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vahtos , in Microsoft opens a "high priority" bug ticket in ffmpeg, attempting to leech the free labour of the maintainers

It's so ridiculous that this isn't even brought up:

The Command you provided worked fine. Thank you so much for the help! Really appreciated!
We are going to proceed to make a release today and test with customers. Will post the updates here.

Gotta love being a forced beta tester... I mean customer.

Corngood , in Microsoft opens a "high priority" bug ticket in ffmpeg, attempting to leech the free labour of the maintainers

Hi, This is a high priority ticket and the FFmpeg version is currently used in a highly visible product in Microsoft. We have customers experience issues with Caption during Teams Live Event. Please help,

Use -data_field first as decoder option in CLI. Default value was changed from first to auto in latest FFmpeg version.
Or modify AVOption of same name in API for this decoder.

Thanks @Elon for the reply, This is the command we are currently using:
ffmpeg.exe -f lavfi -i movie=flvdecoder_input223.flv[out+subcc] -y -map 0:1 ./

I will be looking to see any updates in the FFmpeg documentation. Can you please elaborate and provide pointers the right decoding options or the right FF command er can use.
Thank you!

ffmpeg.exe -data_field first -f lavfi -i movie=flvdecoder_input223.flv[out+subcc] -y -map 0:1 ./

Got that's fucking brutal. This isn't even asking them to fix a bug, it's just basic help-desk shit.

I'm sure Microsoft has some good devs that are a net benefit to the open source projects they use, but this is not one of them.

pleasejustdie ,

If you've ever been forced to use Teams you must already know they scraped the bottom of their talent barrel for the team that works on it... The software is shit, riddled with bugs to the point where at one point I used to only be able to use teams on my browser because the desktop app just decided to never let me access the text chat, and the browser version I would load it would be a white screen and I would have to refresh 3 times for it to load. But at least it worked after those 3 refreshes. And it was exactly 3 refreshes every single time, never 2, never 4, and 5 was right out. It was always without fail 3 refreshes. Whether loading from Firefox, Chrome, or Edge. Fortunately we don't have too many meetings with people using Teams these days, so I haven't had to use it in a while, but its easily in my top 5 worst software I've been forced to deal with. Maybe Top 3. But its still miles behind Magento. Fuck Magento, just thinking of it right now gets my blood pumping and I refused to work with it ever again about 10 years ago... Fuck Magento. Teams is at least a distant 2nd or 3rd to that. Absolute crap.

CodexArcanum ,

I'm convinced it's the whole B-2-B software world at this point. The shit starts at MS (or any of the FAANGS) and rolls downhill to everyone else.

We're working on a huge Dynamics 365 thing at work, and one of the third parties we use for automated testing is just.... the product seems barebones, is clearly built on top of open source automated testing tool, and is riddled with indicators that barely anyone works there, from the AI help bot to the "submit a ticket and we'll assign it eventually" approach to all other interactions.

I looked them up on Linked In and 12 people work there. 8 of them have C-suite or VP titles, and 4 of them are interns from a local university. This is the state of all modern tech: a board room full of investors, a website, and a product barely glued together from FOSS parts by interns. If you wonder why everything feels like a scam now it's because it is.

cm0002 ,

You got this dumbass at MS and then you've got the other MS guy who's a god damn hero that very well might have saved the world atm lmao

30p87 ,

That's the level of an intern that has never even seen a command. Imagine not being able to literally cat a string with another string, aka. add -data_field first to a command.

onlinepersona , in Microsoft opens a "high priority" bug ticket in ffmpeg, attempting to leech the free labour of the maintainers

Fucking suits. They don't even care about the bottom-line, they just care about their own salary and benefits.

Pay for support or get fucked M$


Vincent , in Is TypeScript a fad or is my manager delusional?

If TypeScript still is a fad at this point, his definition of fad is far lengthier than mine is.

I'm fairly sure TypeScript will remain in popular use longer than whatever project you're working on 😅

shnizmuffin , in Is TypeScript a fad or is my manager delusional? avatar

A fad? No, definitely not. TypeScript brings features (and structure) that will /should probably make their way into JS.

It's sort of like asking, "does SASS replace CSS" or "is liquid the next HTML?" They're just implementations of features FE developers want in the core spec of JS, CSS, and HTML.

Vincent ,

that will /should probably make their way into JS.

Not really, IMHO. The main advantage of TS is that it will help you catch errors without having to run a particular piece of code - i.e. you won't have to move to the third page of some multi-page form to discover a particular bug. In other words, it helps you catch bugs before your code even reaches your browser, so it doesn't bring you much to have them in the browser.

(There is a proposal to allow running TS in the browser, which would be nice, but you'd still run a type checker separately to actually catch the bugs.)

Olap , in Why is knowledge of programming alone not enough?

The boring answer: the boring shit pays the bills. If you want to apply your programming chops to science then academia is your home

UBI often touted as an answer to this kind of thing though, breaking capitalism through removing cheap labour will have untold societal shifts, including an uptick in creative thought and independent research. Beware though: most research today costs way more than you think to generate meaningful breakthroughs

Diplomjodler , in Any tips to help a scientist become a better programmer?

Forget everything you hear about OOP and just view it as a way to improve code readability. Just rewrite something convoluted with a class and you'll se what they're good for. Once you've got over the mental blockade, it'll all make more sense.

WolfLink ,

To add to this, there are kinda two main use cases for OOP. One is simply organizing your code by having a bunch of operations that could be performed on the same data be expressed as an object with different functions you could apply.

The other use case is when you have two different data types where it makes sense to perform the same operation but with slight differences in behavior.

For example, if you have a “real number” data type and a “complex number” data type, you could write classes for these data types that support basic arithmetic operations defined by a “numeric” superclass, and then write a matrix class that works for either data type automatically.

henfredemars , in In Rust we trust? White House Office urges memory safety - Stack Overflow

Memory safe languages tend to be easier to use and to learn especially at lower skill levels with languages like Python and JavaScript. It's a nice thought, but the White House encouraging memory safety seems like a relatively insignificant push. It's the weight of legacy code and established solutions that will hold us back for a long time.

agressivelyPassive , in Advanced git commands every senior software developer needs to know

If you need anything more complex than cherrypick, you already screwed up big time.

CubitOom , in GitHub besieged by millions of malicious repositories in ongoing attack

Too bad the phrase fork bomb is already taken

NegativeLookBehind , in Good GitHub alternatives? avatar

Codeberg is pretty good, or if you want to self host, Gitea

mesamunefire OP ,

Ive seen a couple people recommend Gitea. I might give it a shot.

First time ive heard of Codeberg. Thanks!

mac , avatar

For self hosting there's also Forgejo which is a fork of Gitea

Thats what Codeberg uses

Rikj000 , avatar

Gitea is not really recommended anymore these days, due to being taken over by a for-profit comany + introducing a paid tier.

Nowadays Forgejo is the project to look at.

Faresh , in White House: Future Software Should Be Memory Safe

What memory-safe systems programming languages are out there, besides Rust?

Traister101 ,

Languages with GC

onlinepersona , in White House: Future Software Should Be Memory Safe

Leaders in Industry Support White House Call to Address Root Cause of Many of the Worst Cyber Attacks

And it's called C/C++. It's gotten so bad that even the friggin' white house has to make a press release about it. Think about it, the place where that majority barely even understand the difference between a file browser and a web browser is telling you to stop using C/C++. Hell, even the creator and maintainers of the language don't know how to make it memory safe. If that isn't a wake up call, then nothing ever will be.

And this isn't the first call! The IEEE also says more clearly: GTFO C/C++.

If you want memory-safe, don't write C/C++. Trying to get that shit memory-safe is a hassle and a half. You're better off learning a language that isn't full of foot-guns, gotchas, and undefined behavior.


tiredofsametab , in Should I use Rust and Go together or just Go?

First write it in Go, which will likely be faster unless you are quite familiar with Rust. After that, you can port some/all of it to Rust if you wish.

solrize , in Should I use Rust and Go together or just Go?

Go is plenty fast for most things, and it is fairly simple. Rust is more interesting from a language geek perspective. I'd decide based on which of those appeals to you. I don't see good reason to combine them, though.

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