alice , (edited ) to random avatar

Hey! Over here! Guess what? :ablobcathappypaws:

It's ! (and that means following fantastic folks for fun and f..fascism fighting? frantic flailing? I don't know, something else that starts with Fs)

And it's hard to do better than following someone from my thread of frickin' fantastic fellow female figures, founders, and firebrands! :neocat_fingerguns:

Smart Gals thread:

Also, I'm getting real close to 3000 followers (which is un-fucking-believable)! :ablobcatheart:

So, if you like posts like the following, consider following like these posts (I promise to use my power only for good and occasional mischief) :ablobcatangel:

🤖 Being a nuisance to AI:

:v_gay: Being hella queer:

:neocat_heart: Being in love with @catsalad:

:neocat_pat_googly: Being weird:

🔞 Being naked:

:neocat_thinking: Being analytical:

:neocat_hug: Being caring:

:neocat_think_anime: Being scientific:

:neocat_floof_devil: Being a youth-corrupting force of good:

And a whole lot of other things.

Wow, you read all the way to the bottom? You deserve a cookie point—here :neocat_nom_cookie:

rowmyboat , avatar

@alice haaaa our cats could be siblings.

alice OP , avatar

@rowmyboat aww! Cow-cats unite! 😋💖

pomarede , to random avatar

Wow 300 images captured by Curiosity to build a panoramic survey at her Sol 4175 location, ten days ago. This video shows them at a rate of 10/second. It took about 50 minutes for the rover to complete this scan with her left mast camera.

Credit images: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk

#Curiosity #Mars #Sol4175 #rover #CuriosityRover #space #Martian #landscape #panorama #photography #science #STEM #engineering #Astrodon


pomarede OP , avatar

Here is how the 300 images are mapped onto the resulting panorama, quite an endeavor!

#Curiosity #Mars #Sol4175 #rover #CuriosityRover #space #Martian #landscape #panorama #photography #science #STEM #engineering

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

Thomas Willis (1621-1675) : Neurologist, Chemist, Physician

“Willis is not only credited to be the founder of neurology, but he is also seen as the father of comparative neuroanatomy, as his work, in particular Cerebri anatome and De anima brutorum, compare the human brain with that of other species in ‘search for specific human abilities in cognitive functions’ (Molnár, p. 334).”

#History #Science #STEM #HistSci #Anatomy #Neurology #Neuroanatomy #EarlyModern #C17th #17thCentury #Histodon #Histodons @science @earlymodern @histodon @histodons

#Image attribution: Rijksmuseum, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:,_RP-P-1910-415.jpg

bibliolater OP , avatar

@freemo @science @earlymodern @histodon @histodons

Unfortunately, I cannot take credit for it.

NeadReport , avatar

@bibliolater @science @earlymodern @histodon @histodons
But in all seriousness, did he, or others, consider Corvids when comparing "the human brain with that of other species in ‘search for specific human abilities in cognitive functions’"?

HollyCo26588808 , to random avatar

#stem #Science #biology #biotechnology #microbiology #spiffy #London

Scientists create plastic-free vegan leather that dyes itself, and will biodegrade safely and non-toxically in the environment

Stratoballoon , to random avatar

StratoCat is an independent source of historical data and current news on the development of stratospheric balloons for scientific research, aerospace and military applications, and commercial exploitation of near space. Online since 2005. Based on Buenos Aires, Argentina

The website publishes a newsletter called "World Balloon News".

#fedi22 #Ballooning #NearSpace #Science #STEM #Research #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Technology #Cosmology #Astrodon #Space

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  • ionica , to random avatar

    Can anyone help me to find an English language version of a nineties campaign to encourage girls to pick STEM-subjects? I have been using this Dutch example in my classes, but would love an international example. (To clarify: any similar campaign will do, as long as it is nineties and in English.)
    #STEM #SciComm

    JourneysInFilm , to librarians group avatar

    Calling al fans at ! Did you know we have free teaching resources for her hit Disney film Hidden Figures?

    It's our most popular curriculum guide, with lesson plans across subjects, including an amazing math lesson on calculating orbits and space travel.

    Learn more here:

    If you're at , come by Booth 656 to talk to us about how these resources can work for your libraries and classrooms.

    @edutooters @librarians

    Official film trailer for Disney film Hidden figures, starring Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monáe and Octavia Spencer.

    bibliolater , to histodons group avatar

    A Brief History of English Numeracy

    The people of late medieval and early modern England were almost universally numerate. Is our ability to count the thing that makes us human?

    @histodon @histodons

    bibliolater , to science group avatar

    Earliest, most distant galaxy discovered with James Webb Space Telescope

    The two earliest and most distant galaxies yet confirmed, dating back to only 300 million years after the Big Bang, have been discovered using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), an international team of astronomers today announced.

    #News #Science #STEM #Research #Space #Universe #Astronomy @science @astronomy

    bibliolater , to bookstodon group avatar

    Deep Reading Will Save Your Soul

    …what bothers me about this educational approach—the “problem” approach, the “STEAM” (STEM + arts) approach—is what it leaves out. It leaves out the humanities. It leaves out books. It leaves out literature and philosophy, history and art history and the history of religion. It leaves out any mode of inquiry—reflection, speculation, conversation with the past—that cannot be turned to immediate practical ends.

    #Read #Reading #Book #Books #Ebook #Ebooks #Bookstodon #Education #Learning #University #Academia #STEM #Humanities @bookstodon

    bibliolater , to science group avatar

    Ancient genomes revealed the complex human interactions of the ancient western Tibetans

    Outside the Tibetan Plateau, the western Tibetan Plateau populations interacted with both South and Central Asian populations at least 2,000 years ago, and the South Asian-related genetic influence, despite being very limited, was from the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) migrants in Central Asia instead of the IVC populations from the Indus Valley.

    ‘Ancient genomes revealed the complex human interactions of the ancient western Tibetans’ (2024) ScienceDirect.

    #OpenAccess #OA #Reseach #DOI #Ancient #DNA #AncientDNA #Tibet #Population #History #IndusValleyCivilization #IVC #SouthAsia #Asia #CentralAsia #Science #STEM #Genetics #Paleoanthropology #Anthropology @science @anthropology

    bibliolater , to ai group avatar

    Managing extreme AI risks amid rapid progress

    AI systems threaten to amplify social injustice, erode social stability, enable large-scale criminal activity, and facilitate automated warfare, customized mass manipulation, and pervasive surveillance..

    #ComputerScience #STEM #Technology #Tech #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #DOI @ai

    #Image attribution: Madhav-Malhotra-003, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

    bibliolater , to ai group avatar

    Managing extreme AI risks amid rapid progress

    AI systems threaten to amplify social injustice, erode social stability, enable large-scale criminal activity, and facilitate automated warfare, customized mass manipulation, and pervasive surveillance..

    #Computer #ComputerScience #STEM #Technology #Tech #AI #ArtificialIntellegnce #DOI @ai

    #Image attribution: Madhav-Malhotra-003, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

    bibliolater , to ai group avatar

    Managing extreme AI risks amid rapid progress

    AI systems threaten to amplify social injustice, erode social stability, enable large-scale criminal activity, and facilitate automated warfare, customized mass manipulation, and pervasive surveillance..

    #Computer #ComputerScience #STEM #Technology #Tech #AI #ArtificialIntellegnce @ai

    #Image attribution: Madhav-Malhotra-003, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

    bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

    How to measure the Earth

    “The first known calculation of the Earth’s circumference was made 2300 years ago by a man called Eratosthenes. I remember in school, how impressed I was by how accurately the Earth’s circumference was measured such long time ago. Today we’re going to take a closer look on how his calculation was made.”

    #History #Histodon #Histodons #Science #HistSci #STEM #Earth @histodon @histodons

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