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Doomsider , (edited )

What I find most surprising about this election is all the people talking shit about how old Trump or Biden is. Ronnie literally had advanced Alzheimer's for the last two years of his presidency. Full stop, his mind was gone.

The fact that our country allowed this to happen speaks volumes about what our President actually means.

Doomsider ,

Translation: US automakers are worried about Chinese imports servicing a sector they have abandoned.

Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important ( )

The key problem is that copyright infringement by a private individual is regarded by the court as something so serious that it negates the right to privacy. It’s a sign of the twisted values that copyright has succeeded on imposing on many legal systems. It equates the mere copying of a digital file with serious crimes that...

Doomsider ,

Humanity as we know it existed for ten of thousands of years without copyright. Copyright is the anti-thesis to creation. Everything humans create is iterative. Copyright along with the rest of intellectual property seeks to pervert creation for personal gain.

Art does not need copyright to survive and I would argue that intellectual property is not needed to promote the arts or science. It is designed to do the opposite which is limit creation to the benefit of the individual.

What makes this worse is the individual is now the corporation. Do you know that a lot of successful artists, particularly musicians, don't even own their own works?

Corporations benefit disproportionally by copyright. They have lobbied for decades to further pervert the flawed intention of copyright and intellectual property to the breaking point. Simply put, going down the road of trying to prove who created what was first is wrong.

Creation does not happen in a vacuum. Pretending that we create is isolation is farcical. We are great because of all those that came before us.

The telephone was invented by multiple people. The Wright brothers had European counterparts. These issues around intellectual copyright are a lot more complex than we are ready to admit.

We have billions of people now. Stop trying to pretend any idea, drawing, tune, or writing is unique. Rude wake up call, it is not.

Doomsider ,

They are only accepting that it is not a winning issue right now. Trust me, if they thought societal sentiment was changing against gay marriage they would be right back at it.

They will never be satisfied regardless of how far they manage to push back.

Doomsider ,

Let's just say that mental health is not a high priority in the US. It is so bad we let our politicians gaslight and lie to us without any consequences.

Doomsider ,

Trying desperately to paint them both the same is a tired old schtick.

Doomsider ,

She is willing to going to war for the rights of racists and misogynists. It really boggles the mind that these people exist in our modern world and actually get support.

Doomsider ,

First of all 200 billion is chump change compared to how much the wealthy have. Second, spreading money would do far more to stimulate the economy than wealthy people buying yachts, flying into space, and visiting the Titanic.

I am sure if you removed your mouth from the wealthy's cocks for a moment you would realize how fucked up the situation is. But I know you will just suck it foreverrrrrrrrrrr hoping they will gild you into their club.

Doomsider ,

Keep sucking it foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Doomsider ,

Keep sucking it foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Doomsider ,

Where is his statement? The PR guy said he had other commitments. It is not like he said fuck that shit I don't want to have anything to do with it.

Doomsider ,

No way, I am sure he just sits around fantasizing about race wars and his father assassinating political rivals. We will never know for sure...

Doomsider ,

Your are right about not being a typical conservative. Hell, I would say you are nothing like any conservative I have ever met.

-There is only one bad political party and them their is the demonrats

-The government needs to listen to its backbone like it's farmers and ranchers who produce all our food

-We should fight to force Americans to agree to our latest cultural war issue which is (checks notes) trans pro-palestine homeless immigrants athletes.

-The senate keeps a check on the liberal infested congress and helps prevent the people from inflicting their whims on the wealthy

-The right to vote should be suppressed when it is convenient and gerrymandering should be used to dilute any minority voting power.

-Religion, just like our moral and values, should be intertwined with the government. Freedom to spread Christian religion but not freedom from religion.

-Ending differing viewpoints such as woke culture is the only way to save America. We have to cancel woke

-Firearms are the only thing that separates the good guys from the bad. There would be no school shootings if every child was armed and trained to shoot.

-Laws should be written by our corporate overloads. SCOTUS will save our country now that we have packed it full of god-fearing conservatives


Doomsider ,

The right wing censors everything that is not lockstep with whatever the current message is. They carefully curate their message boards while decrying when others do it.

I used to use Reddit a lot and I talked a lot of shit over the years. The only time I got a temp ban was for posting that the GOP should take out Ron Desantis like the dirty diaper he is on a Pro-Trump discussion.

When I pointed out my comment was rather tame compared to the others ones on the post the mods claimed I was harassing them and tried to get my account banned. It was insane but I learned an important lesson.

Doomsider ,

Ah yes, because the separate but equal worked out so fine in the past. This splitting hairs nonsense is what leads people to believe it was state rights that caused the civil war.

No, segregation was the problem just like slavery was the problem. Thomas is riding the coattails of all the people who fought for his rights and then spitting in their face.

That he lucked out, betrayed his own kind, and became a Supreme Court Justice is not some dramatic success story. He was put their to prove a point. And the point is monied interests win over everything.

Here is a man who could care less for anyone less fortunate than himself proving that corruption is color blind. A man who fashions himself as self made who relied on society every step of the way.

A man who is so hypocritical that he is unable to comprehend how far he is denigrated his position. Or perhaps he does and that is the whole point

Doomsider ,

Why the crazed conspiracy nonsense when a simple explanation will suffice. He was pushed through the ranks by Reagan and then nominated by Bush for his ideology not for his experience. The anti-thesis to Thurgood Marshall if you will.

The point is money and power win.

Doomsider ,

You mean incentivise them to innovate instead of letting them sit back and rake in the profits for decades? Are you actually trying to benefit the public sector instead of the private one!? Madness!!!

Doomsider ,

So then it is suffice to say Trump has floated the idea of offing our current President. I am so sick of even hearing his stupid name at this point.

Doomsider ,

This is how brainwashed capitalism has made us. In a society that is purely driven by money the thought that giving people their fair share means my prices might increase. Instead, we should fix every societal problem first before doing the one thing that would actually work.

We have record inflation now, is it because major cities have passed $15+ minimum wage? Not at all, not even a little. Further proof that a pandemic has a thousand times more influence than simply paying people more.

Oh and the horrible thought a "high" skilled laborer might be paid less shudder. Like a doctor might only get paid $90k instead of $150k. How could they survive!?

What other convenient tropes should we trot out to disfranchise the only real solution of just paying people what they deserve. Oh that's right they don't deserve it because they are lazy or low-skilled or any of the other bullshit excuses we have been force fed our entire lives.

Doomsider ,

I didn't miss your point because it was sophomoric in nature and therefore underdeveloped. Your belief in the meritocracy just shows how ridiculously brainwashed you are. It is okay, most of us are one way or another I suppose.

Doomsider ,

You are really reaching there Mr. I buy the rhetoric hook line and sinker. It is clear who is bitter here and it is not the accomplished father of four who owns a million dollar house. Good talking with you.

Doomsider ,

Dude, I rented for 25 years of my life. Trust me, it is an accomplishment.

Doomsider ,

Wow, are they really serious? I think it is time to revoke all religious organizations non-profit status and they are providing the means to do it. This is why you don't pass open ended laws up for interpretation because they will come back to bite you.

Doomsider ,

There needs to be a massive exodus from Israel for the Palestinians. Then when the powers at be recognize they have no place to go they can be given their own country right smack in the middle of a bunch of other diametrically opposing nations. A new Palestinian land in the center of Western Europe or the USA. Then all the Middle Eastern powers can support and arm them....

Doomsider ,

Please explain when creating a law for something that does not exist yet could be a good thing?

This sounds like a perversion of how law should work. Opinions and ideology should not be dictating policy. It should be based on evidence and produce the desired results while limiting negative externalities.

Doomsider , (edited )

While I appreciate your hypothetical answers they only highlight why creating a preemptive law for a supposed problem without considering the consequences is a bad idea.

Trying to write new laws based on emerging technology is perhaps not the best example because of its hypothetical nature and the reality that our laws are generally reactive and not proactive.

Laws should be written generally to apply to many situations. For instance emission laws already cover new technology because they simply regulate what comes out of the tailpipe rather than how it is created.

Creating niche specific laws is fraught with problems because when new laws are custom tailored to specific situations the chances of negative externalities begin to skyrocket. The concept of writing preemptive laws is much like the concept of preemptive crime prevention.

It is definitely a situation of putting the cart before the horse. The kind of situation where special interests are pulling the strings to write a bad law. For instance the law in Florida banning artificial meat is an example of a preemptive and poorly devised one.

First the product has not even reached the market place. Second this laws bans it rather than just requiring proper labeling. It is not based on facts and likely is unnecessary and merely a partisan act to gather goodwill from entrenched industries.

I am sure there may be a good or even real example of a preemptive law but I am not coming up with one right now.

Doomsider ,

Well at this point I think you just need some real world preemptive laws that are not just reactionary garbage. If you can find some examples rather than hypotheticals then perhaps you could convince me how writing laws to preemptively prevent problems could be good.

I think it is hogwash and ripe for abuse hence why all the real world examples of this kind of policy making stink. The entire premise of getting ahead of a problem or issue that does not even exist seems to be a big stretch.

Doomsider ,

What do rural folk who kill their dogs instead of training them know about politics. Stop putting people who are grossly ill-equiped to do the job in charge.

We are in the fucking Olympics of world politics and the best you can put forward is a two-timing pussy graber and a inbred dog murderer. You can't make this shit up.

Doomsider , (edited )

The punchline is the government is a joke and we proved it by making a mockery of it. This is the culmination of a massive propaganda campaign to convince people that the government is inept and business is competent. It is a long con to give monied interests more power and control.

They have been using psychology against us. Propaganda becomes public relations. It feels like you are being gaslight because you are.

This would not be tolerated if it was in a personal relationship. We frown upon relationships that use manipulation and mistruths to abuse people. But for some reason it is okay if the government does it.

Politicians are free to lie, use the best psychological manipulation, and gaslight the fuck out of us because it is allowed. Just think about what kind of system we have created and how technology has influenced it.

It is past time for a new set of rules that recognizes how easily it is to manipulate people and setting the guardrails to prevent it.

What has become clear is we cannot allow the concept of decorum to mislead us. We must demand a new social contract with modern rules taking into account the reality of our world now. Anything less is conceding our rights to the monied minority who have already captured business and our government.

Doomsider ,

Just replace "the ref" with the rules. IE: Should the rules be deciding the elections?

The answer is no, my feelings should decide the election riiight!?

Doomsider ,

A criminal can't vote, and they should never be President even if technically allowed. Unless of course you are a party who trying to denigrate their own government to prove a point.

What is that point? Oh yeah, the gubbernut don't werk! How do we prove it!? By sabotaging it! That makes them patriots.... You can't make this shit up.

Doomsider ,

But you have to understand that they actually like their problems. They don't want that coal mine that only employees a tenth of the workers they used to to shut down, because it is their "livelihood". They don't want new technology to improve their life, their suffering is proof of their righteousness.

You must understand all the best and brightest left those small towns the first chance they got. They know they are the leftovers and like it that way. The ones left are bitter, ugly, and unintelligent.

They give their cows a season break between breading for their health but will get their woman pregnant every year until their uterus falls out. The cruelty is the point. They are not logical, kind, or understanding. They are hurting and want others to hurt too.

All the while ginned up on the high of their "superiority" feed to them by faux news. They are told they are the farmers, the backbone of our country. Elevated to a magical status that belays the reality that they are useless vestiges of a society that left them behind.

These people are not political, rather they have been co-opted by charlatans and liars. Propagandized to, manipulated, and twisted into the tools of the conservatives. The truth is they have no place in the future and will die off eventually.

Perhaps they know this on some level. They can sense the impending doom and like most assholes want to take everyone else down with them. So no, we don't need to recognize them or let them be heard. There is nothing to gain because they have nothing to offer.

Doomsider ,

I lived in rural Idaho for several years during Obama's entire term. You have no idea how many times I had to listen to people's fantasies about hanging or shooting Obama.

My children went to school and they would come home and tell me the kids talked about murdering him all the time. The teachers even joked about it.

You have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You don't know hate.

Doomsider ,

I don't hate them, but I will not delude myself. I know it, I lived it. You really have no clue about the reality of the situation because you lack first hand knowledge.

You ever lived in a town where if you talked to a woman she would have a black eye the next day because her husband heard about it?

Doomsider ,

Al lot of charges have "stuck" hence why Trumple has offered to pardon everyone when he wins.

You don't need to go to another country for an example when you can just look at the US. McCarthyism is the political theatre you are talking about. The Red Scare and ruining countless peoples lives over made up bullshit.

This ain't made up. The sexual assaulter did not concede willingly and fomented an insurrection however dumb or ineffective it was.

Doomsider ,

It's more than that if you watch her documentary. She is begging her handlers to speak out while they are explaining they are afraid for her safety.

We have a situation where even wealthy people are afraid to speak their mind for fear of death. This is beyond unacceptable.

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