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@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar



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Revealed: Labour tried to gag Black lawyer who wrote party’s own racism report ( www.independent.co.uk )

The Forde report, an independent inquiry into Labour’s culture that was published in July 2022, found that the party was an “unwelcoming place for people of colour” and had a “toxic” culture of factional disputes between the party’s right and left....

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Diane Abbott was suspended for stating non black race did not suffer the same as black.

While I don't disagree with her. Although her wording was politically incompetent.

How is it the same as this report that identified the racism but in no way compare s it to other forms of racism.

Edit: to be clear. Dispite criticism of her here. I have huge respect for Diane Abbott. And when you compare the publics response to some of her mistakes. To that of very similar or identical mistakes from white male politicarians. There is clearly a difference beyond political opinion.

Diane has been attacked on social media and real media for things that fly past when other politicarians make equally bad errors.

Coke—and Dozens of Others—Pledged to Quit Russia. They’re Still There. ( www.bloomberg.com )

After Vladimir Putin’s troops surged over the Ukrainian border in February 2022, the Coca-Cola Co. was among the first multinationals to pledge it would quit Russia in protest. Aiming to avoid the inevitable headaches of complying with expected Western sanctions on the Kremlin, Coke asked its partners there to pull its cans...

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Lets remember the fanta story.

Coke never left Germany even when the US finally joined the 2nd World War. The traded as fanta to avoid losing sales as an American brand. Once the German people felt they had reason to distrust the US.

Remember this company has a history of refusing to take sides.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Pretty much.

Edit. But if we are honest. Its not like western nations are going to stop buying vote to teach them the cost.

Unfortunately I don't drink their products as I'm cheap. So can't really help myself. But I would be amazed if a boycott of coca cola ever happened effectively.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

They still consider it a key motivation. But have decided not to push for it during this election/parliment.

Basically choosing the battles they can gain ground on. Leaving the rest for a better oppertunity to convince voters.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Out of interest. As I'm not a farmer. Do you know how I would go about buying and filling a muck spreader.

Plus Rishi Sunaks home address would be a totally unrelated useful fact to share.

Surgeons believe we are about to enter a new era where diseases can be treated before children are born ( www.bbc.com )

Prenatal screening for neurological conditions has progressed in leaps and bounds over the past couple of decades. Technology including genetic analysis, neuroimaging, and high-resolution foetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are allowing doctors to peer into the nervous systems of developing foetuses and already diagnose them...

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar


At least in poverty stricken nations. Oh and the US. But most of the rest of the world is a little different.

Sure in the early days of developments wealth helps in all nations. But it just tends to be a matter of time before new medical tech makes it to all the population in most 1st world nations.

The US is really pretty unique being one of the wealthiest nations but not having universal health care.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

You know cows kill a fair few folks in the UK right.

The summery said it was reported running at members of the public.

While I am sure there are better ways to deal with it. As lets face it the car is only going to scare it more. Scared out of control cow are freaking dangerous.

There have been a number of news articles talking about killer cows over the last few years. Even though it is rare. Average of a few a year and normally when the cows are stressed for some reason. But let's face. Media is not known for responsible reporting.

But a cow in the middle of a busy road acting aggressive towards humans. Is a genuine threat. I can def see a cop being to scared to approach it without the car and thinking removing the cow is urgent.

Of course the action is dumb. Clearing the road and calling a vet would be better. But I can fathom a cop panicking.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

The UK still imports £223m in tea a year. It has gone down since COVID. £271m.

But yes tea is still a very popular drink in the UK.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Honestly Humanity has been pretty arrogant. Took 100s of years before we recognised birds use tools. Mainly because everytime it was seen. Some other excuse was seen for why the bird was sticking a stick into a tree. Science was so sure mankind was unique it was unwilling to see reality.

But honestly if you think that is bad. Do some research into why European explorers thought Europe represented the most advanced civilisation. African cities raised to the ground rather then face the idea they may have been their before us.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

I sorta agree.

Unfortunately modern science is slow to change ideas it has accepted in the past.

Neil Degrass Tyson did an interesting talk on the % of religion in science. Based in the US. And it basically indicated that the higher you get. The lower the odds you belie in religiose ideals.

But the levels were pretty high until the top. And still not 0 then.

I personally think (opinion not fact) this has left us with a community. That hesitates to challenge science on religion alone. IE we don't see ideas thrown out when it is clear religion was involved in forming them. But instead only when clear evidence refutes them.

In my less the humble opinion. This leaves science with a few old wives nuns tails. That are still followed 400years after the 1689 acceptance of the scientific method.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Island has a population of 2k. So if no one else has been reported missing.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Hard to be sure without knowing the exact tech developed. How efficient that is on defferent fuels will have an effect on how much effort is placed into gaining those fuels.

Of course if real options exist the easiest to obtain fuel will be used. Capatalism will ensure that. Though honestly so would most other systems.

But let's face it. If mankind was able to generate plenty of cheap energy.

The people profiting of limited resources supply now. Will not go away. And invest what they have in controlling supply. So expect some fairly unpredictable polical moves during the roll out.

HumanPenguin , (edited )
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Hmm not so sure.

Hear me out. I am not actually saying it is alians. Just questioning that it is not is the logical conclusion of occams razer.

First remember we have 0 idea atm. So occams assumes the simplist explanation is correct.

But over the past couple of decades. The number of planets we have identified has grown hugly.

We only recently gained the ability to detect anything earth sized. But hav already found several.

Evidence is indication that the number of potential planets that are capable of housing life is far from low. Even if we are taking one in a million planets able. Most scientists interested in the field now agree life existing somewhere is more likely then earth being unique for some reason.

So complexity wise. Other life having evolved and developed radio. Is no more complex then some unknown answer. In fact the idea that it is impossible to be alian life is more complex then the idea that it is possible.

Once we have more information. Things will likely change quickly. And I lack the optimism to claim its likely alians.

But occams razer wise. We have evidence of life creating radio waves and transmitting them into space. As we do it a lot. Where as some totally unknown thing we have never seen up to now is a little more complex as a solution.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

The simplest explanation is NOT the evolution of an entire other species that survives all the way through to advanced tech to send radio signals.

That make a huge huge religion level assumption. That creats so much complexity to throw occam out ass a viable answer.

Is earth unique.

Without assuming the greatest abundance of evidence we have is unique. Then no occams razer is in no way able to make the existance of other planets having reached a similar status as complex.

I'll repeat again. I in no way think it is. I just challenge that occam is a viable evidence it is not.

As assuming earth is more complex then any other phenomenon in space. Requires you to explain why earthonly happened once. In the huge amount of time astrology is able to see. And vast space.

Any answer that comes is almost paradoxical in its level of complexity. Without more evidence.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Sorry but those are assumtions based on the idea that the earth is unique.

It is now estimated thatt trillions of plannests wxist in the milky way alone. And abiur 2 million galaxies in the observable universe. We have absolutly no idea how common ir complex the start of life is. Ands assuming we are in anyway unique is not a scientific answer with the knowlesge we have. It is just an assumption.

If life is common and we habe no way of knowing that is not the case. Then we also have ansolutly no way of knowing how common intelegence is.

If intelegence is common. It is reasonable to assume with time radio is an easy invention. Cos lets face it. Based on our data the least intelegent civilization we know off. And the most intelegent discovered it withing 5k years of discovering what we call civalusation.

So again the idea that it is complex for a life to evolve and develop radio is nothing but an assumption. Admitadly a common one. But not one based on any evidence at all. Instead one that is common mainly due to arrogance of mankind assumeing earth must be unique. Just because we lack the tech to see any others.

As for the odds of us developing in time to hear others. Again. The number of plannets and variaty of distances throw that argumebt in the trash.

The estimated number is so great. That no matter when i. The last *estimated" 13.7 billion years we look at. Odd ate high that nillions of planetz exist at the correct distance for us to hear them at some point in the last 100 years of radio until we die as a race.

Again i want to repeat. I am not saying this is such. I have no idea.so to say it is woild be absurdly arragant. And i am far to pessimistic to think such will happen in my lifetime.

I am only sayiing when you remove the (scientifically unviable based on current knowledge) idea that the earth is unique for some reason. Abd add it to the evidence we have found of how many potential planets are in the universe.

Occams Razer is in no way valid to assume it cannot or is provably not alians.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Only if you are an immigrate. British born citizens he will shit on personally.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

More worried by the sci fi like future.

Where this stuff evolves into something that looks to hunt mankind. Due to the micro plastics we all have in our bodies.

Huge black fungus blobs rolling up the beach. Covering sun bathers and slowly absorbing the living body over decades.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Honestly the USA would have issuez pulling it off today. After creating the tech taken from german desigbs over 50 years ago.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Lol. Visual impaired typing on a phone. I feel no shame in the odd typo.

But yep germany has a very long history of scilled engineering. Before and after Nazi control.

HumanPenguin , (edited )
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

I and a good number of other type one diabetics ended up in ER due to the sugar tax.

Honestly I am not against the tax. Just feel the companies should have rebounded a little.

Many T1ds were so used to buying coke etc when they are going low. We got hit hard by how quickly the companies adapted and started only selling the lower sugar versions.

To the extent that the NHS will now RX small buttles of high glucose drinks. (Lemon or Berry flavoured but non fizzy) just to ensure T1ds have an easy source of sugar to prevent unsafe low blood sugar comas.

As I say its something easy to fix now. We all just grab fruit juice. But the change and companies reactions to it. Left many of us waking up in an ambulance on the way to ER.

If they start applying it to all products. And the companies all act the same way. Just reducing sugars without any clear branding.

It will leave us with zero easy high sugar option that can be grabbed easily from any small village shop etc.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Hilariously lucozade was originally used for exatly what the new gluco shots given buy the NHS were.

Its original name was glucoaid. And it was used in hospitals in the 50s and 60s to give energy to paiteints.

Back in the 80s when I was diagnosed Lucozade was what we were recomended to keep for the job. But there was so much better tasting stuff. I never got into it.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Lol. Auto corrected typo.

ER. Thanks for pointing it out.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Yes it is. Coke or an equivalent.

First remember this shit his freaking fast. Especially in the summer where it littally feels like sugar is leached from your skin all day.

Sugar and water is fine at home. Although honestly dose not mix well if the warer is not hot. But it can work.

When you are out and about doing every day thongs. Most tiny village stores do not sell bags of sugar.

Atm even friut juice is far from a garrentee in tiny shops. And you can have less then a few mind to handle this situation when its bad. (HOT).

ATM. You can still get something sweet at most stores. Even if frout juice is not available. Something food wise is. Food is slower but can work. And honestly dealing with heat uou need slower acting carbs all day long.

But if this new tax idea happens. And companies respond the way they did with sodas.

It will mean deaths.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Exactly rhis. We are all used to it now. But that first summer was real hot. And many got seriously in danger. Folks forget death can really happen in these situations.

But there is a much bigger worry if this new idea is sctually implemented the same way.

Currently we have options as fruit juice dosent follow these tule. A d still has loads of added sugar. Although some village store do not stock it. In genral we can find somthing that will work.

If companies act the same way with evrtything cakes sweets juices etc.

Buying a packet of sugar really is not an option in many small villages.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Ill also share a cute story just to cheer evety one up.

First I am hypo unaware. It is a condition that often hits long term well managed T1ds (40years in my case) where we lose the ability to tell when our sugar is low.

At the time this sugar tax came in. Icwas goingvthrough a 3 year strugle with nice. Where my specialist was trying to grt me issued a CGM. (Continues, Glucose Monitor that warns you when going low)

I had a girl friend at the time. Who litrally kept me alive. As over the hot summer nights she was regually required to place glucose in my mouth as I was having a fit.

But after the glucose was in. It can take up to 10 mind for my mind to start responding sanely. Low blood sugar can look like you are very very drunk to outsiders.

So she would be paniking and constently asking what to do while I was recovering. With me just not in a mental state to explane.

So when fine one day she asked me wjat was best.

So I gave her thos advice. Post the low. I genrally needvto take some slower acting carbs to prevent the heat sending me down again.

The easiest way tovtake it is a sugery cup of tea and a few biscuits.

Now that is only rechnically true. Pretty much anythibg with a lottle morecsugar and some slow acting carbz will work.

But when i wake up after those night time lows. My memory is missing a chunch of s few hours (I never regain that). And things feel pretty darn stressful.

You have no idea how relaxing a sweat cup of tea in bed and some biscuits to dunk is as your comming to from that crsp.

While also taking the GF mind of rhe panic and giving her something to do rather then worry if I am going to die.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

It has not changed the price of sugar free. Because the compqnies have drematically reduced the sugar in other sodas.

IE you can nonlonger buy full sugar coke etc. So no tax is actually payable.

Ir is definitely improved diets. But to give you an idea of how much the sugar is reduced.

The first few years after the change. Type 1 diabetics like me ended up in ER.

Because we had spent years ,(decades in my case) turning to fullvsugar drinks to avoid dangerous lows in hot summers.

Now coke etc has only a small amount more sugar then diet coke.

Many of us only realised this as we came to in an ambulance on the way to ER.

It was such an issue that the NHS now prescribes us very high sugar drinks in small plastic ( 100ml) bottles we can carry for emergencies.

We all also now know to stick to fruit juice if we need to buy something in an emergency. As that is not covered by the rule so has tons of added sugar.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

LOL I have temped in a UK orange juice factory. Believe me your sanity depends on what you dont know.

As for fruit juice and sugar. My comment makes things look more all juice then I intended.

We tend to sell a few different forms. Pure Juice tends to come in cardboard (plastic coated) tubs of a litre or more. Pure is literal in the name. So no added sugar. It also need to be refrigerated and only lasts weeks. But honestly nattural juice has a sugar called fructos that works pretty well on low blood sugar. Way higher in actual carb grams then modern sodas like coke. But way less then the old pre tax amount.

We also have Juices made from concentrated juice with water and sugar added. During the concentration process it is heated to remove most of the water. Then shipped to factories. Here purified boiled water ands sugar is added.

This leads to a juice that can sit on a shelf without refrigeration for years. Both will work when grabbed in a hurry. But as the reconstituted from concentrate juices have from 8 to 12g of sugar carbs per 100 ml you tend to need less. Making it actually better to carry on a summer day. Old coke full sugar was about the same.

Modern cola is about 4 to 5g per 100ml. Although I have just discovered Coke has started selling Coke Original Taste Brand with 10.6g per 100ml. So looks like they have decided people will pay a bit more after all.

In sainsbury's it £5.20 for 8 330ml cans where Diet coke is £4.99 so the tax is far from huge.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

They dont. Manufacturers do not actually pay the tax. Instead sodas lowered the sigar level to below 6g per 100ml. From 10 to 12 before.

So full coke in the UK has no more tax then diet.

To confirm this. I just discovered coke is now selling a classic taste version. With 10.6g sugar per 100ml.

And sainsbury charges 21p more for 8 cans then diet coke.

If you look at pepsi full. It is 4.6g now rather then >10g.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

So a polls asked the UK public.

Do you want to see more beavers.

And surprise. A high % said yes.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

’s possible that he doesn’t serve any time

The things you mention. And more importantly the fact that crimes like this rarely involve jail on a first offence.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

As the other commenter said. There is a reason drafting is normally done at a young age. Once you get to late 30s. It takes effort to stay fit. Most folks having done a desk job in that time. Are not suitable for the sort of roles conscription is generally used for.

Conscripts tend to need to be trained in ways older minds are less willing to accept. Amd tend to still be used for tasks that are more physically demanding then professional soldiers.

Now back in ww2 the UK did draft older people. So it is lass rare in Ukraine like situations. But it dose show how rare such situations have been in the last 40 years or so. That many of us have grown up never seeing a draft get so desperate for people.

Unlike some posters on lemmy claim. It is not really a sign that NATO nations will look to conscription yet. Or at least those that do not do so in genral will not need to move to doing so. The simple,e fact that nato nations are drawing from well over 900m people to russias 145m. Means it will take a major change before Russia is able to form a ground war within nato territory. Even the new ones of sweeden and Finland. Russia would need some seriose funding and rebalencing to be able to threaten the professional forces in a way that would look for conscription.

But this dose paint a clear picture of how bad things actually are in the Ukraine.

HumanPenguin , (edited )
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

We funked up the NHS Policing and local services. By cutting funding to the bone. While refusing to invest.

But thats OK. We will use 25 days of teenage slavery to fix a bit of it.

Or you can learn to kill people ready for our next oil war.

Of course we will concentrate on selling how beneficial it is to the youth. While helpfully forgetting to mention. You can all already choose to do this shit. All we are adding is a mandatory requirement. So slavery to achive our own goals. And make some old folks vote for us.

Basically another culture war using folks who won't vote tory to convince folks with nothing to lose to vote tory.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Worse. He is using people who would be very unlikely to vote tory. The youth.

As slaves to convince old folks who have lost faith to vote tory.

Just like he is fucking the disabled its another culture war attacking those who refuse to support him.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

The sceme is mandatory. Military service is an option. But you must spend 25 days doing one of the options.

Of course the options are NHS Policing or mental health. All things tories have screwed.

So using teens as slave labour to look like they are fixing their own screw ups. Would be a fair description.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Sure but you can already do it.

All this is is a requirement to do it.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Cameron set up a service where you can vollenteer to do just this. Its been around for years. And like any work experience training. You end up doing the unskilled stuff. Cos of course you will never gain any experience that requires qualification. At best you get to watch.

And even before Cameron charities offered and offer these services and many more.

This is literally just making a volentry thing mandatory. Nothing else at all.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

The UK military leadership disagree with you. IE the experts who need to manage the system.

All it dose is create ill motivated unskilled labour. At a time were fighting a wat has the least need for that type of labour.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

As we are talking about the UK. Where it is UK military leaders and technological investment that the leaders will be training for.

What any other nation thinks or dose is pretty worthless. As is some politicians trying to win votes from boomers. Or myself.

Only opinion that matters really is the UK military leadership. Who make it clear they do not want this.

HumanPenguin , (edited )
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Yeah this is a tread about the UK government trying to sell a crap idea.

So yes the only opinion of any merit at all. Is what the military leaders of the UK armed forces think.

Other nations have different military structures. Different concentration of assets. The UK back in the 1960s ended conscription. And decided instead to invest in technology. And personal with the training to operate that technology.

Rather then using ill motivated short time troops as little more then cannon fodder.

Conscription is always a bad idea. Because once you have gotten to that stage. You are basically deciding to throw bodies at the problem. As russia is doing.

For a nation lacking funding. Sure it can be the only option. And for a nation at genuine risk of ground war. It can be needed. But its a bad idea. Because when you get to that stage. Other ideas and options before hand would always have been better.

Conscription is by its very nature using citizens of your own nation to absorb attacks. As in no situation can conscripts show the professional training of people who choose to invest in a military career. Hence way pretty much every nation with funding. Even the few that keep the option active like the US. Has military leaders who reject it. And just mouthy politicians and older voters who think it is a positive solution.

Edit: related but a little of topic. Another reason most nato nations and the UK reject conscription as anything but an all has failed strategy. Is MAD. As much as Russia threatens and brags. Russia knows full well attacking a NATO member nation will not result in a ground war. Russia simply dose not have the air or naval superiority over NATO nations as a whole. The only threat they have that has any chance of working in an all out war. Is nukes. And while russia may be overconfident in the effectivness of their own stock of nukes. They know full well NATOs are well maintained. So using one on a nato nation. Is the end of Russias ability to use them as a threat.

There is a reason Russia has avoided landing on NATO land. Even after they forced Finland and sweeden to join. Mutually Assured Distruction may be crap when dealing with Extremist nations using terrorism. But Russia still has enough sanity to recognise its limits.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Dose any one have a list.

There seems to have been an unusual number of attempted illegal actions from the tories since they gained power.

It seems we are constantly hearing about odd moves or attempts to work around the system. And them fighting court cases that proove what everyone thought. They are breaking the law.

Add there inventive attempt to pass laws they have already failed. And refusal of benifits constantly voting rejected as against their own created rules.

It seems worth considering their record while the still claim to be a party of law and order. Those laws only apply to folks not themselves.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Sounds like this is gonna bite over the next 6 weeks.

The head of EA basically announced his org has been skirting the law. The day after an election is announced. Seems very very likely why (IE who asked/told them to). And the actual data will get released separately in multiple news articles. Timed to harm tory claims.

Just a guess. But ATM I'd put a few quid on it if I could.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Nope. Fptp is fucking crap.

But you are correct. 2 evils.

But beyond genocide. One is planing to use culture war blaming and punishing disabled to fund tax cuts.

While the other just refuses to invest in a nation where voters are scared of spending.

There is a clear lesser of the evils. And refusing to vote also favours the incubant party.

I live in a constituency where labour is not the most likely way to remove a tory mp. So other bad options exist. At least one that a.so hates fptp in my area.

But unfortunately you are correct. Our fake democracy forces you to look at the history of your area. And avoid voting for the greater of multiple evils.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar


Wish green was a winnable option in my area.

They are far from great. But at least are a real change in Ideas.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

I'm am going to correct myself a little.

I said not voting favours the incumbent. Currently that is less true then in the past. The principle has always been. People in your area will be more likely to vote for consistency. It is just a human nature thing. We avoid change. So the MP you have now is more likely to win. Unless many people are motivated to change.

This election is pretty unique. Even compared to 97. We have many many voters thinking like you. But outright hate in many tory traditional safe seats. Add the huge change in many borders.

Things are a little less predicable then ever. I'm still not a fan of the don't vote idea. But honestly have less data to challenge the logic.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar


Why would anyone expect the states to be better. You have a reputation for cruelty towards your own citizens.

Honestly the states is not the part of the world most brits expect anyone to aspire towards. Its who we warn people to avoid.

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