NotImpressed , to palestine group avatar


'Israel' preparing for offensive on Lebanon in July: Israeli media

"According to Germany's Bild, "Israel" plans begin an offensive operation in Lebanon in the second half of July"
"Amid worries of a full-scale war between "Israel" and Lebanon, seven countries have urged their citizens to evacuate from Lebanon, while five others warned their citizens not to travel to Lebanon at this time"

radiofreearabia , to lebanon group avatar

I didn't expect the Arab League to grow a spine, a heart and a brain. I am glad they did, now more than ever is the time for unity against the common enemy.

Arab League no longer classifies Hezbollah in Lebanon as terrorist organization


Sherifazuhur , to lebanon group avatar

#Lebanon army receives additional $20 million from Qatar in support to troops @lebanon @qatar

appassionato , to palestine group avatar

Residents walk on the rubble of buildings destroyed during previous Israeli military fire on the southern Lebanese village of Aita al-Shaab, near the border with northern Israel on Saturday [AFP]


appassionato , to palestine group avatar

Israel’s attacks to date have displaced nearly 100,000 people from their homes in south Lebanon and killed at least 435 people, some 349 of them named by Hezbollah as its members.


appassionato , to palestine group avatar

A woman carries a child as she walks past buildings destroyed during previous Israeli military fire on the southern Lebanese village of Aita al-Shaab, near the border with northern Israel on Saturday [AFP]


heretical_i , to palestine group avatar

"Hours ago, Pro-FSA -n journalists reported that the Defense Forces () started a massive build up on the Border with Syrian Government-held Quneitra on the Israeli side of the

On a video shared by one of them, the buildup of Israeli tanks on their way to the fronts of southern and the Golan Heights is seen.

🔗 Nour Golan (@nourabohsn)"
Source @israel @palestine


faab64 , to random


"The Embassy of the Kingdom of to the Republic of Lebanon is following up on the developments of the current events in southern Lebanon and confirms its previous call for all Saudi citizens to adhere to the decision to ban travel to Lebanon.

And urges citizens who are there to leave Lebanese territory immediately, and the embassy notes the need for citizens to communicate with it in the event of an accident.

Any emergency, God forbid, with all

Wishes for security and safety for all."

NotImpressed , to palestine group avatar


Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, North Macedonia, Sweden, Kuwait urged their citizens to leave Lebanon.

Travel advisories issued by the US, France, Russia, Australia, Spain, UK.

NotImpressed , to palestine group avatar


"Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati urged Israel on Saturday to cease its “repeated attacks” on Lebanon and to end its deadly war on the Gaza Strip"
"Israel should cease its ongoing attacks on Lebanon, halt the war on Gaza, and all parties should adhere to Resolution No. 2735,” Mikati said.
Resolution No. 2735 advocates for achieving a comprehensive cease-fire agreement and facilitating a hostage exchange deal..."

18+ israelwarcrimes , to palestine group avatar

Watch this video by AlJazeera, do not ignore it, it contains useful information about the upcoming war between Hezbollah and Israel and how Israel uses propaganda.

@palestine @israel

18+ israelwarcrimes , to palestine group avatar

Israel has released a video threatening Lebanon and its citizens

I would have understood this situation if the battle had been between soldiers, but the Israeli soldier (like we see in Gaza) is weak and his animal instincts tell him to kill civilians instead.

Stop the war!

#lebanon #warcrimes #war #hezbollah #israel @palestine @israel @lebanon


Heidentweet , to palestine group Dutch avatar

"I want to be clear that everybody who followed this issue from inside the U.S. government—whether it's the military, the intel world, the State Department, USAID—was fully aware of not only everything that was happening in terms of destruction and civilian deaths in Gaza, but also the expected consequences and expected trajectory of the Israeli campaign in Gaza.

What I've told you is not really my unique analysis or has anything to do with my own personal genius judgments. I think they're widely shared, or widely at least understood by everybody who works on this topic professionally. And I emphasize that because I think even in the past month, we've seen demands from our government that the Israelis must have a day-after plan, or that the Israelis still must work towards reducing civilian casualties, or that they must work towards a number of these sort of very basic steps that it was clear nine months ago that they weren't going to do anything about. [...] Anybody could have told you back in October, back in November, that we'd get somewhere like where we are today."

@israel @palestine

Sherifazuhur , to lebanon group avatar
faab64 , to random

US military is sending large number of troops and military equipments to Jordanian and occupied Syrian bases in anticipation of the planned #Netanyahu attack against Lebanon.

#US, #UK, #France and possibly #Italy will actively participate in defending Israel while Israel will have free hands in their attacks against any targets in #Lebanon and #Syria.

#Jordan #Cypress #StopIsrael #SaveLebanon

appassionato , to palestine group avatar

A smoke plume billows during Israeli bombardment on the village of Khiam in south Lebanon near the border with Israel on June 23, 2024 [Rabih Daher/AFP]


faab64 , to random

They must be really desperate to advertise this!

GeriatricGardener , to palestine group avatar

“‘Illusions and Lies’ – Lebanon Denies Telegraph Claims about Weapon Stockpile at Beirut Airport”

by Palestine Chronicle Staff @palestinechron

@palestine @israel

“The Air Transport Union in Lebanon () has refuted The Telegraph’s report alleging that ‘Hezbollah stores missiles and explosives at Lebanon’s main airport,’ criticizing the claims as unsubstantiated.

The UTA dismissed The Telegraph’s allegations as ‘mere illusions and lies aimed at endangering Beirut Airport and its civilian workers, as well as travelers to and from it, all of whom are civilians’.”

18+ israelwarcrimes , to israel group avatar

Israel using white phosphorus on Kfar Kila, Lebanon.

@israel @lebanon


appassionato , to palestine group avatar

Destroyed houses in Khiam, southern Lebanon, following Israeli air raids on Saturday [Hussein Malla/AP Photo]


Miro_Collas , to palestine group avatar

UN chief warns: Lebanon cannot become another Gaza - YouTube


appassionato , to palestine group avatar

Plumes of smoke seen rising from the southern Lebanese town of Khiam after it was hit by an Israeli attack on June 21, 2024 [Screengrab/Al Jazeera]


faab64 , to random

Not from the Onion: Israeli security officials say it is feared that , anticipating the Israeli attack that Hassan Nasrallah fears, will launch a large-scale attack different from its operations in recent months.

They want to prepare the minds of the world for Hezbollah is the aggressor, not . Guess who will pick this story up and repeat it?

faab64 , to palestine group

Israel's foreign minister says 'we are very close' to 'changing the rules of the game' and that in a 'total war' Hezbollah will 'be destroyed' and Lebanon will 'be hit hard'

Dude, you can't destroy tiny while having them surrounded from land air and sea, how the hell are you going to deal with who is significantly stronger, better armed and already kicked your ass twice in the past?

Israel is up for a rude awakening of they are stupid enough to invade Lebanon. Unless US and UK come to their rescue, they face casualties and losses like never before.

Of course they can destroyed Lebanon, because the country is unable to buy air defense or having an airforce, but on the ground, war weary demoralized Israeli military can't win against a group who has been training for this since the last invasion and have already destroyed many of multi million dollar radar and air defense systems of Israel.

I don't want to see a war breaking out between these 2 and have no love for Hezbollah or their allies. But as a defence force, they have all the rights to stand up and fight back agains this out of control rogue nation of mad men.……

@palestine @israel

Sherifazuhur , to lebanon group avatar

face racism in and persecution from the Syrian regime if they return home @syria @lebanon

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