@antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com cover



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antlion ,

We need a federal constitutional amendment of bodily autonomy. Abortions, tattoos, personal drug use, gender reassignment, plastic surgery, suicide, neuralink, etc. All the same issue: My body, fuck off. You can make it more complicated than that but it’s not.

It doesn’t matter whether you agree with face tattoos or not. Nobody is making you get one. It’s not your concern. An artist can choose not to give face tattoos, as a doctor can choose whether they want to give a vasectomy to a young child-free man. But the government should have no say about what a person is allowed to do or have done to their own body. The government can regulate to make it safer, but not disallow.

antlion ,

Summary:A Stanford professor has been posting on X about California energy for the past few weeks. During the midday peak solar for the past few weeks, over 100% California (assuming CAISO) energy was met by renewables.

This means nothing for consumers. Despite the low or even negative pricing wholesale, PG&E can still charge high amounts for this power. If we keep building and subsidizing solar, and no batteries, this power will need to be curtailed in spring and fall. So what is the news here - it should be a critical and engaging discussion about grid storage and stability. Or you know an article summarizing some tweets.

antlion ,

Bark beetle galleries. Interesting info: some woodpeckers have long tongues rolled in their beaks. They peck on the bark to detect where the galleries are, then they drill in. Once they break into the galleries, they explore all the passages with their tongues until they can scoop out the juicy beetle larvae. Yum!

antlion ,

We need a GitTorrent protocol with DHT. All forks could be one repository, and the identical code shared between them can be cross-seeded.

antlion ,

I’m not super familiar with it but basically that would mean each code base would be an immutable chain, and all edits get appended? Seems like that would be very compatible with torrent seeding, just need to handle the branches. A branching blockchain, is that a block tree?

antlion ,

It’s always been that way. Even month to month, we’ve had very dry spells in wet years. And in the 87-92 drought there was a “Miracle March” in 1991. The histogram of rainfall has two humps: dry, or wet. The average precipitation is quite unlikely. This year is the closest to average we’ve had in a long time. The worst is they often use the word “normal” instead of average, but there’s nothing normal about the average.

antlion ,

Drizzle this morning. “It’s gOoD we NEEd tHe WaTEr”

antlion ,


Hetch Hetchy is 360 thousand acre feet while Don Pedro is 2030, or 2 million acre feet.

Local social networks - looking for ideas

I came across the idea of creating a social network whose purpose it is to connect you with people in your area/neighbourhood. Such a network would also be managed by someone in your neighbourhood and would be aimed at creating in-person connections, making people meet and come together....

antlion ,

In my opinion, the biggest problems with local/online muddling are safety and privacy. How do you meet a new local person, and know they are legit? Not trying to scam you or rape you?

Nextdoor was in a position to solve this problem by requiring a postcard, received at your address, to sign up. But they mostly squandered the network by trying to be feed and ad-based.

I envision a new type of network whose foundation is identity. Your face is your username to login. Using facial recognition, a cartoon avatar is made, customizable of course. A single user can create multiple “faces” to interact: professional, personal/hobby, dating, buy/sell, or anonymous (shitposting, gossip, complaints, etc). But this would be a different kind of anonymous. Your identity is protected but you still have a reputation. The whole network should have peer-based reputation for users, both ratings and even written reviews of in-person interactions. When somebody posts something racist or hurtful, or is flaky about a sale, or whatever their reputation can be harmed. Reputation for one face affects others to an extent, so you can’t be an anonymous troll with one face while being helpful with another and expect to have a good reputation. And a persons good reputation impacts how much their opinion can damage others reputation. In this system trolls and haters will just be silenced and shadow banned by having a low reputation, they may think they’re interacting but nobody will see their comments or posts, and their downvotes don’t matter. With that somewhat complex foundation figured out, we now have a way to interact with others online that allows for control, and safer reveal of true identity.

Another thing I’m surprised doesn’t exist is a simple marketplace with escrow. Basically if I’m selling something, to buy it the buyer puts up an offer with escrow. I accept the offer and I can see that the money is there. The buyer and seller meet and exchange the goods. The buyer releases the money in escrow, and the ad for the item is removed. This could possibly reduce the number of people asking “do you still have it?”. For larger items like motor vehicles, the escrow could be like 20% or something to show good faith to purchase.

Another thing I’d like, if peers can be trusted with a reputation system, is a kind of lending library. Video games, movies, music and tools for example aren’t needed full time. It would be cool to have a way to post items available for lending, with the system tracking who has borrowed what, when it’s due back, and of course reputation so that only good lenders and borrowers are participating. Need a tile saw for a backsplash, or a line trimmer, or chainsaw? Want to read a new book? Real local friendships can be formed just by sharing. But it all starts with a digital trust system.

antlion ,

It’s a bit different when the credit rating is issued by the government. Community requires trust, and trust requires accountability. Maybe downvotes of another user also hurt the rating of the person doing the down voting. It’s not impossible but it would require some careful thought and experimentation. If it was easy somebody would have done it already.

antlion ,

Not a joke. Regulators have slowly reduced showers to a trickle. Pulling out the flow regulation device is a splurge worth doing.

Just a quick post about trucks and SUVs

If you ever find yourself tempted to buy a truck and/or SUV, just remember one thing: they're not worth it. They're a societal nuisance. They're a massive pollutant. The maintenance, repair, and insurance will cost you a whole lot more. Aside from the aforementioned pollution, They're overall environmental impact is egregious....

antlion ,

You’re like a vegan hating on meat eaters or a closet gay hating on the openly gay. Basically your self imposed voluntary abstinence is causing you to dislike those who are just living their lives how you want to. Just get a Bronco, or whatever. Live and let live.

The latest Toyota Highlander Hybrid, as well as the Sienna, get 35 mpg city and highway. That’s under 3 gal per 100 miles. A Subaru Outback (about the only wagon in the states) will consume 4 gallons per 100 miles. That’s more than 30% more fuel for a wagon.

I have an SUV and a Tern HSD. A cargo bike is a replacement for a second vehicle, not a single vehicle. EV is also great as a second vehicle. But for a vehicle serving all the needs of a family (safety, transportation, outdoor recreation) a modern mid-size SUV is optimal. Not too big to park, not too small to fit stuff camping, safe, fuel efficient.

Why not hate on families with two or more cars, regardless what kind they are? Or hate on large square footage houses - those have a huge energy impact. Or you could just not worry about what other people do. It’s not like we’re all flying private jets…

Can the salty ocean air satisfy our essential daily sodium nutrient needs? ( lemmy.world )

Humans need approx 1tsp (or less) of sodium daily as an essential nutrient. I was low on sodium this morning* then spent the day at the beach in the salty ocean air, then within about 30 minutes I wasn't dizzy and nauseous anymore. Did the ocean air provide me sodium somehow?...

antlion ,

You probably just needed to ground yourself electrically. Were you barefoot at the beach?

antlion ,

Is there a big market for naturally/spontaneously fermented wine in New Zealand? In California it’s a very small percentage of wine. Most grapes are treated with sulphur and commercial yeast is used. So all those wines are not going to be any different from a microbe perspective.

antlion ,

Well John Denver did say W. Virginia is “almost heaven”. Seems they’re taking steps to get a little closer.

antlion ,

The law as proposed allows them to contact employees for emergencies or for scheduling. So as long as it’s about scheduling employees can’t safely ignore it.

antlion ,

Abortion is important, but constitutional amendments are difficult so let’s make it count: bodily autonomy. This includes abortion but also assisted suicide, personal drug use, tattoos, gender reassignment, and much more.

antlion ,

People already do medically unnecessary genital mutiliaton to babies (circumcision). Parents have autonomy over their children until they reach the age of reason, or they become legally adults. I think pregnancy would have to create legal adulthood.

ER and Good Samaritan laws already indicate that when unresponsive, consent to save a life is implied. You can do CPR on an unresponsive person without repercussions.

For the vaccines, people should definitely be free not to do it, but then they are not admitted to public school. They are quarantined when they go to a hospital. They cant travel on airplanes or public transit. Just like you’re free to get face tattoos but some people might not want to look at you. Should we outlaw face tattoos? No, that should be unconstitutional. I don’t have a face tattoo and I don’t think anybody should, but I would fight for their freedom to make their own choice. It doesn’t have to be a good decision, it just has to be their own decision.

Of course there are details to hash out and decide in the courts, but that is the case with all good rights, even freedom of speech.

antlion ,

In South Carolina it’s illegal to tattoo above the neck.

(E) It is unlawful for a tattoo artist to tattoo any part of the head, face, or neck of another person.


antlion ,

After what China allegedly did during Covid, I think we should think very carefully about the specific conditions of a legalized and forced quarantine.

antlion ,

Well in the fears you’re describing I’d rather err to too much freedom. Like in most situations if somebody doesn’t want a vaccine, doesn’t want to wear a helmet, doesn’t want to whatever it doesn’t impact me in any way. And I don’t want them trying to legislate the specific grey zone that makes abortion illegal. It’s clear as can be. If it’s not your body, it’s not your choice. If it is your body, it is your choice.

Sometimes those choices have consequences sure. Like wearing a helmet can be a condition for riding a motorcycle on a federally funded road. Just like having a license or wearing a seat belt. Being vaccinated can be a condition for sharing a confined space with others in public. There could be tax breaks for being vaccinated, for example. But I believe very strongly in bodily autonomy, with almost no exceptions.

The biggest thing to spell out would be about parental control over children. Parents want full control but I don’t even think they should have it. That would be heteronomy. I think bodily autonomy rights should protect babies from medically unwarranted circumcision. I think babies and children should be protected from unwanted tattoos too. Just like kids are protected from child abuse. There can’t be a minimum age for this human right, you have the right when you are old enough to express it. There are children who want to get vaccinated without parental consent and that should be allowed.

antlion ,

I guess nobody has been prosecuted for tattooing eyebrows or permanent makeup yet.

antlion ,

If you’re like me, you could find out at age 38 who your true biological father is, and contact him for the first time. It may spiral you into an identity crisis, wondering if you should change your name and the name of your children. Here’s the thing though, my biological dad didn’t share his DNA. His first cousin did, and I contacted him.

As others have said, because you share your DNA with all of your relatives, it’s already not 100% private. One or more of your relatives has already tested their DNA. The most genetic privacy you can get would be for nobody to know who you’re related to. How tightly do you protect that information? Changing your name would be a good first step.

antlion ,

Tap water is not really a for-profit enterprise. Even Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, though there are some well paid lawyers and engineers on staff, has to justify their rates and re-invest it all into water supply reliability. No shareholders making a profit on tap water.

UBI would not prevent landlords from profit. If we can afford to spend trillions on concrete bridges, we could build public housing in every city.

antlion ,

Market rent is basically set by current home costs. Any long term owners who have 15+ year old tax base essentially get to pocket the difference due to lower property taxes. Any newer buyer who is renting can only cover costs.

antlion ,

Billionaires have a completely different level of capital as the doctors, lawyers, engineers, and business owners who have $1-5 million in assets. I’m not going to fault somebody for being successful and using their money to buy capital to make more money. Billionaires are the only ones who should be named, shamed, and blamed. It’s an entirely different level of greed and exploitation, because it’s totally needless. It’s like you already won capitalism, but that’s not enough, no, you have to rig it so that nobody else ever wins like you did. Those people are so rich they can employ bot farms to throw fuel on the social media fires that keep us all hating each other instead of them. It’s pretty simple. Don’t trust anybody with a private jet.

Going from patent and model to STL file ( imgur.com )

So I'm a beekeeper and we have to continuously adapt our tools to change and predators. For the fight against asian hornets, the 3D community has been really helpfull and most of the stuff can be printed at home with a small 3D printer....

antlion ,

Hope this isn’t off topic, feel free to downvote if it is. You just made me think about an idea of 3d printing directly in beeswax. Is there a market for that? I don’t know about beekeeping gadgets. I know foundation wax is just pressed in a mold, but a beeswax cage can’t hold a bee for very long, so maybe it’s a dumb idea.

antlion ,

I have used Piwigo for this purpose the past 3.5 years. It’s running on a tiny Odroid HC-2 and solid state drive. The same device also runs Emby for video streaming. I started it with a free sub domain from afraid.org. I migrated to a real domain later. To run two services from one domain name you also need a reverse proxy and SSL certificate renewal, like SWAG or NGINX Proxy Manager or Zoraxy.

The main thing I’ve learned is keeping everything isolated repeatable. On my Odroid I learned to use Docker and Portainer for the apps. But there were a couple times I broke everything through updates/upgrades. Now I have a small Intel N305 (Minsforum UN305C), running ProxMox VE, and apps in Linux containers. The first I set up myself to learn but later I discovered some open source helper scripts https://tteck.github.io/Proxmox/. ProxMox seems a bit more complex than Docker/Portainer, but more flexible.

I’m using IPv4 only but I’m migrating to IPv6 soon to help with in-network routing to my domain. My advice would be unless you want to host your own DNS and override your domain to resolve to LAN, just use your IP:port on LAN and use the domain only outside your home.

Using AI to spot edible mushrooms could kill you | AI tools are good for some things, but don’t trust your health to apps that make frequent mistakes ( wapo.st )

In particular, know how to identify the common and deadly species (eg: much of the genus Amanita) yourself, and get multiple trustworthy field guides for your part of the world.

antlion ,

No need to vilify fungi specifically. Plants can kill you too. Or even animals. If you’re going to hunt or forage you have to know your shit.

antlion ,

Many species cannot be cultivated. For example chanterelles, truffles, and boletes are symbiotic with tree roots of specific species of trees.

Morels should be able to be cultivated, but if anybody has cracked the code it’s kept secret to keep prices high.

But yeah oyster mushrooms, and a few other wood decay fungi are pretty easy to grow.

antlion ,

Death camas and wild onion are not easy to tell apart. Chanterelles and morels can be identified safely and easily by beginners by looking at a few key features. Neither should use an app to ID.

antlion ,

I read it, just don’t agree on the generalization. I think it’s more that there’s a cultural phobia of fungi, and not really that they’re harder to ID safely than plants.

antlion ,

Don’t. And beyond that if you use their WiFi, connect to a VPN. Best just use LTE.

antlion ,

1 beer about 5 days per week. Second beer maybe once or twice a month. Haven’t been drunk in probably 5 years or so.

antlion ,

Since they were studying elderly, they probably just didn’t have enough data for higher steps.

antlion ,

Pro tip for backpack longevity. Stop dragging it.

antlion ,

Maybe a wheeled dolly or cart would be better for dragging around.

antlion ,

I’m a native English speaker, but you mentioned dragging twice. I was being facetious, so I guess you got it.

In my locale we would probably use the term schlep or haul or pack.

But in all seriousness, you should consider a grocery hand cart. Backpacks are great and all but for maybe up to 15 lbs. Beyond that and it’s nice to have it on wheels. I’ve carried a backpack for thousands of miles, and I’ll gladly repeat it, but when there are other options and the ground is flat…

antlion ,

There was a subreddit about uncleben brand rice, which is sold pre-cooked in pouches. The sub was not about eating the rice, but as a growth medium for various fungi. The rice is the perfect nutrient and moisture content, and it’s sterile. Mushroom spores are prone to contamination for a couple weeks while they get established, so it’s a fairly reliable way to get started, without owning a pressure cooker. Any pouch of shelf stable pre-cooked grain should be a suitable substrate for this type of mushroom, which in the wild actually grows on manure.

antlion ,

Well I’ve never done it myself but white mycelium would form a kind of solid mass between all the rice grains. It might be hard to tell white on white. But it would feel solid, like requiring some effort to crumble. At warm temperatures (75-80F) I would imagine about 3-4 weeks would be sufficient. At cooler temperatures I don’t know. Usually you’d find out that you inoculated some kind of mold, but it is possible the spores didn’t make it in or they were unviable. But from mycelium, then there are a variety of techniques to get the mycelium to fruit, typically involving a new food source and a light source.

antlion ,

Firstly, we should be more accurate with our language. A sewer is not the same as a storm drain, except in older cities. Storm drains are allowed to flow to rivers and oceans while sewers flow to wastewater treatment facilities, before being discharged.

Second, we don’t need bigger and better storm drains, we need less hardscape. Trees, gravel, woodchips, dirt, all reduce the peak flow into the storm drain, while roofs, driveways, sidewalks all increase it. The city should be using aerial photos to assess the stormwater fee, by how much impervious area is on each parcel. Then you’ll see people wise up and you don’t have to dig up the streets replacing storm drains.

antlion ,

More trees, more problems. Keep grazing or you’ll get wicked wildfires. Cheese is better than timber.

antlion ,

Don’t go off the book. Deadly gallerinas are brown too. Like death caps it takes 2-3 days before the first symptoms. Too late for stomach pumping, you just go straight to liver failure and dialysis or life support. Not worth it.

antlion ,

The title should be prepended with the word: Older. Sitting to pee is better for men with prostate issues.

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