

Yes, I’m screaming all that. Capslock is still cruise control for cool, y’all.


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ChillDude69 OP ,

For a while now, I've been telling people that this screenname is aspirational.

That's basically the truth of the matter.

ChillDude69 OP ,


And I mean, unlike the Hogwarts Legacy situation, this shit has a simple and 100 percent effective remedy.

Sony's asking for everyone's email address? Okay. EVERYONE give them throwaway email addresses, and NEVER interact with any of their mailing list garbage, or do anything else with those PSN accounts.

Let them have a huge list of completely worthless email addresses. There is no downside to letting them choke on that shit.

Like I said in another comment, there should be a continued campaign of everyone ALWAYS giving out throwaway email addresses that they never use to do anything other than sign up for the free shit, and nothing else.

Keep that up for long enough, and eventually the value of these bulk lists of email addresses will plummet to functionally zero. And that will mean less corporate nonsense, at least of that kind. And less attempts to hack companies for their email lists. I mean, why commit a federal crime, to obtain worthless data?

ChillDude69 ,

If anyone can tolerate full-contact Klingon nookie, it's a former Borg.

We all know she only goes halfway to full force with Tom, and he still probably gets all kinds of contusions and cuts. And he can't just step into an alcove and regenerate that shit. Dermal regenerators and hyposprays will only get you so far.

ChillDude69 , (edited )

And how is he going to do more, with the voting blocs in both houses of Congress as they stand right now?

And with the Supreme Court as it stands, right now?

He's not a king. We don't WANT him to be a king. But so many of us demand that he just "finds a way," to do whatever it is that we want as a voter bribe, this week.


Every time a Democrat stretches executive powers to forgive student loans or semi-pseudo-almost-legalize pot, it sets more precedent for Presidents to almost be able to legislate by fiat.

We don't want MAGA Party presidents to have those powers in the future. Why do I have to spell that shit out, to other adults?

EDIT: You know what's scary? I can't even remember the list of executive power usages that made me mad about this problem, the last time I thought about it. It's all been normalized. All I remember is the most recent ones. If you gave me a list of changes in official, binding US policy from the last twelve years, and asked me to correctly label them with "this change resulted from legislation" and "this change resulted from an executive order," I guarantee I couldn't do better than a monkey guessing randomly.

That's how you get a grotesquely inflated set of executive powers. Stop encouraging that shit. If the Democrats don't win enough seats to enact legislation that you want, BE AN ADULT AND ACCEPT THAT SHIT. Stop throwing tantrums and threatening to vote for them even less, if they refuse to literally hack the system to give you some shit that you want.

We don't want the system to be hacked. We want democracy.

ChillDude69 OP , those buildings in Taiwan were already planned to be obsolete? Then the quake itself was just a formality.

I think I get it. <nods confidently>

ChillDude69 ,

Exactly. Forcing ourselves to respond to trolls as if they're legit is A HUGE PART OF HOW WE GOT TO THIS PLACE OF INSANITY.

This motherfucker is crazy and unqualified. And he's putting us all in danger, with his narcissistic third-party run, in this election of all elections. We don't owe him anything. We need to stop answering lunatic shit with "well, hold on now, we have to treat this fringe whacko and all his dumbass, sophomoric, pulled-straight-out-of-his-ass opinions with just as much gravity as any real political scientist would command."

Fuck that. It needs to stop. It has gone on far too long, already. Make incompetent morons feel like morons again.

ChillDude69 OP ,

And now would you like to explain what those minority people's experiences were like, participating in figure skating and/or living in Iowa?

Go on. In your own words. Give us a broad overview of what that would be like.

Hint, to everyone: if it's an honest depiction, it's going to involve A LOT OF ANNOYING CRACKERS.

I'm just saying, man, I wasn't trying to erase non-whites in either figure skating or Iowa. The butt of the joke is the fact that THOSE INSTITUTIONS ARE STILL SO OVERWHELMINGLY WHITE THAT IT'S LITERALLY A PROBLEM, ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE NOT WHITE.

This is friendly fire that you're engaging in.

EDIT: I mean, Jesus fucking Christ, I used the words "A BUNCH OF ANNOYING CRACKERS" in the meme. What are the odds that I'm a fucking white supremacist, over here?

ChillDude69 OP ,

So when the "" hashtag was going around, did you jump on those people, because they were erasing the already-existing accomplishments of Black actors and writers?

Please answer this question. I'm asking it 100 percent seriously.

I'm basically saying "" and "," and they OBJECTIVELY STILL ARE. That's a fact. And I'm not defending that fact. I'm lampooning it.

And yet you're attacking me. So, I ask again: can I safely assume that you also attacked everyone who pointed out that the Academy Awards (and Hollywood in general) are still extremely whited out?

ChillDude69 OP ,

reads like a racist elon tweet

See, I find this take unironically fascinating, because I actually, truly expected some Elon fanboys to show up in this thread, attacking me for using a "slur" against white people, and crying "bigotry against any people is wrong" at my implication that there are too many white people in Iowa.

I genuinely still expect that might happen.

So if they do show up, I guess you can fight with them about whether my post is anti-white or anti-black. I'll just be depressed. All I know for sure is that Elon himself would NEVER be caught implying that there are too many white people ANYWHERE. Not even as the most lighthearted of jokes (not that he has a sense of humor, anyway).

I hope you can at least fully agree with that.

ChillDude69 ,

Is that a thing? I've never tried eating pickles with popcorn. But now I'm kinda curious.

Unless it's just code for some weird sex act. Then, probably not. I don't want to lick anybody's briny dong.

ChillDude69 ,

The meme is completely on point. I mean, I know I'll be roasted for this, but I hated pretty much everything about The Witcher, instantly.

It gave me valuable perspective on what ALL fantasy stuff must look like to people who never fuck with fantasy stuff, and generally dislike it. I only played a few hours of it, and the whole time I was like "they're not adequately explaining what a 'witcher' really even is. They're not introducing the worldbuilding stuff in a way that makes me give a shit about it. And the main-character-has-lost-his-memory trope is just waaaaaay too overdone, in the first place. This is all just boring me. And now I'm getting...ummm...some kind of virtual post-coital trading card? To commemorate my character boning this redheaded fantasy ho? Okay? That seems sort of classless."

Keep in mind, I do like fantasy shit. I defend "genre fiction," whenever I see people employing that phrase as an epithet. But "The Witcher" made me realize what it must really look like, when you're a non-genre person, looking in from the outside.

Basically, it was both an enlightening and depressing experience.

EDIT: I really hate the fact that I only remembered anything about that fantasy ho, because the stupid 'sexcard' helped me fucking remember it. Goddammit. I guess it worked? If it was trying to make me remember that shit? Is that why it exists? Then why did it ONLY give me a little flashcard for my dick-related accomplishments? There are probably people who will think I'm being prudish or overly "politically correct." Whatever. Think what you want. I just think that shit is fucking classless, like I said.

ChillDude69 ,

The "main character has amnesia" trope was already overdone in 1907, bro.

ChillDude69 ,

The earliest (modern, post-printing-press) example of the trope appears to be in A Tale of Two Cities, which was published in 1859. I'm sure there were plenty of other instances of it, before the arrival of the 20th century, but it looks like it wasn't until the amnesia trope started appearing in various silent-era movies that it really became a cliché.

But it's a total cliché. And it has been one, for a very long time. That doesn't mean you can't employ it, successfully. But if you choose to put that shit in your fiction, you are giving yourself an enormous extra encumbrance. It's like running a marathon with extra weights strapped to your legs. Succeeding will be much more difficult, and you should only attempt such a flex if you're REALLY GOOD AT WHAT YOU'RE DOING.

And the dipshits who made "The Witcher" just weren't good enough. Even without that extra difficulty, they were already writing cringe-ass dialogue and generally doing everything in a low-quality manner.

ChillDude69 ,

I do keep hearing that, from a lot of people. I might mess with it, eventually. I'm sure it goes on sale for the price of a bucket of popcorn, pretty frequently.

ChillDude69 ,

Ehhh, that's fair.

EDIT: The sexcard thing still kinda vindicates me. That is a dipshit move.

Not only is "Seinfeld" vastly overrated, any claim that it pioneered the concept of "a show about nothing" is ridiculous and imbecilic.

First of all, yeah, come at me. "Seinfeld" is only kinda-sorta funny, at best. Seinfeld himself is really not funny at all. His act is perpetually stuck between the oldschool, early 1950s-style, cigar-waving "hyuk-hyuk, get a load of all my jokes about women drivers" comedians and the post-Lenny Bruce era, where everything just...

If you're making software for actual end-users, you HAVE to give it a goddamn GUI, or else you suck, your software sucks, and nobody is going to use your damn software.

You see this shit SO much more often than you would think. And the infuriating thing is, it seems to be most common among programs that are INCREDIBLY complex and sophisticated....

ChillDude69 OP ,

Also, she was rubbing her ass and crotch on a foam "Go Team" finger, as if everyone was going to universally agree that was sultry and spicy. And you could tell she was just SO SHOCKED, when everyone was like "eeeew, what the fuck? Who even does that? And that's Alan Thicke's son? He's supposed to be famous, or something?"

Then, when people were like "yo, isn't your long-term boyfriend kinda being unnecessarily humiliated on a massive and painful level," she had the gall to be like "YEAH, GIRL POWER! I'M MORE IMPORTANT THAN GRACE HOPPER AND SUSAN B. ANTHONY, ROLLED INTO ONE PERSON!"

And, through the whole era, she also managed to invent several faces more annoying than the duckface. Again, with an attending attitude of apparently pure pride.

ChillDude69 OP ,

Meh. Probably.

ChillDude69 OP ,

Unless Elong has really gone wildin', they don't allow straight-up gonewild posts on Twix. If /r/gonewild gets banned/censored/otherwise crippled, millions of people from that subreddit will come here, as long as they are told about it.

We just all need to spread the word.

ChillDude69 OP ,

Exactly. Also, good luck searching, bookmarking, filtering, sorting posts, organizing actual communities, etc. The whole methodology of the platform basically disallows all those things.

Lemmy is a replacement for Reddit. That's straight-up what it is. That's why we're here. Even if TwiX hadn't become evil and insane, because of its insane master, it still wouldn't be any kind of replacement for Reddit. Especially the NSFW Reddit communities.

ChillDude69 OP ,

Jesus, now that I'm reading my own meme, I can fucking HEAR HIM SAYING THAT SHIT, IN MY MIND'S...EAR.

ChillDude69 OP ,

The one where he makes sparkling water out of diamonds was pretty cool, too. And the creepy glowing baby.

ChillDude69 OP ,

And I mean, not for nothing, but Swifties are just doing what fans are supposed to do. Spending shitloads of money on concert tickets, buying merch, and generally being moderately obsessive about the famous person that has their attention, for however long they're part of a fan community.

You know what they remind me of, actually? Obsessive metalheads, who love a specific metal band. Most of them are not fans because they're attracted to the people in the band. They actually listen to the music, as the music that they listen to. And then they start identifying with the whole thing, as a subculture.

Sure, metalheads have been vilified in their time. Ironically, old people called them devil-worshippers, just like some old people are literally calling Taylor Swift a devil-worshipper and/or illuminati blood-drinker (seriously).

But we all know that's insane nonsense, on both counts. For my two cents, being a fan of something on the level of "I really love this music and this musical artist" is a step above the groupie style fans, who just want to fuck their heartthrob singer/guitarist of choice. I'm not actually judging anyone for that behavior either, but I think that's just less interesting and more annoying to see.

MAGA motherfuckers, on the other hand...they're a fucking cult. They want to see their fucking leader take over the country and/or world, then proceed to smite and torture their (largely imaginary) enemies. That ain't fandom. Or, if it is fandom, it's the kind that's taken SO FAR OUT OF PROPORTION that it takes on a quality of horror all its own, and doesn't bear comparing to any normal variety of fandom.

ChillDude69 OP ,

"And another thing! WHY DO WE HAVE TO KEEP SEEING THIS PRETTY WHITE WOMAN DATING A CONVENTIONALLY HANDSOME WHITE ATHLETE WHO WEARS HIS HAIR IN A CREW CUT? Why do they have to constantly put that kind of thing all up in our faces? If there's anything we ABSOLUTELY CANNOT STAND, it's having to see attractive, heterosexual, cisgender white people dating in a wholesome manner!"

I mean, is that not registering with everybody? The insanity of that shit? By all logic, these motherfuckers should see the Taylor-Travis union as the last hope for "traditional" (meaning white-on-white & heterosexual) relationships. I guess just knowing she's supposedly left-wing is enough for them to be pissed off.

And I guess she seems to be a beacon of female empowerment, in a more general sense. And I guess they don't like the fact that she's richer and more influential than him. I suppose they'd rather see him date a struggling black actress than a white megastar. At least he'd be in the "superior" position, rather than some kind of de facto supplicant.

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