Sobieck , to random avatar

I just nearly DIED because I rolled my eyes so hard. On the NPR show "Throughline" they had an ad for Oracle that said that AI might be "THE MOST IMPORTANT TECHNOLOGY EVER."

aral , to random avatar

Oh, this is good: Microsoft waives its copyright on anything it publishes on the web.

DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar

I love it. An academic paper with a straightforward title.

ChatGPT is bullshit

bitsnpieces , avatar

LLMs are essentially the latest version of ELIZA with a huge database.

ajaykaul10 , avatar
Brad_Rosenheim , to random avatar

Well, these authors cut right to the chase in this paper!

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    datum , to random

    Are you tired of reading recipes online only to realize halfway through that the proportions are laughable and the is and you're making White Glue Sauce?

    Why not reference the Joy of Cooking instead? No hardcopy with you? No problem! (among other sources)

    kuketzblog , to random German avatar

    Software, Dienste oder andere Abonnements, die zusätzlich zur Abogebühr Werbung anzeigen, werden von mir umgehend gekündigt. Werbung impliziert oft auch eine Form von Nutzer-Tracking, was für mich inakzeptabel ist. Unabhängig davon ist es einfach keine Option. Als Verbraucher müssen wir solchen Praktiken klar widersprechen.

    pluralistic , to random avatar

    Audre Lorde counsels us: "The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House," MLK said "the law cannot make a man love me, but it can restrain him from lynching me." Somewhere between replacing the system and using the system lies a pragmatic - if easily derailed - course.


    If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:


    18+ pluralistic OP , avatar

    Lorde is telling us that a rotten system can't be redeemed by using its own chosen reform mechanisms. King's telling us that unless we live, we can't fight - so anything within the system that makes it easier for your comrades to fight on can hasten the end of the system.


    reid , avatar

    That investigate-and-short scheme reminds me of a TV series, "Leverage", which I recall having a similar dynamic -- a team of white-hat hackers and thieves punishes corporate evil-doers and funds themselves by shorting the relevant corp.

    The wikipedia page doesn't exactly support this recollection, but that's how I remember it going.

    DavidM_yeg , to random avatar

    Well… as someone who grew up in the 80s, I can confirm: this describes most of the last 40 years.

    “If you try to create a system where people do the right thing because they're selfish assholes, you normalize being a selfish asshole. Eventually, the selfish assholes form a cozy little League of Selfish Assholes and turn on the rest of us.”

    from @pluralistic

    johndgriffith , avatar

    @DavidM_yeg @pluralistic

    I always enjoy reading anything from Cory Doctorow

    pluralistic , avatar
    FormerlyStC , to random avatar

    Cory @pluralistic Doctorow: “Somewhere between replacing the system and using the system lies a pragmatic — if easily derailed — course.

    “[Audre] Lorde is telling us that a rotten system can’t be redeemed by using its own chosen reform mechanisms. [Martin Luther King Jr. is] telling us that unless we live, we can’t fight — so anything within the system that makes it easier for your comrades to fight on can hasten the end of the system.”

    ethagnawl , to random avatar

    No one does distillation quite like @pluralistic

    > One old model of journalism funding involved wealthy newspaper families profiting handsomely by selling local appliance store owners the right to reach the townspeople who wanted to read sports-scores. These families expressed their patrician love of their town by peeling off some of those profits to pay reporters to sit through municipal council meetings or even travel overseas and get shot at.

    jwcph , to random avatar

    "Having [lived in countries with tax-funded news services] I am very enthusiastic about [a publicly-funded press]. There are obvious problems with publicly funded journalism, like the politicization of news coverage and the transformation of the funding into a cheap political football, but the worst version of those problems is still better than the best version of the private-equity-funded model of news production..."


    matiu_bidule , to random French avatar


    Le toujours formidable Cory Doctorow aka @pluralistic sur l'usage des AI (et le fait que leur business modèle ne peut reposer que sur l'exploitation des humains, à la manière des entrepôts Amazon, au lieu de leur libération)

    "As ever, the problem with a gadget isn't what it does: it's who it does it for and who it does it to." une autre belle définition du capitalisme.

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  • marlijn , avatar

    @matiu_bidule @pluralistic my fav movie of all time! Lots of useless machines are still produced today supposedly to increase efficiency and solve problems, but whose? That hasn't changed in the past century 🙃

    Thad , avatar

    @marlijn I'll never forget watching Modern Times for the first time, because it was on September 11, 2001. I was taking a class on tech in society, the professor was out of town and had left us with a movie to watch while she was gone, and for understandable reasons most of the class didn't show up to watch it. I'd been watching the news all morning and figured you know what, on balance I could use a break and a Chaplin movie. @matiu_bidule @pluralistic

    aral , to random avatar

    What fresh hell is this?

    (Needless to say that, no, I did not embark on a solo sailing journey from Ireland to Portugal in 2018 and get shipwrecked in the Atlantic.)

    furqanshah , to AcademicChatter group avatar

    "One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit" – Harry Frankfurt

    Our world is saturated with bullsh*t and spin. Here are the 9 Simple Principles in Physicist Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit Will Make You BS-Proof!


    PUH_ther , avatar

    @furqanshah @academicchatter don't post this on Twitter;)

    furqanshah OP , avatar

    @PUH_ther @academicchatter hahahahah!!!! If I did that, I would have to fear for my life. Or even have my account suspended! So much utter bullsh*t on the birdsite! omg!

    PUH_ther , to AcademicChatter group avatar

    "Conspiracy Theory", do you use this term loosely in everyday discourse? Like, "Spinach is very healthy, that's just a Conspiracy Theory..."

    If so, can you give examples?
    Or do you rather use it only for CTs in a narrow sense like 9/11.


    PietroGhezzi , avatar

    @PUH_ther @academicchatter I don't. Claims like "vitamin C boosts immunity" or "red wine gives longevity" I just call unfounded claims or misunderstanding of science, even though there are financial interests behind them and keep conspiracy theories only for 9/11 or vaccines and 5G stuff. BTW, vegetables, including spinach, are really very healthy.

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