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trevron ,

It is not even close to a good enough reason. First of all, I don't really give a shit about what other people do or don't do on their computers. It is not my responsibility. Second, sneaking in their cloud solution isn't the right move ever.

Let the user decide if they want it, enable it by default I don't care, but don't sneak it in like it's a fuckin trojan lol

trevron ,

I see where you're coming from but you aren't really speaking for the majority on lemmy. We are more open to open source projects and linux around here.

Unfortunately, I also have to use windows for some things, but microsoft and windows 11 are hot garbage, just like your attitude.

trevron ,

My bad, I didn't think pointing out someones bad attitude was crossing the line.

trevron ,

Man I hate coming in and whatabouting but you do realize that the entire EV industry is committing some major atrocities against the people of the Congo right? Western corporations are ruthlessly vile down there. Everything you named and more.

How about we clean up our own yard before telling on the neighbor?

trevron ,

Yeah, sure clean all yards but start with your own.

Your statement here and your reaction to how the community has responded is ignorant. Not sure how self awareness is dehumanizing unless you fancy yourself a champion for corporations but okay.

trevron ,

Because you are speaking english and you are focusing on China instead of somewhere your voice might be heard. What are we supposed to do, bomb their civilians so they stop treating their civilians poorly? lol come on dude

trevron ,

Jfc, can't we just fire all of these demon encrusted maggot sacks already? The military industrial complex is a cancer on the world and basically all of our politicians are corrupt pieces of shit.

trevron ,

To be honest, we should be pushing for peace there too. Ukraine is taking hits that they won't recover from and it is quickly turning into a much bigger global conflict. We need less war and less war machines in the world, not more.

trevron ,

Throwing gasoline at a fire is not going to put it out.

The US and NATO recently authorized Ukraine to use Nato controlled weapons offensively. That is a global escalation that involves Nato member states for coordination. If you don't think the escalation is growing then you aren't actually paying attention.

There has been peace talks but there has been western pressure to decline the deals. The US doesn't give a shit about what happens to Ukraine. Come on, they don't even care about us (americans), their own citizens. Ukraine has been proxy to the US for a while and the US will use whatever proxy they have to do battle with Russia no matter the collateral damage.

There is a lot of propaganda on both sides of this conflict but everyone on lemmy and reddit gobble up the western propaganda without a doubt. Let's put away the military boners and try for some actual fucking diplomacy.

trevron , (edited )

lol so now Russia is your reason why Israel is allowed to commit genocide? You're political/moral compass is broken, mate.

trevron ,

Sorry, but both sides of the coin are the same. The military industrial complex has been abusing its power over the world for far too long. It is a cancer and it is terminal.

"The only democracy in the middle east" is a piece of shit and just as rotten as the military industrial complex. AIPAC is basically the military industrial complex using Israel to further its needs. It is not good for the Israeli citizens, Americans, or the Palestinians. It is also damaging to Jewish people worldwide because Israel is hiding behind fake antisemitism claims to shut down people speaking against their atrocities. Pretty obvious how that will be damaging in the long run.

Look at the UN findings on your dearly beloved. The "most morale army" practices systemic sexual abuse. And what do you know, ethnic cleansing?! It's a bunch of Europeans/Americans cosplaying as middle eastern so they can do nazi shit.

I don't expect you to comment on what is important because you routinely avoid topics you can't twist to spin more propaganda out of. You need some flair that reads "Izzy shill" or "Fed" so people know what kind of person they are engaging with.

trevron ,

The US backed coup in 2014 and the threat of NATO expansion on it's borders are some fairly obvious pieces of that puzzle but everybody here just claims "russian propaganda" when those facts are brought into the discussion.

trevron , (edited )

lol I wish I got paid some money for trying to talk some sense into pro war idiots on the internet.

edit: For real though, why is that your reaction to literal facts? Some of you are too fucking gone to reason with 😅

trevron ,

Yes, both the US and Russia use proxies in the middle east to fight each other and have for years. But that has little to do with Israel's active genocide.

trevron ,

Conveniently, Israel treats all Palestinians as if they were Hamas militants (who themselves are a resistance group resisting modern settler colonialism). Hamas is a convenient reason for them to ethnically cleanse a whole people. How is that difficult to see as the wrong side?

You can't just handwave Israel committing atrocity after atrocity after (but especially prior to) October 7th. It isn't that difficult to see which side is the wrong side for anyone with a couple brain cells and a functioning moral compass. Colonialism was terrible in the past and it is terrible in the present. Genocide and apartheid are bad for anyone who are not racists. Pretty easy line there.

edit: also the person I responded to poorly defends Israel in every thread and regularly uses bad faith argumentative tactics to spin out more propaganda. That is partially why I felt the need to respond.

trevron ,

Is that why the imperialist United States of America has 750+ military bases in 80 countries? Lol the fucking hypocrisy dude

trevron ,

I didn't stalk anyones comment history, I have just interacted with that person a bit. Come on lemmy is not that active, especially on beehaw. It is basically the same names commenting on this shit lol

But Israel is a settler colonial project which is a type of colonialism and is still valid. And I don't understand your point, it doesn't make sense.

trevron ,

It isn't even apologetics, it's just analysis that isn't "russia bad america good". My point in the other thread you called me out in is just as valid here, nobody can talk about this shit rationally without spewing western propaganda and even when actual facts and valid criticisms are brought up, this is the rhetoric people retort to. "This person said something that gives a sliver of doubt to the active liberal thought pattern therefore he must be a russian shill."

I just have to assume you are a bunch of children or state actors at this point because it is infuriatingly ridiculous and naive.

trevron , (edited )

Fitting but a little ironic to bring that up. The Bay of Pigs and everything that lead up to that is a great example of what the US gets up to globally and exactly the kind of thing that makes me question the western narrative. They (the CIA) didn't just stop doing shit like that.

That being said, I don't support Russia either. I am not apologizing for their actions just providing pieces of explanations. Let's not pretend that they haven't had NATO expansion as a big red line on their list for a long time. The threat of more NATO at their border within an arms reach of their major cities is obviously fair. But I do think they are using that as an excuse while at the same time I think the US is taking major advantage of this situation. That is, in my opinion, a problem for peace.

Sure, countries have the right to self determine but you can't ignore the diplomatic consequences of that. Shit doesn't exist in a bubble. And the populist uprising was not so free from western influence. Come on thats CIA playbook 101 😅

Anyways, it is obviously a complex situation but the instant overnight prowar stance everyone has had since day 1 of this invasion is steeped with propaganda and people are immediately shutdown for questioning any part of the narrative and being labeled "putin's puppet". That is my real issue with this discourse. You cannot look at history and honestly think America is the good guys at pretty much any point post-ww2 so question the fuckin narrative.

trevron ,

Thanks for the reasonable response, it was interesting to read. I guess it could make sense but wow how convenient 😅

trevron ,

People on here love this kind of propaganda dude lol

trevron ,

"Baseless conspiracy theories" - makes baseless claim.

trevron ,

Yeah the US did way better...

trevron ,

lol you are always jumping to the extreme whenever I criticize the US even a little.

I didn't "defend a dictatorship", I correctly pointed out that the pandemic was handled terribly in the states, especially from the president, so it was a dumb thing to use as a metric for how a leader is doing. Trump was a fucking joke. He created a terrible situation and reaffirmed the antivaxxers. He was basically telling people to take crazy doses of ivermectin instead and implying it was all "fake news". Maybe you don't understand the entirety of that since you said yourself you "aren't a US citizen" but for some reason you are always reaffirming our propaganda.

In regards to numbers, should we just believe state sponsored media or confirmed CIA startups like Radio Free Asia instead? They are usually listed as a source for these kinds of things despite the fact that their sole purpose for being created was to combat the spread of socialism.

The US is just a beacon of truth that would never lie about a socialist country or attempt to manufacture consent. /s

trevron ,

I mostly see US based consent manufacturing propaganda and the military industrial complex foaming at the mouth. Maybe you have some credible sources that aren't from a CIA cutout or state sponsored media? I will dig into it so don't be shy.

But considering that we (the US) have surrounded their borders with military bases, would you blame them if they felt the need to bolster their military? (Probably, because you're a hypocrite.)

trevron ,

I saw someone say Israel is just Britain, France, and the US in a trench coat and it is way too accurate 😂

trevron ,

I've seen some USS liberty stuff. Pretty crazy that they even let those dudes live to tell the tale.

trevron ,

The US gov wants everyone to pretend that they are the true beacon of peace and democracy as they go around bullying other countries for their lunch money.

Look at the hague invasion act passed in 2002. They have always known that the court might hold them accountable for malicious acts in the region.

Imagine the US invading the Netherlands to protect war criminals. Absolutely no global credibility after that.

trevron ,

Key quote with no fuckin substance. Israel dropped a bomb on a refugee camp that shoots shrapnel outwards in a football field sized radius. Gee, I wonder what killed so many civilians. smh

trevron ,

All these pro-colonialism war boners should perform brain surgery on each other.

trevron ,

It's believable though because it's super on brand for Izzy.

trevron ,


trevron ,

I have seen a lot of reports of direct US involvement on this one. Hopefully not true but I would not be surprised at all at this point.

trevron , (edited )

lol get over yourself. I didn't stalk you. lemmy ain't that active and we both clearly have a common ground in wanting to voice political opinion. I just happen speak out against propaganda while you shill for izzy and the feds. I hope they are at least paying you.

For clarity on what is actually disgusting though, dressing up like you are going to provide aide to suffering people only to murder them is gross as fuck. Even if it were "legal", which it isn't.

trevron ,

We should trust the US government on this, they know a thing or two about disinformation. All those pesky "weapons of mass destruction" for example.

This place is as bad as r/worldnews sometimes.

trevron ,

It's right there in the title: "...the US government says".

I am not whatabouting anything, I am just highlighting that the US government has lied about similar things before and that maybe we should be hesitant to automatically consider it an accurate or reputable source of publicly disclosed geopolitical information.

trevron ,


The disinformation campaigns in the states have been robust. The intelligence agencies have made sure the truth is hard to discern. That coupled with the average person just ingesting a headline and moving on is pretty concerning.

There are some real journalists out there still but they usual receive a lot of pressure from the state.

trevron ,

Audiobooks are expensive to produce.

Spotify is awful when it comes to content creators, complaining as an end user is crazy though.

trevron ,

Audiobooks are expensive to produce and have extra licensing associated with them. Even Amazon can only give out 1 credit for $15 a month. A single books costs anywhere between $10-$60 bucks. Its just unreasonable to expect spotify to be able to afford that when they already barely pay musicians.

trevron ,

I'm not defending them, just saying that it's foolish for an enduser to expect anything different when they already don't pay musicians and that is the primary content on their platform.

I can pretty much guarantee the average user would complain way more about the quality of simple TTS than they would the time limit. It would likely be a much bigger PR issue for them. AI generated TTS would probably be good enough for most but that is just another cost.

Regardless, the licensing involved with book publishers wouldn't allow them to just produce their own audiobooks like that. So it is not really as simple as "just a choice".

trevron ,

I should have used the words "want to" instead of "be able to". It is a garbage company I am definitely not defending their business practices.

trevron ,

For sure. Ive got 100s titles in my Audible catalog and most of them are over that threshold. It is s stupid system. I don't use podcasts or audiobooks on spotify, I think they should stick to music lol

trevron ,

Well unlike your ass, I appreciate the nuance of a good performance. But i know what you mean.

GPU time, while cheaper than a voice actor, is still a bit spendy though. And you then you also have the various copyright/licensing "issues" associated with AI content, companies may be a bit hesitant to go all in on producing books like that. Makes more sense for someone like Amazon/Audible and less sense for someone like spotify.

Besides, most audio books exist already so that really only applies to newer titles.

trevron ,

Agreed on pretty much all counts but I love Audiobooks just as much as "analog" books lol

trevron , (edited )

It is crazy to me that people flat out ignore or downplay the significance of NATO expansion directly provoking the behavior we see from Putin.

NATO has moved on from being a peacemaker. It is a corrupt cog in the military industrial complex. Britain and the US pressured Ukraine into declining a peace deal despite recent reports (at odds with corporate/state owned media) showing significant losses for the Ukrainians. NATO leaders (especially the US) do not want peace, war is way too profitable. And now they are allowing offensive use of NATO and US weapons against Russia with NATO coordination. All these leaders are crooked.

Very unfortunate times ahead for all of us.

Edit: Just to be clear, before someone freaks out on me, I am definitely not defending Russia's actions. Just making some observations.

trevron ,

As if the US has ever respected democracy 😂

Maybe if we got rid of the CIA, their propaganda wings (Radio Free Asia, etc.), and all their cutouts we might have a chance at peace.

I am not specifically talking about Finland joining NATO, I am talking about the US military involvement in Ukraine that made it appear to the enemy of the US as though Ukraine were going to join NATO, which has been a loudly stated red line for Putin for a very long time. You have to at least admit that the western actions that lead up to the invasion were diplomatically "foolish" at best.

Contrariwise it is far too simplistic to look at this issue and say "russian propaganda" when there is so much western propaganda distorting the truth that goes by unnoticed. You can't even talk about it here or on reddit without people exploding based off of previous propaganda they have committed to heart.

I just think when the US has been putting hot military bases all up and down the enemies border (both china and russia via NATO or otherwise), what the hell do we expect to happen?

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