
timo_timboo_ , in Finally my old saves are backed up!

Nice that you finally got one!

I am also thinking about buying one, but I'm hoping they'll do a clear blue version like they did for the PS1. I currently have 2 clear blue official memory cards in my PS2 and really like the look, so it would be cool if I could keep that color scheme.

Lost_My_Mind , in The 8-Bit Guy: How Cathode Ray Tubes Work [18:32]

I used to watch this guy. Then about 6 years or so ago. Then one video he gets on, and starts berating his viewers for sending him gifts, and fan art.

His explaination was something along the lines of him not having enough space for all the stuff. And that's fine. I understand not having space.

But then he just goes ON AND ON AND ON about it. In a pretty disrespectful manner.

He could have just said something like "As a side note, while I appriciate everybody thinking of me, I just don't have the space for it all.

So if you'd like to send me art, I would much prefer digital art over something physical. I love the enthusiasm, I just have nowhere to put it...."

That would have been understandable.

Instead, he said something more along the lines of "I'm getting way too much fan packages from you guys. LOOK AT MY LIVING ROOM!!! I can't take it all! This needs to stop! It's making me angry. You guys are tweeting me that I don't thank you for your hard work. I haven't even opened the box! How am I supposed to know what you sent me???"

And ever since then, I've seen him as an unappriciative dick. I understand the need to stop the incoming flow of packages coming in, but there's a nice way to do that.

Zachariah , avatar

To refuse awards is another way of accepting them with more noise than is normal.

— Mark Twain

KaRunChiy , avatar

I get the same vibe, i still watch him, but not as intently as before. He has a tendency to do exactly that, and he generally fails to respectfully address any concerns he has. He just sorta acts annoyed and goes on tangents. His content in good, but his personality isn't

firewallfail ,

I've been finding his content hasn't been as good for the last couple years, maybe just from the random rants he tosses in for no reason. Then he went on a little rant recently about how he isn't making as much money from YouTube anymore and I unsubscribed.

altima_neo , avatar

Though, in fairness, several YouTubers were making the same kinda video around the end of last year. All complaining they weren't making as much money because of YouTube's algorithm favoring shorts.

Odelay42 ,

I also used to watch this guy very regularly but stopped when I found out he's a political gun nut who open carries his AR-15 specifically to anger people and make them uncomfortable.

There's a video of him inside a store with a rifle ranting about some poor politician and their effort to prevent gun violence. Easy to find if you search for it.

JCreazy , (edited )

This is his most current views on the subject if you care to watch.

Odelay42 ,

That link doesn't work for me.

JCreazy ,

Fixed it

AlternateRoute ,

piped... for privacy... O wait you need to log in first.

JCreazy ,

I fixed the link

Odelay42 ,

Thanks for posting.

I'm glad he's thought through a lot of his more inflammatory positions and seems to have evolved a more nuanced take on things.

Lost_My_Mind ,

I just remembered the line that made me stop watching. It was him saying that any future packages would be thrown in the trash.

This after ranting for like 3 minutes that too many people love him, and gift him so much stuff.

I was brought up to appriciate every little thing people gave me. Even as a kid.....that knock off power ranger that has a hollow inside, made of cheap rubbery plastic? "Thank you for the gift!"

So to see him say "I will throw any future packages in the trash" just felt like a slap in the face to any fans he may have had.

So I stopped being a fan. It's easy to unsubscribe on youtube.

turbowafflz ,

I stopped watching when he got that one rare IBM workstation and sloppily dremeled in all the the screws to open it because he was too lazy to go to the store to buy a screwdriver. That was before I even heard about this and the stupid gun stuff. I know it's like a minor thing and he only damaged screws and sheet metal parts that could in theory be replaced with a medium amount of difficulty, but I just can't imagine intentionally damaging something very uncommon because you're too lazy to buy a screwdriver

Lost_My_Mind ,

...........who doesn't have a screwdriver??? HE DISASSEMBLES ELECTRONICS OFTEN FOR A LIVING!!! WTF???

This only raises MORE questions!

turbowafflz ,

I think it was a security torx screw if I remember correctly so it makes sense he wouldn't necessarily have an appropriate bit, but it would have been so little effort to just order one or go to a store

KaRunChiy , avatar

You could also jam a flathead into one at certain angles if it isn't too tight between the peg, I've done that before

xwolpertinger ,

Casually shorts the two IEC colour coded wires for AC live + neutral.

You won't believe what happened next.

turbowafflz ,

I forgot about that part, that whole "repair" was such a mess

directive0 , avatar

Videos like that I'm always amazed the creator even bothers uploading. I'd be so fucking embarassed it would never see the light of day.

But I guess its sunk cost fallacy. Gotta get that content out there I spent a week working on. I guess I can appreciate that. Theres also something to be said about being honest about your fuckups. I was so embarassed for him I noped out of that video so I dont really know how it ended, but I dont recall there being much humility about it?

turbowafflz ,

In the comments he kept responding to everyone being critical and being like "well it's my computer so I can do anything I want to it"

13esq , (edited )

Devils advocate:

If you're known as a guy that loves Pokémon cards and people keep gifting you Weedle's (one of the lowest powered and most common cards in the game), then after a while you're going to be like "thanks guys, I know you want to gift me and to not just throw the card away, but these are worth literally nothing to me because I already have much nicer examples and I don't need/want/have room for them, I'd just be throwing them away myself".

PhobosAnomaly , in New glitch found in Castlevania (NES/FC)

Today: variable manip to cause the engine to read a jump to the ending

Tomorrow: TASBot codes Call of Duty remaster using jumps and damage boosts and launches it by climbing stairs [MILLY BITCHELL APPROVED] [SPEEDRUN ASMR]

frezik , in The 8-Bit Guy: How Cathode Ray Tubes Work [18:32]

He mangles some of the pros and cons of CRTs towards the end.

They aren't going to be indefinitely reliable. The phosphor goes bad over time and makes for a weaker image. Doubly so for color phosphors. Some of them are aging better than others, but that's survivorship bias. We might be looking at the last decade where those old CRTs can still be in anything close to widespread use.

CRTs do have latency, and this is something a lot of people get wrong. A modern flatscreen display can have better latency than CRTs when the hardware takes advantage of it.

The standard way of measuring latency is at the halfway point of the screen. For NTSC running at 60Hz (which is interlaced down to 30fps (roughly)), that means we have 8.33ms of latency. If you were to hit the button the moment the screen starts the next draw, and the CPU miraculously processes it in time for the draw, then it takes that long for the screen to be drawn to the halfway point and we take our measurement.

An LCD can have a response time of less than 2ms. That's on top of the frame draw time, which can easily be 120Hz on modern systems (or more; quite a bit more in some cases). That means you're looking at (1 / 120) + 2 = 10.3ms of latency, provided your GPU keeps up at 120 fps. Note that this is comparable to a PAL console (which runs at 50Hz) on CRT. A 200Hz LCD with fast pixel response times is superior to NTSC CRTs. >400Hz is running up against the human limit to distinguish frame changes, and we're getting there with some high end LCDs right now.

When talking about retro consoles, we're limited by the hardware feeding the display, and the frame can't start drawing until the console has transmitted everything. So then you're looking at the 2ms LCD draw time on top of a full frame time, which for NTSC would be (1 / 60) + 2 = 18.7ms. Which is why lightguns can't work.

Fubarberry , in The 8-Bit Guy: How Cathode Ray Tubes Work [18:32] avatar

Now the question is who did it better, 8-bit guy or Technology Connections?

Odelay42 ,

Technology connections, and it's not particularly close.

videogamesandbeer , in Exciting New Trailer Released For Gex Trilogy | Retro Gaming News 24/7

No. It's not a remaster or remake or even a port. LRG are predators and market manipulators. They're preying on your nostalgia with the hopes that you'll pay top dollar for the most "premium" version of their release by creating a false sense of scarcity. All of this just so people can own a "new" physical copy of a disc or cartridge running a few games on an emulator.

bolexforsoup ,

Also gonna be honest, Gex aged like fine milk

otp ,

The 2D game is pretty fun, imo

Chozo , avatar

The whole point is that you're buying a collector's item. You're not buying an LRG release because they're your primary storefront for the latest games.

I think you misunderstand what LRG is.

bolexforsoup ,

Thinking it’s dumb =/= misunderstanding

JackbyDev ,

This is worse than taking a cab with Lady Gaga!

xyzzy ,

Eh. LRG puts out dumb stuff all the time, but they're not forcing anyone to buy their $200 Bill & Ted limited edition with stickers, soundtrack, and SteelBook or whatever. It's not a company's responsibility to sell you less stuff.

If you just want an easy way to play certain games on your Switch or PS4, they can be an easy way of doing so if you no longer have the console in question or if the market rate for original cartridges or discs has priced you out.

They also occasionally put out the first Western licensed version of certain Japanese games on original media, which I think is pretty worthwhile and something they should do more of. Provided they aren't just CD-Rs.

No one needs to buy every random thing they put out.

CallMeButtLove , in Exciting New Trailer Released For Gex Trilogy | Retro Gaming News 24/7

Wait was that a gameplay trailer? I kept waiting for it to do the thing where it switched from footage from the original source to footage from the collection and it never did. If all this collection is is someone packaging up some roms with absolutely zero changes then fuck that and fuck them.

dual_sport_dork , in Exciting New Trailer Released For Gex Trilogy | Retro Gaming News 24/7 avatar

I have never found the Gex series to be "exciting," even when it was new. Gex was always a shallow also-ran mascot in the time when everyone was trying to recapture that lightning in a bottle without understanding how it actually worked, and desperately trying to recreate what Sonic and Earthworm Jim and to a lesser extent Toejam and Earl had.

He was marginally less annoying than Bubsy. That's about all I can say about Gex.

If I really decide to play some sub-par 90's platforming stuffed with stilted and dated TV and movie references, my 3DO still works. Yes, really...

JackbyDev ,

Never have the mushrooms at Chris Pratt's Christmas party.

nugget359 , in Exciting New Trailer Released For Gex Trilogy | Retro Gaming News 24/7

It's like Christmas at Jackie Chan's house!

I think the most fun I've ever had with Gex is watching Dunkey's videos making fun of it lol

JackbyDev ,

This is worse than breakfast at Paul Rudd's apartment.

Omegamanthethird , in Exciting New Trailer Released For Gex Trilogy | Retro Gaming News 24/7 avatar

I'll get it for cheap at some point when it goes on sale. I remember playing 2 and liking it. But also that it felt kind of like a fever dream.

JackbyDev ,

Never drink the water at Michael Sheen's house.

Doom , in Exciting New Trailer Released For Gex Trilogy | Retro Gaming News 24/7

Trash series. Gross

JackbyDev ,

Reminds me of dinner with Scarlett Johansen, woof!

PraiseTheSoup , in Exciting New Trailer Released For Gex Trilogy | Retro Gaming News 24/7

Who's asking for this?

JackbyDev ,

This is going to be worse than watching Howie Mandel's TokToks. Uhh, check please?

Nutteman , in The 8-Bit Guy: How Cathode Ray Tubes Work [18:32] avatar

Cathode Ray Dude should do a video about how 8 bit works to compete the yin yang

BenVimes , (edited ) in Final Fantasy Tactics Was Originally An RTS, And Here's What It Almost Looked Like | Time Extension

I think those screenshots look like something closer to Ogre Battle or the recently released Unicorn Overlord rather than any RTS.

darkdemize , in Final Fantasy Tactics Was Originally An RTS, And Here's What It Almost Looked Like | Time Extension

I, for one, am glad we got the version that we did instead of an RTS.

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