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born CO₂ @ 317 ppm
Our planet is not dying. It is being murdered.

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Petition der Omas gegen Rechts:
AfD verliert Konto

Die Berliner Volksbank kündigt nach einer Kampagne das Konto der Bundes-AfD. Überweisungen an die Partei sind derzeit nicht möglich. - taz.de 3. 7. 2024

Die Bundes-AfD hat ihr Konto bei der Berliner Volksbank verloren. Das teilten die Omas gegen Rechts am Mittwoch nach einem Treffen mit dem Vorstandsvorsitzenden der Bank, Carsten Jung, mit. Die antifaschistischen Se­nio­r:in­nen hatten vor zwei Monaten eine Petition auf der Online-Plattform innn.it initiiert und nun mehr als 33.500 Unterschriften für die Beendigung der Geschäftsbeziehungen übergeben.


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In Pictures | Gallery

Israel-Palestine conflict

Palestinian children draw memories of bombed historical buildings
According to United Nations data, more than half of Gaza’s homes have been destroyed or damaged – as have 267 places of worship. | Al Jazeera 27 May 2024


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Citibank Global HQ Shutdown: Day Two

We’ve shut down Citi’s global headquarters because Citi is the world’s second largest funder of fossil fuels. Citi has provided over $332 billion in financing for coal, oil and gas since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2016. Citi is the largest US financier of fossil fuels in the Amazon and the largest US financier of coal.

Citi’s fossil fuel financing is to blame for horrific floods, wildfires and heatwaves; mass drought and food shortages; mass forced displacement and migration; and other deadly, devastating climate impacts. Air pollution from fossil fuels also kills 8 million people annually. Citi’s fossil fuel financing also results in devastating impacts for communities at the frontlines of fossil fuel extraction and production, including dangerous health impacts, polluted air, water and soil, and the destruction of local ecosystems.

Citi’s fossil fuel financing disproportionately poisons and kills Black communities, Indigenous communities, and other communities of color. For example, in the Gulf South, Citi has provided $668 million in funding to Formosa Plastics between 2001-2021, which is trying to build a $9.4 billion plastics facility in a majority Black community in the heart of Cancer Alley in Louisiana.

Hundreds of us are here today from all walks of life. We are representing a multi-racial, multi-class movement, including from working-class communities of color hurt first and worst by climate impacts. Many of us are local New Yorkers, and we are also welcoming leaders from around the world here fighting for their communities at the frontlines of fossil fuel projects financed by Citi. We’re parents and grandparents fighting for our children and grandchildren, and young people fighting for our futures. All of us are united in the belief that fossil fuels are ravaging and killing us, and fighting for our right to live in safe, stable communities.


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More than coral:
the unseen casualties of record-breaking heat on the Great Barrier Reef
April 22, 2024

We’re shocked and saddened by images of stark white coral skeletons. But the damage done by heat underwater goes much further. A living coral reef is a complex ecosystem teeming with vastly more species than the corals. Not only that, but 95% of the habitat on the reef is not coral, but sediment and sand, hotspots of hidden biodiversity. So, what happens to this cornucopia of life when subjected to extreme temperature stress?


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EU beschließt weltweit stärkstes Umweltrecht - Deutschland stimmt als einziges Land nicht dafür

Umweltverbrechen sind weltweit die drittgrößte kriminelle Aktivität, nehmen jährlich um 5-7% zu und verursachen jährlich Schäden von 110-281 Milliarden USD. Die EU hat nach jahrelangen Verhandlungen nun eine Richtlinie über den strafrechtlichen Schutz der Umwelt verabschiedet, die weltweit vorbildlich ist – sie adressiert u.a. “Fälle vergleichbar mit Ökozid”. Die finale Abstimmung im Europäischen Rat war überraschend einstimmig – als einziges Land stimmte Deutschland nicht dafür und begibt sich damit in eine bislang einzigartige Außenseiterposition.


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BankTrack, Mar 18 2024 – Still butchering the planet

The big-name financiers bankrolling livestock corporations and climate change – 2024 update

A new report ‘Still Butchering the Planet’, released today by environmental organisation Feedback, finds that since the Paris Agreement was signed, over half a trillion dollars in credit have been provided globally to the world’s largest 55 industrial livestock companies (1) - $615.0 billion between 2015-22 - fuelling the expansion of global meat and dairy production. This is equivalent to $76.9 billion per year between 2015-22 provided by the world’s private financial institutions.


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Israel government continues to block aid response despite ICJ genocide court ruling, says Oxfam | Oxfam International

“Israeli authorities are not only failing to facilitate the international aid effort but are actively hindering it. We believe that Israel is failing to take all measures within its power to prevent genocide,” Abi Khalil said.

Oxfam’s report “Inflicting Unprecedented Suffering and Destruction” identifies seven crucial ways that Israel is actively preventing the delivery of international aid into Gaza and punishing all Palestinians living in Gaza by deliberately depriving them of life and safety.


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Climate activists, alongside Greta Thunberg, demonstrated in front of the Swedish parliament by blocking entrances, urging for radical changes to address the climate crises.


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Israeli tank 'likely' fired machine gun at journalists after deadly shelling – video report | World news | The Guardian

An Israeli tank crew killed a Reuters reporter in Lebanon in October by firing two shells at a clearly identified group of journalists and then 'likely' opened fire on them with a heavy machine gun, according to a report into the incident published on Thursday.

The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) was contracted by Reuters to investigate the circumstances in which journalist Issam Abdallah was killed on 13 October last year. The report said that the first shell killed Abdallah and severely wounded the Agence France-Presse photographer Christina Assi.


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“Green Mining” Won’t Prevent Ecological Damage by Global Rush for Raw Materials

The unsustainable global use of materials and energy must be radically reduced, and in an egalitarian manner. | Truthout

The United Nations’ flagship Global Resources Outlook report is the portrait of a juggernaut. Due to be published later this month by the UN’s International Resource Panel, it highlights how global consumption of raw materials, having increased four-fold since 1970, is set to rise by a further 60% by 2060.


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German bus and train drivers are striking with Fridays for Future. What do they have in common? | Euronews

Transport is responsible for about a quarter of the EU's total greenhouse gas emissions, according to the European Environment Agency.

Public transport workers and climate activists are two groups that have often been pitted against each other.

But next week will see the two coming together in Germany for a nationwide strike.

It marks the beginning of a partnership between the youth-led global climate movement Fridays for Future and Ver.di, one of the largest trade unions in Europe who represent 1.9 million service workers.


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Thousands flee raging bushfires in Australia's Victoria | REUTERS

More than 2000 people have been ordered to evacuate from towns in the west of Australia's Victoria state due to a bushfire burning out of control.


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The Billionaire Bully Who Wants to Turn Texas Into a Christian Theocracy

The state’s most powerful figure, Tim Dunn, isn’t an elected official. But behind the scenes, the West Texas oilman is lavishly financing what he regards as a holy war against public education, renewable energy, and non-Christians. – Texas Monthly


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Men’s Catholic order gave secret millions to ‘deceptive’ anti-abortion centres

Revealed: Tax filings show Knights of Columbus ploughed at least $10.8m into ‘crisis pregnancy centres’ in six years | openDemocracy

A multi-billion-dollar all-male Catholic order in the US has handed at least $10.8m to hundreds of anti-abortion centres in six years, openDemocracy can reveal – several times what was previously known.


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Return to sender: Why Africa doesn’t need any more of your clothes - Greenpeace International

This story was originally posted by Greenpeace Africa.


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Identitäre Bewegung: Ex-CDU-Mann Kurth steckte 240.000 Euro in Rechtsextreme

Der ehemalige Berliner CDU-Politiker Peter Kurth soll deutlich mehr Geld in die rechtsextreme "Identitäre Bewegung" gesteckt haben, als bisher bekannt. Die Spur des Geldes führt nach Sachsen-Anhalt.

Der frühere Berliner Finanzsenator Peter Kurth soll die "Identitäre Bewegung" (IB) mit 240.000 Euro unterstützt haben. Das haben Recherchen des "Spiegel" und des "MDR" ergeben. Kurth habe das Geld zwischen 2019 und 2022 in ein Firmengeflecht der Bewegung gesteckt, die vom Verfassungsschutz als "gesichert extremistisch" eingestuft wird. In Sicherheitskreisen, schreibt der "Spiegel", gelte Kurth als Großfinanzier der IB.


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Press Releases

Global heating exceeds 1.5°C threshold for 12 months – Greenpeace reaction

Greenpeace International
8 February 2024


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EXCLUSIVE: Germany poised to repeat blockade on combustion engine ban for trucks – Euractiv

Germany will abstain from another EU transport law, despite initially signalling agreement, an industry source told Euractiv, as the liberal FDP party is blocking the agreement to the proposed new CO2 standards for trucks which would see the number of diesel trucks drastically reduced.


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Extinction Rebellion and Greta Thunberg stop the Science Museum in its tracks over its fossil fuel sponsors

Oh, the hypocrisy


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The scientist and author of ‘AnthropOcean’ explains why protecting the ocean is fundamental to protecting human health.
Cristina Romera, oceanographer: “Scientists of the future will identify our era as the Plasticene”.

By Elisenda Pallarés

Cristina Romera Castillo (Jaén, 1982) is a chemist and oceanographer who studies the main component of the Earth’s hydrosphere, and observes the damage caused by human action. During her expeditions, she can spend weeks at sea studying the composition of the water. She claims that plastic has found its way into every corner of the ocean. She laments that the current generation will be the last to be able to marvel at the coral reefs that are dying because of warming seawater.


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Scientists outline a bold solution to climate change, biodiversity loss, social injustice

An international team of scientists led by Oregon State University researchers has used a novel 500-year dataset to frame a "restorative" pathway through which humanity can avoid the worst ecological and social outcomes of climate change.

In addition to charting a possible new course for society, the researchers say their "paradigm shifting" plan can support climate modeling and discussion by providing a set of actions that strongly emphasize social and economic justice as well as environmental sustainability.


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