their nutrient combinations. The speaker's perspective on the addictive nature of these foods changed during her research, as she discovered that foods produced by tobacco-owned companies were 29% more likely to be classified as hyper-palatable.

00:10:00 In this section, Michael Pollan recounts a conversation with a former Philip Morris lawyer who revealed that the heads of these companies don't consume their own addictive products. Pollan explains that tobacco companies got out of the food business in the 2000s, but other non-tobacco-owned food companies took note of their successes and reformulated their products to maximize profits. The food industry now accounts for nearly 70% of the food supply, and Pollan argues that the narrative that individuals are solely responsible for overeating is a way for food companies to avoid accountability. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee is currently considering the health effects of ultra-processed foods, and the Food and Beverage Issue Alliance, a trade group representing various food industries, has urged the committee to stop using the term "ultra-processed" until there is a consensus on a definition. Pollan emphasizes the importance of access to good scientific information and evidence-based dietary guidelines, as it took decades for the link between tobacco and cancer to be acknowledged and addressed.

Keeponstalin , to Israel and Palestine Politics Discussion in Is a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine possible?

With the Settler Colonialism that has turned the west bank into hundreds of isolated enclaves and the hundreds of thousands of settlers that can't realistically be relocated, I'd say no.

I like the Saif al-Islam Gaddafi Isratin proposal:

The Gaddafi Isratin proposal intended to permanently resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict through a secular, federalist, republican one-state solution, which was first articulated by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the son of Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, at the Chatham House in London and later adopted by Muammar Gaddafi himself.

Its main points are:

  • Creation of a binational Jewish-Palestinian state called the "Federal Republic of the Holy Land";

  • Partition of the state into five administrative regions, with Jerusalem as a city-state;

  • Return of all Palestinian refugees;

  • Supervision by the United Nations of free and fair elections on the first and second occasions;

  • Removal of weapons of mass destruction from the state;

  • Recognition of the state by the Arab League.

Similar to the Binational State Solution advocated by the Palestinian leadership and some others prior to the Nakba.

just_another_person , to Videos in Josh Johnson Learns Just How Rich People Avoid Paying Taxes | The Daily Show

This Josh guy is new, but has something about him that just gets me chuckling before a "punchline" lands. He's very dry like an NPR host, but just dark as hell every time on simple delivery and cadence of very basic words. He's not making "jokes" exactly, but his humor is definitely in his behavior and mannerisms. That slow, dead stare and slight turn into the camera when the tax guy says "you can die" was fucking gold.

ivanafterall ,

I thought the guest was great. He leaned into it just enough.

Corkyskog ,

His stand up is really, really good. He has some of the best timing of any current comedian I am familiar with.

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