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bumphot ,

Worst part is, he wouldn't be arrested for genocide in 2024. He would probably be seen as lesser of two evils or something stupid like that.

bumphot OP ,

You shouldn't have political goals when moderating just to support certain politician. That is a conflict of interest and abusing the mod power to further a goal of your political candidate.

bumphot OP ,

politics isnt a news channel

bumphot OP ,

Thanks for restoring it.
I think it is important for c/politics to allow older articles that are still relevant, since often media only tries to push the narrative it is currently benefiting from. This allows for people to have a bigger picture and see the causes of the problem we are in today and therefor how to change it.

bumphot OP ,

It was an article about how we got into this problem in the first place and therefor how we need to go about fixing it.
You can't fix problems by only listing the media narrative that currently suits them without looking for the context in the bigger picture and dealing with the cause instead of the symptom.

Most of the new articles do exactly the opposite, they get us into making the problem worse by voting for the party that got him elected, the same problematic person they are running against in the first place. Just so they can do what they are doing now and have been doing since then, pretend that they are better alternative, while still supporting him because they need him to scare the voters into voting for them.

bumphot OP ,

Reason stated for post removal was that it wasn't recent. It has nothing to do with the headline. We can additionally make excuses all we want, but the post was valid and now, after publicly complaining, it was restored.

bumphot OP ,

Doesn't look like it.

bumphot ,

It's not immature, it is their calculated tactic so that you have to vote for people that broadly represent almost identical politics. They don't wont to promise any good things, just promise that they will not be as bad as the other candidate and then they are free to do whatever they want.
This is why Democrats got Trump as a Republican candidate. source

bumphot ,

That is why democrats got Trump elected in the first place with their pied piper strategy. Just so they can still destroy the planet and threaten us that if we don't vote for them, Trump will win. They are holding the whole US hostage as terrorists.

bumphot ,

Yes, US needs to vote for a Green Party. Joe Biden approved oil drilling project last year despite the usual lies that he cares for the environment. Until there is a real change in politics, there will be no real effort in climate change.

Joe Biden calls trans people “fabric of our nation” in Trans Day of Visibility proclamation ( www.lgbtqnation.com )

In commemoration of the upcoming Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV), President Joe Biden issued a statement praising trans people’s contributions to society and describing actions his administration has taken to counter transphobic bullying and extremism. Additionally, many members of Biden’s Department of Health and Human...

bumphot ,

I wish democrat politicians would stop with their propaganda on lemmy. Like it is anything new that some politician lies and pretends to care about minorities while funding the actual genocide. There classic liberal distraction tricks from more urgent issues don't work on anyone who thinks for themselves.

bumphot ,

That is part of the strategy of both parties for decades now, to talk about controversial issues that don't affect our lives as much as wars and economy, so that we get busy arguing about these things instead of seeing that we have very important common goals as people vs the politicians. A classic divide and conquer strategy.

bumphot ,

They are not the same but they are almost the same. Identical on most important issues such as genocide, police power, prisons, wealth inequality,etc.

They just pick controversial topics that they know will divide people, so they can make us vote for them so the other side won't win, while both couldn't care less about anything but money in their pockets.

bumphot ,

You are going a bit too far with being proud, since he openly sidestepped congress to fund genocide in Gaza.

bumphot ,

Politician's words are worthless

bumphot ,

Why are people downvoting you when you are 100% right.

bumphot ,

You should never be proud of voting for someone, they are all crooks.

bumphot ,


bumphot ,

Sorry mister educated high-class. Shame the poor slaves that are too stupid to fight for their rights. You as an educated high class society man should tell us poor slaves how we should vote for some rich morons that have only their rich pockets in interests. We, ignorant slaves, shouldn't even be allowed to vote, if we can't even be proud for voting for some idiot high-class fascist such as you.

bumphot ,

oh no, I am so hurt by your high-class educated words

bumphot ,

I highly respect peasants, workers and slaves. And would much rather be on their side of history then of some rich fascist snobs.
PS: I assume you are a young kid in collage, so I will not participate in shaming you anymore. When you grow older you will understand how wrong your values are right now.

bumphot ,

I think this guy theodewere perfectly shows the classic liberal mindset in his insults towards me in the comments here and disdain for the poor and uneducated he has for no reason but to shame them. This is shows the true values of the liberals that pretend to care about the weak and being so highly upvoted it is clear that many agree, but don't really want to be that open about it.

bumphot ,

What I meant was that they are always lies. They don't represent reality in any way. Biden doesn't care about Trans people no more then Trump believes elections were stolen. They just say those lies to get people to support them and then they hurt those same people when they get what they want.

bumphot OP ,

It is relevant now again. Since their tactic worked, people are supporting Biden now simply because Trump is on the other side, ignoring the fact that he is there exactly for this purpose, to make horrible candidates a better alternative.

bumphot OP ,

Yes, but is very relevant now.

bumphot ,

Banning TikTok and not banning Meta and Google is a stupid idea that will just give more power to the fewer people with less competition.
They are all bad of course and they should all be banned, but giving one bad group all the power is worse then letting two bad groups compete for power.

bumphot ,

Google owns Youtube (and gmail, most popular mail provider).
You should think more deeply about what ads are and what are governments motivations. It is both the same thing.
Google and META want power, they want money, because money is a voting power for allocation of resources in the society.
Chinese governments want power, so they can have more money and more voting power for allocations of their resources.

The nationality of people in these governments doesn't matter at all to them. Chinese government doesn't care about regular Chinese citizens no more then US government does about their own. They simply care for their own power/money. And that is their interests.

Google and META work with the governments, they have actual NSA offices and follow any orders from the government, just like TikTok does.
The problem here has nothing to do with what country it is in, it is simply that one set of rich folks are bothered that they can't control something other rich folks are controlling. People, in both cases, suffer and have no power whatsoever in the process.

bumphot ,

Meta has absolutely best interest in removing any democracy in US since it profits from abusing rights of the citizens that would very much like to regulate it. So it is in their interest, like of any company, to strip away it's workers and customers of any rights it possibly can.

Don't fall for tricks of politicians when they pretend that they are any better from politicians from another country, they are not, they just have more influence in the media to elevate problems in other countries and minimize the problems in their own.

bumphot ,

They constantly make such risks when they make anti-consumer policies and somehow it doesn't seem to hurt them, because they have the power to force the people in a system they don't want.
They can't abuse rights without removing democracy, US has no democracy since the people don't support the policies of their governments. They are forced to vote between two worst possible choices and they are brainwashed to think that is somehow a democracy.

bumphot ,

What difference does it make if it is CCP or Zuck? They have same interests, same way of thinking, same goals. They are no better nor worse. These fearmongering of China is mostly there to hide the horrible things and influences they do. Have we already forgotten the Cambridge Analytic scandal? That is some actual political manipulation right there, not some teoretical CCP issue, which we all agree is also an issue. But this bias obvious.

bumphot ,

Facebook works with the intelligence agencies that coup governments, kill and kidnap people and make up lies to start wars in Iran. They work with the US government that openly funds a genocide in Gaza.
Yes Chinese government is no worse the the US government and them being a superpower is just as bad as US.

bumphot ,

I don't think anyone should be influencing our government, neither rich US citizens nor the CCP.
I am simply stating that there is more in common between US billioners and CCP then between us and the blillioners. The country of their origin means nothing at all, they have the same interests and we shouldn't help either of them fight each other for complete domination of our media.
If you can't get rid of all of them at the same time, better to keep them in balance of power so people can hear critisizm on both platforms of each other, instead of giving the single group all the power and united in destroying us.

bumphot ,

To be honest, this is not just conservatives.

bumphot ,

This is also the liberal mind set.

bumphot ,

So what are your views on liberals that support Biden regardless of his funding of genocide in Palestine?
To me it seems exactly like this mind set of "we can't fix this, lets just not let their problem spill over to us".

bumphot ,

I don't think you understand the point of view people critisizing Biden. Democrats are the ones that put Trump in power, just so they can have an easier elections and don't have to place more popular candidates to run against them.
Voting for Biden is simply accepting defeat, that their plan worked and that they can do absolutely anything and you will support them because they will also support a worse candidate on the other side at the same time. It is not looking at the big picture, long term. In the future they can get someone like Trump to be a Democrat candidate and support someone even worse on the Republican side and you will have to vote for them under exactly the same situation.
Democrats have a candidate that literarlly funds a genocide and we would think that once that line is crossed people would simply say that is enough, but apparently even Hitler would be elected in US elections as long as he places someone worse as prime candidate of another party.

A New York Times reporter was asked why they consistently frame things as bad for Biden but never bad for Trump. ( old.reddit.com )

"I think what you're reacting to is that, at the moment, Biden is an unpopular president seeking a second term while Trump is a popular figure inside his party who is winning primary races. I wouldn't necessarily compare the two."...

bumphot ,

It seems like everybody needs to remind democrat voters that it was Hilary that made Trump a Republican candidate so she would have a better chance at winning.
Republicans work towards Trump, Democrats did. Voting for Democrats is a vote for worse Republican candidates and I assume vice versa.

bumphot ,

Hilary was the one that got Trump elected in the primaries so she would have a better chance at winning. When Wikileaks leaked that, they bribed Ecaudor billions to get Assange in jail. Vote for Hilary is a vote for her tactics, getting worse Radical candidates and journalists reporting on it in jail.

bumphot ,

How can a politician that manipulates free elections and risking so much the lives of the many, for her own benefit, be a good president.
She is obviously selfish and manipulative. She Got the worst possible candidate to be a Republican nominie just so she doesn't have to let someone else more popular in her party be candidate.

bumphot ,

Hilary, just like Trump, is a rich person shill and would do anything to get corporations that are losing money from lockdown to get what they want. She is no better, she got Trump as a primary Republican candidate in her pied piper strategy just because she knew she would certainly lose if someone more reasonable would have been a Republican candidate.

bumphot ,

All of the things and much worse then that happens under both Democrats and Republicans and Hilary is no better. After all, if she knew Trump was that bad, why would she risk all of that and support him in her pied piper strategy if she actually cares about any of these people?
The examples you listed are the smallest arguments you could make, since any of that is easily overshadowed by an actual genocide both sides fund. Since when should people have empathy towards CIA agents that coup governments, traffic drugs, kill people and destroy democracies for benefit of some oil companies. And since when should we have empathy for murder cops? And how would you be sure that less people would have died of Covid with Hilary, she has same interests as Trump did in that situation.
And Democrats where happy with not letting separated kids be reunited, they just pretend like they always do.

And all of these are so small compared to most important issues like wealth inequilty, gencoide, housing crisis, etc. Where their rich people policies are almost identical. Don't be fooled by their propaganda.

bumphot ,

you are so cool

bumphot ,

A classic authoritarian tactic is to make people think that other governments are worse and that only giving away your freedoms and giving power to them is the way to fight it.
TikTok became to risky for the government not because of China's propaganda, but because China didn't want to ban or deprioritize posts against genocide in Palestine funded by the US government.
When any government feels treatened they censor the media and call it propaganda from another country. This is prime example that US is not better then China or Russia when it comes to it, only that so far it was their companies that were more popular, so they didn't need to.

bumphot ,

CCP is better than the US. You’re implying you’re a TikTok user
Not even close. Never used TikTok in my life, I have no reason to believe CCP is any better then US either.
I don't think you should assume that when someone is critisizing one group is automatically support another, this is exactly what everyone in power is using as propaganda to discredit any critique of them.

bumphot ,

They are made to be willing by funding politicains that secretly support it. When they get in power, they join without the support of their people.
CIA has a long history of medeling in elections and this statement that it is willing is of course manufactured, as most of the democratic processes are.

bumphot ,

I completely agree.

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