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@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar



Formerly banned in Texas! :derpface:

🏴󠁣󠁡󠁱󠁣󠁿🇨🇦🇺🇸 I'm an #ActuallyAutistic white male-presenting #enby (#nonbinary, he/they/she). Self-dx. Late-dx. I discovered that I was probably on the spectrum in March 2023. I believe that it is my #cancer that altered my #brain in such a way that I am less able to #mask now.

I'm also a #Zen #Buddhist, #pansexual, #polyamorous, and into #BDSM.

Je parle aussi #français. (Le tabarnak de drapeau noir est supposé être un drapeau du #Québec.)

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

I asked the AI for "A French-Canadian individual."

I got this... because... of course... the béret is the hat that all self-respecting French-Canadians wear.


(You'd be more likely to find me with a dead raccoon on my head than a béret.)

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

Periodic PSA:

If you boost all the things, chances are that I'm going to mute your boosts. Yes, that's a Mastodon feature, and I do use it.

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

Boost this post if you like boosting.

(This post was brought to you by the International Boosting Alliance.)

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

This is someone snortfarting.

#snortfart #AI #AIGeneratedSound

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

"Marjorie Taylor Greene spreads bizarre message about 10-year-old girl’s future orgasms"

That 10-year-old girl is trans, so I guess that gave MTG the green light.

FFS... I give MTG the Indomitable Pisspot Award for jackassery.

Don't read the article if you cannot stand misgendering.

I'd also say that LGBTQ Nation did a piss poor job here. Why should I have to go to Xitter to see the original TikTok without the Xitter shit around it? It took me 5 minutes to find the link and I'm a TikTok dunce.

I'm going to post a direct link as a reply to this post.


yourautisticlife OP ,
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar
yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

It's a meme!

yourautisticlife OP ,
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar


yourautisticlife OP ,
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar


This living room set from Broyhill! When it is called Broyhill, you know it is quality!

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

"Every New Memory You Make Causes Damage to Your Brain Cells"


In other news, living damages your entire body. Better off dead.

Now, what was I supposed to do next? I don't remember.

#brain #BrainCells #damage #memory #satire


yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

When I'm in a contrary mood, I like to give nicknames to the various streaming services:

Paramount's Pus
Disney's Pus
Amazon's Crime Video
Hello (Hulu)
Pisscock (Peacock)
Marx (HBO Max)

Note that I'm quite often in a contrary mood.

Feel free to add to the list.

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

I took THC tonight.

I toook it a bit early.

My limbs are playful.

My giggling engine is armed.

Time has become permeable. Not elastic yet.


BeAware , to random
@BeAware@social.beaware.live avatar

Recommending Fediblock for instance 'jforo.com' as it's literally just a bunch of spam bots that are spamming hashtags.

yourautisticlife ,
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar


They also don't have any rules listed.

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

Luke is demonstrating his skill at picking his nose with a lightsaber.

#StarWars #DarthVader #LukeSkywalker #AI #LLM #NosePicking #lightsaber

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

"Dessine-moi un mouton" resulted in sheep-dog hybrids.

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

Yesterday, I tried an edible I had already tried before for sleep. I had a good night of sleep.

This afternoon, I'm trying another edible. It is a sativa strain. I've generally confined myself to indica or hybrids.

yourautisticlife OP ,
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

The munchies... I has them.

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

If you've ever wondered what uranium soup looks like, wonder no more.

The picture below shows you uranium soup. (Yes, this was the prompt.)

#AI #LLM #uranium #soup

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

I can't say that I'm happy about this. This guy wants to open up a bridge between the fediverse and Bluesky.

I've blocked Threads. Why should I allow this?


yourautisticlife , to random

When Shitbags Fake Disability

This story is such a clusterfuck of deceit and incompetence that you should be as mad as I am!

Tie your hat! This is going to be a really rough ride. It is not every day that watching a cooking video on YouTube sends me ballistic. Yet, here we are. I’m bloody mad, and so should you after you examine the case I’m going to give you.

I came across this story when I watched the latest video from the How to Cook That channel on YouTube. I’m going to drop a link at the end of my article. In her video, Ann Reardon points out a strange medical case and urges the viewers to go to watch her source on the Strong Medicine channel.

I did what she asked, and what I found was pure, unadulterated shitbaggery. The videos on this channel are those of Eric Strong, a doctor. Before we go any further, hats off to Dr. Strong, who explained artfully what this case is all about. Just like Ann Reardon, I urge you to watch the videos from Dr. Strong related to this case. I’m going to drop links at the end of my article for those too. If this does not make your blood boil, you are not human!

I’m going to give you a very concise summary of what happened. Dr. Strong gives many more details. Councilwoman of Aurora, CO, Danielle Jurinsky, criticized ex-Chief of Police Vanessa Wilson. The next day, someone called anonymously to report a child abuse case against Jurinksy. After investigation, they found that a social security worker, Robin Niceta, had called in the anonymous tip.

Niceta was charged. When the trial was meant to begin, her defense was that she was incompetent to stand trial due to a glioblastoma. Jurinsky was not buying it. However, the defense and the prosecution believed her. After all, Niceta had MRI pictures, and even a “doctor” that confirmed the MRIs. The judge in the case would probably have ruled her incompetent.

That is, she would have been ruled incompetent, if internet investigators had not stepped in. Someone made a post to a Reddit forum. Doctors started opining on the MRIs that showed the tumor. The doctors were not buying it. Dr. Strong in his videos makes a convincing case as to why the MRIs were, in fact, doctored.

The end result is that Robin Niceta was found to have lied to the court. She’s won more charges added to her initial offense. Her mother is also implicated because they both went on the news and pretended that Niceta was unresponsive. Let me rephrase this, Niceta faked disability on camera!

I’m not sure what they were expecting to gain from this charade. Brain tumors are no joke. They can have random neurological effects. Were they hoping that Niceta would gain the time to flee the country? Or that the whole thing would be dropped because “the tumor made me do it?” Unclear.

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I do urge you to watch Dr. Strong’s videos, because there is much more to this story, including accusations from 40 people that Niceta improperly approached them for sexual favors. A complete and utter clusterfuck, I tell you.

Robin Niceta faked disability in order to gain an advantage.

We, who face real disabilities, are harmed by Niceta’s bullshit. The next time someone does not believe you, you have people like her to thank for the shit being heaped upon you.

Maybe I’m taking this more personally than the average Joe. See, I’ve had cancer. My tumor was in my brain. I don’t wish to go into too many details here, but it wasn’t a glioblastoma. In fact, it wasn’t even brain cancer proper, but the tumor was in my brain. This tumor really disabled me for a while. The treatment for it was also no walk in the park. Niceta is despicable for her fakery.

Multiple people dropped the ball here. Niceta’s defense attorney took her claims at face value. Yes, they talked to a “doctor,” but they did not do their due diligence and check on that doctor’s credentials. It was later discovered that this “doctor” did not exist. The prosecuting attorney also dropped the ball. They did not do any substantial review of the evidence.

However, the worst is that CBS Colorado also dropped the ball. I want to give a special shoutout to Brian Maass, an “investigative journalist”. He’s the one who originally broke Niceta’s story for CBS. He swallowed everything whole, hook, line, and sinker. He failed to have a competent doctor do a double check on Niceta’s evidence. When he was made aware of the criticism from the Reddit crowd, he doubled down with medically incoherent excuses.

This is unacceptable. Good journalistic practice, especially from an investigative journalist, requires double-checking the evidence presented to you. Okay, mistakes do happen, but when one of the actors in the story, Jurinsky, tells you that she does not buy it, and when Internet investigators tell you that what you have is bunk, and make a convincing show of it, you have to take the situation seriously.

This, CBS Colorado, and Maass, did not do. Instead, they doubled down and gave themselves a pat on the back when the prosecution got wind of the fake evidence. I can only conclude that baboons run the show over at CBS Colorado.

Again, you should go check out Dr. Strong’s videos. I’ve given you but a very short summary of the gigantic clusterfuck that this case has proved to be, but what a clusterfuck it is!

Here are the promised videos. The videos of Dr. Strong are in chronological order.


yourautisticlife ,
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar


I'm not seeing the confusion.

First day (implied by "the next day" in the sentence that follows): Jurinsky criticizes Wilson.

Next day: Robin Nicela (anonymously), accuses Jurinsky of child abuse.

Maybe you're confused because I've not told of the link between Nicela and Wilson. They were lovers. This provides motive, but it wouldn't really matter if Nicela were just some random person who wanted to right some perceived wrong.

I can add this if that's where the confusion originates. I've written this quick because I've got other things to do, and I figured that if I sat on my ass, it might never get out.

"Know thyself" and all that jazz.

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

I've modified my WordPress instance so that my premium content will be hosted there in the future. I have only one premium article there right now, but I plan to migrate more from Ko-Fi.

Of course, the non-premium content is always available there.

I'm no longer using Ko-Fi for new subscriptions.

Everything as far as subscribing, donating, buying a login on my Mastodon instance is now on my blog. It talks directly to Stripe without having to go through Ko-Fi.

I haven't moved my French-language blog yet, but it should soon follow.

This page has the membership options:


BeAware , to random
@BeAware@social.beaware.live avatar

It sucks having to defederate from entire instances because of a few select people not having morals.

My own morals don't allow me to federate with those who think they own Fedi. Not to mention the lies and slander they spread using their "federated blocklist" which is strictly picked by them only.

Then there's those that use their blocklist that I feel the need to defederate from as well because I don't feel I am safe from brigading and harassment caused by the lies spread by the blocklists.

When will someone with money and time sue them for slander? I can't be the only one they've lied about considering the amount of people they've defederated.🤦‍♂️

The number of sleepless nights I've had because of 1 word added to a blocklist that isn't even close to being true are astounding....😔 I am unable to do MANY things, so how the FUCK could I be ableist? I wish I had the money to sue for slander and get that instance shut down for the betterment of Fedi as a whole.

yourautisticlife ,
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar


I don't know where you live, but in the US, suing for slander (defamation, in legal terms) is an uphill battle. You need to specify exactly what is defamatory, and it must not be true or a matter of opinion.

I can call Republicans assholes all day long, and they cannot do anything about it, legally. They sure can return fire with insults, however.

yourautisticlife ,
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar


If someone calls you ableist on the basis of stuff you said, it is opinion. Same as me calling Republicans asshole. The court is not in the business of deciding if an opinion is reasonable or not.

For defamation, what you need is to show that statements of fact about you were false.

I'm assuming you don't kill kittens on a daily basis. If someone said that you kill kittens on a daily basis this is not mere opinion but a statement of fact, you could ask for their evidence, and they would most likely lose a defamation case.

yourautisticlife , to ActuallyAutistic group
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar


This morning in meditation there was a talk. The person who was talking asked if there were any pressing issues we had. She had done this on previous occasions, so I was expecting it.

The first few times she did this previously, nobody answered her. Of course, being #ActuallyAutistic, I was torn between the desire to answer her, and social anxiety.

"She wants someone to answer, but nobody is answering. I want to help her, but my social anxiety. 😱 "

This time I was prepared. I don't typically rehearse speeches, but in this case I had rehearsed how I'd answer her. So I knew how to do it.

This morning I answered her. I'm afraid that I sounded autistic. 😂 I'm now thinking that the more socially anxious I feel, the more "autistic" I sound. I was stimming the whole time, but in a socially appropriate way. I was waiving my hands in front of me. I just looked like an animated speaker. After I was done talking, I continued stimming out of frame with my hands. (We were on Zoom.)

My observation was well received, but man, the social anxiety! 😬

yourautisticlife , to random
@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar

"Judge orders Oregon newspaper not to publish documents linked to Nike lawsuit"

No, no, no, no, no, no, fuck no.

I really think U.S. Magistrate Judge Jolie Russo is full of shit with her verdict. She's not just asking that the newspaper hold into their information for a while, she wants the documents returned to the attorney who erroneously released them to the newspaper.

If I recall correctly, this is a classical case given to law students in law school.

Q: What happens if an attorney releases information inadvertently to a newspaper?

A: That attorney is shit out of luck.

I mean, they can always ask nicely, but the newspaper cannot be forced to return the information. This type of situation even happened when the court itself released documents that were under seal. You cannot claw them back.

Now, I'm not a lawyer. Is there something that makes this case special?

(Where's @Popehat when you need him??)

Oh, also. I need to make some introductions. Nike, here's the Streisand Effect. Streisand Effect, here's Nike.


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