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Pi.Alert is dead...💀 Long live NetAlert X 🚀 (network monitoring) ( )

After thinking for about a year about it I decided to rename the project to 🚀NetAlertX. This will help prevent confusion about which fork someone is using, and differentiate it from the now stale upstream project. With about 1800 or so commits over the stale project, I thought, this project deserved a new name. It will also...

PrettyLights ,

I had a similar issue and it was due to a typo in my Timezone field for Compose

PrettyLights ,

Then why is one of his campaign promises written as: "As president he will decriminalize cannabis..."

Is his campaign promising things he doesn't have the power to do?

PrettyLights ,

Then why is one of his campaign promises written as: "As president he will decriminalize cannabis..."

Is his campaign promising things he doesn't have the power to do?

PrettyLights ,

If I can't believe any of the good campaign promises from biden because everyone lies, why should we take the scary campaign promises of republicans seriously?

It really leads to apathy in the voter base.

PrettyLights ,

promises often come to fruition.

It's more like he's bandwagoning something that now has popular support, without actually accomplishing much.

If he was serious he could reappoint DEA and other positions. Or an executive order to be challenged in court, etc.

Both Biden and his VP are on record as being anti marijuana before this last campaign. Biden as recently as when he was VP himself.

Bidens campaign has also fired or removed staffers for prior marijuana use.

PrettyLights ,
  • I highlight the fact that all Marijuana legalization, decriminalization initiatives, referendums have come under the Democratic party with Democratic states being the trailblazers
  • You ignore this fact.

Because its not true. There's a Republican led bill introduced as recently as 2023.

PrettyLights ,

If I promise something and someone blocks me from viably pursuing it, that's not on me, that's on them: Republicans.

If I promise my kid a trip to their favorite amusement park and then don't get the big bonus I expected from work to afford it, it's not my jobs fault the kid didn't go to the park. It's my fault for making a promise and not finding a way to follow through.

PrettyLights ,

I should clarify: laws that have actually passed.

Yes, when writing lengthy posts arguing semantics you should be clear and specify what you're talking about.

You meant what you said, you just assumed and were called out.

PrettyLights ,

Nice stealth edit, because you realize what you say is ridiculous.

You're borderline obsessed with a boogie man. Take some personal accountability.

If you want to use your example that'd be like knowing those bridges were scheduled for demolition, and still promising to drive over them the next day anyway.

PrettyLights ,

Even if I did, it changes fundamentally nothing about the overarching conclusion.

You're clearly the bad faith poster here.

PrettyLights ,

Biden couldn't have predicted those bridges to be blown up because it was quite possibly people would make the sensible choice and not put these demolitionists back in Congress.

If he ignored the entire history of the party and voting base. Why is it not his own fault for being able to understand that water is wet?

PrettyLights ,

Please do not be abusive and personally attack posters rather than their beliefs.

This is an obvious sign of "my team" rather than logical thought.

PrettyLights ,

I'm not only invested in one side winning, I'm invested in how we can move forward together.

You seem hell bent on "othering" people, this has led to terrible outcomes consistently through history.

Quit editing your posts to seem more reasonable. If you want to say something say it with your chest.

PrettyLights ,

Anyways, I'm pretty happy because my initial comment was heavily up-voted. I already won long ago.

You're posting a popular opinion in an online echo chamber and taking a victory lap over up votes?

I can make the opposite post on a right wing site and get more up votes, that doesn't make it more valid or a "win".

PrettyLights ,

Yeah you're right. I saw one of their bulleted posts that seemed genuine at first glance but the more we talk the more they expose their focus on "winning" rather than being realistic or truthful.

PrettyLights ,

I'm sure you will spark the change you desperately seek in the world by being belligerent to other people in a meme community.

PrettyLights ,

There is no hope for fascist authoritarians of the Republican spectrum

Cool, then there's nothing to worry about if I am what you erroneously claim?

Why are you so threatened by an opposing view if that opposition has no hope?

You're terrified and resorting to attacking and othering anyone who doesn't fall in line 100%, even if they're part of your same party.

PrettyLights ,

I have yet to attack you rather than the content of your posts.

I can make an exception here though: you talk like someone on reddit athiesm subbredits back when it was front page. In this moment, you are euphoric.

Know that if your preferred candidates lose, contributions such as yours are suppressing turnout. Source: minority polls are tanking, and the only response seems to be to guilt trip rather than offer real solutions or representation.

PrettyLights ,

"Terrified"? Well, yes anyone obviously would be with creeping fascism on the line.

So is it easily going to be defeated, or is it a close battle? You keep flip floppng to whichever is convenient.

This is a hallmark of fascism by the way, characterization of opponents as simultaneously both weak and powerful.

PrettyLights ,

So again, yeah, I'm actually more confident going into this year than 2020 OR 2022 midterms :)

You truly are euphoric

PrettyLights ,

Economy is better than either election cycle.

I somehow doubt the average Lemmy poster you're so in tune with agrees on this.

Economy is better for the country, or you personally? Are you a land owner with a large stock portfolio and other assets?

PrettyLights ,

Just checked your profile and you created 3 different communities and can't attract a single other monthly user due to how you behave online and your ridiculous viewpoints.

You are clearly not interested in discussion and prefer talking to yourself in circles.


PrettyLights ,

What part do I not understand?

PrettyLights ,

That they aren't promises but goals.

Why use the word "promise" then? Is this Newspeak?

PrettyLights ,

Other promises can get stalled even if it's within the president's authority, like Biden's student debt relief was stalled by the Supreme Court.

I think the student relief is a good example of his team making an effort to keep the promise, rather than marijuana where they're barely trying.

When bidens relief was blocked, they immediately went back to the drawing board and started pushing alternative relief seriously.

He could be doing so much more for marijuana if he wanted to. Maybe he's saving it for right before the election which is terrible if so as there are lots of people being prosecuted and losing jobs today. Holding it for an election bump would further show his lack of sincerity in the promise or goal.

PrettyLights ,

They kept changing their points and insults with constant edits. You're coming into this thread a day late after most of their posts have edits.

I don't have to engage with bad faith actors after giving it a serious try.

PrettyLights ,

How can you see the content of what was changed in each edit diff?

PrettyLights ,

'You’ve got more questions?' Biden replied. 'Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.'

Wonder why this strategy isn't working

PrettyLights ,

People aren't being paid for every moment they remain on task. They're getting paid for works completed!

There are lots of jobs that need to be on task on an hourly basis, this ignores a huge class of people and assumes everyone is where you are in life.

Security guards and cashiers are two immediate examples. Cashiers need to be ready to perform the entire time they are working and can't just work random flex hours as customers are relying on them. If customers show up during the stores hours they should expect a cashier to be working. Even if there are no customers in your line or store, there could be some in a minute or two. The "works completed" are transactions completed, but also the act of being available.

Security guards are paid explicitly to be present at specific times, the "works completed" is literally sitting there the entire time.

Lifeguards need to be present even if no one is swimming at the moment.

PrettyLights ,

If the cashier/life guard/security personal left for a few minutes or maybe longer the company that person works for didn't "loose" money because they weren't at their station.

If a cashier abandons their post, a nonzero amount of people will leave without purchase instead of waiting an unknown time for them to return.

If a commercial pilot takes a detour to see the eclipse better they can cause huge ripple effects on other flights causing significant costs.

If a security guard skips out on their post for a bit the business can be robbed or otherwise liable for issues during the lapse.

If a lifeguard leaves their post unrelieved or isn't fully paying attention and someone gets injured or dies that's a serious financial liability (at least in the USA)

PrettyLights ,

Every single person is looking at the eclipse? I traveled during the eclipse and the majority of people around us didn't care to go outside during the peak.

Its easy to think that everyone cares about what we do.

The commenter ive replied to was stressing that not even a single dollar was lost, and believing not a single person in the entire eclipse area was trying to make a transaction during this time is silly.

PrettyLights ,

A better example would be if the pilot left to go, use the bathroom or talk to a passenger on the plane leaving his co-pilot in charge of flying the plane.

So this assumes there is someone available to cover and not watch the eclipse? How can the copilot abandon their post to watch the eclipse as well?

PrettyLights ,

I'm not assuming anything, I've been responding to your whole argument of:

People aren't being paid for every moment they remain on task. They're getting paid for works completed! They're getting paid for doing their job. They don't have to be at their desk/station/site every single moment to remain productive!

There clearly are a whole section of jobs where being on call, available, or present at specific continous times is vital to their "productivity" or value.

You just want to pretend everyone works a 9-5 office desk job and can work at their own pace.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • PrettyLights ,

    Desync still isn't fully fixed, although in Nov 2023 they announced stsrting a networking codebase rebuild to try and fix it so maybe in the future it will be.

    In 2022 they announced they were putting desync on hold due to other higher priority issues.

    This is the same team that said they couldn't add Slayer at launch because their brand new engine made it too difficult to add

    PrettyLights ,

    It dropped 8% in a single day. That's not a tumble?

    PrettyLights ,

    You don't have to walk away, you can migrate.

    We tried that with Lemmy and many great communities only have one or two people posting consistently.

    Most people don't care about behind the scenes

    PrettyLights ,

    I just checked the Star Trek community on reddit and it's still up with 753k members and 189 online. The Lemmy versions I can find are a fraction of that.

    The idea of Lemmy is great but let's not fool ourselves into thinking big communities actually migrated.

    PrettyLights ,

    Then its not a migration, which is what we're talking about.

    If you're happy leaving a group of thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands in some communities for a group of 100 that's cool, but don't spin it as a successful migration.

    The rest of the world didn't even realize we left.

    PrettyLights ,

    I’d say actual daily users are less than 10k

    So 100 times bigger, by your own estimate?

    They created a new community, sure. The reddit community didn't migrate though.

    PrettyLights ,

    So if a poster from the Star Trek Lemmy moves to Facebook Groups and brings along a small fraction of the userbase, is it fair to say the Star Trek Lemmy community migrated to Facebook?

    PrettyLights ,

    What I don't understand is how can others not be mad at her.

    Because its not about crimes, corruption, or morality. Its about picking a team like sports and blindly following.

    PrettyLights ,

    LBJ used to conduct bathroom meetings while on the toilet and insist his staff should come closer to him during the process.

    PrettyLights ,

    Alternate timeline: Surge priced fast-food becomes a status symbol. People buy used Wendy's packaging in order to hide their homemade food and not be made fun of.

    PrettyLights ,

    His age is irrelevant. Can he do the fucking job?

    He can barely speak or remember his own major life events and colleagues. His team constantly has to step in and correct "what he meant to say" regarding very important international relations.

    His age is relevant.

    PrettyLights ,

    He was never convicted of that, it was a civil trial not a criminal one.

    He was found liable.

    PrettyLights ,

    Maybe he would have been, I'm not a lawyer or judge.

    I just believe in America and innocent until proven guilty, and he wasn't proven guilty of that offense.

    His actions and responses around the allegations are gross and unbecoming for sure.


    Right, the primary difference being that a criminal trial would be that the statue of limitations would restrict what a prosecutor can achieve, while there is no such limitation for civil suits.

    There's also the vast difference in burden of proof required for a criminal conviction vs a civil trial. It's not only the statute of limitations that was at play here.

    PrettyLights ,

    Sure, but there's a difference between feeling someone is guilty and stating they were convicted. We shouldn't knowingly be making factually incorrect statements.

    It feeds the right when people are so TDS that they are okay with spreading mistruths or fake news.

    PrettyLights ,

    She turns 35 just before the next president takes office, meaning this is the first election she could legally become president. Coincidence???

    Absolutely a coincidence. This is all a marketing stunt, but the conspiracies have been fun to read.

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