technocrit , to Technology in New breakthrough may let us charge smartphones in 60 seconds

My worthless phone charges fast enough.

Can we please just have food, shelter, healthcare, peace, sustainabilty, etc?

variants ,

Sure but I doubt these researchers are in a position to provide all that

taanegl , avatar

No! Now take this slave labour cobalt and partake in the market place of ideas... I said partake! *shakes fist*

Thevenin , to Technology in New breakthrough may let us charge smartphones in 60 seconds

Yeah, no. This is not about chargers or batteries or phones or cars. This study is about improved charge/discharge rates for supercapacitors.

Supercaps have very high flow rate, but extremely low capacity. Put them in a phone or a car and it would run very fast for five minutes. Supercaps are useful, don't get me wrong, but they're not batteries.

Very cool research from UC Boulder, but the journalism leans way too far into clickbait.

cygnus , avatar

Could you have a bunch of them and draw from them in sequence?

brie ,

Increasing capacitance (how much charge is stored to reach a certain voltage) or the voltage it is charged to would indeed increase the capacity. Putting several in parallel would work, as would making a bigger capacitor. The main problem as far as I can tell is that the energy density of even supercapacitors is low, so you'd need a much larger volume to have the same capacity (and thus a much thicker phone).

cygnus , avatar

Thanks for this - I was doing some reading in the meantime which confirms what you're saying about power capacity.

As of 2010, the best ultracapacitors can only store about 5% of the energy that lithium-ion rechargeable batteries can, limiting them to a couple of miles per charge.

Thevenin ,

Yeah, this matches my experience.

A supercapacitor buffer will cost around twice as much and deliver around 1/10th the watt-hours of a similarly-sized lead acid battery. And lead acid isn't exactly great to begin with.

Capacitors are useful, but only in applications where the total amount of energy stored is more-or-less unimportant.

TonyTonyChopper , avatar

The bigger issue I would see is the heat created from dumping all that energy in at once. And can a US outlet even provide that much power?

Thevenin ,

Solid point. A laptop battery is around 60Wh, and charging that in 1 minute would pull 3.6kW from the outlet, or roughly double what a US residential outlet can deliver.

Supercaps stay pretty cool under high current charging/discharging, but your laptop would have to be the size of a mini fridge.

The research paper itself was only talking about using the tech for wearable electronics, which tend to be tiny. The article probably made the cars-and-phones connection for SEO. Good tech, bad journalism.

deegeese , to Technology in New breakthrough may let us charge smartphones in 60 seconds avatar

This sounds at least 10 years from an actual product.

Dymonika ,

Mostly due to lobbying?

Kidplayer_666 ,

Mostly due to further research and then product development and then safety testing and certification?

Dymonika ,

I was implying that it could be <10 years if there was no opposition to the new tech.

abbadon420 ,

!remindme 10 years

cRazi_man , avatar

Stories like this have been posted every so often to reddit. I'll believe this is possible when I see it available in consumer electronics (and not just lab conditions).

baggins , to Technology in New breakthrough may let us charge smartphones in 60 seconds avatar

So what are we looking at, the next 5 years?

Fermion , (edited )

No, never. Current charging rates already get close to thermal constraints. Hitting those charging rates either requires accepting much lower power density or using way more metal per cell. This research might inform design changes to improve charging rates, but we'll never see high capacity batteries charging in a minute.

The researchers know this and only mention wearables and iot devices applications. The article author erroneously makes the leap to high energy density devices.

If you don't care about energy density at all, ceramic capacitors can already charge and discharge in microseconds.

vintageballs ,

Well this discovery is about super capacitors and not batteries.

Hirom ,

It sounds like this is completely clickbait article, bordering on misinformation.

cygnus , to Technology in New breakthrough may let us charge smartphones in 60 seconds avatar

Never mind phones, what about cars?

baggins , avatar

From the article

This would make charging phones, laptops, and even electric cars much more efficient and convenient.

cygnus , avatar

Yeah but I doubt that's actually the case based on the physics involved. We need fast charging cars way more than fast charging phones.

variants ,

Email the researchers with your complaints

Umbrias ,

Why do you feel that the researchers are wrong about their physics research?

sonori , avatar

The researchers who wrote the paper only mentioned possibly applying the tech to very small things like wearables and Iot applications where a large capacitor might be relevant. It’s the journalist summarizing it that makes the wild claims about phones and cars, which don’t tend to use capacitors for a bunch of reasons, not least of which is that they tend to be physically twenty times larger than a given battery of the same capacity.

If people are able to deal with batteries anywhere near that large, then I’d imagine most of them would choose twenty times the battery life/ range over being able to charge fast enough overload a wall outlet/ small power plant.

Umbrias ,

More of an actual comment, good. More efficient capacitors in both speed and heat certainly helps in charging devices of all sizes. Of course it wouldn't be charging large batteries in seconds, but that doesn't mean no improvement.

sonori , avatar

No, it doesn’t effect devices of all sizes, only devices that might use this specific bulky capacitor, all other devices will show exactly zero improvement because there is no real point to mixing capacitors in with a large battery. Being able to quickly get three minutes of charge per whole hour of battery capacity you replace with capacitors just isn’t that useful because you might as well just stay plugged in for an extra few minutes and get the same charge plus that extra hour before needing to find a charger at all.

As for EV’s the problem is even more pointless, as being able to go a half mile the street from a charger massive enough that it can output a small power plants worth of electricity is similarly to specialized of a use case to be worth the loss of range and greater degradation of the rest of the battery.

Umbrias ,

Almost every electrical system on the planet uses capacitors. Especially high power systems. Of which evs are.

"No real point in mixing capacitors in with a large battery" ?? That's done literally all the time for both filtering and for intermittent high power output. Like when I say almost every electrical system uses caps, I mean almost every electrical system.

sonori , avatar

Obviously nearly every electrical circuit board uses capacitors in some respect, especially for filtering and smoothing, but it is extremely rare for them to be used for bulk energy storage outside of things like adjusting power factor.

Given we are talking about charging times, which are primarily limited by the batteries charge current vs degradation curve and not at all by the various small capacitors in the charger’s electronics, there is fundamentally no effect on charge times unless you are replacing the energy storage medium itself with supercapacitors.

We can already supply enough dc power to charge an EV battery at its maximum designed curve via dc fast charging stations, which involve some contractors and shunts but actually don’t even involve any size of capacitors at all in the car itself on the HV side.

Umbrias ,

Or you know, reducing thermal load by using broadly more efficient capacitors allowing you to shove more current in the car. Or by meeting grid scale requirements for car charging by smoothing out the grid impact of a bunch of charging at once. Or any number of benefits.

Ultimately this certainly benefits car charging. It benefits all electronics. No you won't be getting two second car charges with this.

sonori , avatar

Again, there are no capacitors car side to be produceing thermal load in the first place during dc fast charging in the first place, and that thermal load is not the primary barrier to how much current can go into the battery without degradation anyway. After all, if it was we would just upscale the cars heat pump and be charged in five minutes.

Car charging is not coordinated to the point where they all plug in within a few seconds, and if it was a few second randomizer on when eqch timer actually starts charging would accomplish the exact same effect without hundreds of millions to billions of dollars in new grid scale capacitors and inverters.

This is also unlikely to become a significant problem because a lot of the grid is moving to battery backed solar and wind, where the limit is price per megawatt hour and as such said batteries can provide far more current than the grid could consume. You might be limited by inverter capacity, but storage capacitors are also fundamentally a DC technology so you would need them anyway.

This may turn out to have benefits for electronics that rely on already specialized supercapacitors, but it can by definition not have any impact on processes that are not currently limited in any way by capacitor technology like battery bulk charge current, the thing that actually limits how fast a car can fast charge.

Umbrias ,

At this point I can only determine you are arguing for the sake of arguing.

Much of what you said is very wrong but it's not worth arguing about.

sonori , avatar

Not really trying to argue, just trying to help explain the high current DC battery systems I have experience with and to someone how seems to have some conceptual understanding of what individual components do, but not how and why they are used or where the limitations come from.

Them being confidently incorrect doesn’t help of course. :)

That being said you haven’t really given me much to work off of as to where these misconceptions are coming from beyond a journalist confusing applications for batteries and capacitors and this really seems to be going nowhere, so bye.

TonyTonyChopper , avatar

So an electric car might hold 100 kWh. To charge that in 1 minute you would need 6000 kW of power, or 6 MW. Typical "rapid" chargers today do 350 kW and these are the kind that are difficult to find. A nuclear plant makes around 1,000 MW so if you had 166 cars charging at once you would overload one.

noodlejetski , to Technology in New breakthrough may let us charge smartphones in 60 seconds

...and explode them in the next 60

abbadon420 ,

No, most phones are allready safe to leave on your charger all night.

Skyline969 , avatar

Been charging my phone overnight for years. Battery health is 100% and I never have to worry about charging.

ColdCreasent ,

Impossible for battery health to be at 100% after years. May still be working great, but not 100%.

boonhet ,

Battery degradation is ridiculously unpredictable. I've seen 100 cycle batteries at 75% and 2500 cycle batteries over 90%. I only dealt with like 5 MacBook models

ColdCreasent ,

Agreed, but not a “charge overnight for years” but no degradation at all.

areyouevenreal ,

Depending on what battery protection modes are in play, many have smart charging or other features designed to prolong life. Also a fair few batteries come out with greater than design capacity from the factory. It's called a design capacity and not an absolute capacity for a reason. A phone battery that left the factory at 110% could conceivably still be at or above 100%.

Fyi it's not overnight charging that's the issue either, it's charging to 100%. What one device consider 100% varies and devices will essentially lie to you about it. 4.2V is normally considered 100% full for Lithium Cobalt Oxide batteries yet some devices push higher than this while others skirt under to pad capacity and cycle life respectively. It's about tradeoffs.

noodlejetski ,

probably because they currently don't get stuffed a bucketload of crackly juice* in 60 seconds

*I don't, in fact, know how electricity really works

Icalasari ,

More like, "Shoving it in so fast it makes the sauce in the battery super heat and create a bomb"

thefartographer ,

Consider that the energy output of a 12-gauge shotgun is approximately 4500 Newton-meters and, from personal experience, can rotate a first-gen iPad at an extrapolated 240 rpm (extrapolated as this proved difficult to sustain). That gives us an equivalent of 113 kW! A modern ipad would only need about 13 kW to charge in one second.

So, one shotgun shell could easily charge yours and 7 of your friends ipads instantaneously, although the results are difficult to appreciate.

eveninghere ,

I feel the Doc in Back To The Future vibe.

thefartographer ,

Marty! It's your children! The little bastards won't stop playing Ska-booby toilets!

astraeus , to Technology in Apple defends selling MacBook Air with only 8GB of RAM avatar

The claim that it’s equivalent to 16GB is incorrect, probably closer to 10-12GB on a Windows computer. Linux however is different, and in some cases better than MacOS at memory usage.

tunetardis , to Science Fiction in SpaceX's Starship will create 'gravity' with centrifugal force

It would be nice is someone built a spin gravity space station with lunar and martian levels. We could see how people fare after several months in that environment before setting off to build permanent bases.

Greyghoster , to Science Fiction in SpaceX's Starship will create 'gravity' with centrifugal force

Maybe Musk could watch The Martian? They have the centrifugal gravity thing down pat. The concept of build in orbit seems attractive too.

inkican OP ,

If Elon musk was in the Martian, he'd be Dr Evil

ConditionOverload , to Technology in Thanks to OpenAI, it's never been clearer that Sundar Pichai is Google's Steve Ballmer avatar

I've maintained this idea for a while as well. It's really only after Pichai took over that Google and Android both have started scrapping useful programs/apps/services, made needless change to make products worse, and in general just haven't really innovated much at all. At least when compared to how the company was run when Larry Page and Erik Schmidt were running the company.

This dude has made Google boring.

ElPussyKangaroo , to Technology in Want a more private ChatGPT alternative that runs offline? Check out Jan

Any recommendations from the community for models? I use ChatGPT for light work like touching up a draft I wrote, etc. I also use it for data related tasks like reorganization, identification etc.

Which model would be appropriate?

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

  • Loading...
  • Falcon ,

    The mistral-7b is a good compromise of speed and intelligence. Grab it in a GPTQ 4bit.

    SpiceDealer , to Technology in Want a more private ChatGPT alternative that runs offline? Check out Jan avatar

    But is it FOSS?

    FractalsInfinite ,

    Meen Jan, the open-source ChatGPT alternative

    Yes, the article is pretty good

    downhomechunk , avatar

    Sick burn

    SpiceDealer , avatar

    And well deserved too. I'm not even mad. I really should real the actual article.

    ripcord , avatar

    I really should real the actual article.

    And proofread.

    Fades ,

    It’s literally in the goddamn title, just click the fucking link Jesus Christ

    Shit, don’t even have to click the link it’s in the fuckin url

    drislands , to Technology in Want a more private ChatGPT alternative that runs offline? Check out Jan

    Sure, Jan.

    blazeknave ,

    Marsha Marsha Marsha!

    wetferret , to Technology in Want a more private ChatGPT alternative that runs offline? Check out Jan avatar

    I would also reccommend as a way to try out different models locally using either CPU or GPU. I believe they have a build for every desktop OS.

    TootSweet , to Technology in Want a more private ChatGPT alternative that runs offline? Check out Jan

    It seems like usually when an LLM is called "Open Source", it's not. It's refreshing to see that Jan actually is, at least.

    long_chicken_boat ,

    Jan is just a frontend. It supports various models under multiple licence. It also supports some proprietary models.

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