Magazines icon



Welcome to Movies, a community for discussing movies, film news, box office, and more! We want this to be a place for members to feel safe to discuss and share everything they love about movies and movie related things. Please feel free to take part and help our community grow!

Related Communities:

!books - Discussing books and book-related things.

!comicbooks - A place to discuss comic books of all types.

!marvelstudios - LW’s home for all things MCU.

While posting and commenting in this community, you must abide by the Lemmy.World Terms of Service:

  1. Posts or comments that are homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, ableist, or advocating violence will be removed.

  2. Be civil: disagreements happen, but that doesn’t provide the right to personally insult others.

  3. Spam, self promotion, trolling, and bots are not allowed

  4. Shitposts and memes are allowed until they prove to be a problem.

    Regarding spoilers; Please put “(Spoilers)” in the title of your post if you anticipate spoilers, as we do not currently have a spoiler tag available. If your post contains an image that could be considered a spoiler, please mark the thread as NSFW so the image gets blurred. As far as how long to wait until the post is no longer a spoiler, please just use your best judgement. Everyone has a different idea on this, so we don’t want to make any hard limits.

    Please use spoiler tags whenever commenting a spoiler in a non-spoiler thread. Most of the Lemmy clients don’t support this but we want to get into the habit as clients will be supporting in the future.

Failure to follow these guidelines will result in your post/comment being removed and/or more severe actions. All posts and comments will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. This means that some content that violates the rules may be allowed, while other content that does not violate the rules may be removed. The moderators retain the right to remove any content and ban users. We ask that the users report any comment or post that violates the rules, and to use critical thinking when reading, posting or commenting. icon


Star Trek memes and shitposts

Come on’n get your jamaharon on! There are no real rules—just don’t break the weather control network.

Share a story, ask a question, or start a conversation about (almost) anything you desire. Maybe you’ll make some friends in the process.


  • Be respectful: no harassment, hate speech, bigotry, and/or trolling
  • Encourage conversation in your post
  • Avoid controversial topics such as politics or societal debates
  • Keep it clean and SFW: No illegal content or anything gross and inappropriate
  • No solicitation such as ads, promotional content, spam, surveys etc.
  • Respect privacy: Don’t ask for or share any personal information

Related discussion-focused communities icon



Welcome to /c/vegan and congratulations on your first steps toward overcoming liberalism and ascending to true leftist moral superiority.


  • No plant-based diet bullshit or promotion of plant-based capitalism. Veganism isn’t about you, it’s about historical materialist anti-speciesism, anti-racist animalization, and animal liberation. Ethical vegans only.
  • No omni apologists or carnists. Babystepping is for libs, and we’re not here to pat you on the back. Good faith questions and debate about how to fight for animal liberation are allowed.
  • No advocating violence to any species for any reason. If you think this is negotiable GTFO. This includes but is not limited to animal testing, slaughter, and mass euthanasia. Anything that promotes speciesism or the commodification of animals will be removed.
  • Use Content Warnings and NSFW tags for triggering content.Especially if a comrade requests it.
  • Questions about diet belong in c/food. It’s also a great place to share recipes.
  • In all sections of the site, you must follow the Code of Conduct.


Animal liberation and direct action

Read theory, libs

Vegan 101 & FAQs

If you have any great resources or theory you think belong in this sidebar, please message one of the comm’s mods

Take B12. :vegan-edge:

Busty Petite 18+


  1. General rules
  2. No AI Art! Go to !aigen for that
  3. Self-promotion is allowed! Mark Original Content with [OC] or [F] icon

Strange Planet by Nathan W. Pyle

A community dedicated to Strange Planet comics by Nathan W. Pyle. icon

Nature and Gardening

All things green, outdoors, and nature-y. Whether it’s animals in their natural habitat, hiking trails and mountains, or planting a little garden for yourself (and everything in between), you can talk about it here.

See also our Environment community, which is focused on weather, climate, climate change, and stuff like that.

(It’s not mandatory, but we also encourage providing a description of your image(s) for accessibility purposes! See here for a more detailed explanation and advice on how best to do this.)

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. icon

Terrible Estate Agent Photos

Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.

Posting guidelines.

Posts in this community must be of property (inside or out) listed for sale which contains a terrible element. “Terrible” can refer to:

  • the photo itself (finger over the lens, too far away, people in the shot, bad Photoshop, etc.)
  • the property (weird layout, questionable plumbing, unsound structure, etc.)
  • the interior (carpeted bathrooms, awful taste interiors, weird mannequins/taxidermies/art, inflatable pools indoors, etc.)
  • the actual listing itself including unusual descriptions and unrealistic pricing. However, this isn’t a community to discuss the housing market in general. This is a comedic community - let’s keep it light.
  • Photos can be sourced from anywhere and be any age, but please check they haven’t already been posted.
  • Censor any names/contact details of private individuals.
  • Mark the post NSFW if it includes nudity or sensitive content


This community follows the rules of the instance and the code of conduct. I’ve summarised them here:

  • Be civil, remember the human.
  • No insulting or harassing other members. That includes name-calling.
  • Respect differences of opinion. Civil discussion/debate is fine, arguing is not. Criticise ideas, not people.
  • Keep unrequested/unstructured critique to a minimum.
  • Remember we have all chosen to be here voluntarily. Respect the spent time and effort people have spent creating posts in order to share something they find amusing with you.
  • Swearing in general is fine, swearing to insult another commenter isn’t.
  • No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia or any other type of bigotry.
  • No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies. icon

internet funeral

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤart of the internet

What is this place?

!hmmm with text and titles

• post obscure and surreal art with text

• nothing memetic, nothing boring

• unique textural art images

• Post only images or gifs (except for meta posts)


• no video posts are allowed

• No memes. Not even surreal ones. Post your memes on !surrealmemes instead

• If your submission can be posted to !hmmm (I.e. no text images), It should be posted there instead

This is a curated magazine. Post anything and everything. It will either stay up or be lost into the void. icon


Manual curation of great Lemmy discussions and threads icon


This magazine is dedicated to discussions on programming languages, software development, and coding. Whether you are a beginner programmer or an experienced developer, this is the place for you. Here you can share your knowledge, ask questions, and engage in discussions on topics such as coding languages, software engineering, web development, and more. From the latest trends and frameworks to tips and tricks for debugging, this category covers a wide range of topics related to programming. icon


A community for respectful discussion and memes related to autism acceptance. All neurotypes are welcome.

Our Community


  • Acceptance
  • Openness
  • Understanding
  • Equality
  • Reciprocity
  • Mutuality
  • Love


  1. No abusive, derogatory, or offensive post/comments e.g: racism, sexism, religious hatred, homophobia, gatekeeping, trolling.
  2. Posts must be related to autism, off-topic discussions happen in the matrix chat.
  3. Your posts must include a text body. It doesn’t have to be long, it just needs to be descriptive.
  4. Do not request donations.
  5. Be respectful in discussions.
  6. Do not post misinformation.
  7. Mark NSFW content accordingly.
  8. Do not promote Autism Speaks.
  9. General Lemmy World rules.


  1. Open acceptance of all autism levels as a respectable neurotype.
  2. Funny memes.
  3. Respectful venting.
  4. Describe posts of pictures/memes using text in the body for our visually impaired users.
  5. Welcoming and accepting attitudes.
  6. Questions regarding autism.
  7. Questions on confusing situations.
  8. Seeking and sharing support.
  9. Engagement in our community’s values.
  10. Expressing a difference of opinion without directly insulting another user.
  11. Please report questionable posts and let the mods deal with it. Chat Room
  • We have a chat room! Want to engage in dialogue? Come join us at the community’s Matrix Chat.

Helpful Resources

Relevant Communities




Mental Health:




^^ ^will^ ^happily^ ^promote^ ^other^ ^ND^ ^communities^ ^as^ ^long^ ^as^ ^said^ ^communities^ ^demonstrate^ ^that^ ^they^ ^share^ ^our^ ^community’s^ ^values.^

Lemmy World Donations

The admins of our instance work hard to ensure that we have a good place to host our community. They are also helpful at protecting our community from trolls and other malicious actors. They do this for free, so if you appreciate our community, please consider donating to them. The first link is the preferred method, but both work. icon


A community centered around cannabis.

In the spirit of making Trees a welcoming and uplifting place for everyone, please follow our Commandments.

  1. Be Cool.
  2. I’m not kidding. Be nice to each other.
  3. Avoid low-effort posts icon


For discussion, memes, and everything Diablo.

Simple rules:

  1. Diablo related content only.
  2. Don’t be a dick.
  3. No NSFW content.
  4. Diablo based memes are allowed on Meme Mondays.

Please tag your posts with the game you’re talking about: [D4], [D3], [D2], [D2R] and so on. icon

Data Is Beautiful

A place to share and discuss data visualizations. #dataviz

(under new moderation as of 2024-01, please let me know if there are any changes you want to see!) icon

Food and Cooking

All things culinary and cooking related. Share food! Share recipes! Share stuff about food, etc.

Subcommunity of Humanities.

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. icon


这里是 公共留言板 群组,关注可以获取群组推送,引用可以分享到群组。

I'm a public message board group. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group.

回复时删除群组引用可以避免打扰到关注群组的大家 ~
Please delete the group tag in reply, thank you ~


Who are we?

We are digital librarians. Among us are represented the various reasons to keep data – legal requirements, competitive requirements, uncertainty of permanence of cloud services, distaste for transmitting your data externally (e.g. government or corporate espionage), cultural and familial archivists, internet collapse preppers, and people who do it themselves so they’re sure it’s done right. Everyone has their reasons for curating the data they have decided to keep (either forever or For A Damn Long Time). Along the way we have sought out like-minded individuals to exchange strategies, war stories, and cautionary tales of failures.

We are one. We are legion. And we’re trying really hard not to forget.

– 5-4-3-2-1-bang from this thread icon



Welcome to LW Cooking, a community for discussing all things related to food and cooking! We want this to be a place for members to feel safe to discuss and share everything they love about the culinary arts. Please feel free to take part and help our community grow!

Taken a nice photo of your creation? We highly encourage sharing with our friends over at !foodporn.

Posts in this community must be food/cooking related and must have one of the “tags” below in the title.

We would like the use and number of tags to grow organically. For now, feel free to use a tag that isn’t listed if you think it makes sense to do so. We are encouraging using tags to help organize and make browsing easier. As time goes on and users get used to tagging, we may be more strict but for now please use your best judgement. We will ask you to add a tag if you forget and we reserve the right to remove posts that aren’t tagged after a time.


  • [QUESTION] - For questions about cooking.
  • [RECIPE} - Share a recipe of your own, or link one.
  • [MEME] - Food related meme or funny post.
  • [DISCUSSION] - For general culinary discussion.
  • [TIP] - Helpful cooking tips.


<span style="color:#323232;">[QUESTION] What are your favorite spices to use in soups?

Other Cooking Communities:

!bbq -’s home for BBQ.

!foodporn - Showcasing your best culinary creations.

!sousvide - All things sous vide precision cooking.

!koreanfood - Celebrating Korean cuisine!

While posting and commenting in this community, you must abide by the Lemmy.World Terms of Service:

  1. Posts or comments that are homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, ableist, or advocating violence will be removed.
  2. Be civil: disagreements happen, but that doesn’t provide the right to personally insult others.
  3. Spam, self promotion, trolling, and bots are not allowed
  4. Shitposts and memes are allowed until they prove to be a problem.

Failure to follow these guidelines will result in your post/comment being removed and/or more severe actions. All posts and comments will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. This means that some content that violates the rules may be allowed, while other content that does not violate the rules may be removed. The moderators retain the right to remove any content and ban users. We ask that the users report any comment or post that violates the rules, and to use critical thinking when reading, posting or commenting.

Creampies 18+

This is a community for sharing pictures and videos of creampies.


  1. Sitewide LemmyNSFW rules apply.
  2. No AI Art.
  3. Tasteful self-promotion is allowed.
  4. No male/male content.


/kbin meta

Magazine dedicated to discussions about the kbin itself. Provide feedback, ask questions, suggest improvements, and engage in conversations related to the platform organization, policies, features, and community dynamics. ---- * Roadmap 2023 * m/kbinDevlog * m/kbinDesign icon


All forms of queer news and culture. Nonsectarian and non-exclusionary.

See also this community’s sister subs Feminism, Neurodivergence, Disability, and POC

Beehaw currently maintains an LGBTQ+ resource wiki, which is up to date as of July 10, 2023.

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. icon

Today I Learned (TIL)

You learn something new every day; what did you learn today?

/c/til is a community for any true knowledge that you would like to share, regardless of topic or of source.

Share your knowledge and experience!


  • Information must be true
  • Follow site rules
  • No, you don’t have to have literally learned the fact today
  • Posts must be about something you learned icon

Jokes and Humor

A broad community for text and image based jokes, humor, and memes.

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. icon


General rules:

  • Be kind.
  • All posts must make an attempt to be funny.
  • Obey the general instance rules.
  • No politics or political figures. There are plenty of other politics communities to choose from.
  • Don’t post anything grotesque or potentially illegal. Examples include pornography, gore, animal cruelty, inappropriate jokes involving kids, etc.

Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the mods. icon


Discuss world politics here.


  • Be civil and respectful
  • No NSFW content
  • No blatantly fake news or unfounded conspiracy theories
  • No heavily sensationalized articles

Community icon by Webalys, licensed under CC BY 3.0. icon

Baldur's Gate 3

All things BG3!

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a story-rich, party-based RPG set in the universe of Dungeons & Dragons, where your choices shape a tale of fellowship and betrayal, survival and sacrifice, and the lure of absolute power. (Website)


If your post contains any possible spoilers, please:

  • Use the text [SPOILER] at the beginning of your title, do not include any spoilers in the title.
  • Use the appropriate spoiler markup to conceal that content in the body of your post.

Thank you! icon


A friendly place to chat.

No politics please. Don’t be a dick. icon


A community for your defence shitposting needs


  1. Be niceDo not make personal attacks against each other, call for violence against anyone, or intentionally antagonize people in the comment sections.

  2. Explain incorrect defense articles and takesIf you want to post a non-credible take, it must be from a “credible” source (news article, politician, or military leader) and must have a comment laying out exactly why it’s non-credible. Random twitter and YouTube comments belong in the Low Hanging Fruit thread.

  3. Content must be relevantPosts must be about military hardware or international security/defense. This is not the page to fawn over Youtube personalities, simp over political leaders, or discuss other areas of international policy.

  4. No racism / hatespeechNo slurs. No advocating for the killing of people or insulting them based on physical, religious, or ideological traits.

  5. No politicsWe don’t care if you’re Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Stalinist, Baathist, or some other hot mess. Leave it at the door. This applies to comments as well.

  6. No seriouspostingWe don’t want your uncut war footage, fundraisers, credible news articles, or other such things. The world is already serious enough as it is.

  7. No classified materialClassified information is off limits regardless of how “open source” and “easy to find” it is.

  8. Source artworkIf you use somebody’s art in your post or as your post, the OP must provide a direct link to the art’s source in the comment section, or a good reason why this was not possible (such as the artist deleting their account). The source should be a place that the artist themselves uploaded the art. A booru is not a source. A watermark is not a source.

  9. No low-effort postsNo egregiously low effort posts. These include Social media screenshots with a title punchline / no punchline, recent (after the start of the Ukraine War) reposts, simple reaction & template memes, and images with the punchline in the title. Put these in weekly Low effort thread instead.

  10. Don't get us bannedNo brigading or harassing other communities. Do not post memes with a “haha people that I hate died… haha” punchline or violating the rules (below). This includes content illegal in Canada.

Join our Matrix chatroom

Other communities you may be interested in

Banner made by u/Fertility18 icon


Welcome to the Python community on the Lemmy instance!

📅 Events

October 2023- PyConES Canarias 2023, 6-8th - DjangoCon US 2023, 16-20th (!django 💬)

November 2023- PyCon Ireland 2023, 11-12th - PyData Tel Aviv 2023 14th

PastJuly 2023 - PyDelhi Meetup, 2nd - PyCon Israel, 4-5th - DFW Pythoneers, 6th - Django Girls Abraka, 6-7th - SciPy 2023 10-16th, Austin - IndyPy, 11th - Leipzig Python User Group, 11th - Austin Python, 12th - EuroPython 2023, 17-23rd - Austin Python: Evening of Coding, 18th - 2023 - “Python in HEP” Developer’s Workshop, 25th August 2023 - PyLadies Dublin, 15th - EuroSciPy 2023, 14-18th September 2023 - PyData Amsterdam, 14-16th - PyCon UK, 22nd - 25th

🐍 Python project:
💓 Python Community:
✨ Python Ecosystem:
🌌 Fediverse
  • Pythörhead: a Python library for interacting with Lemmy
  • Plemmy: a Python package for accessing the Lemmy API
  • pylemmy pylemmy enables simple access to Lemmy’s API with Python
  •, a Python wrapper for the Mastodon API
Feeds icon


A handmade home for woodworkers and admirers of woodworkers. Our community icon is a box made by @paddythegeek, the winner of our woodworking contest. Congratulations!


Everything boardgames

Please stick to English for posts and comments icon

News and discussions about technology

A place to share and discuss the latest news in the world of all kinds of technology. Click here to support the development of Kbin icon

Unpopular Opinion

Welcome to the Unpopular Opinion community!

How voting works:

Vote the opposite of the norm.___ If you agree that the opinion is unpopular give it an arrow up. If it’s something that’s widely accepted, give it an arrow down. ___


Tag your post, if possible (not required)___ * If your post is a “General” unpopular opinion, start the subject with [GENERAL]. * If it is a Lemmy-specific unpopular opinion, start it with [LEMMY]. ___


  1. NO POLITICS___ Politics is everywhere. Let’s make this about [general] and [lemmy] - specific topics, and keep politics out of it. ___

  2. Be civil.___ Disagreements happen, but that doesn’t provide the right to personally attack others. No racism/sexism/bigotry. ___

  3. No bots, spam or self-promotion.___ Only approved bots, which follow the guidelines for bots set by the instance, are allowed. ___

  4. Shitposts and memes are allowed but...___ Only until they prove to be a problem. They can and will be removed at moderator discretion. ___

  5. No trolling.___ This shouldn’t need an explanation. If your post or comment is made just to get a rise with no real value, it will be removed. You do this too often, you will get a vacation to touch grass, away from this community for 1 or more days. Repeat offenses will result in a perma-ban. ___

Instance-wide rules always apply. icon


Rule 0: Be civil

Rule #1: No spam, porn, or facilitating piracy

Rule #2: No advertisements

Rule #3: No memes, PCMR language, or low-effort posts/comments

Rule #4: No tech support or game help questions

Rule #5: No questions about building/buying computers, hardware, peripherals, furniture, etc.

Rule #6: No game suggestions, friend requests, surveys, or begging.

Rule #7: No Let’s Plays, streams, highlight reels/montages, random videos or shorts

Rule #8: No off-topic posts/comments

Rule #9: Use the original source, no editorialized titles, no duplicates icon

Lemmy Be Wholesome

Welcome to Lemmy Be Wholesome. This is the polar opposite of LemmeShitpost. Here you can post wholesome memes, palate cleanser and good vibes.

The home to heal your soul. No bleak-posting!


  1. Be Respectful___ Refrain from using harmful language pertaining to a protected characteristic: e.g. race, gender, sexuality, disability or religion. Refrain from being argumentative when responding or commenting to posts/replies. Personal attacks are not welcome here. …

  1. No Illegal Content___ Content that violates the law. Any post/comment found to be in breach of common law will be removed and given to the authorities if required. That means: -No promoting violence/threats against any individuals -No CSA content or Revenge Porn -No sharing private/personal information (Doxxing) …

  1. No Spam___ Posting the same post, no matter the intent is against the rules. -If you have posted content, please refrain from re-posting said content within this community. -Do not spam posts with intent to harass, annoy, bully, advertise, scam or harm this community. -No posting Scams/Advertisements/Phishing Links/IP Grabbers -No Bots, Bots will be banned from the community. …

  1. No Porn/ExplicitContent ___ -Do not post explicit content. Lemmy.World is not the instance for NSFW content. -Do not post Gore or Shock Content. …

  1. No Enciting Harassment,Brigading, Doxxing or Witch Hunts ___ -Do not Brigade other Communities -No calls to action against other communities/users within Lemmy or outside of Lemmy. -No Witch Hunts against users/communities. -No content that harasses members within or outside of the community. …

  1. No NSFW Content___ -Content shouldn’t be NSFW -Refrain from posting triggering content, if the content might be triggering try putting it behind NSFW tags.

  1. Content should be Wholesome, we accept cute cats, kittens, puppies, dogs and anything, everything that restores your faith in humanity!___ Content that isn’t wholesome will be removed. …

  1. Reposting of Reddit content is permitted, try to credit the OC.___ -Please consider crediting the OC when reposting content. A name of the user or a link to the original post is sufficient. …

Also check out:

Partnered Communities:

1.Lemmy Review

2.Mildly Infuriating

3.Lemmy Shitpost

4.No Stupid Questions

5.You Should Know


7.Credible Defense

Reach out to LillianVS for inclusion on the sidebar.

All communities included on the sidebar are to be made in compliance with the instance rules. icon

Dank Memes

This is the place to be on the interweb when Reddit irreversibly becomes a meme itself and implodes

If you are existing mods from r/dankmemes, you should be mod here too, kindly DM me on either platform

The many rules inherited from

  1. Be nice, don’t be not nice
  2. No Bigotry or Bullying
  3. Don’t be a dick!
  4. Censor any and all personal information from posts and comments
  5. No spam, outside links, or videos.
  6. No Metabaiting
  7. No brigading
  8. Keep it dank!
  9. Mark NSFW and spoilers appropriately
  11. No shitposting
  12. Format your meme correctly. No posts where the title is the meme caption!
  13. No agenda posting!
  14. Don’t be a critic
  15. Karma threshold? What’s that? icon



For your own good, please enable an adblocker if you’re going to use one of the sites above

In case of dead links, please reach out to the mods.


  • 1 Obviously abide by the sitewide code of conduct. Bigots and reactionaries will be banned.
  • 2 Additionally, no unprovoked verbal aggression. You won’t get banned for telling chuds to fuck off.
  • 3 This community is about sports in the sense of competition, whether it be professional or amateur. For lifestyle/exercise related topics please see /c/fitness
  • 4 Use content warnings when needed. icon

Steam Deck

Universal community link


  • (All of rules applies)
  • Post must be related to the Steam Deck
  • No politics
  • No drama, we’re here to enjoy the Steam Deck
  • Don’t spam emojis in the comments, be constructive



  • 64GB eMMC SSD
  • 1280 x 800 optically bonded LCD
  • 7" Diagonal display size
  • up to 60Hz refresh rate
  • 7 nm APU
  • Wi-Fi 5
  • 40Whr battery; 2-8 hours of gameplay (content-dependent)
  • 45W Power supply with 1.5m cable
  • Carrying case
  • 256GB NVMe SSD
  • 1280 x 800 optically bonded LCD
  • 7" Diagonal display size
  • up to 60Hz refresh rate
  • 7 nm APU
  • Wi-Fi 5
  • 40Whr battery; 2-8 hours of gameplay (content-dependent)
  • 45W Power supply with 1.5m cable
  • Carrying case
  • Steam profile bundle
  • 512GB NVMe SSD
  • 1280 x 800 optically bonded LCD
  • 7" Diagonal display size
  • up to 60Hz refresh rate
  • 7 nm APU
  • Wi-Fi 5
  • 40Whr battery; 2-8 hours of gameplay (content-dependent)
  • 45W Power supply with 1.5m cable
  • Carrying case
  • Steam profile bundle
  • 512GB NVMe SSD
  • 1280 x 800 HDR OLED display
  • 7.4" Diagonal display size
  • up to 90Hz refresh rate
  • 6 nm APU
  • Wi-Fi 6E
  • 50Whr battery; 3-12 hours of gameplay (content-dependent)
  • 45W Power supply with 2.5m cable
  • Carrying case
  • Steam profile bundle
  • 1TB NVMe SSD
  • 1280 x 800 HDR OLED display
  • 7.4" Diagonal display size
  • up to 90Hz refresh rate
  • 6 nm APU
  • Wi-Fi 6E
  • 50Whr battery; 3-12 hours of gameplay (content-dependent)
  • 45W Power supply with 2.5m cable
  • Carrying case
  • Steam profile bundle
  • Exclusive startup movie
  • Exclusive virtual keyboard theme

Allowed languages

  • Undetermined
  • English icon

Antique Memes Roadshow

Giving you the backstory and appraisals of vintage memes!

Submissions should be vintage memes or commentary about vintage memes. Commenters are advised to appraise the internet value and provenance meme antiquities.


  • Posts should be old memes or about old memes.
  • Don’t be a jerk. Be excellent to each other.
  • Keep it safe for work.
  • Follow global .world instance rules outlined here icon

Shower Thoughts

A community for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar. icon

Calvin and Hobbes

Hello fellow Calvin and Hobbes fans!

About this community and how I post the comic strip… The comics are posted in chronological order on the day (usually) they were released. Posting them to match the release date adds a bit of fun and nostalgia to match the experience of reading them in the newspaper for first time. Many moons ago, I would ask my Dad to save the newspaper for me everyday so I could read my favorite comic strips. It really sucked when I missed a day. Only years later, when I got the books was I able to catch up on the missed strips.

Calvin and Hobbes is a daily American comic strip created by cartoonist Bill Watterson that was syndicated from November 18, 1985, to December 31, 1995. Commonly cited as “the last great newspaper comic”,[2][3][4] Calvin and Hobbes has enjoyed broad and enduring popularity, influence, and academic and philosophical interest… Read more:

Hope you enjoy and feel free to contribute to the community with art, cool stuff about the author, tattoos, toys and anything else, as long it’s Calvin and Hobbes!

Ps. Sub to all my comic strip communities:

Bloom County !bloomcounty

Calvin and Hobbes !calvinandhobbes

Cyanide and Happiness !cyanideandhappiness

Garfield !garfield

The Far Side !thefarside

Fine print: All comics I post are freely available online. In no way am I claiming ownership, copyright or anything else. This is a not for profit community, we just want to enjoy our comics, thank you.

Ask Lemmy NSFW 18+

Think /r/AskLemmy but way more NSFW.

Treat this community like a cross between /c/AskLemmy, /c/Sex, and /c/Fetishes.


  • All posts must be in the form of a question and be largely NSFW.
  • Only text posts are allowed. Links can be posted if they are very relevant.


  • Try to avoid questions that can simply be googled or have yes/no answers.
  • Search before you post. Your question may have been asked before.
  • If you ask medical/physical questions don’t always trust the comments here.


  • Avoid low-effort comments. Lone images, memes, jokes etc.
  • Treat all questions as if they’re real, no matter how ridiculous.
  • Follow reddiquette with all reponses to avoid downvotes & removal. icon


Neat vids from youtube or wherever. Rules later icon


Ergonomic, split and other weird keyboards


Keep it ergo

Posts must be of/about keyboards that have a clear delineation between the left and right halves of the keyboard, column stagger, or both. This includes one-handed (one half doesn’t exist, what clearer delineation is that!?)

i.e. no regular non-split¹ row-stagger and no non-split¹ ortholinear²

¹ split meaning a separation of the halves, whether fixed in place or entirely separate, both are fine.
² ortholinear meaning keys layed out in a grid

No Spam

No excessive posting/“shilling” for commercial purposes. Vendors are permitted to promote their products/services but keep it to a minimum and use the [vendor] flair. Posts that appear to be marketing without being transparent about it will be removed.

No Buy/Sell/Trade

This subreddit is not a marketplace, please post on r/mechmarket or other relevant marketplace.

Some useful links


interestingasfuck icon


This is a community for everything comics related! A place for all comics fans.


1- Do not violate site-wide rules

2- Be civil.

3- If you are going to post NSFW content that doesn’t violate the site-wide rules, please mark it as NSFW and add a content warning (CW). This includes content that shows the killing of people and or animals, gore, content that talks about suicide or shows suicide, content that talks about sexual assault, etc. Please use your best judgement. We want to keep this space safe for all our comic lovers.

4- No Zionism or Hasbara apologia of any kind. We stand with Palestine 🇵🇸 . Zionists will be banned on sight.

5- The moderation team reserves the right to remove any post or comments that it deems a necessary for the well-being and safety of the members of this community, and same goes with temporarily or permanently banning any user.


  • If possible, give us your sources.
  • If possible, credit creators of each comics in the title or body of your post. If you are the creator, please credit yourself. A simple “- Me” would suffice.
  • In general terms, write in body of your post as much information as possible (dates, creators, editors, links).
  • If you found the image on the web, it is encouraged to put the direct link to the image in the ‘Link’ field when creating a post, instead of uploading the image to Lemmy. Direct links usually end in .jpg, .png, etc.
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